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Atlas of Hee acewentiecaulialancuy Tena ebean eres leyal “ W.S.MacKenzie and C. Guilford Contents Preface iv Insroduction Brcfingence chart vi Olivine Monticellile 3 Chonrodite 4 Ziwon 6 Sphene 7 Garnet 8 Vewwvanite (Moerase) 9 Silimanite 10 Multite 12 Andatusice 13, Andalusite & Sillimanite intergrowth 15 Kyanite 16 Topaz 17 Staurolite 18 Chlorivoid 19 Sapphirine 20 Eudialyte 2 Doisite 22 Epidowe 28 Piemontite 24 Allanite(Orthite) Laweonite 26 Pumpellyite 27 Malte 28 Cordierite 30 ourmaline 32 xine 3 Orthapyroxere 35 Avge 36 Tiunaveite 37 Glinopyroxens & Orthopyroxene imererowth 38 Aegirineaugite 39 Jadeite 40 Wollastonite 41 Pectolite 42 Anthophyllite- Gedrite 43, Cummingtonite Grunerite 44 Tremolite Ferroaetinolite 45 Horblende 46 Kaersutite 48 jucophane 49 Arfvedsonite 50 ‘Acnigmatite 51 Astrophyllite 52 Lamprophyllite 53 Muscovite $4 Biotile $5 Stilpnomelane $7 Pyrophyllite 58 Tale 59 Chlorite 60) Serpentine 62 Prohnite 63 Microcline 64 Perthite & Mieroperthite 65 Sanidine 66 Anorthockae 6? Phigigelave 68 Quarty 70. Myrmekite 72 Granophyrictexture 73, Tridymite 74 Cristobatite 75 Nephieline 76 Sanidine & Nepheline 78 Leucite 79 Nosean 80 Canerinite $1 Scupolite 82 Analcite 83 Corundum $4, Rutile 85 Perovskite 86 Spinel 87 Brucite 88 Calcite 89 Dolomite 90 Apatite 92 Fluorite 93 Deerite 94 Howieite 95 Zussmanite — % Yoderite 97 Index 98 Preface The purpose of this book isto illustrate the appearance of many of the coinmon tock-Fortinig minerals in (hie acetion under the microscope It is bot our intention that it should be used as a substitute tor a mineralogy jextbook but rather as a laboratory handbook for use in practival classes together with one of the standard textbooks on ‘mineralogy. "The idea of producing a series of photographs of minerals in thin section came from two sources, The son of one of the authors IR. MacKenzie, then in his second year as a student of geology Suggested thit these would be a useful aid in recognizing minerals under the microscope. On questioning undergraduates in second-year Geology classes in Manchester University. why they preferred cert. teatbooks to others, the answer was invariably that they found those books which contained iNustrations accompanying the text parti- ularly useful, especially when they could recognize under the microscope features which could be seen in the photographs. ‘Some of the lextbooks which, in our opinion, contain the best photomicrographs or drawings of minerals are rather old und are not readily available to the student of today. Rosenbusch’s Mikroskop- ‘sche Petrographie der Mineratien und Gesteine. published in 1905, has Some excellent photomicrographs printed in black and white, while Teall’s Brith Petrography, published in 1888, has beautiful drawings which appear to have heen hand-coloured before reproduction by printing. HG, Smith's "Minerals and the Microscope”. firs! printed in 1914, bas been found useful by generations. of students of elementary mineralogy because of the high quality of the illustrations, It scemed to us that if we could reproduce faithfully, by colour photography, the appearance of minerals under the microscope both in plane-polarized light and under crossed polars, the usefulness of photomicrographs asa teaching aid would be increased enormously. The majority of the photographs were made from thin sections of cocks in the teaching collections of the Geology Department im Manchester University and we are grateful to many of our collex ues in Manchester for providing us with thin sections, We are particularly indebted to Professor. Zussman lor his enthusiasm and encourage iment to us lo undertake this work and {9 Dr.$.0, Agrell of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology of Cambridge University who very kindly found, from the Harker Collection in Cambridge, number of additional thin sections. Dr, Ageell and Professor W. A. Deer very generously agreed 1o look at most of the photographs we hhad made and helped us to decide whether they were suitable or could be improved, The authors alone are responsible tor any deficiencies which are sill present in the photographs. Weare also grateful to Dr. J Wadsworth of the Manchester Department for making a number of ‘useful suggestions for improving the descriptions of the photo icrogeaphs but again we alone are responsible for any errors which ‘appear here. Finally we are much indebted to Miss Patricia Crook who typed the text, not once but innumerable times, until we fo what we considered to be a compromise between too detailed and brief descriptions of the photographs ‘We should like to thank the staffor the publishers, particularly Bobbi Gouge, for their consideralion ard helpfulness in preparation of this work Introduction The minerasrepresented here are arranged in the same order in which they appear in Deer. Howie and Zussman’s Introduction to Rovk Forming Minerals (relevant page numbers given at the end of each fntty in squire brackets), except for a few minerals which are not Usseribed by these authors, viz. deerite, howieite, sussmatnite, yoderite and lamprophyllte. ‘The decision as {© which minerals to include has been based mainly on ewe considerations, firstly. how frequently they ‘ecu ark! secondly whether a photograph ean be a useful aid in ideniication, Inthe headings foreach mineral we have listed he chemical formula {simplified in some cases), crystal system.optic sign, the values of the B sefrsctive index for biaxial minerals and the wand € ray refractive jndives for uniaxial minerals together with the bieelringence, These ‘igures have been quoted from Deer, Howie and Zussman's book ith their permission. The rock type and Incality of the specimens are (quoted, where these are known, and the magnifications sed in taking the photographs are given. Each photograph is accompanied by a buicf description of the field of view illustrated bat, in general. only properties which can be seen in the photographs are disenssed. Thus vee have omitted reference to optic axial ungle, sign of elongation and dispersion. Ia most cuses at least two photographs have been made for ach in planc-polarized light amul the other the same-view lnder crossed polars. Ifthe mineral is pleochroic we have reproduced two photographs in plane-polarized light with the polarizer in two thogonal positions. In the case of isotrapie minerals we have tended ‘womil the view taken under erossed polars, With few exceptions the polarizer has been set parallel to the edges ‘ofthe photogeaph but we have not mace much use of this fact stice discussion of extinction angles is omitted except in the case of the plagioelie feldspars. because this would necessitate reproducing a ‘umber of photographs taken under crossed polars. In order to show pleochroism. we have used rotation of the polarizer rather thin Fotation of the stage of the mieroscupe for two reasons. Firstly, this makes i easier o compare the photographs and observe the changein twlour shown by any one crystal and secondly it has been done to encourage the use of this method for detecting weak pleochroism, Although we have adopted the procedure of retaining the thin section in thesame orientation for all three photogeaphs, this has one disadvantage. If there are only a few erysials in the field of view, or the rystalshave a strong preferred orientatian in the rock section used, we have been unable to show the maximum change in absorption colour ‘notation ofthe polarizer through 90° since the exireme absorption colours are shown by a crystal when its vibration directions are parallel to and perpendicular to the polarizer, In these positions the crysial ‘would be at extinction when viewed under crossed polars and ideally ‘we wish to show the characteristic interference colours near to theit ‘maximum intensity. We have not spovified in which of the two orthogonal positions the polarizer is set in the photographs taker plane-polarized light. ‘AS mentioned above we have quoted the numerical value of birefringence for each mineral, but in the description of photograph we have yenerally referred to the order of the interfere colour, To enable the reader lo translate birefringence to a partic’ colour we have included on p, via pholograph ofa quartz wedge » 4 birefringence scale along. its length, This should not be used d Michel-Levy chat since the thickness of the section is not taken i ‘account, it being assumed that the section iy of siandard thickn (003mm, Thus the mineral names are reproduced against the highs order colour which they show in a