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Diagram 1 shows an experiment to investigate the movement of bromine particles

in air.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji pergerakan zarah-zarah bromin di


Gas jar


Balang gas


Brown bromine vapour

Wap perang bromin

Diagram 1

State your observation when the cover is removed.

Nyatakan pemerhatian anda apabila penutup dikeluarkan.

[1 mark]

State the name of the process involved in this experiment.

Nyatakan nama proses yang terlibat dalam eksperimen ini.

[1 mark]

Explain the observation in this experiment based on the kinetic theory of matter.
Terangkan pemerhatian dalam eksperimen ini berdasarkan teori kinetik jirim.

[3 marks]

Solid Q has melting point of 85 oC and boiling point of 150 oC. A boiling tube
containing solid Q is heated at room temperature until 180 oC.
Pepejal Q mempunyai takat lebur pada 85 oC dan takat didih pada 150 oC. Sebuah
tabung didih yang mengandungi pepejal Q dipanaskan pada suhu bilik sehingga 180 oC.


Sketch a graph of temperature against time during the heating of solid Q.

Lakarkan satu graf suhu melawan masa bagi pemanasan pepejal Q tersebut.

[2 marks]

Draw the arrangement of particles of substance Q at 50 oC.

Lukiskan susunan zarah-zarah bahan Q pada 50 oC.

[1 mark]

Can water bath be used to determine the melting point of solid Q?

Explain your answer.
Adakah kukus air boleh digunakan untuk menentukan takat lebur pepejal Q?
Jelaskan jawapan anda.

[2 marks]


Empirical formula of metal X oxide can be determined by using the setup of apparatus
as below.

Retort stand
Test tube


Substance Q

100 cm3 of 2.0 mol

dm-3 of hydrochloric
zinc powder

metal X oxide
in asbestos

U Tube

State the name of substance Q and the function of that substance.

Nyatakan nama bahan Q serta nyatakan fungsinya.

[ 2 marks ]

The chemical in the conical flask is used to prepare hydrogen gas. Write a
balance chemical equation for this reaction.
Bahan didalam kelalang kon digunakan untuk menyediakan gas hidrogen. Tuliskan
persamaan tindak balas yang seimbang.

[ 2 marks ]

State one suitable metal oxide that can be used in this apparatus.
Nyatakan satu logam oksida yang sesuai untuk digunakan didalam eksperimen ini.

[ 1 mark ]

The gas emitted at point A is tested whether it is pure or not. Why did we do this
Gas yang dihasilkan di hujung A diuji samada tulen atau tidak. Mengapakah prosedur ini

[ 1 mark ]


To get an accurate result, all metal x oxide must be completely react with
hydrogen gas. State the procedure to ensure the complete reaction.
Untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang tepat, semua oksida logam perlu ditindak balaskan
dengan lengkap. Nyatakan bagaimana untuk memastikan tindak balas adalah lengkap.

[ 1 mark ]

The burning of metal x oxide produced the reading as below.

mass of test tube + asbestos

/ gram

Mass of test tube + asbestos + metal X oxide

Mass od test tube + asbestos + X

/ gram



[ Molar mass : X = 64; O = 16 ]

Calculate the empirical formula of metal X oxide.
[ 3 marks ]


Figure below shows the 4 elements from the periodic table. The symbol does not show
the actual symbol of the elements.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan 4 unsur dari Jadual Berkala. Simbol tidak menunjukkan symbol sebenar unsur






Write the electron arrangement of atom of element P.

Tuliskan susunan electron untuk atom unsur P.


[ 1 mark ]
State the position of element P in the periodic table
Nyatakan kedudukan unsur P di dalam Jadual Berkala


[ 2 marks ]
Explain your answer in (a) (ii)
Terangkan jawapan anda di (a) (ii)

[ 1 mark ]


Q atom lose electron to produced an ion. Write the electron arrangement of

Q ion.
Atom Q hilang electron untuk menghasilkan ion. Tuliskan susunan electron untuk ion Q.

[ 1 mark ]

Draw the electron arrangement structure of Q ion.

Lukiskan struktur susunan electron untuk ion Q.

[ 2 marks ]

(iii) Write the half equation for the formation of Q2+ ion from Q atom.
Tuliskan setengah persamaan tindak balas untuk pembentukkan ion Q2+ dari atom Q.

[ 1 mark ]


Which atoms display the characteristic for isotope? Explain why.

Atom yang manakah menunjukkan sifat isotope? Terangkan mengapa.

[ 2 marks ]


State the chemical bond formed between Q and S.

Nyatakan ikatan kimia yang terbentuk di antara Q dan S.

[ 1 mark ]

Draw the electron arrangement structure of this compound.

Lukiskan struktur susunan electron untuk sebatian ini.

[ 2 marks ]



State the chemical bond formed between P and S.

Nyatakan ikatan kimia yan terbentuk di antara P dan S.

[ 1 mark ]

Draw the electron arrangement structure of this compound.

Lukiskan struktur susunan electron untuk sebatian ini.

[ 2 marks ]

4 Two experiments were carried out to investigate factors that affect the rate of reaction.
Table 5 shows the result of each experiment.
Dua eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar suatu tindak balas. Jadual 5
menunjukkan keputusan setiap eksperimen




Bahan tindak balas

Total volume of gas

collected at
2 minutes (cm3)
Jumlah isi padu gas yang
dikumpulkan dalam 2 minit (cm3)

Excess zinc powder + 20 cm3

0.1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid
Serbuk zink berlebihan +
0.1 mol dm-3 asid sulfurik


20 cm3 of

Excess zinc granules + 20 cm3

of 0.1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid
Ketulan zink berlebihan +
0.1 mol dm-3 asid sulfurik

20 cm3 of



Table 5

Draw a diagram of the set-up of apparatus to carry out this experiment.

