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GMOs (Genetically modified organisms)

Focus: Benefices.

Increased resistance
Agriculture More nutritious foods
More productive animals

Crop production on less land


Rehabilitation of degraded soils

Less use of chemicals

Investigation of diseases in plants and animals


Vaccines and drugs

Recognition of allergen genes

Closing: Better health, profits and environment.

GMOs (Genetically modified organisms)

The world is evolving in a much accelerated way which makes us seek new ways to meet the
demands and one of them is food production GMOs. GMOs are genetically modified organisms
such as plants, animals, fungi or bacteria, which have been added by genetic engineering one or a
few genes to produce proteins of industrial interest or enhance certain traits, for example resistance
pests, nutritional quality, frost tolerance, among other features. In the case of agricultural
production, environmental protection, human health, among others. They are used in order to obtain
benefits, considering various reasons to continue using it and innovating implementing it

Agriculture undoubtedly one of the most important activities in humanity has evolved by leaps
and bounds and one of those changes have been GMOs. These crops through genetic manipulation
has been able to provide resistance to external agents such as pests, herbicides, extreme
environmental conditions, among others. It has also been able to develop more nutritious staple
foods by modifying genes in various crops to increase their nutritional properties, basic food staples
such as rice genes that cause the creator of vitamin A. element was introduced addition has been
obtained animals more productive and efficient, as in the case of dairy cattle to helping their milk
yields are higher farm. Thanks to all these benefits received in agriculture we can try to provide
food security to the world.

The GMO's are not only beneficial for agriculture because it indirectly benefits the environment.
The demand for food in the world has done that we have more food production in less soil thanks to
better yields get saving soil to plant more crops. In addition GMO's are a great help for the
rehabilitation of degraded since many soils have become saline due to poor irrigation practices.
Genetic modification could produce salt-tolerant varieties. "They could also improve or modify
some tree species to increase its tolerance to salt and drought" (FAO, 2003). also adds Oklahoma
State University that "the increase in transgenic crops and animals often require fewer chemicals,
time and tools, and this can help reduce environmental pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases and
soil erosion" (Duvauchelle, 2016). All these benefits help with better quality in the environment,
provided a better lifestyle to people.

The benefits for both agriculture and environmental friendliness are favorable, but also the
GMO's provide potential health benefits of living beings. One is investigating diseases through
genetic characterization by means of a technique to identify a specific organism observing their
genetic characteristics. "One of the benefits of this technique is that veterinary staff can determine
whether an animal is carrying certain disease, or if you have been vaccinated, which could prevent
the slaughter of healthy specimens" (FAO, 2003). It has also been provided with vaccines and
medicines that are created by using molecular biology to animals showing good results and further
research and innovating for now proteins, vaccines and various pharmaceutical products herbal are
created. In addition to these, there is also recognition of allergenic genes although "there is concern
about the transfer of allergenic genes, molecular biology could also contribute to characterize and
eliminate allergens genes. Indeed, the incident of the Brazil nut identified the allergenic protein that

the nut contains " (FAO, 2003). All these developments are very useful for the health of living

The progress of genetic modification making strides to provide benefits in agriculture, in caring
for the environment and health of living beings. That's why I think I am in favor of GMO's as an
opportunity to be more efficient in our crops being responsible with the environment. In addition
GMO's they help produce more nutritious foods and in turn will provide a better lifestyle modified
organism (animal or plant). For I think that should give way to the operation GMO's in countries
where it is not allowed to contribute to the development of these countries.

Duvauchelle, J. (2016). Livestrong. Retrieved from
FAO. (2003, March). Retrieved from

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