thin section of standard thick rather than opposite radial lines which show the variation in col with thickness and birefringence of the mineral as in a Michel-Lé chart The faithful reproduction of the interference colours of minerals thin section or in a quartz wedge as seen under crossed poktrs, depel to a large extent on the type of film used and also on the print proves. Some of the Michel-Lévy charts that have been publis depart slightly from the true colours and one fault which is fa common concerns the middle of the second-order colours wher broad band of bright ercen is sometimes shown between blue o yellow. Observation of a quartz wedge under crossed polars reve that the second-order colour between blue and yellow is a rather p green in contrast to the fairly deep green in the third order. Only minerals which are colourless sind have negligible dispersion, is possible to distinguish these ewo greens and even then only al considerable experience. In some of the photographs of minerals moderate birefringence the edge of the crystals can be seen to ‘wedge-shaped and thus the order of the interference colour ean determined fairly readily Soime of the common minerals which are usually considered ditfc to identify (e.g, cordicrite) are represented by more than one Fé seetion if we considered that additional photographs would giv better idea of the variations in appearance which may be expected different rocks or if was impossible. in one field of view, to iluste the different properties which we wished to show. In few cases the photographs taken in plane-polarized light sh pale pink and green colours due to stray polarization produced in ‘photographic equipment: when such colours arepresent we have not this in the description of the photograph. FIRST ORDER 551x107 em 4) SECOND ORDER 1102% 107 em + THIRD ORDER 1652x107 om 0.000 } 0.005 + 0.010 f ois + 0.025 F 0.030 T 0.035 + 0.080 + 0.045 + 0.050 + 0.055 Birefringence chart Apatite Microcline Saniding Sa Anorthoclase Vasuvlanito Zoisito Corundum — Quarts Choriee —Eucatyto Andolusite Axinite Topar Artvodnonite Indeite Mallite Plagioctase Staurolite Wollastonite Kyanita Serpantine Cotatorito Arucito Lawsonite — Monticalita Orthopyroxene Zu Chioritold Glaucophane Pumpellyite _Silimanite Cancrinite ‘Chondrodite Forsterite Lamprophylita Prehnite Tourmal Altanite Pectollte Scapolite Curmmingronite-Grunerite Epldote muscovite ‘Aagleine-Augito Pyrophyllita Tale Feyatito Olivine Mg, SiO, Fe,SiO, Symmetry = Orthorhombie( -)() RIB 1651-169) Birefringence — — 4035-0:052 The olivines forma complete solid solution between the niagncsin nd-memiber, forsterite und the iron end: nebo fayalite These photographs show two ofivine phenocrysts in a finegrnined groundmass of plagiocluse feldspar. pyr ene and iron ore. ‘The upper photograph, taken in plane-polrized light, shows the typical shape of olivine lar ertcks and slight alteration along ihe extcks are charactersic of this mineral: there ane ot deasage along the lenath of one of the crystals Inthe lower photograph, taken under crossed polis, fone ofthe crystals seu very nearly perpendiculat toa opie axisand so shows very low interference colour its at anomalous brown eaused hy dispersion of the optic ates. The other crystal shows a second-order blue on the ‘im whereas the main part ofthe erystal shows a slightly lnwer colour, The higher birefringence onthe tim of the ‘pwtal kan indication of a higher inn content. The reverse eect, viz. lowering of the bireingence colour dhs (othe wedge shape of the erystil boundary, ean be seen on the bottom edge of one uf the ofvine crystals and aki bp a elinopyroxene phenoeryst part of which just sppearsat the bot lon ofthe fed. [1 Specimen from ankaramite, Meama Kea, Hawaii, nagife. talon 43 oly l Olivine Olivine Mg.SiO,-Fe,SiO, ‘Symmetry = Orthorhombie(+)(—) RIB = 1651-1869 Bireiringence = 038-0152 ‘The olivines form a complete solid solution betwe I-member, forsterite, and the iro fayalite. The upper photograph, taken in plane-polarizec shows olivine (hrownish-green colour, occupying 6 oc the field) intergeown with a relic of the olivine against the pale colour in olivine seen in common but it does not show pleocheoism — the iron-rich members of the series show a yellowish colour. The cracks in the crystals are quite charac as isthe slight alteration of the mineral along the € In the lower photograph, laken under crossed the interference colours are mostly second. ord highest colour showing in this view is the yellow small crystal just above the centre of the field colours indicate a magnesium-rich olivine since bi gence colours well into the thicd order are only s olivines with high iron contents. [I Specinien from gabbro picrite, Border Group, Skae intrusion, East Greenland, magnification 23. : Monticel Monticellite CaMgsiO, Symmetry = Orthorhombie (~) RE B= 686 1664 Biriringence = O012-0-020 Inthe upper photograph, taken in the dominant mineral is: monticel calcite, In plane-polarized light the recognized by t high rele? of material can be seen al the slide, In the lower photograph, taken undes crossed polars, the interference colours are seen to be low frst order: the highest colour seen here is the orange-yellow colour, I should be remembered that in rocks without quartz oF feldspar present it is sometimes difficult two judge the torrect thickness. of a section and this section may be slightly hin. (10) cite canbe mellae. The against the mounting il hole near the top edge of Specimen {rom monticetlive spinel-phlogopite rock, Bur- amare, Carlingford, Eire. nurgnification » 32, Chondrodite Chondrodite Mg(OH, F),-2Mg,SiO, Symmetry = Monoctinie (+) RIB 1-602-1-627 Birefringence 0028-0034 Although members of the humite group, of whiel chondredite is one, are Irequently yellowish in colour, i this case the chondrodite is nearly colourless in this section, In the upper photograph, taken in plane polarized light, the high relief is distinctive, as also is th lwek ofa good cleavage. Here itis shown intergrown wit ccaleite (brownish cotour) and two erystals of muscovite Ii the lower photograph, taken under evossed polars the muscovite erystals show a hluish-yellow interferenc colour, while the calcite is grey or dark grey, Multip! twinning is shown i two of the crystals of chondrodil iand this isa characteristic of the monoclinic members 0 the humite group. It may be that this section is slightly thin because th highest interference colour in this fel 1s the first-orde ted shown in the crystal in the top right part of the fick and from the birefringence we should expect to se colours up to second-order red (see photographs 0 ps). Uh Specimen from marble, New Jersev, USA, magni ceution x20. Chondro Chondrodite Mg(OH. F),-2Mg.SiO, 4 Symmetry Monoclinic +) kp 1602 1627 Birefringence 0-028 0034 In this section t concentration of chondrodite, pale sollowish colour under planc-polarized fight (upper Photograph). is shown intergrown witha garnet (brown), The yellowish colour which charaeterizes the members of the humite group is very pale here so that a separate phoioeraph 10 show the pleochroism his not. been luda. Some of the crystals show signs. of poor cleavage } Inthe view under crossed polars (ower photograph), thotwinnine which characterizes (he monoclinic member olthiseries's well illustrated and the interference colours. extend up tomidlle second-order. The garcet i this rock isagrossular and itean be seen to be slighty bicefringent In addition to chondrodite this rock also contains + Ginohurite but, sinee its birefringence is in tbe same | | range as that of chondrodite, they can only be dlistin- |uished by the fact that the clinohumite has a higher refractive mdex. (13) Specimen from marble, Kilehvist, Skve, Senekandl: maxgnifi- cin <2, Zircon Zircon ZxSi0, Syinmetry Tetragonal (+) RE w= 1923-1980 © = 1968-2015 Birefringence = 0042-05065 Zireon commonly oceurs in rather small erystals but j easily noticed because of its very high relief, The uppe photograph, taken in plane-polarized light, shows rathe large zircon crystals associated with sphene in a fine _grained groundmass mainly of feldspar. Sphene also has: very high relief and in this photograph itis very difficult te distinguish from the 7ircon. The ood eleavagesin rico are well displayed in some of the erystals, In the lower photographs, taken under erossed polars ‘most of the zircon crystals show high interference colour except for the crystal to the left of centre which shows tw cleavagesat right angles. This crystalis cul almost at righ angles to the optic axis and hence the low interferenc