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Surface Facility :

1. Solubility of paraffin in Crude Oil is affected by 3 main parameters are

(Tekanan, temperatur dan komposisi)
2. For the well which have Low GOR and high sand content, What is the suit
separator ?
3. What kind of Glycol that often to use in Dehydration Process ?
4. Tell me, what is the equipment to treat paraffin in mechanical way ?
(pigging atau scrapper)
5. If heavy oil is produced in low temperature then what will be formed ?
6. What is the possible condition that hydrate will be formed ?
(High Pressure, Low Temperatur)
7. Pada analisa kuantitatif air Galvanimetric method biasa digunakan untuk
menentukan kandungan
(ion sulfat)
8. Alat yang dipasang pada bagian outlet separator dan berfungsi untuk
mencegah gas ikut keluar bersama minyak disebut
(vortex breaker)
9. Alumina, silica gel, dan molecular sieve pada kegiatan pengeringan/
dehidrasi gas biasa disebut
(solid desiccants)
10.Nama lain metode pemisahan fluida dengan menggunakan prinsip
gravitasi ?

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