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200 Anatomy/Physiology Facts

Directional Terms
1. Anatomical position = face, feet, hands faced forwards

2. Transverse Plane = cuts the body in superior and inferior zones

3. Sagital Plane = cuts the body in Left and Right halves
- Midsagital Plane= cuts the body in Right and Left HALVES
- Parasagital Plane= cuts the body in Right and Left PARTS
4. Coronal Plane = cuts the body in anterior and posterior zones

5. Superior =
6. Inferior =
7. Anterior= front (ventral)
8. Posterior = back (dorsal)

9. Medial = towards the inner body

10. Lateral = away from body

11. Proximal = closer to the body
12. Distal = farthest from the body

13. Superficial = close to the surface

14. Deep = Farther into the body

Abdominal/pelvic area
Sectioned in or quadrants

Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)

GL= Gall Bladder and Liver

Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)

A= Appendix

Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)

SS= Stomach and Spleen

Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)

I= Intestines

Sectioned in 1/9



Left Hypochondriac
Stomach and spleen

Right Lumbar

Right Iliac


(pubis), urinary
bladder, uterus,

Left Lumbar

Left Iliac

Body Cavities
15. Mucosa: cavity that is in contact with the outside, secretes mucus membrane
- Nasal cavity
16. Serosa: cavity that are completely sealed within the body, secretes serous membrane
- Dorsal Cavity
2 Sub-divisions:

Cranial Cavity (brain)

Spinal Cavity (spinal cord)
Ventral Body Cavity
Organs found in the ventral cavity are called Viscera
Thoracic Cavity:
2 Pleural Cavities: Mediastinum and Pericardium
Abdominopelvic Cavity: abdomen and pelvic area
Tissues and Cells

17. Types of Tissues:

Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Neural Tissue
18. Types of Epithelium
Simple Squamous
Stratified Squamous
Simple Cuboidal
Stratified Cuboidal
Simple Columnar
Stratified Columnar
Psuedostratified Columnar
19. Types of Connective Tissue
o Aerolar: fibrous connective tissue, loosely packed, to hold tissue layers together
o Adipose: fatty tissue; type of loose connective tissue that stores energy, insulates
and cushions the body
o Fibrous: Tissue composed of bundles of collagenous white fibers between which
are rows of connective tissue cells.
o Bone tissue: Most rigid connective tissue, Internally supports body structures,
very active tissue, heals much more rapidly than cartilage
o Cartilage tissue: dense, flexible tissue similar to bone tissue
Organ Systems of the Body
20. M.I.N.D.C.U.R.S.E.R.=
M= Muscular System: ORGANS (Biceps, Deltoid), f(x) = movement and posture
I = Integumentary System: ORGANS (Skin, nails), f(x) = Prevent germs from entering,
make Vitamin D
N= Nervous System: ORGANS (Brain, Spinal Cord), f(x) = react to conditions, controls
organ systems

D= Digestive System: ORGANS (Stomach, Intestines), f(x) = break down food, absorb
C= Circulatory System: ORGANS (Heart, Blood Vessels), f(x) = transport, homeostasis
of pH
U= Urinary System: ORGANS (Urinary Bladder, kidneys), f(x) = Excretion, homeostasis
R= Respiratory System: ORGANS (lungs, trachea) f(x) = gas exchange, protect from
germs in air
S= Skeletal System: ORGANS (humerus, femur, skull) f(x) = support, create blood cells
E= Endocrine System: ORGANS (Pancreas, thyroid), f(x) = hormones to regulate
metabolism, coordinates organs slowly
R= Reproductive System: ORGANS (ovaries, testes), f(x) = creates gametes and sex
21. The Integumentary System:

Common Terminology
Anatomy: study of structures of the body

2 Sub Divisions
Gross Anatomy: the study of structures easily seen by the unaided eye
Microscopic Anatomy: the study of structures needed to be magnified
2 subcategories of Microscopic Anatomy=
Cytology: study of cells
Histology: study of tissues

Physiology: study of the structures FUNCTIONS of the body

Homeostasis: the technique the body uses to keep balance.