Lukis gambar rajah untuk menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan dalam eksperimen ini.

[2 marks]


Write the chemical equation for the reaction between zinc and sulphuric acid.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara zink dan asid sulfurik.

[ 2 marks ]


Calculate the average rate of the reaction for the first two minutes of
experiment I and experiment II in cm3 s-1.
Hitung kadar tindak balas purata bagi dua minit pertama untuk eksperimen I dan eksperimen II dalam

Experiment I

Experiment II

[ 2 marks ]

Calculate the maximum volume of gas produced in experiment II.

[1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm3 at room condition]
Hitungkan isipadu maksimum gas yang dibebaskan dalam eksperimen II.

[ 4 marks]


State other factors that can affect the rate of reaction in this experiment.
Nyatakan factor yang lain yang boleh mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas di dalam tindak balas ini.

[1 mark]

Compare the rate of reaction between experiment I and experiment II.

Explain why there is a difference in the rate of reaction based on the
collision theory.
Bandingkan kadar tindak balas antara eksperimen I dan II. Dengan menggunakan teori
perlanggaran, terangkan perbezaan dalam kadar tindak balas bagi eksperimen ini.

[ 4 marks ]

5. Table 5 shows the molecular formulae of four compounds .

Jadual 5 menunjukkan formula molekul bagi empat sebatian.


Molecular Formula


Formula Molekul


Table 5

(a) Name the homologous series for these compounds.

Namakan siri homolog bagi sebatian-sebatian ini.


P : .................................................................................................................
Sebatian P

Q : ................................................................................................................
Sebatian Q

[ 2 marks ]

What is the general formula for the homologous series of compound R?

Apakah formula am bagi siri homolog sebatian R?

[ 1 mark ]

Compound R can be converted to compound P through a chemical

process. State the name of the chemical process.
Sebatian R boleh ditukarkan kepada sebatian P melalui suatu proses kimia. Nyatakan nama
proses kimia tersebut.

[ 1 mark ]

Draw the set-up of apparatus for the conversion of compound R to

compound P.
Lukiskan susunan radas bagi penukaran sebatian R kepada sebatian P


[ 2 marks]

Compounds P and Q can undergo complete combustion to form gas X and water.
Sebatian P dan Q boleh mengalami pembakaran lengkap untuk menghasilkan gas X dan air.


Name gas X.
Namakan gas X.

[ 1 mark ]

Write a balanced chemical equation when compound P or Q reacts with

excess oxygen.
Tulis persamaan kimia yang seimbang apabila sebatian P atau Q bertindak balas dengan

[ 1 mark ]

State one observation when magnesium powder is added to compound S.

Nyatakan satu pemerhatian apabila serbuk magnesium ditambah kepada sebatian S

[ 1 mark]

Compound R reacts with compound S to produce compound T which has a sweet

Name and draw the structural formula of compound T.
Sebatian R bertindak balas dengan sebatian S untuk menghasilkan sebatian T yang berbau harum.
Namakan dan lukiskan formula struktur sebatian T.

[ 2 marks ]



Diagram 6 shows the formation of compound X from glucose and its conversion to
several other carbon compounds.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan penghasilan sebatian X dan perubahannya kepada sebatian karbon lain.

Process I/

Proses I

Process II/
Proses II

Compound X/
Sebatian X


Compound Y/
Sebatian Y


Process III/

Process IV/

Proses III

Proses IV

Ethyl propanoate/

Compound Z/Bahan Z

Etil propanoat

Diagram 6

Process I involves the use of yeast. Name Process I.

Proses I melibatkan penggunaan yis. Namakan Proses I.

[1 mark]
(b) Draw and name the structural formula of compound X.
Namakan dan lukis formula struktur sebatian X.

[ 2 marks]
Compound Y is formed when the vapour of compound X is passed over heated
porcelain chips in Process II.
Sebatian Y terbentuk apabila wap sebatian X dialirkan melalui serpihan proselin yang panas dalam
Proses II.

(i) Write the general formula for the homologous series of compound Y.
Tuliskan formula am bagi siri homolog untuk sebatian Y.

[1 mark]

Suggest a chemical test to identify compound Y.

Cadangkan satu ujian kimia untuk mengenalpasti sebatian Y



[2 marks]
Compound Z liberates carbon dioxide gas when calcium carbonate is added to it.
Sebatian Z membebaskan gas karbon dioksida apabila kalsium karbonat
dicampur kepadanya.

(i) Name the functional group of compound Z.

Namakan kumpulan berfungsi sebatian Z..

[1 mark]
(ii) Write a chemical equation for the conversion reaction in Process III.
Tuliskan persamaan seimbang tindak balas yang berlaku dalam Proses III

[1 mark]
Name a reagent that is suitable to be used in Process III.
Namakan suatu reagen yang sesuai untuk digunakan dalam Proses III.

[1 mark]
(e) Describe briefly the method of preparing ethyl propanoate from compound X in the
Terangkan secara ringkas kaedah penyediaan etil propanoat dari sebatian X dalam makmal.

[2 marks]



Diagram 6.1 show a set of experiment to study a redox reaction.

Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan satu set eksperimen untuk mengkaji suatu tindak balas redoks.

Bromine water
Air bromin

Iron(II) sulphate solution

Larutan ferum(II) sulfat
Diagram / Rajah 6.1


State the observation for the experiment.

Nyatakan pemerhatian bagi eksperimen itu.
[1 mark]
Which substance that undergo reduction reaction.
Manakah bahan yang mengalami tindak balas penurunan
[1 mark]


Write the ionic equation for the oxidation reaction.

Tuliskan persamaan ion bagi tindak balas pengoksidaan.
[2 marks]


State the change in oxidation number for bromine water.

