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El pretrito se utiliza para hablar sobre acciones que comenzaron y terminaron

en un momento concreto o definido del pasado.
Para formar el pretrito con verbos regulares, aada -ed a la forma verbal.
Para verbos que terminan en e, agregue una -d. Para verbos de una slaba
que terminan con una vocal ms una consonante, doble la consonante y aada
-ed. Para verbos que terminan con una consonante ms -y, cambien la y
por la i y aada -ed.
Muchos verbos tienen formas de pretrito irregulares. Tres verbos irregulares
comunes son be, come y go. El verbo be tiene dos formas de pretrito,
dependiendo del sujeto. Todos los dems verbos slo tienen una forma de
Observe las formas de pretrito irregular de estos verbos.
Par formular declaraciones negativas en pretrito, utilice did not o didnt
ms la forma verbal. La forma negativa en pretrito es la misma para los verbos
regulares que para los verbos irregulares.
Puede utilizar el pretrito con palabras o frases de tiempo. Algunas de esta
palabras son last____________, yesterday the day before yesterday y
1- I worked so late last night that it was difficult to get up this morning.
2- Yesterday John us that he was getting married, so we were very happy
for him.
3- I moved a lot of boxes to my new apartment the day before yesterday,
but I didnt have time to continue moving yesterday.
4- I spoke to my friend from France on the telephone two hours ago.
5- Sally tried to call Burt last night, but he wasnt home.
6- Excuse me, I think you dropped
- Alice; Oh, no, is it 8:00? I wanted to be home at 5:00
- John: That was three hours ago. You should go home now.
- Mary: Im so happy its August and I can take a vacation. Did you go on
vacation this summer?
- Bill: I took my vacation last month. In July.
- Hennry: Today is Monday, were back at work, and the weather is nice.
But we didnt have good weather on Sunday,
- Glen: Youre right. It rained all day. The weather was very bad
- Marge: Did you get movie tickets that I asked for two days ago?
- Sally: Yes, I bought the tickets the day before yesterday. I forgot they
were in my purse for the last two days.

Our arrival in Hong Kong was right on time.
Nuestra llegada a Hong Kong fue a tiempo.
Please listen to the safety instructions given by the flight attendant.
Por favor, escuche las instrucciones de seguridad que da el asistente de
Before we get on the plane, we have to wait at the gate.
Antes de subir al avin tenemos que esperar en la puerta de embarque.
This flight is full. There are many passengers on the plane.
Este avin est lleno. Hay muchos pasajeros en el avin.
Please take you seats so we can have an on-time departure to Los
Por favor, ocupen sus asientos para que podamos salir a tiempo a Los
Here are all of the documents for Susans visa.
Aqu estn todos los documentos para el visado de Susan.
Before he went to customs, Andy got his bags at baggage claim.
Antes de pasar por aduanas, Andy recogi sus maletas en la zona de
recogida de equipaje.
Your must show your passport at immigration when you enter a country.
Cuando entre en un pas, debe mostrar su pasaporte en inmigracin.
I dont see our flight on the schedule display anymore. I hope it isnt
canceled! If it is, well have to find another flight
No veo nuestro vuelo en el marcador. Espero que no se haya cancelado.
De ser as, tendremos que buscar otro vuelo.
Dont bring your computer on vacation. The purpose of this trip is to relax,
not to work.
No traiga su ordenador en vacaciones. El propsito de este viaje es
relajarse, no trabajar.