colours. The sphene crystals can perhaps be more easil identified this photograph because oftheir much highe birefringence and by the presence of twinning (top of fil ‘of view in centre and lo the right of zitoon showing lo birefringence). — (13). Specimen from segregation in. svenite-pegmatite, Ko peninsula, USSR; maxnaficasion x 28. Sphene CaTiSiO,(OH, F) Symmetry Monoclinic (+) RIB = 1870-2034 Birefringence = 100-0192 Sphene isa relatively easy mineral to identify commonly forms diamond-shaped crystals o! relieFhaving a brown or red-brown colou ae well shown in the upper and middle photographs taken in plane-polarized light. ‘These erystals are pleo: chtoie and. simple (winning is common, The mincral intergrown with sphene in this section is alkali feldspar The lower photogea shows s number oF crystals aken under ernssed polars, ar the extinetion position but those which show double refraction have a colour ‘ery similar to the absorption colour seen under plane: polarized light This is due to the extreme birefringence of | sphene such that the interference colours are very high almost white Tight. In erystals without the ‘erisie shape cus fact is useful for idenuiti- cation, 13] Speimen from sphese-rich rock, Kola Peninsula, USSR: magnification x 20 Garnet (Mg, Fe, Mn),AL,Si, Imandine group (Al, Fe, Ti, Cr),SisOus andradite group Symmetry = Cubic REoon = 17141887 A considerable range of compositions is. possible i garnets and hence the range of refractive indices quoted re very commonly euhedral or subhedral in shape intergrown wit 4 metamorphic rock. The garne arly from the other minerals becaus brownish colour. It shows inclusion minerals and this is a very commoi ‘quartz. and stands out quit of its high relief an of the groun feature. The middle photograph shows the sume view unde crossed polars and the garnets are seen to be isotropi Gome gamets are birefringent and may show zoning an. twinning revealed in the low birefringence colours, so lower photograph, p.5). ‘The lower photograph, taken in plane-polarized light shows melanite garnet (T-rich andradite) in an alkali igneous rock. Lis deep brown volour is rather uneven! distributed but it shows zoning at theedges of the crystal the euhedral shape is very characteristic. The othe mineral in this section is altered alkali feldspar, [21]. Upper and middie specimen from yarnet mica sekist Pitlochry, Scotland, magnification » 1. Bottom specie from segregation in nepheline sveniie, Assynt, Scotlan ‘maggificasion x 20. Vesuvianite (Idocrase) Caya(Mg, Fe); AL, SigOs4(OH, F), Symmetty = ‘Tetragonal (-) 0G = 1-70-1746 o = 1703 1752 Birefringence = 0-001 -0-008 Inthe upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light, angcrystal of idocrase occupies most of the field of view. Its dight yellowish-brown colour can be seen in contrast {afew holesin the scetion, Its very high relief can also be seen against the mounting medium, The lower photograph under crossed pokars shows the shoeiceristiclow anomalous interference coloursand the ‘ayue signs of bands in the interference colours is also a fuily common feature of large crystals and is an indicaion of zoning. Theres no sign of the poor cleavage in hiscrystal. The anomalous interference colour is due fostrong dispersion and is the most useful properly for idemitying this mineral; it commonly occurs with ‘wosular gamet which may also show low birefringence «clues and sometimes the two minerals are difficult to distinguish, ‘The green crystats at the lower edge of the field of view an the small green inclusions in the vesuvianite are alkaline amphibole. (32). ‘Specie from unknown locality. magnification x 25. Vesuvianite (Idocrase Sillimanite Sillimanite ALSiO, Symmetry = Orthoshombie (1) RL B= 1658-1662 Birefringense = 0-020-0:022 In the upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light. all the crystals which stand out in relief are sillimanite ‘which shows clearly against the cordierite with which itis intergrown:at the top left-hand corner of the photograph in the cordierite (g.v.). In this a strong prefersed orientation tals are cut at right-angles to and show diamond-shaped eross-sections de to the faves of the {110} form: the (010) cleavage is well displayed in some of the crystals, The interference colours shown in the lower photo: graph are generally low since the highest colours are shown in crystals cut along the length of the prismatic Crystals (see p.11), Crystals cut so that the (010) cleavage is sharp and well defined should be in extinetion when parallel to the edges of the photograph. A few erystals-cut parallel to their length show second-order colours. [34] Specimen from garnet-cordierite-sillimanite ynetss, thasy Madagascar; magnification x 40, Al,SiO, Symmetry = Orthorhombie (+) RE B= 1-65K-1-662 Birelingence = 0-020-0-022 “These photographs show lath-like crystals of sillimanite ‘whic sland out in high reliet against the cordierite with ‘bic tis intererown. Within the cordierite are numerous ssnal needle fike crystals which are also of silimanite: bunches of very long narrow crystals of sillimanite are lenned fibrolite but the concentration of needles is ‘susie o justify the use of this term here. In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polaes, thesecond-order purplish-biue interference colour is near tothe maximum colour shown by sillimanite, Sillimanite is ffeut to distinguish from mullite (q.v,) but mullite does nol often occur in crystals as large as those iutrated here and is resiricted to very high temperature ‘contact metamorphic rocks. (34) fram cordierte-sitianite gneiss 11 km sonth of adigascar, magnification x 68. Mullite Mullite AlSiO,3 Symmetry = Orthorhombie|-+) RE B= Lomn1675 Birefringence 0012-0028 Malte usually occurs in very small needle-like crystals ‘The upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light, shows multe crystals within a large crystal of anorthite (notice the high magnification used for this photograph) These erysials have avery pale pink colour in ths section but the pale pink in the background is probably due to stray polatization. The rock isa buchile and the two ver) dark brown patches in the fed of view are of lass In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, the black lines parallel to the vertical edge of the photogeaph are plagioclase twin lamellae in the extinction position and in this photograph these could easily be confused with mullite needles, The interference eoloun shown by these crystals of mullite are not as high a expected and this iseaused by the factthat the erystals ar thinner than the total thickness of the section. ‘The interference colours of mullite in a section 0-03 mm thick should be about the same as those ofsilimanite. [37 Specimen jrom buchite, Rudh’ a’ Chromain sill, Rass of Mull, Scotiand, magnification * 164. | Andalusite ALSIO, Symmetry = Orthorhombie (~) a 8 167-1653 Bireingence 9009 0011 ‘The upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light, shows one rectangular porphyrabkist of andalusite in a fineained groundmass. ‘The two clewvages approxi mately at right-angles to one another can be seen. In the cage of the erystal there is a rectangular arew inclusions and radiating towards the corners of the: thee are concentrations of inclusions. This variety of andalusite is known as chiastolite because of the 3. Tremolite — Ferroactinolite Ca,FesSis0,.