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100 ml jus jeruk
400 ml air soda warna biru/pepsi blue
60 gr manisan rumput laut, potong-potong
60 gr nata de coco
60 ml sirup leci
1 sdt biji selasih, rendam air dingin, tiriskan
Es batu secukupnya
Cara Membuat:
1. Campur jus jeruk, manisan rumput laut, nata de coco dan biji selasih. Aduk rata.
Dinginkan dalam kulkas.
2. Sesaat sebelum disajikan, tuang pepsi blue dan potongan es batu, aduk rata. 3.
Siapkan gelas saji, masukan punch beserta isinya. Hidangkan segera.
Untuk 3 Porsi

Almost Famous
Mocktail ini bertekstur creamy dengan campuran leci, buah naga,
mixed mint dan cream. Meskipun teksturnya menyerupai milkshake,
tapi minuman ini tidak lantas membuat eneg karena rasa buah leci di
dalamnya masih cukup dominan.

Jus mangga
Jus leci
Jus jambu merah
Buah leci segar
Daun mint
Cara Membuat:
Campurkan semua bahan ke dalam blender, lalu blend
hingga tercampur semuanya. Tuang ke dalam gelas, hias
dengan buah leci dan daun mint. Siap dihidangkan.

Raspberry Orange Smoothie


200 gr raspberry

200 gr jeruk neval

200 ml susu segar

250 ml yoghurt

300 ml madu

200 gr es batu

Cara Membuat:
Masukkan raspberry , jeruk, susu, yoghurt , gula pasir, madu, dan es batu ke dalam blender, lalu proses
sampai semua bahan halus dan tercampur rata.
Tuang hasil blender ke dalam gelas hidang. Sajikan dingin

Scarlatti Lounge mempersembahkan Florence Mocktail

sebagai "Mocktail of the Month" di bulan Mei dan Juni nanti.
Mocktail ini tersaji dalam warna warna yang menarik yang
akan menggugah dahaga Anda untuk segera mencicipinya.
Tiga warna yang dikombinasikan yakni warna hijau dari sirup
melon, warna orange dari fresh orange juice, serta warna
merah dari fresh strawberry juice membuat sajian Florence
Mocktail lebih unik.

Santa Bell

100 gr pisang

50 gr stroberi segar

90 ml susu segar

45 ml madu

50 gr vanilla ice cream


1 btg kayu manis

Christmas Eve

50 gr stroberi segar
2 lbr keju slice

2 sdm sirup grenadine

Cara Membuat:
Masukkan pisang, stroberi, susu segar, madu, dan
vanilla ice cream , lalu proses hingga semua bahan
tercampur rata dan halus.
Tuang hasil blender ke dalam gelas hidang.
Hias dengan kayu manis dan siraman sirup
grenadine . Sajikan dingin


2 bh ceri hijau

2 sdm sirup grenadine

Cara Membuat:

90 ml susu segar

30 gr simple syrup

50 gr es serut

Masukkan stroberi, keju, susu, simple syrup dan

es serut. Proses hingga semua bahan tercampur
rata dan halus.
Tuang hasil blender ke dalam gelas hidang.
Hias dengan ceri hijau dan siraman sirup
grenadine . Sajikan dingin

Hi Guys! Were so excited to have teamed up with Lilly Pulitzer to recreate some of her amazing recipes.
Not only are we recreating them, but were adding our own modern twists! First up we have Lillys
Cranberry-Orange Ginger Ale.yum, right?! Weve taken this classic cranberry-orange combo and pumped
it up by replacing the orange juice with freshly squeezed tangerine juice. Weve also swapped the ginger ale
with cream soda.who doesnt love a nice, thick cream soda? Finally, we incorporated a very subtle
rosemary simple syrup, which helps to cut a bit of the richness in this creamsicle mocktail, it helps the drink
maintain the perfect balance of refreshing and sweet. If you please, you can also add a bit of gin into the mix
for an extra kick. Enjoy!
15 gram teh tubruk
2 cm jahe, memarkan
2 butir cengkeh
1.000 ml air
Bahan Pelengkap:
3 sendok makan madu
1 1/2 sendok makan air jeruk lemon
1 buah lemon iris
Cara membuat:
1. Campur teh, jahe, serai, kapulaga, cengkeh, dan air. Masak sambil diaduk
hingga mendidih. Kecilkan api. Masak lagi hingga 10 menit. Saring.
2. Sajikan bersama pelengkap. (Kn)
Sassy Sparkling Tea Mocktail
1- 16.9 oz bottle of Lipton Diet Green Tea Honey Ginseng
1/4 cup Apple Juice
1/4 cup Sparkling Water (can substitute w/ club soda)

1 Honey Crisp Apple

5-6 Mint sprigs

Rinse 4 mint sprigs and toss into the bottom of a cocktail shaker

Pour bottle of Lipton Diet Green Tea Honey Ginseng into the shaker

Use a muddler to crush mint for about 1-2 mins. Set shaker aside.

Cut Apple in half. One half take core and skin off, and dice. The other, core and slice, they will be
used as garnish.

Fill 2 cups with ice and throw in diced apples into each cup to your liking.