2 Kinds of feed back

Positive Feed Back
Ex. Childbirth and blood clotting
Negative Feed Back
Ex. Body temp. rises body sweats to cool down (SWEATING)

Metabolism: the sum total of all chemical reactions that occur in a cell or body

2 Sub-divisions
Catabolism: breaks down large molecules into smaller ones
Anabolism: join smaller molecules to form larger ones

Embryology: study of the development of the body

Pathology: the study of diseases
Pathogen: an organism that causes sickness
Disease: unique illness
Disorder: abnormalities in functioning or structure
Ex. Nervous System disorder (Depression, Anorexia, Bulimia)
Non-Invasive Assessment Techniques

Palpation: gentle touching and feeling

Ex. Enlarge liver

Auscultation: listening to body sounds

Ex. Heart beat, wheezing in chest
Inspection: visually assessing the body
Ex. Skin cancers
Ways to recognize skin cancer A.B.C.D.E.
A- Asymmetrical or odd shape
B- Border is indistinct
C- Color of more than one hue
D- Diameter- larger than a pencil eraser
E- Enlarging

Diagnosis: determining the disease by analyzing the signs and symptoms, test results, and

Symptoms: findings relating to diseases

Ex. Pain, muscle aches, etc.
Signs: findings measurable by healthcare people
Ex. Blood pressure, respiratory rate

Structural Levels of Organization

A= Atom: smallest particle of matter
Ex. Hydrogen Atom
E= Element: chemically pure material that cannot be broken down any further
Ex. Nitrogen, Gold, Silver, Potassium, Phosphorus, Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc.
M= Molecule: group of atoms in a stable configuration
Ex. Water (H2O)
C= Cell: smallest structural and functional unit of LIFE.
Ex. Osteocyte, animal cell, plant cell
T= Tissue: group of cells that work together in a certain function.
Ex. Epithelium, Connective, Muscular, Neural
O= Organs: group of tissues that work together in a certain function.
Ex. Heart, lungs, brain, intestines, stomach, etc.

O= Organ Systems: group of organs that work together in a certain function.

Ex. Digestive, Circulatory, Nervous, Urinary, Reproductive, Respiratory, etc.
O= Organism: single living being
Ex. Me (Humans), animals

22. Silver = Ag
23. Aluminum = Al
24. Arsenic = As
25. Gold = Au
26. Barium = BA
27. Boron = B
28. Bismuth = Bi
29. Bromine = Br
30. Calcium = Ca
31. Carbon = C
32. Chlorine = Cl
33. Chromium = Cr
34. Cobalt = Co

35. Copper = Cu
36. Fluorine = F
37. Iron = Fe
38. Hydrogen = H
39. Helium = He
40. Mercury = Hg
41. Potassium = K
42. Iodine = I
43. Magnesium = Mg
44. Manganese = Mn
45. Nitrogen = N
46. Sodium = NA
47. Oxygen = O

Electron- negative charge
Proton- Positive Charge
Neutron- neutral or no charge
Mass number: 14
Atomic Number:
Mass Number - Atomic Number = Number of Neutrons

48. Phosphorus = P
49. Lead= Pb
50. Platinum = Pt
51. Radium= Ra
52. Radon = Rn
53. Sulfur = S
54. Silicon = Si
55. Selenium = Se
56. Tin = Sn
57. Strontium = Sr
58. Titanium= Ti
59. Zinc = Zn
60. Zirconium = Zr

Rule of Octet: for 2nd orbital and on out, there is an inherent stability to having 8 electrons in the
outermost shell

Identifying Body Parts


Axillary: arm pit

Cephalic: head
Cervical: neck
Digitals: toes
Hallux: big toe
Pollex: thumb
Carpals: wrist
Tarsals: ankle
Antebrachial: front forearm
Brachial: arm
Palmar: palm of hand
Oral: mouth
Stoma: mouth
Nasal: nose
Mental: chin
Frontal: forehead

Pubic: pubis
Femoral: thigh
Patellar: knee cap
Crural: leg
Pedal: foot
Antecubital: front elbow
Cranial: skull
Facial: face
Ocular: eyes
Optic: eyes
Orbital: eyes
Buccal: cheek
Manual: hand
Inguine: groin
Phalanges: fingers


Acromial: shoulder
Dorsal: back
Olecranal: elbow
Lumbar: loin
Gluteal: buttocks
Popliteal: back of knee
Sural: calf or calves
Calcanal: heel of foot
Plantar: sole of foot
Labeling of the Microscope

Skull Parts

Labeling of the Coxal (Hip) Bone

Labeling of Hand

Labeling of Foot

Animal Cell

15 Facts on Muscle

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