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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]
Answer all questions in this paper
Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined for
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given.
The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

[30 marks]
[Time suggested: 40 minutes]
Question 2
Read the following notice. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

Questions (a) - (j)

Using the information from the notice, complete the following graphic organiser.

Membership application form

should be sent to :

Annual fee



Activities for members only:

Date of the annual



Activities on National Day Gala
Question 3
Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

Questions (a) (d): Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
(a) All participants will be staying in hotels near Kuala Ledang.

_______________ (1 mark)

(b) The cheapest homestay package costs RM10.

_______________ (1 mark)

(c) Participants of the Traditional Life Package will go on a cruise trip.

(d) Participants of the Students Package will get to meet the Orang Asli.

_______________ (1 mark)
_______________ (1 mark)

Questions (e) (i): Read the brochure carefully and answer all the questions below.
(e) Which homestay package has the longest duration of stay?
________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
(1 mark)
(f) Where can the participants buy souvenirs in Kuala Ledang?
(1 mark)

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the brochure.

an act of showing how
something is done

(1 mark)
(1 mark)

(h) Who do you think will be interested to go white-water rafting on the Jelai River?
__. (1 mark)
(i) Why do you think the tourists will like the homestay packages in Kuala Ledang?
___.(1 mark)

(j) You wish to recommend a homestay package in Kuala Ledang to your friend.
In about 50 words, write an email to your friend.
In your email:
state the package that you have chosen
give reasons to support your choice
add other relevant information to make your writing interesting


: ________________________________________________________________________


: ________________________________________________________________________


: ________________________________________________________________________

Dear _______________________,
Your friend,


(10 marks)

[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 20 minutes]
Question 4
Read the article below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

Haze has affected many Southeast Asian countries for many years. It has been known
to be caused by land and forest fires in neighbouring country, Indonesia especially Sumatera
and Kalimantan. The culprits of the forest fires are the farmers and plantation owners who
burn vast amounts of forest in order to clear land for agricultural use.
As a result of the Southeast Asian haze in 1997, ASEAN countries agreed to the creation
of a Regional Haze Action Plan. In 2002, with the exception of Indonesia, all ASEAN countries
signed the Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution but unfortunately haze is still a thorn
in the side even today. Other countries affected by the haze include Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand and Philippines as well. Damages to the affected countries have been estimated to be
in the billions of Ringgit.
The second largest bout of haze in Malaysia occurred in 2006, which was once again caused
by the smoke from fires in Indonesia that have been blown across the Straits of Malacca by
south-westernly winds. In 2013, Malaysia and Singapore both experienced a record high air
pollution level, exceeding an extremely hazardous level of 400 according to the Pollution
Standards Index.
With no end in sight to what many have called the yearly haze, governments of Southeast
Asian nations are pressuring Indonesia to put an end to the yearly burning with the hopes
that action will be taken against the culprits.

(a) How long has haze been affecting Southeast Asian countries?
_[1 mark]
(b) Where does the haze come from?

[1 mark]

(c) Which countries experienced high air pollution levels?

[1 mark]
_ [1 mark]
(d) What did the majority of ASEAN countries have signed for in the year 2002?
__ [1 mark]
(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the article.
(i) a large quantity
(ii) a problem
(iii) constantly reminding
(iv) offenders

Word / Phrase

[4 marks]

(f) Why do farmers and plantation owners set the forests on fire?
[1 mark]
(g) What causes the smoke from Indonesia to spread across the Southeast Asia?
[1 mark]
(h) What are the effects of haze on our health?
(i) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
[1 mark]

(ii) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
[1 mark]
(i) Give two suggestions on how you think we can protect ourselves from haze.
(i) _________________________________________________________________________________________________
[1 mark]
(ii) ________________________________________________________________________________________________
[1 mark]

Question 5
Read the poem carefully. Then, answer questions (a) - (d).
What Is Red ?
Red is a sunset
Blazing and bright.
Red is feeling brave
With all your might.
Red is a sunburn
Spot on your nose.
Sometimes red
Is a red red rose.
Red squiggles out
When you cut your hand.
Red is a brick
And the sound of a band.
Red is hotness
You get inside
When you re embarrassed

And want to hide.

Red is the giantest
Fire-cracker, fire-engine
Colour of all.
Fire-flicker red Red is a show-off,
And when youre angry
No doubt about it Red runs through your head.
But can you imagine
Red is an Indian,
Living without it?
A Valentine heart.
The trimmings on
A circus cart.
Red is a lipstick
Red is a shout
Red is a signal
That says : Watch out!
Red is a great big
Rubber ball.

(a) Give one situation of feeling as mentioned by the persona.


_ [1 mark ]
(b) Name one element of nature that is red in appearance.
_ [ 1 mark ]
(c) What is likely to happen to our nose and our face if we stand under the hot sun for some time?
_ [ 1 mark ]
(d) What is the message that you learned from the poem? Give reason for your answer.
____ [ 2 marks ]

[40 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]
Question 6
You bought a musical box from a gift shop. Later, you found out that the musical box was not
properly. Write a letter to your friend telling him / her what you did to solve the problem.
Unhappy with the product - price did not match quality
Demanded a refund from the seller - told to contact the manufacturer of the
Called and told the person in charge about the problem

When writing out your letter :

You must use the notes given
State a problem of the musical box and how did you solve it

Add other relevant information

Write between 120 - 150 words


Question 7


following is the short story studied in the Literature Component of English Language.
Cheat! by Allan Baillie
on the short story above, write on the character traits of the main character in the
evidence from the short story to support your answer.
Your response should be:
not less than 50 words
in continuous writing form (not note form)


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