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NEUROSENSORY END OF SECTION REVIEW 4. Wisimponant to assess function and allergies to shellch prior to aclient receiving contrast ye Preprocedure instructions fra clint cheduled for an ‘lectrcencephalogram (EEG) would include avoiding holding wT and depressant medications, and Taieprir to procedure 3. One of the earliest indicstors of increased intracranial pressure is @ change in Cushing’ triad ea late sign of increasing intracranial pressure ‘Characterized by with widening pulse pressut), ond |The best postion fora client with intracranial pressure would be withthe head of bed [30 to 45, ith the head positioned This cient should be sutioned as determined by. 5. Seiure precautions would include placing the bed inthe postion side ris, and ensuring that and ‘equipments at bedside. The medication of choiee for acute {The client who has experienced a stoke is at isk for —__. Swategies to prevent this include feeding siowy, placing food on the sid, with the head slightly flexed 7. The client witha spinal cord injury at T6 or above i at rik fora potentially life-threatening condition called sahich i caused by noxious low the lava finjury This cncltion Is cheracterized by sever hypertension. Prot imerventions include elevating the dentiving anc the still and medications as prescribed. '8 tis important to time meals with the administration of medications {usualy given within 4S mip of meals) forthe cient who has to prevent agpirtion "9. Acute glaucoma is considered an optical emergency The lent experiencing this disorder may experience ‘aed vision “Medication to reduce intrapcilr pressure may include plocarpine hydrochloride ( and acetazolamide 10, The client diagnosed with Méniére’s disease should be advised to fllow a low. ‘diet, Duo to the client potentially experiencing vertigo, it isimportant to teach the client precautions “Arawer Key Rarai:2, Cain, mula, washing: 4 Leal of conus, hypertension, badjerd, branes; Elevated, ming, eset 5 Lowest pads, ongen suction, lorazepam (Avan! 8 Agpration wrafected foward 3, Autonet prensa head of be, rernving,ahypetnsie: 8 Myasthenia gr 9. Pan, bared, Ploc Damo: 10, Socum fl WORD BANK Antihypertensive Aspiration ‘Assessment Autonomic dysrofexia Blurred Bradyeard Bredypnea Caffeine Diamox Elevated Fall Forward Head of bed Hypertension| Level of consciousne Lorazepam (Ativan) Lowest Midtine Myasthenia gravis Oxygen Padding Pain Pilocar rence Renal Sodium Stimulant Suction Stimul Unaffected _ Wesing

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