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evo sta sam zapisala za teorijski okvir dok nam je danka objasnjavala kako treba da izgleda.....1.

otvorenost, bipolarna skala 2.nesto o modelima, leksicka hipoteza, NPR, heksako, socijalna
pozeljnost(kako se resava, da bi ispitanici bili sto iskreniji) -tu se valjda misli da smo davali podjednako
privlacne tvrdnje sa obe strane....3.otvorenost u heksaku i neopiru-razlike 4. postojeci testovi koji se
ovime bave-opis 5. odnos otvorenosti i inteligencije(r=0.30) 6. klinicke, polne, rasne grupe-valjda koje
su razlike medju njima 7. suprotstavljeni nalazi-teorijski nalazi-definicije 8. literatura sa linkovima-15

1. Predmet merenja testa - u jednoj do tri reenice kratko treba napisati ta test
koji e biti operacionalizovan u roku semestra meri.
2. Kratak istorijski pregled izuavanja, iri teorijski kontekst - ovde treba dati
"uvod" u pravom smislu rei. Ne preterano opirno, ali da se pojam smesti u neki
teorijski ili empirijski okvir. Kada se data tema poinje izuavati, iz ega nastaje,
ko je prvi predloio termin koji se sada koristi za to, da li se shvatanje termina
promenilo sa vremenom, ta je najbitnije za definisanje pojma... Ovo su samo
predlozi elemenata koje ovaj deo teksta moe da sadri, nijedan od njih nije sam
po sebi obavezan, ali bi bilo dobro da ne izostanu ba svi.
3. Razgranienje u odnosu na dodirne pojmove, srodni testovi - slinosti i razlike po emu se predmet merenja (tema) razlikuje od sebi slinih / srodnih
konstrukata. Ne zaboravite da treba napisati i po emu su slini. Treba pokriti i
teorijski i empirijski aspekt.
4. Postojee operacionalizacije - ovde se potrudite da budete malo detaljniji i
opiite testove koji ve postoje a koji mere ono to je tema vae
operacionalizacije. Ako takvi testovi ne postoje - opiite testove koji mere neki
konstrukt najsliiniji vaem. Kod opisa je posebno bitno sve ono to je uporedivo
sa operacionalizacijom koju ete sami praviti - koliko stavki imamo, kog su tipa,
kako se daju odgovori, kako se kodiraju odgovori, kako se formira ukupan skor,
da li postoji vremensko ogranienje ili ne, posebni uslovi testiranja i tako dalje opiite sve to je relevantno za dati test. Takoe, potrudite se da sve instrumente
opiete na isti nain (ako navodite broj stavki za jedan instrument, onda navedite
taj podatak za sve instrumente i sl.).
5. Ranija istraivanja - korelati - sa kojim varijablama se dati konstrukt moe
dovesti u vezu, odnosno sa kojim varijablama je on u korelaciji (im govorimo o
korelaciji, znai da se radi o kontinuiranim varijablama). Ideje ta da traite mogu
da budu - crte linosti, inteligencija, uzrast (kao kontinuirana varijabla) - dakle
opte stvari ili bilo ta drugo konkretnije, a vezano za vau temu (npr.
posesivnost ili muzika sposobnost, ljubav prema muzici...).
6. Ranija istraivanja - poloaj razliitih grupa - veoma slino kao prethodni
zadatak, samo se sada konstrukt dovodi u vezu sa razliitim kategorikim
varijablama - pol, rasa, nacionalnost, uzrast (uzrasne kategorije), klinike grupe,
profesije... ili neto to ima smisla s obzirom na temu.
7. Aktuelne kontraverze (ukoliko postoje) - ovo se odnosi kako na suprotstavljene
nalaze (jedno istraivanje pokazuje da ima neke povezanosti, drugo je ne nalazi),
tako i na suprotstavljena teorijska miljenja (jedan autor nalaz objanjava na
jedan nain, drugi autor na drugi ili ak imaju razliite definicije samog pojma).