(0H, F), Symmetry = Menoelinie(— ) RB = 1612-1697 Birefringence (017-0027 ‘The upper and middle photographs, taken in plane- polarized light, show a group of actinolite crystals showing pronounced pleochreism, Most of the crystals show one good cleavage but none of them are-cut to show the angle hetween the <110} cleavages The lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, _ shows twinning in one or two of the crystals andl this is faly common, The interference colours ate dominsited by greens and browns but thisis due to theaddition of the: absorption colours, This is actinolite rather than tremolite because of its green colouration since tremolite is colours, Since the common twin law for the monoclinic amphiboles is rellection across (100), clongated erystals showing a sharply defined twin junetion arc the most suitable crystals for measuring the extinction angle y ; 2 since these -musi be nearly (010) sections. The large tosinned crystal showing one half of the crystal inthe extinction position is not in a suitable orientation, since the (100) plane is quite oblique to the length of the section and shows up as u white band in this photograph. [163] Specimen from wknown locality, magnification % 20, Tromolite - Ferroactinolite 45 Hornblende Hornblende NaCa,(Mg, Pe), AISi,A1,0,3(OH, F); ‘Symmetry = Monoelinie( jor +) RB = bots1-7i4 Birefringence 914 04026 The upper and middle photographs, taken in-plane polarized light, show hornblende and biotite together 1a sodiumerich_plagio- hhyoisin from green to brown whereas the pleochiroism of the biotite is from a dark brown toa pale brown. A few of the hornblende Crystals show the characteristic shape and two cleavages at 1208 Under crossed polars (lower photograph) twinning ean bescen in a few of the hornblende crystals and the highest interference colour seen in this view is a second-order blue. The difference between biotite and hornblende ean he seen in this photograph by the mottled appearance of the interference colours i the larwe biobte crystal whichis near to itsextinetion position. [167 | Specinien fiom granite, Moor of Rannoch. Scotland, magnification 20, a Hornblende Hornblende NaCa,(Mg, le), AlSi,AL.O,,(OH, F), Symmetry = Monoelinie(—) or +) RIB = herb Td Birefringence 014 0.026 ned groundmass. mat unphibole shape ane! cle stals and the pleochroisn pronounced. The op: ue rims are penbably due to the Ferm © by oxidation of von, and are {oinly common in kornblendes in voleunie rocks The interferenie colours (lower photoyruph) tend to be obscured by the absorptiou colours; the birelringence of common homblende is low to moderate, [147] jon of magnet Specimen from wrachvte. Lacqueitle, Me, Dore region, France: magnification 32. a7 — Kaersutite NaCa,(Mg, Fe),(Ti, Fe)AI,Si,0,,(OH, F), ‘Symmetry Monoclinic (—) RIB = 1690 1741 Birefringence = 0-019 0083 The upper and middle photographs, taken in plane polarized light, show the strong pleachroism and for brown colour which is characteristic of this mineral, The amphibole shape and cleavages are well displayed in the ‘crystal inthe entre ofthe field The lower photograph taken under crossed polars, shows that the absorption colours are strong enough 0 musk partly the interference colours, hut the birefia sence of this mineral has a very Useful diagnostic property. I is kaersutite from other brown amphiboles. ‘The amp) in this rock was previously known as barkevikite. [174 Specimen fiom lngarive, Lugar Sill, Avrshive, Scotland: ‘magnification x 2. Glaucophane Na, Mg, ALSi,O,,(OH), Symmetry Monoclinic (—) RB = 15622. 1607 Birefringence — = @-008-0-022 ‘The upper and middle photographs, taken in plane polarized light, show mainly glaueophane crystals with a ‘Ry small quartz crystals, The bo prismatic cleavages at 20° are clearly seen ind the striking absorption colours, i vary from blue 10 a lavender-blue are typical for Ihis mineral, The colours are zoned near the margins of Is lower photograph, luken under crossed polars urs are low order, bul anonitlous 12 absorption colours. The zoning evel! nore easily seen under crossed polars The only minerals which show comparable absorption colours are eckermannite which may show a palelavender colour and yoderite (q.y.) bul both are very rare in ‘occurrence. This sample should possibly be deseribed move correctly as erossite since there is generally some Fe'® substituting for Al and the mume glaucophane is restrieted to miaeruls with rather low contents of Fe [179 Specimen from schist, Syphnos, Greece: magaiti- ation = 20 Gloucophane ee 49 Artiedatalis Arfvedsonite Nay(Mg, Fe), AlSi,0,.(OH, F),. Symimetry = Monoelinie(-) ROB = 1679 1709 Birefringence 0-00-0012 In the upper and middle photogeaphs, taken in plane polarized light, arfvedsonite is recognized hy its absorp tion colours which vary from a deep Prussian blue { brownish -green colour. The blue may be so dark that th crystals appear opaque. None of these crystals show th (pical amphibole if P the arfvecsonite shows anomalous interference colours bocause of the strong sorption celours. The bivetiin uence is low so that bright colours are not (© be expected cis difficult to distinguish arfvedsonite from riebecki since both may show the deep blue absorption colo illustrated here, but ricbeckite dacs not show th brownish solour seen in this sample. [187] ite, Hiaaussag mirusion, West Green Fane, maven 32 : Aenigmatis Aenigmatite Na, Fe. TiSi,Oxy Symmetry = Trielinier+) ROB 192 Birefringence oor Ip the upper and middle photographs, taken in planc- polarvved Tight, the very dark brown cry matte. [tis sometimes so dark as 10 app he brown colour can usually be seen at the ed crys tryst approximately (20°: in this respect it could be mistaken for an amphibole, That it is pleochroie can be seen by comparing these two photographs. Under crossed polars ower photograph) the brown colour masks any’ interlerence colours so that it is not possible to estimate the birelzingence. The large ree- ali pars, one of them being in the extinction position, mainder of the field is occupied by a brownish las. [191 imen from pantellerite, Pantellerta, ttaly, magnitt- Astrophyllite 2 Astrophyllite x (K, Na),Fe,Ti,Sis,,(O, OH, F), Symmetry ~ Weielinie (4) RIB = 6703-1726 Birefringence = (+06 (approx) Astrophyllite usually occurs in needle shaped erystals in , Nudiating groups, bul in this scotion it ovcurs as rather shapeless crystals full of inclusions int fine-prained GAL eroundmass. The upper and middle photographs shoss the pleachcoism which is from brown to a yellow colour. Some erystais ure much more distinctly yellow than those | illustrated. Most erystals show one cleavage Because ofthe strong absorption euliours it isailficult to judge the order of the interference colours shown in the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, but the large erystal at the top of the field show's a third-order green colour which indicates a birefringence of at least {404 so-wwe know that the birefringence is fairly high, The eroundmass of this rock consists of a sodium-rieh plagioclase feldspar. [192] Specimen from microsvenite, East Groontand, magni atten 20) Lamprophyllite Na, (Ca, Fe)Ti,Si,0,,(OH) Symmetry RIB 2 Birelringence — Monoclinic (4) 1747-14954 0-092-04035 use it occurs in some of the ‘This mineral is included be rocks from the Pilansberg complex and the Bearpaw Mountains in Montana and these may be represented in ‘many teaching collections. amprophylliieis the pale-brown mineral which shows ht pleochroism (compare upper andl middle photo- graphs), A few euhedral crystals ean be seen and a Hleavage is visible in a number c coloured minerals «re acgirine-augite and arfvedsonite: the colourless mineral is mainly alkali (fl Linder crossed polacs (lower photo, amprophyllite crystals show very slighily ph) a few of the anomalous. Dour ia icon fer bluciean be realy gece the wedge-like termination of one of the ervstak Lamprophyllite we Lamprophyllite Na, (Ca, Fe)Ti,Si,0,,(OH) Symmetry = Monoelinie (|) Rog Leva 78a Birefringence 0032-0035 This mineral is included because it occurs in some of the rocks from the Plinsbere complex and the Beurpaw Mountains in Montana and these may be represented in many teaching collections, Lamprophyllite the pale-brown mineral which shows slight pleochroism (compare upper and middle photo- graphs). A few euhedral erystals can be seen and a savage is visible in st num st coloured minerals are segirine-augite and arlyedsonite: the colourless mineral is mainly alkali (feldspar), Under crossed polars (lower phote few of the lumprophyllie erystals show very slightly anomalous colours and one showing hour-ghiss zoning. his. distintly anomalous brown colour, This erystal is cut nearly perpendicular to an optic axis and the anomalous colouris duc to disperston of the uptie axes. Tsinning be seen in one of the erystals, ‘Thal the blue interference colour is a seeand-order blue ean be readily seen at the nedge-like termination of one of the crystals ypevionen from green foyaite, Pilunsherg, South Africa; gnijication x44 Lamproph lite eR ae 53 Muscovite Muscovite KAI,Si,0,,(OH, F), yymmetry = Monoetinie() RIB = bS82 b610 Birefringence = 0-036-0-049 A very slight greenish tint (upper photograph) ean bese in this muscovite against the quartz with which it intergrown: this could be due to the mineral being phengiterather than muscovite but in this ease itis due Slight stray polarization in the photomicroseope, Most the crystals show the perfect busi deavage In the lower photograph, tiken under crossed pota similar interference colours are shown by most ersst duc tou preferred orientation in therock: one erystal ne the top ieht-band corner of the photograph is cut neat parallel to dre basal cleavage and so interference figure. Many of the exystals and crystals which are near to the extinction posit show the mottled appearance which s characteristic of micas. [201] Specimen fram kyanite schist. Hamma of Snarravae, Un Shetland, Scotland, magnification 14. Biotite K(Mg, Fe), AISi,O,,(OH, F), Symmetry = Monoclinie ( RB = 6051-696 Birefringence = 0-04. 