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Food Trivia

Sweet Potato

The sweet potato , is the 16th principal world food crop, and approximately 90 percent
of the worlds crop is grown in Asia. Despite a physical similarity and a frequent confusion
with their names, yams and sweet potatoes are not even distantly related .They are in two
different botanical families.
Yams are actually related to grasses and lilies .African slaves in South called the
sweet potato nyami because it reminded them of starchy, edible tuber of that name
that grew in their homeland .The Senegalese word Nyami was eventually shortened to the
word yam .
-How many percent of sweet potato approximately in the world ?
Answer: 90 percent of sweet potato
-Why the African slaves called sweet potato?
Answer: Because it reminds them of starchy, edible tuber of that name that grew in their
-My skin can range from thin and pale to dark and thick, I have an oblong body with tapered

Krystle T. Monton
Maam Beverely A. Binaldo

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