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Staffing is the management function that determines the human resources needs
of a company. It match people to their jobs.

Human resource planning

Induction and Orientation
Train and Development
Employment Decisions ( monetary rewards, transfers, promotion and
demotion )
7. Separations
Human Resource planning involve three activities:
1. Forecasting which is the assessment of the future human resource needs in
relation to capabilities of the organization
2. Programming which is translating the forecasted human resources need to
personnel objectives and goals
3. Evaluation and Control monitoring the human resource actions plan and
evaluating their success
Quantitative method of Forecasting:
1. Time series method uses historical data.
2. Explanatory and casual models attempts to identify major variables.
The three major type of explanatory models
a. Regression Models
b. Econometric Models regression equation
c. Leading Indicators business cycle
3. Monitoring Models are those that provides early warning signals of
significant changes
Recruitment is the act of attracting qualified applicants to apply for the vacant
position in the company
Sources of Applicants :

The companys current employees

Newspaper advertising
Schools good sources of applicants
Referrals from employees
Recruitment firms

Entry level jobs newspaper advertising, schools and referrals

Managerial jobs current employees, recruitment firms and competitors
Selection is the act of choosing the available individuals for the job. It is evaluating
of employees that can be simple or complex
Ways of determining the qualification of a job candidate:

Application blanks provide individuals characteristics

References written by previous employers
Interviews consist of series of questions
Testing evaluation of future behavior

Types of test
1. Psychology Test is the standard objective measure of a sample behavior. It
can be classified into four:
a. Aptitude Test to test the persons capability to learn
b. Performance test current knowledge about the subject
c. Personality test measures personality in terms of dominance ,
sociability and conformity
d. Interest test various interest in various fields work
2. Physical Examination asses the physical health and to ensure the health of
applicant is adequate to meet the job requirements
In induction, the newly hired employees are provided a necessary information
about the company
In orientation, the newly hired employees are introduced to the working
environment and to their co employees. Some employees are undertaken in
socialization process by pairing him/her with other employees
Training refers to learning that is provided to improve performance on the
present job
Two general types of training
Training Program for Non-Managers
1. On the job training where trainer is place in an actual work situation under
the direction of his immediate supervisor and motivates the trainee to learn
2. Vestibule School the trainee is placed in a situation almost exactly the same
as the workplace machines and materials
3. Apprenticeship program a combination of on the job training and
4. Special Courses provide more emphasis on education rather than training

Training program for Managers

It can be classified into four areas decision making skills , interpersonal skills, job
knowledge and organizational knowledge
The decision making skill can be enhance through this methods
1. In-basket the trainee is provide with set of notes , letters pertaining to a
certain company situation
2. Management games - is training method where trainees are faced with
simulated situation and are required to make an decision
3. Case studies emphasizes managers world , it represents actual situation in
organization and enable one to examine successful and unsuccessful
The interpersonal competence may be develop through this following methods
1. Role-playing is a method by which the trainees are assigned roles to play in
a given case incident. It is provided with script and its purpose is to develop
human relations, supervisions and leadership
2. Behavior Modeling this method attempts to influence the trainee by
showing model persons behaving effectively in problem situation
3. Sensitivity Training awareness and sensitivity to behavioral patterns of
oneself are developed
4. Transactional Analysis is a training method intended to help individuals not
only understand themselves and others but also their own communication
In acquiring knowledge about the actual job the ff. methods are useful:
1. On the job experience this methods provides opportunities for trainees to
learn various skills which actually engaged in a job
2. Coaching this method requires a senior manager to assist a low level
manager by teaching him the needed skills
3. Understudy a manager works an assistant to a higher level manager and
participates in planning
In attempt to increase the trainees knowledge of the total organization the following
methods are useful
1. Position Rotation given assignment to different department the purpose is
to expose him in different functional areas.
2. Multiple management it premised on the idea that junior executive must be
provided with means to prepare them for higher management position

Is the measurement of employee performance

The purpose of it are as follows:

1. To influence a positive manner, employee performance and development
2. To det. Merit pay increases

3. To plan future performance foals

4. To det. Training and development needs
5. To assess the potential promotion for employees
Ways of Appraising performance
1. Rating scale method each trait and characteristic should be rated
2. Essay method where the evaluator composes statements that best describe
the person
3. Management by objectives methods where specific goals are set
4. Assessment center method where one is evaluated other than the
immediate superior
5. Checklist method- checks statements on a list that are deemed to
characterize behaviors
6. Work standards method where standards are set for realistic worker output
7. Ranking method each evaluator arranges employees rank in order
8. Critical Incident Method where the evaluator recalls and writes down
specific incidents
Consist of the following:
1. Monetary rewards given to employees who is par or above standard
2. Transfer provide growth opportunities and movement of a person to
different job
3. Demotion form of punishment. Movement to a job that has less pay
4. Promotion refers to a movement to higher pay

It can be voluntary or involuntary . In voluntary the management finds the

real reason while in involuntary separation or termination is last option of the

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