Nyatakan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bagi air bromin.
[1 mark]


If the bromine water is replaced by magnesium ribbon, state the colour changes to
the iron(II) sulphate solution.
Jika air bromin diganti dengan pita magnesium, nyatakan perubahan warna
kepada larutan ferum(II) sulfat.
[1 mark]



An experiment is carried out to determine the position of metal P, Q and copper in the
Reactivity Series.
Table 6.2 shows the results of experiment when the mixture of powder and oxide powder
is heated.
Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk menentukan kedudukan logam P, Q dan kuprum
dalam Siri Kereaktifan.
Jadual 6.2 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen bila campuran serbuk logam dan oksida
logam dipanaskan.




P + copper (II) oxide

P + kuprum (II) oksida

Q + copper (II) oxide

Q + kuprum(II)

P + oxide Q
P + oksida Q


Black powder turn to

Serbuk hitam bertukar
ke perang

Black powder turn to

Serbuk hitam bertukar
ke perang

No changes
Tiada perubahan

Table / Jadual 6.2


Based on the results in Table 6.2, arranged the metal P, Q, R and copper in order of
increasing reactivity towards oxygen.
Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 6.2, susun logam P, Q, R dan kuprum
mengikut susunan kereaktifan menaik terhadap oksigen.
[1 mark]


Explain your answer in (b) (i).

Terangkan jawapan anda di (b) (i).
[2 marks]


Draw the set-up of apparatus in Experiment II.

Lukiskan susunan radas dalam Eksperimen II.


[2 marks]


Diagram 5 shows a series of changes on alcohol J with a molecular formula C3H8O.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan siri penukaran alkohol J dengan formula molekul C3H8O.

Carbon dioxide and water

Karbon dioksida dan air


Alcohol J


Alkohol J


Propanoic acid


Asid propanoik





Concentrated sulphuric acid

Asid sulfurik pekat

Compound Y
Sebatian Y

Diagram 5
(a) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in process I.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia di dalam proses I.

[1 mark]
(b) Alcohol J can be converted into propanoic acid through process II.
Alkohol J boleh ditukarkan kepada asid propanoik melalui proses II.

(i) State the name of process II.

Nyatakan nama proses II.

[1 mark]
(ii) Describe briefly the method to prepare propanoic acid from alcohol J.
Huraikan secara ringkas kaedah menyediakan asid propanoik dari alkohol J.



[2 marks]
(iii) Draw the structural formula for all the isomers of alcohol J.
Lukiskan formula struktur semua isomer bagi alkohol J .

[2 marks]
(c) Compound Y is produced from the reaction between alcohol J and propanoic acid
through process III.
Sebatian Y dihasilkan dari tindak balas antara alkohol J dan asid propanoik melalui proses III.

(i) State the name of compound Y.

Nyatakan nama bagi sebatian Y.

[1 mark]
(ii) State a special characteristic for compound Y.
Nyatakan sifat istimewa bagi sebatian Y.

[1 mark]
(d) Propene can be converted to propane by the hydrogenation process.
Desribe briefly one chemical test to differentiate between propene and propane
Propena boleh ditukarkan kepada propana melalui proses penghidrogenan.
Huraikan secara ringkas satu ujian kimia untuk membezakan antara propena dan propana.

[2 marks]


SMTJB 2014
1. The proton number of three elements is given in table 8 below.
Bilangan proton untuk tiga unsur di beri seperti jadual 8 di bawah.

(a) (i)


Number of proton


Table 8
State the position of element P in the Periodic Table.
Nyatakan kedudukan unsur P di dalam Jadual Berkala.


Explain your answer.

Terangkan jawapan anda.

[ 4 marks ]
(b) Element Q and R can react to produce a compound. Explain the
compound formed by referring to the following.
The molecular formula for the compound
The electron arrangement structure for the compound
The type of compound formed
One of the properties of the compound
Explain the properties
Unsur Q dan R boleh bertindak balas untuk menghasilkan sebatian. Terangkan
sebatian yang terbentuk dengan merujuk kepada perkara di bawah.
Formula molekul sebatian tersebut
Struktur susunan elektron sebatian tersebut
Jenis sebatian yang terbentuk
Satu sifat sebatian
Terangkan sifat sebatian

[ 6 marks ]

Element P and R can react to produce compound M. Explain the

formation of compound M.
Unsur P dan R boleh bertindak balas untuk menghasilkan sebatian M.
Terangkan pembentukkan sebatian M.

[ 10 marks ]

SMTJB 2014


Three experiments are carried out to study the factors affecting the
rate of reaction. Diagram 9 shows the apparatus setup and the
temperature of the reaction used. The time taken to collect 50 cm 3 of
gas is recorded in table below.
Tiga eksperimen di lakukan untuk mengkaji factor yang mempengaruhi kadar
tindak balas. Rajah 9 menunjukkan susunan alat radas dan suhu yang di gunakan
dalam tindak balas ini. Masa di ambil untuk mengumpul 50 cm 3 gas di catatkan di
dalam jadual di bawah.


Apparatus setup


Time taken
to collect
50 cm3 of

50 cm3 of
0.2 mol dm-3
of hydrochloric
zinc granule


78 seconds


50 cm3 of
0.2 mol dm-3
of hydrochloric
zinc powder


42 seconds




50 cm3 of
0.2 mol dm-3
of hydrochloric
zinc granule


Diagram 9
(a) The reaction of zinc and hydrochloric acid can be represented as
equation below.
Tindak balas di antara zinc dan asid hidroklorik boleh di wakili oleh
persamaan berikut.





Find the maximum volume of hydrogen gas released at room

temperature in experiment I. [ Molar volume : 24 dm3 mol-1 ]
Cari isipadu maksimum gas hydrogen yang di bebaskan pada suhu bilik dalam
eksperimen I.

