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Universidad Pedaggica Nacional

Facultad de Bellas Artes

Licenciatura en Artes Visuales
English II
Karen Alexandra Rivera Ordoez
Cd: 2014172035

- Reading comprehension1. Unknown words.
Renaissance: renacimiento.
Fences: valla/cerca.
Far too often: con demasiada frecuencia
Descendants: descendientes.
Weekend country estate destination: finca de Keene eye: buen ojo
destino de fin de semana
Brick enclaves: enclaves de ladrillo.
Start-ups: nuevas empresas.
Horse-driven carts: carros tirados por caballos.
Evolved: evolucion.
Potters: alfareros.
Amusement: diversin
Row boats: botes de remos.
Upper class: clase alta.
Eastern: oriental.
Reprieve: respiro/Alivio.
Breeding: sembrar/cultivo.
Lavish: lujoso
As well as: tanto como.
Rising real estate prices: el aumento de los precios
de bienes raices.

Affordable: asequible
Thoroughfare: va pblica.
Vantage: mirador.
Even though: aunque/a pesar de que.
Witnessed: presenciado
Cash-liquid: dinero en efectivo.
Trendy: de moda.
Average: promedio.
Scarcity: escacez.
Space Crunch: falta de espacio.
Advantage: ventaja.
Sweeping: barrido.

Ring road: perifrico.

Sparking: precipitar.
Overhaul: revisin.
Bucks: dlares.
Prime development land : tierra principal de

Graceful: agraciado.
Gaining wings: ganando alas
Gentrification: aburguesamiento.
Worth: valor.
Drying up: secarse/secandose

Land scarce: escasez de tierra.

Brownfield: zonas baldas/solares

Outdated buildings: edificios obsoletos.

Within: dentro de .

Upgrades: mejoramiento, reformas,

Renewal: renovacin.
Two-bed apartment: apartamento de dos
Real estate: bienes races.

Likely: probable.
Expat: expatriados.
Underway: curso.
First time: primera vez

Lead: conducir.
Broader view: visin ms amplia.
Seeking: la bsqueda.

Against change: contra el cambio.

Well-travelled: muy transitada.
Looked out: mirado hacia afuera

2. Questions:
2.1 Who were Chapineros first inhabitants?
The uppers class- who came from Teusaquillo-started to build homes in this area
inspired by European architectural styles.
2.2 Who are today Chapineros inhabitants?
Today, Chapinero isnt the appropriate site to live because this area is occupied
now by universities, shops, supermarkets, financial entities, restaurants and bars.
The people doesnt like the noise and the disorder and the preferred area to live
is Chapinero Alto but the kind of people who live in this area belong to upper
classes because and the prices are high.
2.3 Why is Chapinero compared to Brooklyn?
Because the Brooklyn structure is similar to Chapinero. In Brooklyn, the
commerce, the financial entities, the places for art, the bars, the parks, are near
to the houses. In other words, the city is mixed with the typical places of a big
city and this kind of organization is comfortable for the habitants.
2.4 What does gentrification mean? How does it work in Chapinero?
Gentrification refers to part of the society who has higher incomes and it let
them buy expensive places and to create a business. In Chapinero, the
gentrification is reflected in Chapinero Alto and the Zona G because this area
is crowded by people with these characteristics. It doesnt mean than a person
with limited incomes couldnt transit by this area, but the prices are higher than
2.5 Why does the author talk about a second renaissance?
Because Chapinero had its first renaissance when the houses which belonged to
upper classes were remodeled to create other spaces related to provide services
and customer service. Unfortunately, the area became insecure and disorderly.
The second renaissance refers to changes respect to the spaces and its purpose,
reorganization and security checks to upgrade the perception of this area.

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