00 Biotite is invariably brown or green in colour. The upper and middle photographs, taken in plane-polarized light, show a field almost entirely occupied by biotite with numerous dark brown to black pleochroic hitloes. The perfect cleavage can be seen in many of the crystals, The ‘maximum absorption colour is shown when the polarizer 's parallel to the cleavage. In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, the crystals in thecentre of the field are fairly close to the extinction position, und this has been done to emphasize the mottled appearance which is characteristic of all ‘micas and is most clearly seen when close ta extinction. ‘The greenish crystal at the bottom lefi-hand comer of the field is tourmsline. [211] Specimen from hictite-kvanive-eneiss. Dim nan Geard, Ross of Mull, Scotland, magnification % 52. Biotite 55 Biotite ‘ o Biotite #5 K(Mg, Fe),AISi,0,o(OH, F); Symmetry = Monoetinie (—) RIB = 1605-1496 Biretringenoe 004-008 These photographs show brown phenaerysts of hiotite in a fine-prained groundmass, The chsnge in absorption colours on rotating the polarizer (upper and middle raphs) and zoning of the absorption colours is is probably clue to variation in zoning of the birefringe! long crystal to the right of eentee shows blues and yellows which are second-order colours. The other minerals in the rock are feldspars ancl few inicrophenoerysts of pyroxene (high relict). [211] Specimen fram lanprophyre, Puffa Bar, Herme, Channel Islands. magnification x 32. Stilpnomelane K(Fe, Mg, Al),Si,Q,9(O, OH),-3H,0 Stitpnometana Symmetry = Menoclinie() RL B = 1576-1745 Birefringence = 04030-04110 ‘The brown lath-shuped crystals in these photographs are of stilpnomelane and the pronounced pleochroism is early illustrated by the upper and middle photographs. with the polarizer rotated through 90°. It may be brown, as in this example, or green and so can be confused with biotite but the cleavage is not nearly ats well developed as in biotites. This sumple shows. darker brown colour than is expected in a fresh sample because i 8 parlly oxidized The interference colours are gencrally masked by the brown absorption colour as seen in the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars. There are slight signs of another cleavage at rightangles to the length of the crystals and when this is clear it is a useful observation (o istinguish stilpnomelane from biotite. The chemical formula given ubove is simplified and does not show the wide variation in composition which this mineral mayhave. [22% Specimen from metamorphosed ironstone. California, USA, magnification x 32, Pyrophyllite Pyrophyllite AISi,0.(OH) Syinmery = Moneciinie(=) RE B= 1886 1589 Birefringence | ~ 04030 ‘The upper photograph shows a field of view alm entirely occupied by pyrophyllite hut there are no featu visible which permit casy distinction between pyrophyil and muscovite, Under crossed polars, lower photograph, the mot appearance is also similar to that of muscovite, TI svetion was chosen because it shows relatively” la ‘orystals of pyrophiyllite and an interference figure show moderate optic axial angle in contrast ty the low va seen in muscovites. Usually pyrophyllite occurs in st simall crystals that it is impossible to obtain wn lerference figure trom them, [225}, ‘Specimen from unknown locality, magnification x 72, Talc Mg,Si,O,o(OH)» Symmetry = Monoclinic (—) RB = bs80 1504 Birefringence = 0-05 Most of the ficld of view is occupied by len a highly deformed rock, It is much easier to identify tle in hand specimen than in thin section because it feels slippery, whereus in thin section it can be confused with a white mica, The change in relief of different parts of the highly ‘ontorted bands af ale is well illustrated by the upper and niddle photographs, taken with the polarizer in ortho- soni positions The lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, ws second-order interference colours aver almost the whole lield except lor small areas of chlorite which is ntergrown with the tale, The chlorite shows a first-order rey or white colour. [227] ‘men from Madran Mountain, Menderes Massif. South Vest Turkey, magniication * 27 Tale 59 Chiorite Chlorite (Mg, Fe. Al), (Si, Al) O20(OH) Symmetry = Monoelinie (+)0r (—) kr 8B 197-167 Birefringer 00-0-01 The term chlorite covers a wide range of mineral compositions but mast members of this group are vither colourless er green in colour and when « green mineral is observed intergrown with « brown biolite us in the photograph adjacent itis likely to be chlorite, The upper photograph, tuken in pline-polarized light, shows a biotite breaking down toa chlorite so that residual brown flakes of biotite are surrounded by pale green chlorite: it is usually pleochroic. Chlorite hasa perfect basal cleavage but it is visible in only a few crystals in this view. Under crossed polars (lower photograph) the anom- alous interference colours which are characteristic of re clearly seen, Although all chlorites do lous colours, their birefringence is always Specimen from mica-dionite, Glen Lay. Scotland, magni: cation 53 Chlorite : (Mg, Fe, Al), (Si. ADgO3(OH),5 Symmetey = Monoclinic (+) or) RIB = ST 167 Birefringence 0-00-0-01 Only one photogee light is shown here by diferent orientations to show the ple yellowish to green, The perfect clei an be clearly Sect! in many of the erystals and others are cut nearly parallel to the basal cleavage and. of course, show no cleavage. In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polats. sn from pale the low grey and anomalous brown colours are character: istic of some chlonites. There are also signs of twinning in some erystals The mineral with which the chlorite is intergrown is adularia, a K-rich feldspar formed in low-temperature veins, (231) Specinsen from adilaria- quart: vein, St, Gotterd, Switzer land: magnification x 72, 6 Serpentir Serpentine Mg,Si,0,(OH), Symmetry = Monoclinic (—) RIB = 154-1566 Birefringence = 0004-0017 The nae serpentine covers three polymorphs wh sasily be distinguished optically, and ms specimens contin more than one polymorphic fo This speciinen. is probably a mixture of lizardite a chrysotile The upper photograph shows serpentine which is p yellowish in colour together with an opaque iron oxi greyate is undoubtedly the result o OF pyroxene. although relict erys not clearly defined as in some examples, ‘The lower photograph, taken under erossed pola shows the low first-order colours characteristic of | serpentine minerals and it also shows a mesh text which isa common feature of this mineral and is fa diagnostie, (242), Specimen from serpentinite, Lizard, Comwalt, Englan inaggificaiion x 20, Prehnite Ca, AL,Si;0,9(OH),, Symmetry = Orthorhombie( +) RB = F615 1642 Birefringence = -022-0-035 Most of the field is occupied by prebnite although a few orystals of caleite ean be seen in the top part of the upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light. The pale pink and green colours are stray polarization colours produced in the photographic equipment. One of the characteristic features of this mineral is its tendency to form radiating groups of crystals and this is best seen in the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars. Prehnite characteristically shows very bright second- and third-order colours and since the mineral in thin section isalmost without colour these interference colours are usually very pure. (277), Specionen from marble vation 26 Prehnite Microcline Symmetry = Trielinie¢—) RIB = 1518 Birefringence — «h007 The two photographs show a perthitic microcline erystal ‘cut approximately parallel to (001) with the trace of (010) pparalle lo the long dimension of the photograph. The upper photograph was taken in plane-polarized light with the substage diaphragm closed to accentuate the relief in diferent parts of the section. Parallel to the short edge of the photograph are small veinlets differing jn relief from the host — these are iictoperthitie albite lamellae. At an angle of about 25° to the same edge of the photograph there are three or four thick veins of perthitie albite which also dilfer in relief from the surrounding mutter The lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, shows the eross-hatehed twinning (albite and pericline laws) which is very characteristic of mierocline, The perthitic alhite veins ut 25° to the short edge of the photograph are rather dark here but show twinning according to the albite law ~ the composition plane (010), is parallel to that of the albite twinned lamellae in the microcline, ‘The twin lamellae in the microvline are most sharply delined close to the albite veins and they are of variable widch. This mineral should not be confused with amorthoclase (q.