[ 4 marks ]

(b) Find the average rate of reaction in experiment I, II and III in cm3
Cari kadar tindak balas purata eksperimen I, II dan III dalam cm3 s -1.

[ 4 marks ]

State the factors that affect the rate of reaction in

Nyatakan factor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas dalam


Experiment I and II
Experiment I and III
[ 2 marks ]

(d) Compare the rate of reaction in experiment I with II and

experiment I with III. Explain your answer using collision theory.
Bandingkan kadar tindak balas dalam eksperimen I dengan II dan eksperimen
I dengan III. Terangkan jawapan anda dengan teori pelanggaran.

[ 10 marks ]


SBP 2014
3. (a) A student carried out an experiment to determine the heat of neutralisation by using
50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid and 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium
hydroxide solution. Table 7 shows the results of the experiment.
Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan haba peneutralan dengan
menggunakan 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm-3 dan
50 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm -3. Jadual 7 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen

Initial temperature of hydrochloric acid (C)

Suhu awal larutan asid hidroklorik (C)

Initial temperature of sodium hydroxide solution (C)

Suhu awal larutan natrium hidroksida (C)

Highest temperature of the reaction mixture (C)

Suhu tertinggi campuran tindak balas (C)


Table 7/ Jadual 7


The heat change during the reaction.

The number of moles of water formed.
The heat of neutralisation for this reaction.
[Specific heat capacity of a solution = 4.2 J g-1 C-1;
Density of solution = 1 g cm-3]
Perubahan haba semasa tindak balas.
Bilangan mol air terbentuk.
Haba peneutralan bagi tindak balas tersebut.
[Muatan haba tentu bagi larutan = 4.2 J g-1 C-1;
Ketumpatan larutan = 1 g cm-3]

[4 marks]
(ii) The experiment is repeated using 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
solution and 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 potassium hydroxide solution.
Predict the temperature change and give your reason.
Experimen ini diulangi dengan menggunakan 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik
1.0 mol dm-3 dan 50 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm-.3
Ramalkan perubahan suhu dan berikan alasan anda.

[2 marks]



Diagram 7.1 shows the energy level diagram for two chemical reactions.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan gambarajah aras tenaga bagi dua tindak balas kimia.

Energy/ kJ

Energy/ kJ
Bahan tindak

Hasil tindak balas

H = +x kJ mol-1
H = -x kJ molReactants


Bahan tindak balas

Hasil tindak balas

Set I

Set II
Diagram 7.1
Rajah 7.1


Based on Diagram 7.1, suggest one example for each reaction in Set I and Set
Berdasarkan Rajah 7.1, cadangkan satu contoh bagi setiap tindak balas
dalam Set I dan Set II.

[2 marks]
(ii) Construct a table to compare the energy level diagram of Set I and Set II in
terms of:
Type of reaction
Temperature change
Energy content
Energy change.
Bina sebuah jadual untuk membandingkan gambar rajah aras tenaga Set I
dan Set II dari segi:
Jenis tindak balas
Perubahan suhu
Kandungan tenaga
Perubahan tenaga

[8 marks]



Diagram 7.2 shows the structural formulae of propanol and butanol.

Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan formula struktur propanol dan butanol.


Diagram 7.2
Rajah 7.2

Based on Diagram 7.2, compare the heat of combustion of propanol and butanol.
Explain your answer.
Berdasarkan Rajah 7.2, bandingkan haba pembakaran bagi propanol dan butanol. Terangkan
jawapan anda.

[4 marks]


Section C
SBP 2014

(a) Electrolysis can be used to purify an impure copper.

State the name of the cathode and a suitable electrolyte for this purpose.
Write the half equations to represent the reactions occurred at the anode and
Elektrolisis boleh digunakan untuk menulenkan kuprum tak tulen.
Nyatakan nama bagi katod dan elektrolit yang sesuai bagi tujuan ini.
Tuliskan setengah persamaan untuk mewakili tindak balas yang berlaku di anod dan katod.

[4 marks]
(b) Diagram 9 shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the voltage produced by two
chemical cells.
Rajah 9 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji voltan yang dihasilkan oleh dua sel kimia.


Metal X


Logam X


Metal Y


Logam Y

Copper(II) sulphate

Copper(II) sulphate
Cell 1
Sel 1

Larutan kuprum(II)

Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat

Cell 2
Sel 2

Diagram 9
Rajah 9
Table 9 shows the result of this experiment.
Jadual 9 menunjukkan keputusan eksperiment ini.
Pair of metal

Voltage (V)

Negative terminal

Pasangan logam

Voltan (V)

Terminal negatif

Cu, X
Cu, Y


Table 9
Jadual 9


Based on Table 9, suggest the identity of metals X and Y.

Explain your answer.
Berdasarkan Jadual 9, cadangkan identiti logam X dan Y.
Terangkan jawapan anda.

[4 marks]



If metals X and Y are used in a voltaic cell, predict the voltage and the
negative terminal of the cell.
Jika logam X dan logam Y digunakan dalam satu sel kimia, ramalkan voltan dan terminal
negatif bagi sel itu.

[2 marks]
(c) The arrangement of four metals in descending order of their electropositivity is
shown below.
Susunan bagi empat logam dalam tertib keelektropositifan menurun ditunjukkan di bawah.

P, Q, R, S
less electropositive
kurang elektropositif
You are provided with strips of metals P, Q, R and S and nitrate solution of P, Q, R
and S. Describe an experiment to prove that the arrangement of these metals.
Your answer should consist of the following:
Procedure of the experiment
Explanation to determine the order of the metals.
Anda dibekalkan dengan kepingan logam-logam P, Q, R dan S serta larutan nitrat P, Q, R and S.
Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk membuktikan bahawa susunan logam-logam tersebut.
Jawapan anda mesti mengandungi yang berikut:
Prosedur eksperimen
Huraian untuk menentukan tertib susunan logam-logam itu.

