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Let us start by thinking of films and actresses. When an actress gets on a film set, theres just one
thing shes there to do ACT HER ASSIGNED ROLE.
In a regular film, an actress role, lines, scenes, props, etc, are clearly pre-determined and assigned
by the author/producer. And these have to be followed exactly as scripted, otherwise the film will
become a joke.
In other words, to be successful, an actress ought to know WHO SHE IS in a film, and to conform to
that role to make the film a success.
This is a simple illustration that defines how God has created clearly defined male and female roles.
In creation, God was neither befuddled nor uncertain in the roles that He assigned to the two distinct
sexes that He created. As an all-wise Creator, He defined the roles very, very clearly. And the New
Testament spells it out explicitly.
The first thing that anybody that gets on the stage of life has to remember is his/her role AS
DEFINED by God. To fail in this regard, is to FUNDAMENTALLY FAIL in everything else, and will be
the same as an actress that ignores her role in a film, and re-creates another character for herself in
the film. A disaster.
When God creates a woman, in His mind, and in His eternal purpose, He assigns certain roles that
FIT HIS CONCEPT OF THE FEMALE MOULD in which she is created. And at the end of our journey
in life, when God will evaluate and reward our sojourn on the earth, He will do so on the basis of
whom He created us to be. Not on the basis of who we turned out to be on earth, not on the basis of
whom we made ourselves to become.
In life, whenever we leave what God created us to do, and we start doing something else, the truth is
that WHAT WE WERE CREATED TO DO IS LEFT UNDONE. In heaven, crowns will NOT be
awarded for ABANDONED WORK. There will be no reward for SELF-CREATED work that conflicts
with the roles assigned by God.
This is why it is extremely wise to strip the issue of WHO WE ARE all the way down to the most
basic element. And to ALWAYS keep this in our focus as a consistent frame of reference. So that we
can always keep the main thing as the main thing WHO WE WERE CREATED TO BE.
Until the issue of WHO WE ARE, along with its God-assigned purpose, is fully acknowledged, fully
understood, and fully accepted, there can be no genuine partnership with God. Definitely NOT a
partnership at the level of Gods special end-time soldier in the mould of GODS AMAZONS.

In summary, to be A GODS AMAZON, please ask yourself, and ask God, this question: WHY WAS
I CREATED IN THE FEMALE MOULD?. Ask yourself if you are satisfied and happy with the mould
that you have been created in.
The answers you come up with, will determine how far you will soar with God in His purpose and in
your destiny particularly in this end-time when God is hand-picking His Amazons that will fulfil His
purpose. As He draws the final curtains on the earth.
Are you in the number?
Thanks for reading, God bless.
(Pls watch out for the next part of this series - GODS AMAZONS: KNOW YOUR PURPOSE (PART

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