¥.). [285] Specinten from pegmatite, Diamond Mine, Topsham, Maine, USA, magnification 43, Perthite & Microperthite Perthite & Microperthite (K, Na)AISi,O, Perthite is the name given ( an intergrowth of potassium-rich and a sodium-rich feldspar when the host Material ig the potassinm-rich feldspar, When the host material is playioclase the name antiperthite is used and When the sodiuin-rich and potassium-rich phases are in equal amounts the term mesoperthite is used. Perthite is, used when the mtergrowth can be seen in hand specimen and mieroperthite when it is visible only under the microscope. These three photographs were taken under crossed polars The upper photograph shows most of the field occupied by a mineral with a very dark grey interference eolouc and sinall white blebs of microperthitiealbite fairly unilormly diseributed throughout, Two cleavages are visible almost Al right-angles (0 one another so that this section is cut nearly perpendicular to the x axis, No twinning is visible soit is ikely to hare monoelinie symmetay and the name orthoclase-mictoperthite is appropriate. A nearly centred acute bisectrix interference figure is abtained from this section with an optic axial angle of ubout 45°, a value appropriate For ortboclase-micropesthite ‘The middle photograph is.a course perthite cut nearly parallel to (010). The white ares are sodium-leldspar and the dark areas are of potassium-Feldspar. Within the dark ees are fine lighi-coloured lamellite of microperthitic albite which lie at an angle of approximately 75° to the trace of the (001) eleavaye which is parallel tothe long, cdge of the photograph, Although no twining can be scen in either the sedium-reeh or potassium-rich phase bite winning were present it would not he ween in a section cut nearly parallel to (010), In addition perictine winning will not he seen in a section cut exactly at right angles to Ihe bwin axis, the 1 erystallographic axis. and will be difficult to detect in & section elose to this prientation, From this section alone itis not possible to ‘ay whether the polassium-rich phase is orthoclase or nicrocline. The lower photograph is also of a mieroperthitie ekispar in the sume orientation as the middle photograph, uit here nly microperthitic albite is visible, oriented at bout 75° to the truce of the (O01 cleavave.. 283) ipper specimen from sarnet granulite. West of Ame raasar. Mudagascar, muguification « 21. Middle spect nen from unknown locality, magaification 27. Laser pecimen frou pegmatite, Kodarma, Bibur. hada, maynifi- ation x 38. 65 Sanidine : ine (K, Na)AISI,O, Symmetry = Monoctinie(—) RE p= bs22 as2K Birefringence — 0006-0007 The name sanidine is used for monoctinie alkali feldspars which occur in voleanic rocks; they are usually fairly potassium-rich, The upper photograph taken in. plane- Polarized light shows a few phenocrysts of sanidine in a Broundmass also composed mainly of regular arrangement of inclusions at both largest crystal outlines the shape of the grows Simple twinning, as een in the lower pkotograpl under crossed pola Feldspars and this ser plagioclases since the latter usually show lamellar ‘winning as well as simple twinning. The twin lav in this case is the Carlsbad law which is the most frequently observed twin law in monoclinic feldspars. 285] Specimen from phonolite, San Angelo, Ischia, Haly, magnifieation x 24. Anorthoclase Anorthoclase (Na, K)AISi,O, Symmetry I icliaie(—) Rig = 1528 1-532 Birefringence = (4007-0008 The name anorthoelase is used iikali feldspar which occur in vol photograph taken in plane-polarized i ‘of erystals of anerthoclase in a fine-grained groundmass Ispar and quartz. There ate slight signs of ages because the larges| erystlis cut almost at right angles to both (01) and (ND) cleavages The lower photogruph, taken under erossedd polars shows albite and perieline twin kumellae forming a cross” hatched or “tartan” pattern which at first sight resembles the texture seen in mierocline, In smerthotlase however the lamellae are seen in sections cut nearly perpendicular lo the » crystallographic axis as in this ease and, in this orientation, « nearly ventred acute bisects interterence igure can be obtained. [285] linie sodium-rich te rocks, The upper hows « group Specimen from pantellerive, Pantelleria, Haly: magnific cation x37 or Plagioclase NaAISi,O;-CaAL Si,0, Symmetry = “Trielinie (+) or) RIB = 1532-1585 Birclringence — 0-07 OLS “These photographs are of a thin section erystal cut almost exactly: al right ystallographic axis, and all (nee expostu ‘erossel polars, In the upper photograph the (010) hus been set parallel to the long edge of the lulbradorite photograph which is perpendicular to the vibration Uirection of the polurizer. The (O01) cleavage is not parallel to the short edge of the photograph by the houndar c two lower photog middle andl Jower photographs show the the section after rotation fo the extinetion p wo sets of twin lamellae. ‘The angle of rotation in each fase 5 26%: from a graph of compositinnin the plagioclase feldspar series against extinetion angle in a section cut perpendicular 1 the » axis, the compositon of this crystal isabout AbjAn,. [31K] Specimen from unknown locality, magnification 43 ; Plogior Plagioclase NaAISi,O,-CaAl,Si,0, Symmetry = Triclinie +) 000) RIB 1532. 1-545 Birefringence §— — 0.007 (MOLY These photographs show a number of phenocrysts ancl mierophenoerysts of plagioclise inthe fine-grained groundmass of an andesite (a few phenocrysts of ‘orthopyroxene are also visible}, In_phine-pokarized light (upper phetograph) zoning can he seen by the arrange: ‘ment of inclusions in the group of leldspar erystals in the eenire of ihe field, Within this aggregate the brown material is eryplocrystalline groundauss incorporated in the growing crystals, Under crossed polars (lower photo; ‘ovinning is visible in most of the erysal zoning is obvious in the crystals which 1 their extinction positions, The low grey interference colours are slightly anomalous due to dispersion, at feature whieh is not uncommon in phigiocluses from volcanic rocks [318] caph) lamellar nd osellatory Specimen from piroxede amiesite, Matra Hills, near Buclapest. Hungary, magnification % 2, ee ee Quartz % Quartz SiO, Symmetry = Trigonal +) RI w saa $ 1553 Birefringence = 0.009 Quartz is the most common of al minerals and is fainy easily distinguished from leldspar in thin section because i is generally unaltered and lacks visible twinning or cleavage, (It may contain fluid inclusions and if these are very small and numerous they may give the quartz a dusty appearance.) The upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light, shows clear quartz phenocrysts in a volcanic rock and these have embayments against the eroundmass of the rock: this is not an uncommon feature and although sometimes interpreted as ue to resorption of the crystals it may be duc to the rapidly growing erystal enclosing the groundmass material In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, some crystals show the white interference colours characteristic of crystals cut nearly parallel to the optic axis. Signs of a yellowish interference colour is an indication that the thin section is slightly to thick. 