[10 marks]


SMTJB 2014
5. (a) Electrolysis of sodium chloride solution with concentration of 0.1
mol dm-3 and 0.001 mol dm-3 are carried out as diagram 10

Electrolytic Cell

0.1 mol dm-3 of

sodium chloride

Carbon electrode


Test Tubes

Cell I

Electrolytic Cell

0.001 mol dm-3 of

sodium chloride

Carbon electrode


Test Tubes



Cell II
Diagram 10
Electrode carbon Y and Q produced the same gas. State the
name of gas and write the half equation involved. Explain
how to identify the gas released at the electrodes.
Karbon elektrod Y dan Q menghasilkan gas yang sama. Nyatakan nama
gas tersebut dan tuliskan setengah tindak balas yang terlibat.

Terangkan bagaimana untuk mengenal pasti gas yang terbebas di


[ 4 marks ]

When different concentrations of sodium chloride solution

are used at both cells, different gases are released at anode
X and P.
Explain the ions that are selected to be discharge at both
electrodes during electrolysis. In your answer include the
observations and half equations involved.
Apabila kepekatan larutan natrium klorida yang berbeza di gunakan, gas
yang berbeza di bebaskan di anod X dan P.
Terangkan ion yang di pilih untuk di discas di kedua elektrod semasa
elektrolisis. Dalam jawapan anda sertakan pemerhatian dan setengah
tindak balas yang terlibat.

[ 6 marks ]
(b) A student intends to do a purification of pure metal from impure
metal. He dipped both pure and impure metal in an aqueous
solution in a beaker and electricity is passed through it for a few
Design an experiment on how to purify an impure metal to pure
metals. Include in your answer the following particulars
name of the metals
suitable electrolyte
procedure of experiment
half equations
Seorang pelajar ingin membuat penulenan logam tulen dari logam tak tulen.
Dia mencelup kedua logam tulen dan logam tak tulen ke dalam larutan akuas
di dalam sebuah bikar dan elektrik di alirkan kedalam larutan selama
beberapa minit.
Rancangkan satu eksperimen untuk menulenankan logam tak tulen kepada
logam tulen. Sertakan dalam jawapan anda perkara yang berikut.
nama logam
elektrolit yang sesuai
prosedur eksperimen
setengah tindak balas

[ 10 marks ]


SBP 2014
6. Diagram 10 shows the conversion of an organic compound from one homologous series
to another.
Rajah 10 menunjukkan penukaran sebatian organik daripada satu siri homolog kepada yang lain.


Gas X + water
Gas X + air

Propanoic acid
Asid propanoik


Ester Y + water
Ester Y + air
Diagram 10
Rajah 10

Propanol burns completely in excess oxygen gas to produce gas X and water.
Write a balance chemical equation to show the reaction.
Calculate the volume of gas X produced if 0.3 mol of oxygen gas is used
in this reaction.
[Molar volume at room conditions = 24.0 dm3 mol-1]
Propanol terbakar dengan lengkap dalam oksigen berlebihan menghasilkan gas X dan air.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia seimbang bagi tindak balas tersebut.
Hitungkan isi padu gas X yang terhasil jika 0.3 mol oksigen gas digunakan dalam tindak
balas ini.
[Isipadu molar pada keadaan bilik = 24.0 dm3 mol-1.]

[4 marks]

(b) Propanol reacts with propanoic acid to produce ester Y.

Draw the structural formula and name of the ester Y formed.
Compare propanol and ester Y in terms of:
Functional group
Solubility in water.
Propanol bertindak balas dengan asid propanoik untuk menghasilkan ester Y. Lukiskan formula
struktur dan namakan ester yang terbentuk.
Bandingkan propanol dan ester Y dari segi:
Kumpulan berfungsi
Keterlarutan dalam air.

[6 marks]


(c) Diagram 10 shows two reagent bottles P and Q. One of the bottles contains hexane
while another contains hexene.
Rajah 10 menunjukkan dua botol reagen P dan Q. Satu daripada botol tersebut
mengandungi heksana dan satu lagi mengandungi heksena.

Diagram 10
Rajah 10
Describe a chemical test to verify hexane and hexene in the bottles.
Your explanation should include:
List of apparatus and materials
Huraikan satu ujian kimia untuk mengenal pasti heksana dan heksena dalam botol itu.
Penerangan anda hendaklah mengandungi:
Senarai bahan dan radas

[10 marks]


(a) Table 10 shows the heat released for Experiment I, II and III for different acids that has
been reacted with sodium hydroxide solution.
Jadual 10 menunjukkan haba yang dibebaskan bagi Eksperimen I , II dan III
menggunakan asid berlainan yang ditindakbalaskan dengan larutan natrium hidroksida.