Add Sparkling Water and Apple Juice evenly to each glass.

Pour the mint infused Green tea evenly to each cup, stir with a straw.

Garnish with apple slices and mint. Enjoy!

Banana Pina Colada Mocktail

2 frozen ripe bananas

1 cup pineapple chunks

1 cup pineapple juice

1/2 can coconut milk frozen into cubes

Fresh pineapple wedges for garnish

Add the first 4 ingredients into your blender.
Blend until smooth and creamy.Pour into 4 glasses,
garnish with a fresh pineapple wedge and serve!
Its that simple to create this delicious, Mexican Mocktail
Rinse the blender and place the banana, 2 peeled kiwis,
coconut milk, coconut extract, 1 tsp sugar and ice into it. Blend until it reaches the consistency you enjoy.

A gorgeous layered tropical smoothie


1 cup of strawberries

cup water

cup ice

3 kiwis (one to slice for garnish)

1 frozen banana

1-1/2 cup Coconut Milk

cup coconut extract

1 teaspoon sugar

1 cup ice

1. Wash and hull your strawberries, cut in half and place into blender with sugar, water and cup of
2. Blend until it reaches the consistency you desire. If you prefer to remove the seeds, omit the ice and
strain the blended mixture using a sieve. Then return to the blender and blend with ice.
3. Now pour a small amount into each glass and set aside.
4. Rinse the blender and place the banana, 2 peeled kiwis, coconut milk, coconut extract, sugar and ice
into it.
5. Blend until it reaches the consistency you enjoy.
6. Using a spoon, carefully pour the white layer onto the strawberry layer. If you pour into the middle it
will push up the strawberry layer, creating a neat "bleed" effect which is a cool visual.

7. Garnish with a kiwi slice and serve

Alexander Ingredients
1) Gin or Brandy 1 oz 45 ml
2) Crme de Cacao oz. 22.5 ml
3) Fresh Cream 1 oz 45 ml
Alexander Preparation
1) Shake all ingredients with ice.
2) Strain contents into a cocktail glass.
3) Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve.

Bloody Mary Ingredients

1) Tomato Juice 4 Oz 135 ml
2) Vodka 1 Oz 45 ml
3) 2 ice cubes
4) 1 Celery stick
5) Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Bloody Mary Preparation

1) Build the liquid ingredients in a highball glass over ice cubes.

2) Stir well. Add Worcestershire sauce to taste.
3) Garnish with a celery stick.

Daiquiri Ingredients
1) Lime Juice oz 22.5 ml
2) White Rum 1 oz 45 ml
3) 1 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar
Daiquiri Preparation
1) Pour all ingredients into highball with ice cubes.
2) Stir gently.

Gimlet Ingredients
1) Lime Juice ounce 15 ml
2) Gin 1 ounce 45 ml
3) Splash of Soda
Gimlet Preparation
1) Mix and serve.
2) Garnish with a slice of lime

Gin & Tonic Ingredients

1) Tonic 4 oz 135 ml
2) Gin 1 oz 45 ml
2) 2 Ice Cubes
Gin & Tonic Preparation
1) Fill glass with ice cubes.

2) Add gin and tonic.

Harvey Wallbanger Ingredients

1) Galliano Liqueur oz 15 ml
2) Orange Juice 6 oz 180 ml
3) Vodka 1 oz 30 ml
4) Red Cherry
5) Orange Segment
6) Teaspoon Brown Sugar
7) 3 Ice Cubes
Harvey Wallbanger Preparation
1) Stir the vodka and orange juice with ice in the glass.
2) Float the Galliano on top.
3) Garnish and serve.
Ice Pick Ingredients
1) Ice Tea 10 315 ml
2) Vodka 1 oz. 45 ml
3) Lemon Segment
4) 3 Ice Cubes
Ice Pick Preparation
1) Put vodka in glass fill with iced tea.
2) Stir in lemon to taste.

Joeys Drink Ingredients

1) Tonic 5 oz. 150 ml
2) Stolichnaya Orange Vodka 3 oz. 90 ml

3) 3 Ice Cubes
4) Lime Segment
Joeys Drink Preparation
Mix Tonic and Stolichnaya Orange vodka in a shot glass.

John Collins Ingredients

1) Soda 8 oz. 270 ml
2) Bourbon/Whiskey 1 oz. 45 ml
3) Lemon Juice 1 oz. 30 ml
4) Sugar Syrup oz. 15 ml
5) Red Cherry
6) Orange Segment
7) 3 Ice Cubes
John Collins Preparation
1) Pour the bourbon, lemon juice, and sugar syrup in a glass with ice cubes.
2) Stir thoroughly.
3) Top with club soda.
4) Garnish with orange slice.

Long Island Ingredients

1) Splash of Cola
2) Sweet/Sour Mix 1 oz. 45 ml
3) Triple Sec 1 oz. 30 ml
4) Gin 1 oz. 30 ml
5) White Rum 1 oz. 30 ml
6) Tequila 1 oz. 30 ml
7) Vodka 1 oz. 30 ml
Long Island Ice Tea Preparation
1) Mix ingredients in glass over ice.
2) Stir.

