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_______________________________________ I. Direction: Encircle the letter of your

answer. Score: ____________

1. Why forest important to animals? Because it serve as a. Home of wild animals b.

destroy the soil c. kill the animals 2. Which of these human activities deprives the
natural homes of animals? a. Deforestation b. reforestation c. population 3. What
may be effects of the continuous cutting of trees? a. Soil erosion b. flood c. all of
these 4. How can we protect our watershed areas? a. Planting trees b. cleaning the
rivers c. both a & b 5. Which activity that disrupts the cycle in an ecosystem? a.
Making a grassy area as dumping site b. planting trees c. not polluting the river 6.
How does forest prevent flashflood in a plain? a. Forest absorbs excess rainwaters
c. Forest protects the rain b. Forest stop rain 7. Which of the following is the effect
of deforestation in the environment? a. Soil erosion b. global warming c. all of the
above 8. How can you help restore ecological balance? a. Planting trees b. doing
recycling activities c. all of the above 9. What are some strategies for coping with
the rapid increase of population? a. Using dynamite in fishing c. taking good care of
the nature b. illegal logging 10. Which common materials at home will you use to
kill harmful insects like mosquitoes? a. Insecticides b. synthetic c. soap 11. Aling
Marta bought 3 kilos of galunggong in the market. She wanted to preserve 1 kilo,
what household material can she use to preserve the fish? a. Salt b. citric acid c.
additive 12. Mang Carlo bought a new iron gate what common household material
can he use to protect it from rusting? a. Cooking oil b. additive c. paint 13. Why is it
important to follow warnings in product labels? a. Because it is good b. To make
more materials c. additive 14. What are some of the beneficial effects of materials?
a. Makes work easier b. poison a man c. endanger the life of a man 15. Why should
rapid population growth be controlled? a. To ensure the health of the family b. To
stop abortion c. both a & b 16. Which of the following is a food additive? a. Sodium
chloride b. ammonia c. soap 17. Why is citric acid added to juice drink preparations?
a. To provide sour taste b. to dissolve the solids c. to give sweet taste 18. Which is
likely happen in an overpopulated area? a. There will be a food shortage b. they will
be healthy c. they will be happy 19. Why do we manufactures ass additives in food
making? a. To enhance the color and taste of the food

b. To enhance the spoilage of the food c. To protect the food. 20. Which is
considered the universal solvent? a. Water b. vinegar 21. Which of the following
upsets the ecological balance? a. Deforestation b. reforestation 22. The following
are good way to dispose materials except one. a. Buy dead animals b. mix all plastic
and dried leaves

c. paint c. family planning c. both a & b

23. What problems may NOT occur due to a growing population? a. Shortage of food
b. satisfaction of basic needs c. shortage of water 24. Why is detergent in
toothpaste beneficial to man? a. It reduces the disease b. It feels good c. it prevents
dental carries 25. This build-up of carbon dioxide traps the heat of the earth is
called ______? a. Greenhouse effect b. acid rain c. air borne particles 26. How are
particles in a block of wood arranged? a. Closely packed together b. far apart c. very
far apart 27. Which is an example of solid particles? a. Bag, chalk b. chalk, water c.
gas, bag 28. Which is an example of biodegradable materials? a. Plastic cup b. tin
can c. wood 29. How should non biodegradable waste be disposed ? a. By
composting b. by recycling . by burning 30. What should you do to avoid taking
poisonous material by mistake? a. Label poisonous substances properly b. Reread
labels of materials before taking them. c. Both a & b II. Direction: Write True or False
on the space provided. Monosodium Glutamate is an example of preservatives. Our
overpopulated country is a progressive country. Forest prevents flash floods and soil
erosion. Adding additives to food makes the food tastier. Rapid population growth
affects the balance of nature. Conserving the ecosystem is the governments official
responsibility only. Overpopulation can cause pollution. Materials make work fast
and easier. Cutting down trees make the Earth beautiful. Family planning is one
strategy to cope up with the rapid population growth.

________1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________6. ________7. ________8.

________9. ________10. III.

Explain: As a pupil, how do you protect our environment?

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