Type of acid
Jenis asid

Heat of Neutralisation
Haba Peneutralan
(kJ mol-1)





Sulphuric acid
Asid sulfurik


Table / Jadual 10
Acid P is a strong monoprotic acid while acid Q is a weak monoprotic acid.
Suggest acid P and acid Q.
Asid P merupakan asid kuat monoprotik manakala asid Q merupakan asid lemah
Cadangkan asid P dan asid Q.
Based on Table 10, explain the difference in heat released between:
Berdasarkan Jadual 10, terangkan perbezaan dalam haba dibebaskan antara :
(i) Experiment I and Experiment II
Eksperimen I dan Eksperimen II
(ii) Experiment I and Experiment III
Eksperimen I dan Eksperimen III

[6 marks]

The thermochemical equation for the combustion of butanol is given as follows:

Persamaan termokimia bagi pembakaran butanol adalah seperti berikut:
C4H9OH + 6O2 4CO2 + 5H2O

H = - 2679 kJ mol -1

[Relative atomic mass : H=1, C=12, O=16; specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 Jg -1 oC-1]
[Jisim atom relatif : H=1, C=12, O=16; muatan haba tentu bagi air = 4.2 Jg-1 oC-1]
Calculate the mass of butanol that must be burnt to raise the temperature of 400 cm 3 of
water by 25 C.
Hitungkan jisim butanol yang perlu dibakar untuk menaikkan suhu 400 cm3 air sebanyak
25 C.
[4 marks]



Describe a laboratory experiment to determine the heat of combustion of a named alcohol

with a number of carbon atoms per molecule less than four. In your description, include
the steps involved in the calculation.
[Relative atomic mass: C =12, O =16, H = 1]
[Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 OC-1 ; Density of water = 1 g cm-3 ]
Huraikan eksperimen makmal untuk menentukan haba pembakaran bagi alkohol yang
dinamakan dengan bilangan atom karbon per molekul kurang daripada empat. Dalam
penerangan anda sertakan langkah pengiraan yang terlibat.
[Jisim atom relatif: C =12, O =16, H = 1]
[Muatan haba tentu air = 4.2 J g-1 OC-1 ; Ketumpatan air = 1 g cm-3 ]
[10 marks]




SMTJB 2014
9. (a) Bronze is an alloy that is added with tin, but copper consist of
copper atoms only. Why alloy is harder than pure copper?
Gangsa adalah aloi yang di tambahkan dengan stanum, tetapi kuprum hanya
mengandungi atom kuprum sahaja. Mengapa aloi lebih keras dari kuprum?

[ 4 marks ]
(b) Diagram shows the chemical formula for cleaning agent X and Y.
Rajah menunjukkan formula kimia yang menunjukkan agent pencuci X dan Y.

CH3 (CH2)14COO Na

CH3 (CH2)11OSO3 Na

Cleaning agent X

: Cleaning agent Y

Cleaning agent X is added to hard water and a piece of cloth with

an oil stain is added to the container and the cloth is scrub very
thoroughly. Another cloth is added to another container with
cleaning agent Y dissolve in hard water, and the cloth is again
scrub thoroughly.
Suggest cleaning agent X and Y. State the observations produced
and explain your answer.
Agent pencuci X di tambahkan ke dalam air liat dan sekeping kain yang
berminyak di masukkan ke dalam bekas dan kain di basuh dengan
menyeluruh. Sekeping kain lagi di masukkan ke dalam bekas dengan agen
pembersih Y di larutkkan ke dalam air liat.
Cadangkan agent pencuci X dan Y. Nyatakan pemerhatian anda dan
terangkan jawapan anda.

[ 6 marks ]

Contact process is an industrial process that produced sulphuric

acid as a product. Explain how this industrial by-product pollute
the environment.
Proses Sentuh adalah proses industry yang menghasilkan asid sulfuric
sebagai hasilan. Terangkan bagaimana hasil sampingan dalam industry ini
mencemarkan alam sekitar.

[ 4 marks ]
(d) Ummi Sos Pencicah is a chili sauce that contain the following

Ummi Sos Pencicah adalah sos cili yang mengandungi kandungan seperti

Ingredients :
Acetic acid, Sugar, Chili,
Modified starch, Garlic,
Salt and Sodium Benzoate


Identify 3 different food additives in the ingredients and state the

type and function of the food additive.
Kenal pasti 3 bahan tambah makanan yang berlainan dan nyatakan fungsi
bahan tambah makanan itu.

[ 6 marks ]
An experiment to determine the hardness of alloy and pure metal is conducted as figure
below. Steel ball bearings are placed on pure atom and alloy blocks; 1 kg of weight is
released to the steel ball bearing and the diameters of dent on blocks are measure and
recorded. The height of weight hanged is 0.5 meter high.
1 kg of weight
Steel ball bearing
Retort stand
Cellophane tape
Alloy block
The dents formed are recorded as follows.

Pure atom block

Alloy block

Diameter of dent = ................

Diameter of dent = ................


Diameter of dent = ................

Diameter of dent = ................

Diameter of dent = ................

Diameter of dent = ................


By using your own ruler, measure the diameter of dent in diagram above and
write it in the space provided.
[ 3 marks ]


Construct a table to record all the diameter of dents obtained from pure metals
block and alloy block and the average diameter of dents.
[3 marks ]


From the average diameter of dents of pure copper block and alloy block, state the
[ 3 marks ]


State the hypothesis of this experiment.

[ 3 marks ]


Based on this experiment, complete the table below.


Action to be taken

(a) Manipulated variable

(a) The way to manipulated the variable







(b) Responding variable

(b) What to observed in manipulated the








(c) Fixed variable

(c) The way to maintain the controlled








[ 6 marks ]

State the operational definition for the hardness of metal blocks.


[ 3 marks ]


From the average diameter of dent, predict the diameter of dent for brass.
[ 3 marks ]


Explain why bronze is harder than pure metal.

[ 3 marks ]


Classify the following substance into alloy and pure metals.

brass, iron, steel, chromium, duralumin, pewter
[ 3 marks ]


State the relationship between the average diameters of dent with the hardness of


[ 3 marks ]

Experiment I
2. Diagram 1 shows two experiments to study the heat of neutralization in an exothermic
Reaction between 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol
1 menunjukkan
dua eksperimen
untuk mengkaji
sodium hydroxide
. peneutralan dalam satu tindak balas eksotermik.
Tindakbalas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm-3 dan 25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH 2.0
mol dm-3.