3) Garnish and serve.

Margarita Ingredients
1) Lime Juice 2 oz. 60 ml
2) Triple Sec 1 oz. 30 ml
3) Tequila 2 oz. 60 ml
4) Salt Glass Rim
5) 2 Crushed Ice Cubes
6) Lime Segment
Margarita Preparation
1) Rub the rim of the glass with the lime slice to make the salt stick to it.
2) Shake the other ingredients with ice
3) Carefully pour into the glass (taking care not to dislodge any salt).
4) Garnish and serve over ice.
Mint Julep Ingredients
1) Water 10 oz. 300 ml
2) Bourbon/Whiskey 2 oz. 60 ml
3) 4 Mint Leaf
4) Teaspoon Brown Sugar
5) 4 Crushed Ice Cubes
Mint Julep Preparation

Put mint, sugar, and a small amount of bourbon into the bottom of a mixing glass.
Gently muddle the mint and sugar, then
Let the drink stand for a bit to allow the leaves to release their flavor.
Strain and pour into a julep cup (or similar vessel), rotating to coat the sides.
Add the rest of the bourbon whiskey.

Pina Colada Ingredients

1) Pineapple Juice 2 oz. 60 ml
2) White Rum 1 oz. 30 ml
3) Coconut Crme 2 oz. 60 ml
4) 1 Red Cherry
5) 1 Teaspoon Brown Sugar
6) 1 Pineapple Chunk
Pina Colada Preparation
1) Mix with crushed ice until smooth.
2) Pour into chilled glass.
3) Garnish and serve.

Pousse Caf Ingredients

1) Brandy 1/6 oz. 5 ml
2) Green Chartreuse 1/6 oz. 5 ml
3) White Crme de Menthe 1/6 oz. 5 ml
4) Crme de Yvette 1/6 oz. 5 ml
5) Yellow Chartreuse 1/6 oz. 5 ml
6) Grenadine -1/6 oz. 5 ml
Pousse Caf Preparation
Pour the ingredients carefully into a glass in the order listed to keep the colored layers separate.
Rum & Cola Ingredients
1) Cola 10 oz. 315 ml
2) White Rum 1 oz. 45 ml
3) Lime Segment
4) 3 Ice Cubes
Rum & Cola Preparation
1) Pour the rum in a highball glass filled with ice.
2) Top with cola.
3) Garnish with a lime segment.
Screwdriver Ingredients

1) Orange Juice 4 135 ml

2) Vodka 1 oz. 45 ml
3) 2 Ice Cubes
Screwdriver Preparation
Mix in a highball glass with ice.

Stars & Stripes Ingredients

1) Fresh Cream 1/3 oz. 10 ml
2) Crme de Yvette 1/3 oz. 10 ml

3) Grenadine 1/3 oz. 10 ml

Stars & Stripes Preparation
1) Layer this drink in a chilled shot glass.
2) Using a cold spoon, carefully pour the ingredients over the back of the spoon into the shot glass.

Tequila Sunrise Ingredients

1) Orange Juice 9 oz. 270 ml
2) Grenadine oz. 22.5
3) Tequila 1 oz. 45 ml
4) 1 Green olive with red center
Tequila Sunrise Preparation
1) Pour the tequila and orange juice into glass over ice.
2) Add the grenadine, which will sink to the bottom.
3) Do not stir.
4) Garnish and serve.

White Russian Ingredients

1) Fresh Cream 1 oz. 30 ml
2) Kahlua 1 oz. 30 ml
3) Vodka 3 oz. 90 ml
4) 2 Ice Cubes
White Russian Preparation
1) Pour coffee liqueur and vodka into a glass filled with ice.
2) Float fresh cream on top and stir slowly.

Zombie Ingredients
1) De Merara Rum oz. 15 ml
2) Passion Fruit Juice 1 oz. 30 ml
3) Pineapple Juice 1 oz. 30 ml
4) Vodka 1 oz. 30 ml
5) Orange Juice 1 oz. 30 ml
6) Apricot Brandy 15 ml
7) White Rum 2 75 ml
6) Jamaica Rum 1 oz. 30 ml
Zombie Preparation
1) Blend all ingredients with ice rum.
2) Pour into glass.
3) Float rum on top.
4) Garnish with a fruit slice.

Strawberry Mint Julep Recipe


2 teaspoons simple syrup

3 large strawberries, hulled

8 mint leaves, torn by hand

2-1 ounce shots bourbon whisky (Maker's Mark, for example)

1 cup crushed ice

mint sprig, for garnish

strawberry, cut in half length-wise (keep stem on)


Place simple syrup in a rocks glass.

Add the strawberries and muddle until the strawberries look pureed.

Add the 8 torn mint leaves and gently continue to muddle until leaves are bruised.
Don't overwork the mint.

Add the bourbon and fill the glass halfway with crushed ice. Stir to combine.

Fill the rest of the glass with crushed ice, and stir until glass is frosty. Add more ice if
needed to fill glass.

Garnish with mint sprig and strawberry. Serve with a short cocktail straw.

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