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Geometry Unit 1 BINGO!!

Use this to study for your test next period!! Redo problems and check your solutions (on edline)
Angle Addition and Angle Bisectors (bisector splits an angle directly in half)
1. [level 1] Look at the figure at the right. If

2. [level 2] Look at the

RA bisects GRM , what is mGRM ?

figure below. If

RG bisects SRA and

m ARS=136

Items 3 and 4: Refer to

3. [level 1] If AE

, what is

mGRM ?

the figure to the right.


CAP , mCAE=(4 x )o and

mCAP=( 3 x+ 80 )o , what is mCAE

4. [level 2] If

AE bisects CAP , m CAE=( 2 x 2+ 15 )o and m EAP=( 3 x 22 x )o , what

mCAP ? Note: Figure is not drawn to scale.

Items 5 and 6 refer to the figure at the right.

5. [level 1] If


, determine

m2= _______

6. [level 2] If


m 4= _______

m 3=( 2 x )0m2=( 3 x +5 )o , what is m 4 ?

Circles and Arc Length

7. [level 1] Look at circle M with diameter


at the right.

mCMR=63 , what is m CRB

8. [level 2] In the figure at the right,

a. What is

m IC

b. What is

m RSI ?


ESC is a right angle and m ^

9. [level 1] If O is the midpoint of

, DO = 3x + 9 and OG = 5x 1, what is the value of x?

10. [level 2] If A is the midpoint of

, AC = x2 + 4x + 30 and TA = 42, what is the positive value of x? Hint:


Distances on a Number Line

11. [level 1] Points W, X, Y, and Z lie on a number line in alphabetical order. If W has coordinate -5.1, Z has
coordinate 4, WX = 2, and YZ = 2.3, what is XY?

12. [level 1] On a number line, points A, B, and C are collinear with point B between A and C. Point C is located
at 10, point A is located at 2, and AB is as long as BC. Where is point B located?
13. [level 2] On a number line, points D, E, and F are collinear with point E between points D and F. Point D is
located at -4, F is located at 18, and DE is

Parallel Lines and Corresponding Angles


as long as DF. Where is point E located?

Items 7 and 8 refer to the figure to the right.

14. [level 1] If

n mm 4=33o , what is m 7 ?

15. [level 2] If lines n and m are parallel,

m 4=( 2 x +16 )

, and

m8=( 11 x4.5 )o , what is m 1 ?

16. Look at the figure at the right. (not on bingo board)

a. [level 1] Which line(s) is the transversal?
b. [level 1] Which lines, if any, are perpendicular?
c. [level 2] Which lines, if any, are parallel?
Slopes and Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
17. [level 1] What is the slope of a line that is parallel to the line

y= x
5 ?

18. [level 1] What is the slope of a line that is parallel to the line that contains the points (4, 2) and (-3, 8)?

19. [level 1] What is the slope of any line perpendicular to the graph of y = -7x 3?
20. [level 2]
a. Line k passes through the point (5, 7). Line r passes through the points (4, 2) and (-3, 8) and is
perpendicular to line k. Write an equation that describes line k.

b. Write an equation for the line that passes through the point (0, 9) and is parallel to the graph of 8x
3y = 15.

Polygons Convex vs Concave (not on bingo board)

a. Draw a convex hexagon.

b. Draw a concave heptagon.

Names and Notation

22. Circle all the correct ways to name the following line. Find the number of correct names on your bingo






Triangle Inequality
23. [level 2] Points C, D, and E are not collinear, CD = 11, CE = 5, and DE = x. Which of the following could be
true? Circle all that apply. Find the number of correct x-values on your bingo board.


x = 11


x = 16

x = 8.2

x = 6.1
x = 15.8



24. [level 1] If two angles ( 12 ) are supplementary and congruent, what are their measures?



As you solve each question, look for the answer on your BINGO board!
You get a sticker for your first 4 bingos.
If you complete every problem (showing your work), filling in your entire board, you get a HW PASS!!

Item #: ___________

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Item #: ___________

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Item #: ___________

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