Jay: Im so glad you came to visit me. How was your flight?
Molly: It was terrible. The little boy behind me kicked my seat the whole
Jay: Oh, Im sorry. Well, at least youre here.
En el restaurante
Cuando no est seguro de qu pedir en un restaurante, puede utilizar la
expresin What do you recommend? Si desea ms informacin sobre la
comida, como por ejemplo qu ingredientes contiene un plato, puede utilizar
la expresin Whats in the? Esta expresin viene seguida de una frase
Cuando est preparado para pedir comida en un restaurante, utilice las
expresiones Id like o Ill have Utilice la expresin Can I change that to
? Cuando desee cambiar su pedido o parte del mismo. Estas epxresiones
vienen seguidas de una frase nominal.
Cuando haya terminado de comer y quiera pagar, puede utilizar la expresin
Could I have the check, please? Despus de recibir la cuenta, diga Is the
tip included? Para preguntar si el restaurante ya ha aadido la propina en
la cuenta. Utilice Do you take credit cards? Para preguntar si el
restaurante le permite pagar con tarjetas de crdito.
1. Waiter: Good afternoon, madam. Are you ready to order?
Ms. Vargo: I cant decide between the chicken special and the hamburguer.
What do you recommend?
2. Waiter: I recommend the chicken special. Everyone really seems to like it.
Ms. Vargo: Could you tell me whats in the special? I cant eat dairy
3. Waiter: Im sorry, the chicken special has cheese in it. Do you need more
time to decide?
Ms. Vargo: No, Im ready to order. Ill have the hamburger.
4. Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Ms. Vargo: Yes, Id like apple juize. No, wait. Can I change that to tomato
Waiter: Yes, of course.

5. Waiter: Im glad you enjoyed your lunch, madam. Would you like
Ms. Vargo: No, thank you. I have to go back to work now.
Could I have the check, please?
6. Waiter: Here is your check, madam.
Ms. Vargo: Is the tip included?
7. Waiter: No, it isnt, madam.
Ms. Vargo: I forgot to bring cash. Do you take credits cards?
After you check in to the hotel and put your luggage in your room, come
and relax at our friendly bar and caf. Before your meal, start with one of our
many appetizers. Theyre just the small amount you need to satisfy your
hunger until your diner comes. We recommend the spicy chicken wings- a
little fire in each bite. But, if you like mild food without the fire, try the
vegetable wrap-ups. You can get a single appetizer order for yourself or a
double order to share with a friend. If you dont have time to sit down and eat
at the cafe, you can order your food to go and take it with you.
Check in: registrarse
Appetizers: entrants
Spicy: picantes
Mild: suave
Single: sola
Double: doble
To go: para llevar.
At this fine restaurant, you can choose from a large selection of specials.
These change daily, so theres always a new surprise on the menu. After you
finish a nice appetizer, you are ready for the biggest and most important part
of the meal, the main course.
Try our famous seafood platter. The ingredients in the seafood platter
shrimp, crab, lobster, and salad greensare perfectly fresh and delicious. If
you cant eat dairy product, order our special meals without milk, cheese, or
stopping by the front desk for reservations.

Ask to add your bar, cafe and restaurant charges to your hotel bill. This will
allow you to wait and pay for everything when you are ready to check out
and travel home.
Specials: especiales
Main course: Segundo plato
front desk: recepcin
check out: regresar.

Puede utilizar will + verbo o be going to + verbo para hablar sobre cosas que cree que
pasarn en el futuro. Observe que la forma verbal sigue a cada uno de estos verbos.
Utilice be going to + verbo cuando hable sobre planes que ya haya hecho para el futuro.
Tambin puede utilizar el presente continuo (be + V-ing).
Utilice will + verbo para hacer una oferta o promesa, o para indicar que alguien est
dispuesto a hacer algo. Se utiliza para acciones futuras que no haya planeado. En ingls
hablado y en ingls escrito informal, los angloparlantes a menudo
abrevian will a 'll despus de sujetos pronominales.
Para hablar sobre cosas que cree que ocurrirn en el futuro, utilice will not + verbo
o be + not + going to + verbo. En ingls hablado y en ingls escrito informal, los
angloparlantes a menudo abrevian will not a won't.
Ahora, practique la gramtica que ha aprendido. Pase a los ejercicios siguientes.

Complete cada oracin con el tiempo futuro correcto del verbo entre parntesis.
1. (happen)

I never worry about the future. I think good things

2. (visit)

Next weekend, Consuela is

her mother in Boston.

in the next ten

3. (not / be)

Everyone wants to see this movie. Let's not be late, or there

seats left.
4. (take)

Sergei has a car. Maybe he

you to the airport.

5. (win)

Monica is our best swimmer. I think she

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the race tomorrow.


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