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Running Head: CAPACITORS

PHY 132
Determination of Capacitance of Various Conductor an study their Di-Electric Properties




This lab was about the estimation of capacitance in the parallel electric circuit. Be more
particular, we were required to quantify the capacitance of different conductors dielectric
geometric by utilizing the "charge-sharing" procedure. Moreover, we need to compute that the
amount of estimation of voltage cumulated in the capacitor after the charge sharing procedure 3
times. In addition, we have figure out of the best approach to get unknown capacitance in some
specific conditions

Running Head: CAPACITORS

Objective: We have to measure the capacitance of different conductor dielectric by utilizing the
"charge sharing" method. Furthermore, from the lab we took in the law of conservation of
charge, which mean electric charge can neither be made nor can be destroyed. Other than the
estimation of capacitance, the figuring of the voltage (Q=CV) and unknown capacitance were
also notable to figure out.
We connected six capacitors amid the lab. At in the first place, we have to quantify the
capacitance of every capacitor. Since, we know the value of all capacitors; we can find two
capacitors which have aggregate sum 1.1F. Before, starting, we begin the following procedure.
We need to ensure that all of capacitors are discharged. At that point we have to make a parallel
circuit by utilizing 1.0F capacitor and 0.1F capacitor, and charge a second 1.0F capacitor into
5V. Then touch it to the uncharged 1.1F capacitor, discharging the 1.1F capacitor. Repeat the
above procedure utilizing a 0.1F capacitor as the charge exchange capacitor (rather than a 1.0F
capacitor). At that point don't release the 1.1F capacitor, energize the 0.1F charge-exchange
capacitor to 5.0 V and interface it once more. The voltage is increment not exactly the first run
through. Repeat the same procedure.
Next, Now charge the 1.1F capacitor to 5.0 V and from the last perusing of the voltage
decide the unknown capacitance utilize the law conservation of charge and condition (Q=CV). At
that point specifically measure the obscure capacitance ability of the advanced voltmeter.
Lastly, build the parallel-plate capacitor by embedding the waxed paper between the
aluminum plates; press the mix together by putting a 1.0 kg weight on top of the top plate.

Running Head: CAPACITORS

Mount a 0.01 F capacitor on the charge sensor. Utilize the capacitance ability of the advanced
voltmeter to quantify the joined capacitance of the 0.01 F capacitor and the charge sensor, this
is our standard capacitor. In the last, we utilize the wire rather than the aluminum plate and test it
capacitance value.
Experimental Data:
We utilized the digital voltmeter to estimate the value of capacitance which is as given below:
V0= 5.00V
C1= 0.01 F
C2= 0.1 F
C2= 1.0 F
Initial Voltage

1st Touching

1 F 1.1 F

5.0 V

2.43 V

0.1 F 1.1 F

5.0 V

0.46 V

0.01 F sensor to
aluminum plate with
2 cube
0.01 F sensor to
co-axial wire plate

5.0 V

3.5 V

5.0 V

4.5 V

2nd Touching

3rd Touching

0.811 V

1.166 V

Applying law of conservation of charge Q start = Q end
1 F 1.1 F
Qstart =C startV start =1.0 F5.0 V =5 106 C

V theory =

Qstart 5 106 C
C total
2.1 F

Running Head: CAPACITORS

| |

( V t h eory V measured )
( 2.38 V 2.47 V )
100 =
100 =3.78
( 2.38 )
( V t h eory )


0.1 F share to 1.1 F:

First time:
Qstart =C startV start =0.1 F5.0 V =0.5 106 C
Q start
0.5 10 C
=0.417 V
C total 0.1 F +1.1 F

V1 =

Qend1=CsystemV 1



(V 1


V 1


( V 1 theory )

=( 1.0 F )0.46 V =0.46 10 C

100 =

( 0.417 V 0.46V )
100 =10.31
( 0.417 V )

Second time:

Qstart =C startV start=0.1 F5.000 V =0.5 10 C



Q start 0.5 106 C+ 0.5 106 C

=0.833 V
C total
0.1 F+1.1 F

Qend2 =C systemV 2

D eviation=



V 2


(V 2 )


=( 1.0 F )0.811 V =0.811 106 C

| |

100 =

( 0.833V 0.811 V )
100 =2.64
( 0.833 V )

Third time:
Qstart =C startV start=0.1 F5.000 V =0.5 106 C

Running Head: CAPACITORS

V3 =


(V 3

Qstart 0.811 106 C+ 0.5 106 C

=1.0925 V
C total
0.1 F +1.1 F


V 3


(V 3 )

100 =

( 1.09258 V 1.166 V )
100 =6.71
( 1.09258V )

Parallel Aluminum plates:

Qstart =C startV start =0.02 F5.0 V =0.1106 C

Ctotal =

Q start 0.1106 C
=0.028 F
V end
3.5 V

C capacitor =C total C start =0.028 F0.2 F=0.008 F


D eviation=

Coaxial cable:

( 0.01 F0.008 F )
100 =20
( 0.01 F )

Qstart =C startV start =0.02 F5.00 V =0.1106 C

Ctotal =

Q start 0.1106 C
=0.022 F
V end
4.5 V

Ctheory =Ctotal C start=0.022 F0.02 F=0.002 F

D eviation=


( 0.02 F0.002 F )
100 =90
( 0.2 F )

Running Head: CAPACITORS

In this lab, we utilized the "charge-sharing" method and condition to decide the
estimation of capacitance of various capacitors. We gauged the voltage and real capacitance
value for capacitors. From 1F offer to 1.1 F we got 3.78% error and 0.1F offer to 1.1F we
got 10.31% error, 2.64%, and 6.71% difference respectively for 2nd and 3rd time respectively. The
coaxial cable showed the major deviation of 90%. I thought, here have a major mistake to release
it and perhaps we didn't discharge the sensor from last time. When we ascertain the outcome we
discover the relationship from the information is the according to law of conservation of charges.

This experiment was quite successful with errors less than 50% apart from coaxial cable, which
due to human error. Repeating the experiment and taking care of the mistakes in this first one can
avoid the further deviations.

Running Head: CAPACITORS


Capacitors and Capacitance
Experiment 6, Charge Sharing by Capacitors

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