340} Specimen from quart: porphyry, Dunedubl, Ite of Arran vlan; magnification x 24 70 Quay Quartz SiO, Symmetry Trigonal (—) RIow = bse € = 1583 Birefringence = 0-009 ‘These photographs show quarts in a metamorphic rock In the upper photograph taken in phine-polarized light most of the field. of view appears fo he occupied by clear ‘guurtz erystals with a few small inclusions, The mineritls at the comers of the photograph are biotite and sillimantt, In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars, individual erystals of quartz can be seen but, within these, the extinction is moc uniform and this shadowy estinetion is fairly common in deformed cocks. Closer inspection of this view reveals thet at the top fight earner and the bottom left corner oF the Hell of view, there are regions, ‘which differ in that the erystals have dark borders sel lark voinlets penetrating into the crystal at the left-hand hottom corner there are signs of twin lamellae in one of the erystils. These ure cordierite crystals and they have been included! in this fel of view to show that the relief and birefringence of eurdierite may, depending on its vomposition, be very stnilar to that oF quarts bul ean be distinguished by signs of alteration (o pinite at the eds of thecordierite grains, [340] Specincn tromeardlicrine stimanitegueise, 1 din wouthof fos, Madagascar, maguitication x43 — Myrmokito Myrmekite This consisis of an intergrowth of plagioclase and quartz with a yermicular texture-whieh is learly seen in the kower Photograph, taken under erossed polurs. This shout be compared with granophyric texture (y..), In the upper photograph. caken under plane-polarized. light, the rowih is almost invisible because the phigioclase and the iaiergrown quartz b same RI whereas the remainder of rystal in the centre, is uceupied by lower RI, The alkali feldspar has ‘sith oriented inclusions af phigic Speeinien fiom charnockite, 254m northwest af Fort Dauphin, Madagascar. anagnification 32, Granophyric texture These photographs show an intergrowth of quart and alkali feldspar, Even in plane-polarized light (upper photograph) the intergrowths visible bevause of the difference in refringence of the two minerals and the fact thal the alkali feldspar is brown, due 10. salleration, whereas the areas of quartz are clear Under crossed polirs (lowerphotngraph) what appear o be the outlines of individual crystals are visible, What is not knowin is ‘what material these shapes represent sinee each ‘erystal consists of ahout equal amounts of quartz and feldspar although itis probable that the exystal outline is that of leldspar Specimen fram ganophvre, Easter Red Hills. Shve md, nagnifieation x 32, Granophyric texts Tridymite 74 Tridymite SiO, Symmetry Orthorhombied +) RIB = ban Layo Biretvingence = 0-002-0-004 for vein whieh is wrainly lied with tridymite. To the righ ‘ofthe photogeaph the iridymite shows up in reli the mounting medium where there are sinall hokes i slide. The lower photograph, taken unaler ctossed mineral, Although the name tridynite imp groups of twins, wo-tinned individuals ure probubl more common, [340] Specimen fro dacite, Hakone Voleaeo, Japan. ange Cristobali Cristobalite SiO, Symmetry = Tetragonal (—) as 1s 1-003 rained basalt, Apolla 37 hana i Nephetine 76 Nepheline NaAISIO, Symmetry = Hexagonal) RE = hsm bse w= 1539 15a6 Birefringence —— 9.003 005 Thevolourles miner in the upper photoeraph,takenin plane-poliriaed light, are muinly nepheline and cane smite: A slight difference in relief can just he detected but it is necessary to look at the lower photogt under erossed polis) to see clearly that the bright interference colours consist of eancri while the very dark areas are of nepheline: No cleavages tare visible so hat there is unlikely to be aay alkali feldspar in this field of view, Cancrinite 1s very often sassoctatedd with nepheline particularly in plutonic rocks and this gives elu to the presenve of nepheline The green mineral in these photographs is aggicine- sugite and the oecurren. ilkall pyroxene indices that the rock is rich in alkalis but rnepheline-bearing, [356] Jol necessarily Saniple from nephetine syenite, Khabozero, Kola, USSR fnuignitication x 34 a Nephel Nepheline NaAlSiO, Sytetey Hexagon —) RI 342 o = ia Birefringeme = 0-03-0405 These photageaphs show nepheline phenocrysts in the ined groundmass containing also small green auigite and at few ersstals of sphene, It is common to find nepheline phenocrysts toyether with alkali feldspar phenocrysts in the simne rack sind it is crystals of 4), AT coliicleas phen nepheline although ther groundmass. Tho crystal n under erossed polars tal is fairly dark and is cut nearly pecpendicular to the optic axis. A few stn sunidine erystals ean be revoynized in the groundmass by the presence of simple winning, [356 Sanidine & Nepheline Sanidine & Nepheline The upper photograph, taken in pline-polarized light shows phenocrysts af nephcline and sansline in a groundmas. composed! mainly of the same two minerals Wwith some pyroxene and a Few minuleerystals of nosean, Recinuse (heir relief and bisefringenee are very similar itis difficult to distinguish nephetine from sanidine, Crystals which show ag for simple rwinniny, ane niline: basal sections of nepheline hexaponal andl prisinatic sections are usually nearly square 50 that the two narrow elongated erystals in the contre of the field are ssndines, whereas the group of almost certainly ‘erystals to the right of the held showin, shape Under erossedtpolurs ower photograph)a few erystals| show simp wins: these are sunidines evinned on the Baveno law. In the group of erystls ty the right of the field, one of the crystals showing ty almost hick and is nepheline cut almost exactly Perpendicular Lo the optic axis, dhe other is eut slightly fblique to the optieavis and shows sery 10 nee wwilh slight oning near the margins. 2S tly hexagonal heline Leucite KAISiO,, Symetry = Letragonal (Pseudoeubie) (4) REoow = 1508 1517 The upper photograph, taken in plane-polacized light, shows colouriess phenocrysts of leucite together with wis of acgirine-a reenish- brown) Voned brown crystals) ina fine-grained groundmass mainly of plagioclase but eontaining small Teacite und no i radially or concentse: this isnot apparent hs Uniler erosed polars (lower photograph) the ap- pearance of multiple twinning in more than one orient- ation is very characteristic of leucite: very small leucite erystals in the groundmass appear isotiopic. Leucite is y growth of alkali fellspar heline while retaining the shape of the leucite ind this ss termed pseudoleucite. [367] Reiden, Eifel, Germany Louei Nosean 6NaAISiO,-Na,SO, Symmetry = Cubic Eon = b49s These photograplis are from different racks and both are taken in plane-potarized light only The upper photograph shows two nesean phenocrysts with dark, almost black, rims due ty ron oxide inclusions throughout the cores of the erystaly there are numerous orientated mclusions. A few microphenoerysts of leucile ure visible inthe flekd and this is the same rock as used 10 usteate Ieucite (q.¥.); there are also microphenoceysts af fnosean, dirk brown with inelusions similar to the rims of the phenocrysts, green to brown pyroxene ina fine groundmass mainly of plagioclase with sone ealeite: duc to stray polarization in the microscope the calcite shows weak interference enours in this photograph The lower photograph shuws nosean crystals, full of inclusions, ink inclusions. The sub-staye uperture has been opened wis but closing it allaws une 10 see the difference in rebiet between the nosean and the sanidine~nosean has a much lower REandisisorropie. [875] Upper specimen fiom lewcitophyee, Reiden, Eifel. Ger many’; muagnification x 2?. Lower specimen from nosean sanidinite, Laavher See, Germany: magnification x 82. Cancrinite 6NaAISiO,-Na,CO, Symmetry Hexagonal (—) Rog 1503 w 1538 Birefringence bans In the upper photograph, taken in plane-polatized light, the objective was raised slightly co show the Becke lute The minerals which have the Hecke fine within their houndaries ate nepheline and alkal feldspar which in this Fock haye almost identical refractive indices ~ the low refractive index mineral is eanerinite Under crowed polars (ower photogiaph) the eane- Finite shows first-order colours, exeept for the lace ‘aystal to the lef of the ficld which is low second-order bluish-red colour. In nepheline syenites che appearance of 4 colourless mineral with first- or second-order in: lerference colours and a very low refiactive inden is usually@ good indication of the presence of eancrinite and in turn this leads the obyerver to look for the presence of nepheline. [381] Specimen from nephetine syenite, unknown locality maghifcavion x 72. Canerin Scapolite 82 Scapolite 3(NaAISi;O,)sNaCl-3(CaAl,Sis0,)CaCi Symmetry Tetragonal() RI = 1540-1564 o = 546-1-600 Birefringence 005-0038 The upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized light, Shows mainly seapolite (colourless) together with a pale green clinopyroxene and one erystal of biotite in the centre of the field. A crystal at the Towser tell part of the fick! shows two sets of cleavages at rightangles to one another Most of the other crystals show at least ons cleavage, photograph, taken under crossed polars, stals show second-order colours but those 10 cleavages have low interference colours and re cut neatly at right-angles to the opti axis sine the [100s cleavages are parallel 1 the optic axis, ‘The composition in the seapolite series, from the macialite end-member (Na-rich) to the meionite end-member, is obtained from cither a refractive index determination ara measurement of birefringence, [384] Spevimen from edge of phlaeopive-pegmatite. near Maile, Madagascar, manenficasion » 20 5 Anak Analcite NaAlSi,0,-H,0 Syinmeuy = Cubic REoon = 79 1493 ph, utken in plane-polarized light shows triangular arca oF analeite hounded by elon stands out in reliet The lower phot shows that the ana ome a ane ly are the two minerals se ¥y lo measure the refractive index to distinguish danaleite from leucite, [389] Specimen from orinanite, Howfori) Bridge, Avrshire. Scotland, magnification » 62. Corundum Corundum ALO; + Symmetry Trigonal (—) RE = 17601 w = 1081 Birefringence 1008-0008) Uh sap dolueariegy Gt eorundur) "The-setou ila mate al slass full of inclusions, pssedl pols, Because of may he thicker common in corundum but is ot present it se crystals. (405), Specinwn from buchite, Rudk' a’ Chromain Sill. Ross of Mull, Scotland, magnification % 52. 