Initial temperature of the mixture : oC

Suhu awal campuran :
Highest temperature
of the
Cawan polisterina
Suhu tertinggi campuran

Change in temperature

Polystyrene cup
Cawan polisterina

: oC

Perubahan suhu :

Experiment II
Reaction between 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol
dm-3 ammonia solution.
Tindakbalas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm-3 dan 25 cm3 larutan ammonia 2.0 mol dm-3.


Initial temperature 20
of the mixture :



Suhu awal campuran :

Highest temperature of the mixture

: oC Polystyrene cup
Suhu tertinggi campuran :
Cawan polisterina
Change inCawan
: oC


Diagram 1/ Rajah 1
Write the initial and the highest temperature of the mixture and the change in
temperature for Experiment I and II in Diagram 1.
Tulis suhu awal dan suhu tertinggi campuran serta perubahan suhu untuk Eksperimen 1 dan II dalam Rajah

[3 marks]

Based on the results in Diagram 1, state the relationship between the temperature
change and the type of alkali that react with hydrochloric acid.
Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Rajah 1, nyatakan hubungan antara perubahan suhu dengan jenis alkali yang
bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik.

[3 marks]

State one hypothesis for both experiments.

Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi kedua-dua eksperimen.

[3 marks]

Based on the experiment, state

Berdasarkan eksperimen, nyatakan


the manipulated variable.

pemboleh ubah yang dimanipulasikan.

(ii) the responding variable.

pemboleh ubah yang bergerak balas.

(iii) the constant variable.
pemboleh ubah yang ditetapkan.

[3 marks]



State the operational definition for exothermic reaction.

Nyatakan definisi secara operasi untuk tindak balas eksotermik.


[3 marks]

A student carried out an experiment to determine the empirical formula of lead oxide.
One of the steps during the experiment is weighing the combustion tube as shown in
Diagram 2.
Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik plumbum oksida. Salah satu
daripada langkah-langkah semasa menjalankan eksperimen ini ialah penimbangan tiub pembakaran seperti yang
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.


Set-up of apparatus


Susunan radas

Combustion tube
Tiub pembakaran

Asbestos paper
Kertas asbestos

64.0025 g

Yellow solid

Combustion tube

Pepejal kuning

Tiub pembakaran

Asbestos paper
Kertas asbestos

117.5193 g

Grey solid

Combustion tube
Tiub pembakaran

Pepejal kelabu

Asbestos paper
Kertas asbestos

113.6768 g

Diagram 2



State one observation for the substance in the experiment.

Nyatakan satu pemerhatian terhadap bahan dalam eksperimen ini.



[3 marks]
Give one inference based on your answer in (a) (i).
Berikan satu inferens berdasarkan jawapan anda di (a) (i).

[3 marks]

Complete the table and record the reading to two decimal places to show the
results of the experiment.
Lengkapkan jadual dan rekodkan bacaan kepada dua tempat perpuluhan untuk menunjukkan keputusan

[3 marks]

Determine the empirical formula of lead oxide.

Given the relative atomic mass of Pb = 207 and O = 16
Tentukan empirikal formula bagi plumbum oksida.
Diberi jisim atom relatif bagi Pb = 207 dan O = 16.


[3 marks]







Classify the chemical formulae given into empirical formula and molecular
Kelaskan formula kimia yang diberi kepada formula empirik dan formula molekul.

Empirical formula

Molecular formula

Formula empririk

Formula molekul

[ 3 marks]


4 Diagram 1 shows the set-up of apparatus for the experiment to investigate the
effect of zinc, copper and metal X on the rusting of iron nail. A mixture of jelly
solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) solution and phenolphthalein were used
as medium in each test tube. The observation was recorded after three days.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan logam zink, kuprum, dan
logam X terhadap pengaratan paku besi. Campuran larutan agar-agar, larutan kalium heksasianoferat(III)
dan fenolftalein digunakan sebagai medium dalam setiap tabung uji. Pemerhatian dicatatkan selepas tiga


Test tube

Set-up of apparatus

Observation after three days


Susunan radas

Pemerhatian selepas tiga hari

Iron nail coiled with zinc


Paku besi dililit dengan

jalur zink

Pink spot
merah jambu

Iron nail coiled with copper


Dark blue spot

Paku besi dililit dengan

jalur kuprum

Tompok biru

Iron nail coiled with strip of

metal X

Dark blue spot

Paku besi dililit dengan

jalur logam X

Tompok biru

Dark blue spot

Iron nail
Paku besi

Tompok biru

Based on Diagram 1, complete Table 1 by recording the observations and

(a) the corresponding inferences for each of the test tubes.
Berdasarkan Rajah 1, lengkapkan Jadual 1 dengan merekodkan permerhatian dan inferens bagi
setiap tabung uji.

Test tube



Tabung uji




Table 1
[6 marks]
(b) Based on this experiment, explain why there is a difference in observation
between test tube A and B.
Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, terangkan mengapa terdapat perbezaan pemerhatian di antara tabung
uji A dan B.


[3 marks]
(c) State one hypothesis for this experiment.
Nyatakan satu hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini.

[3 marks]

(d) State the variables for this experiment.

Nyatakan pembolehubah bagi eksperimen ini.


Manipulated variable:
Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan:


Responding variable:

Pembolehubah bergerak balas:

(iii) Fixed variable:
Pembolehubah dimalarkan:

[3 marks]
(e) State the relationship between the intensity of blue colour and the rate of
rusting of iron.
Nyatakan hubungan antara keamatan warna biru dan kadar pengaratan besi.

[3 marks]

Name the ion that causes dark blue spot and write half equation for the
formation of the ion.
Namakan ion yang menyebabkan tompok biru gelap dan tulis persamaan setengah bagi pembentukan
ion tersebut.

