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Data Guard: Creating a DG Broker Configuration

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Creating a DG Broker Configuration

This tutorial shows you how to use DGMGRL to create a Data Guard Broker configuration. You will learn how to:

Add the Broker required listener entries

Create <db_unique_name>_DGMGRL services entry
Create the Broker configuration using DGMGRL.
Verify the configuration
Examine the parameters
Ensure the configuration is in Maximum Performance

NOTE: In this OBE, you configure the network for a single server environment. If you are configuring an environment on
two different servers, you would need to configure Net Manager on both servers accordingly.
Time to Complete
Approximately 1 hour

This tutorial covers the following topics:
Setting the DG_BROKER_START Initialization Parameter
Creating the Service for the Listener
Creating the Broker Configuration
Enabling the Broker Configuration
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The Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL) enables you to control and monitor a Data Guard configuration from
the DGMGRL prompt or within scripts. You can perform most of the activities required to manage and monitor the
databases in the configuration using DGMGRL.
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Before you perform this tutorial, you should:
1. Perform an Oracle Database 11g installation (software and db installed) for a single server
environment OR Oracle Database 11g installation (software and db installed) on 1 server and 9/16/2009

Data Guard: Creating a DG Broker Configuration

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Oracle Database 11g software only on 2nd server for a dual server environment.
2. Creating a Physical Standby Database OBE
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Setting the DG_BROKER_START Initialization Parameter

In this task, you set the DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter to TRUE for your primary database and physical
standby database.
1. Connect to your primary database and check the value of DG_BROKER_START

2. On the primary database, set the DG_BROKER_START

parameter to TRUE.

3. Now connect to your physical standby database and check the value of DG_BROKER_START.

4. Set the value of DG_BROKER_START to TRUE on your standby database. 9/16/2009

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Creating the Service for the Listener

In this task you define a service for the listener that includes the db_unique_name_DGMGRL.db_domain values for
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1. Launch Oracle Net Manager.
[oracle@edtdr9p1]$ netmgr

2. Expand Local
3. Expand Listeners

4. Select LISTENER.

5. Select Database Services in the drop-down list, and click Add Database 9/16/2009

Data Guard: Creating a DG Broker Configuration

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6. Enter in the Global Database Name field. Accept the default value for the
Oracle Home Directory. Enter orclsby1 in the SID field.

7. Select File -> Save Network Configuration.

8. Select File -> Exit.
9. Your $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file should contain entries as follows: 9/16/2009

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NOTE: The value for the GLOBAL_DBNAME should be a concatenation of the initialization
parameters <db_unique_name>_DGMGRL.<db_domain>.

10. Reload the listener.

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Creating the Broker Configuration
In this task you create a Data Guard Broker configuration.
1. Invoke DGMGRL and connect to your primary database.

2. Create the broker configuration including a profile for the primary database.

3. Display information about the configuration. 9/16/2009

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4. Use the following commands to add your physical standby database to the broker

5. Use the SHOW CONFIGURATION command to verify that the orclsby1 database was added
to the configuration.

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Enabling the Broker Configuration

With the Data Guard environment set successfully for your primary and standby databases. you can now enable the broker

Enable the entire configuration. This may take some time to complete.


Verify that the configuration was successfully enabled.

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Data Guard: Creating a DG Broker Configuration

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In this tutorial, you learned how to:
Set the DG_BROKER_START Initialization
Create the Service for the Listener
Create the Broker Configuration
Enable the Broker Configuration
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