5 Rutile Rutile TiO, Symmetry = Tetragonal (|) Row Birefr The upper and middie photographs show some fairly large crystals of rutile in a mays of altered plagivelase feldspar. One of the crystals shows two good cleavages at an angle of approximately 61, The deep golden-brown colour is fiirly characteristic of rutile. Under crossed polars (middle photograph) it can be seen that there are hin lamellae prallel 9 the traces of the two el which are probably: O11 This erystal has been set near to the extinction position to show the (winning. Because Df the strong absorption colour it is aut possible to estimate the bireliing are of the very bi we which is very high nor to be refractive indices, The other crystal which does not show twinning appears to he the sune colous in plane Tight and under erased polars. The lower photograph, (aken in plane-polarized light shows needles of rutile within biotite. The occurrence of Tulle as needles in biotite andl quartz is fairly common but as fine ats those illustrated here there is very litle that can he done optically to establish tt They are indeed nucle, |415}. when the needles Upper and smidile. speeionen from Roseland, V ia, USA: magnification % 20. Laer nown tocality, raguification » 72 Perovskite Perovskite CaTiO, Symmetry = Monoelinie (pseuds-cubiey +) RE» 2402. The upper photograph, taken in plane-polarized shows.a few dark brown erystals of perovskite intererown With melilite (colourless) and iron ore (blick). Zoning of the brown colour of the perovskite can be seen. The reliet is very high but the strong, absorption enlour tends to obscure this, under erased polars nt and shosw complex hiwinaing, This cross-hatched twinning 1 a iristie of perovskite and serves to distinguish it from some other dark brown minerals. Its occurrence ong with meiliteis common (see description of melilite, p29) [422] Specimen from melilite cock, Scat Hill, Conmty Anim, Breland: magnification 42 5 Spinel Spinel (Fe, Mg) ALO, Symmetry = Cubie RIon = 119 p85 The spinel group covers a wide range of chemical composition but the common varie with Fe und Mgsubstitution. ‘The ran not cover the ferric iron. and chromium-rich varieties, The characteristic evlours are dat! ‘of dark brown and snin planc-pokirized the two microphotographs, both Tight, show two different oceurre ie upper photograph shows dark spinel ber with olivine, The spinel crystals are subhedral in xe andl their colour is zoned so that some of the crystals show brownish cores. In the lower photograph the spinel is darker live-green colour. The shapes. of the erystals Uelermined by the eakic plagivelase with whieh it is imergrwen. Some of the dark regions in this field of view ‘consist of glass eroweded with inclusions but these can be feadily distinguished from the spinel because of the high felict of the spinsl. [424], Upper specinnen frown spinel-forsterite-remolith, Vesuvius Flals: mayriicwion » 43. Lower specimen thom buichite Rub’ Clromain Sif, Ross of Mull, Searlanud: magniti- cation Brucite Mg(OH), Symmetry = = Trigonal (1) eR ow = bS60-1590 t = S80 1-000) Bireltingence — — 0012. 1020 The upper phologruph, shows hrucite (clea (darker areas). These i perielase (MgO, In the view under crossed polars (lower photograph, the brucite areas consist of auuregates uf libres with bow biretvingence. A Tew rogions which show anomalous be eoloussare nf serpentine [434] aken in plane-polarized liehs, i) inlergrown with dolomite probably pseudomorphs after Specimen from inucite marble, Ledbeg, Asssnr, Seottand, magifications 72. . a Calcite caco, Symmetry ‘Vrigonal (=) BIg = Hk w= b65k Birefringence = 0172 Most of the field of view is occupied by’ ca ‘upper and middle photographs taken in plane-p light show the change in relief produced by rotati polarizer theough §P, This is referred to as “ovinkling” land is most easily seen by rotating the polurizer as has eon done her. Besse of the pers rhaneleal se most erystals show at least one good cleavage. Ui ertycel volar ower photogann), she in) terlerenoe colours ear be seen to be of very high order this section nay be slightly less than che normal 0-03 mim in thickness sinee in sections of standard thickness the interference colour produced is a high-order white. Twinning ean be seen in a Few erystals und this can be useful in distinguishing calcite ium dolomite (xo. ATO) Specimen from diopside-forsterite marble, Lock Dutch, Seotiand: magnification * 44 Calcite Dolomite CaMg(CO,), Symmetry Vrigonal (- ) RI = 1800 uw = 16% Birelringence = 9-179 ‘This seetioncontains both ealvice and dolomite and, since the 1wo minerals are dificult to distinguish the thin section has ieen stained, Most of the sainiay techniques used depend! on the fact that caleite is readily soluble in dhilte HCI whereas dolomite is not, so that the materia ‘which is stained red in these photograph the upper and middle photage polarized light. it can be seen that there Jolomite within the stained calcite, Thechange in relict of lolomite caused by rotating the polrizer through ly shown, en under crossed polars) fe associated with dolomite The erystal showing & yellow colour to the right of the field of view is forsterite. [48] shows the high biret Specimen trom forsterite marble, Sri Lanka: magnification “AD Dolomite CaMg(CO5): Symmetry Trigonal ato = 1500 w 1679 thiccfringence = 04179 ‘These photographs were taken front an unstained section ‘of the same rovk used for the previous photographs of dolomite, In the upper photograph (taken under plane pokirized light) awa chombohedral cleavages can be seen ‘iL 120° the crystal in the upper part of the field, In the lower photograph, taken under crossed polars. (ovin himellae ate seen to bisect the obtuse ungle between the cleavages, ie. pavallel to the short ditgonal oF the shomb shape formed by the cleavages. Both dolomite and ealeite- may have twin Tamellae parallel to the long diagonal and parallel to the rhoribobedral cleavaues themselves, hut only dolomite hits twin lamellae in. the position shownhere, [489 | Specinwn front jarsterite marble, Sri Lankes magnification Dolomite Apatite Apatite Ca,.(PO,),(OH, F, Cl) Symmetry Hexagonal (=) Rog = 1624 1666 o = 1629-1667 «001-0007 apatite stand out in relief against nepheline (clear): the opaque minecal is te, some of the ilmenite crystals having sims of sphene. The lower photograph. ken under crossed polite, shows that the birefringence of apatite is about the same asthatof the nepheline.and this taken slong with thebigh Specimen foom apusive-nepheline rock, Lavozern, Kole USSR; maguification + 40, Fluorite CaF, Sian, «= Cube RI = hose ras ‘These 10 photographs were both taken in phane= polarized light. The upper photograph shows numberof purple erystals of Nuorte intergrown witha rare mineral ‘yeberite. A few orystals at the top of the potoeraph Show sians of the periget {111 eleavage Fluorite has the lowest refractive mdex ofall the commen minerals and irence shows. considerable relict against most other inineras. In thisease the purple colour givsst useful eve tw is entity ‘The lower photugeaph shows Muorite as sinatl anhedal grains intergrown with muscovite. Here sgain the pale ppirple colour which is uneventy distributed is useful for iemtieauion: ils isotropic character and. very: low refiactive index would confirm the identifation. [511] Upper specinnen from crvotite deposit, Wvigaur. Weve Greenland, magnification 32. Lower specimen from grate. Rostourack, Cornwall, Bugland, magnification 444. Fluorite

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