1. ....................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................
[3 marks]

(g) Arrange the metal zinc, copper, metal X and iron according to their
descending order of electropositivity.
Susun logam zink, kuprum, logam X dan besi berdasarkan tertib menurun keelektropositifan.

Descending order of electropositivity


Terib menurun keelektropositifan

[3 marks]
(h) State the operational definition for the rusting of iron in this experiment.
Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi pengaratan besi dalam eksperimen ini.

[3 marks]

Classify all the metals used in this experiment into metal that can provide
sacrificial protection and metal that cannot provide sacrificial protection to
Kelaskan semua logam yang digunakan dalam eksperimen ini kepada logam yang boleh
menyediakan perlindungan korban dan logam yang tidak boleh menyediakan perlindungan korban
kepada besi.

[3 marks]


Diagram 1.2 shows the apparatus set-up of another experiment.

Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi suatu eksperimen lain.

A mixture of jelly solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)

solution and phenolphthalein
Campuran larutan agar-agar, larutan kalium
heksasianoferat(III) dan fenolftalein
Iron nail coiled with silver strip.
Paku besi dililit dengan jalur argentum

Diagram 1.2
Predict an observation for the experiment after three days.
Ramalkan satu pemerhatian bagi eksperimen itu selepas tiga hari.

[3 marks]




SBP 2014

Diagram 2 shows how the name of ester is derived from the name of the alcohol and
carboxylic acid that reacted to produce the ester.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan bagaimana nama ester diperolehi daripada nama alkohol dan
asid karboksilik yang bertindak balas untuk menghasilkan ester itu.

Diagram 2
Rajah 2
The different sweet and fruity odours of esters make them useful as flavourings in the
food industries. Table 2 shows the different odours produced from the different esters.
Bau manis buah-buahan ester membuatkannya berguna sebagai perisa dalam
industri makanan. Jadual 2 menunjukkan bau yang berbeza daripada ester yang
Name of ester
Nama ester
Butyl methanoate
Butil metanoat
Butyl ethanoate
Butil etanoat
Butyl propanoate
Butil propanoat

Table 2
Jadual 2

Referring to Table 2, plan a laboratory experiment to prepare esters with different

odours from different carboxylic acids
Merujuk kepada Jadual 2, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyediakan ester
dengan bau yang berbeza dengan menggunakan asid karboksilik yang berbeza.


You planning should include the following aspects:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:
(a) Problem statement
Pernyataan masalah
(b) All the variables
Semua pembolehubah
(c) Statement of hypothesis
Pernyataan hipotesis
(d) List of materials and apparatus
Senarai bahan dan radas
(e) Procedure for the experiment
Prosedur eksperimen
(f) Tabulation of data
Penjadualan data

7. Two students are discussing about the uses of electrolysis process to solve their problem.


Dua orang pelajar sedang berbincang mengenai kegunaan proses elektrolisis untuk
menyelesaikan masalah mereka.
Why my spoon rusts easily?
Mengapa sudu yang saya guna ini
cepat berkarat?

Why not you electroplate it with

silver or copper?
Mengapa awak tak menyadurnya
dengan argentum?

Based on the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to electroplate an iron spoon
with silver metal and copper metal using the electrolysis process.
You are given silver nitrate solution and copper (II) nitrate solution.
Berdasarkan kepada pernyataan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyadur sudu besi dengan logam
argentum dan logam kuprum menggunakan proses elektrolisis.
Anda dibekalkan dengan larutan argentum nitrat dan larutan kuprum(II) nitrat.

Your planning must include the following items:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:


Problem statement
Pernyataan masalah


All the variables

Semua pemboleh ubah


Statement of the hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis


List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas


Procedure of the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen


Tabulation of data
Penjadualan data

[17 marks]


Air suling



Natrium klorida
Diagram 2
Based on the substances given in Diagram 2, plan one laboratory experiment to
compare the property of ionic and covalent compounds in terms of its solubility.
Berdasarkan bahan-bahan yang diberikan dalam Rajah 2, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk
membandingkan sifat sebatian ion dan sebatian kovalen dari segi keterlarutannya.

Your planning should include the following aspects:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:


Problem statement

Pernyataan masalah


All the variables

Semua pemboleh ubah


Statement of the hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis


List of substances and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas


Procedure for the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen


Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data

[17 marks]

Diagram 3(a) and 3(b) below shows the apparatus set up to study
the effects of metals X and metal Y on the rusting of iron.

Referring to the information in the diagram above, plan an

experiment to investigate the effect of a named X and Y metals on
the rusting of iron. Your planning should include the following

Aim of the experiment

All the variables
List of materials and apparatus
Tabulation of data
[17 marks]

JOHOR 2014
10. Diagram 3 shows a car tyre. The car tyre is made from vulcanized rubber. Vulcanized
rubber is stronger than unvulcanized rubber. Latex from trees has to coagulate before it

is process to become vulcanized rubber. Acid is added to latex so that rubber becomes
Rajah 3 menunjukkan tayar sebuah kereta. Tayar kereta itu diperbuat daripada getah tervulkan. Getah tervulkan
adalah lebih kuat daripada getah tak tervulkan. Susu getah perlu di keraskan sebelum ianya di proses menjadi getah
tervulkan. Asid di tambahkan kepada susu getah supaya ia menjadi keras.

Diagram 3
Based on the statement above, plan one laboratory experiment to compare the effects
of acid and alkali to the coagulation of latex.
Merujuk kepada pernyataan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan kesan asid dan alkali
kepada pengumpalan susu getah.

Your planning should include the following aspects:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:


Aim of the experiment

Tujuan eksperimen


All the variables

Semua pembolehubah


Statement of the hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis


List of substances and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan alat radas


Procedure for the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen


Tabulation of data
Penjadualan data

[17 marks]



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