Mogue je da za pojam koji ste odabrali ne postoje nikakve kontraverze, pa u tom

sluaju treba prosto tako i napisati. Ipak, verujem da ete naii na neka
neslaganja u vezi sa neim :)
8. Literatura sa linkovima - svaki rad na koji se pozivate u tekstu mora se nalaziti
u listi referenci na kraju teksta. Literatura treba da bude navedena prema APA
navoenje DOI-ja kad god je to mogue (koristan link za pronalaenje DOI-ja: Bez obzira na to da li je naveden DOI broj ili
ne, potrebno je navesti linkove koji vode ka stranici odakle ste lanak preuzeli
(ne celoj bazi, ve ba pojedinanom lanku i ne nuno zvaninom izvoru, ve
onom gde ste lanak zapravo nali). Lista referenci treba da sadri najmanje 15
naunih lanaka na engleskom jeziku. Mogue je, naravno, koristiti i druge izvore
(knjige, lanke na srpskom jeziku), ali oni ne ulaze u obaveznih 15 lanakih
* Duina Teorijskog okvira treba da bude 7-8 stranica teksta, ne raunajui listu

Notably, the construct of Openness to experience measures the tendency to fantasize, an

aesthetic sensitivity, awareness of ones emotions, preference for novelty, intellectual curiosity,
and preference for nontraditional values (McCrae & Costa, 2003). As such, Openness is broader
in scope than TIE (Ackerman, 1996), which measures individuals intellectual curiosity and
preference to engage in cognitively demanding or challenging leisure tasks and activities, such
as reading, problem solving, and abstract thinking. The artistic imagination, aesthetic,
independent and nonconforming aspects of Openness (Deraad, Hendriks, & Hofstee, 1992;
Johnson, 1994) may be critical drivers of broader patterns of cognitive activity and experience
that help to sustain higher levels of cognitive complexity throughout adulthood. This is consistent
with research by Parisi and colleagues (2009) who have reported a positive relationship between
self-reported measures of alertness to novelty and intellectual complexity and performance on
tests of fluid intelligence.
People who are high on Openness to experience are generally receptive to entertaining new and
challenging facets of cultural life, as well as personal thoughts and emotions (McCrae & Costa,
2003), and studies have reported a positive relationship between Openness to experience and
performance on tests of intelligence (Ackerman & Heggestad, 1997; Gignac, Stough, &
Loukomitis, 2004). Specifically, in a meta-analysis of studies that examined relationships
between personality and intelligence, Ackerman and Heggestad (1997) found Openness
correlated positively with both general intelligence (r = .33) and crystallized intelligence (r = .30).
Gignac, Stough, and Loukomitis (2004) similarly reported a positive correlation between
Openness and general intelligence (r = .43)
u clanku pored korelacije otvorenosti i IQ-a, spominju da muskarci imaju vece skorove na otvorenosti prema
novim idejama, a zene vece skorove na otvorenost prema osecanjima. to mozemo za polne razlike da iskoristimo.
to je za ono pod 6. u okviru
Sex differences in openness to experience were decidedly mixed
across cultures. In 37 cultures, men scored higher than women in
BFI Openness to Experience (in 8 cultures this difference was

statistically significant), but in 18 cultures, womens self-reported

openness to experience was higher than mens (in 4 cultures this
difference was statistically significant). These conflicting results
were not entirely unexpected as women have been found to be
more open than men to feelings, whereas men tend to be more
open to new ideas (Costa et al., 2001; McCrae et al., 2005). The
BFI Openness to Experience scale did not contain the necessary
precision to distinguish among these facets of the higher order trait
of openness to experience (McCrae & Costa, 1997)
evo i ovoga za 6. poglavlje
to je odavde Schmitt, D. P., Realo, A., Voracek, M., & Allik, J. (2008). Why can't a man be more like a woman?
Sex differences in Big Five personality traits across 55 cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
94(1), 168-182.
samo sto nisam uspela da otvorim link, automatski mi je skinulo fajl NECE DA KOPIRA TEKST
McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T., Jr. (1997). Conceptions and correlates of
openness to experience. In R. Hogan, J. Johnson, & S. Briggs (Eds.),
Handbook of personality psychology (pp. 825847). San Diego, CA:
Academic Press. Nisam uspela da otvorim!!!!

Although general knowledge is related to individual differences in intelligence, there is also

evidence relating to differences in personality traits as well. A number of different studies have
looked at correlations between general knowledge and personality traits, particularly those
belonging to the Big Five model of personality. This model comprises the five broad traits of
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,neuroticism, and openness to experience. To
the best of my knowledge, the correlations between general knowledge and big five personality
traits have been reported in eight different papers, reporting the results of 10 different studies. (A
detailed summary of the findings is provided in a table here, an earlier version of this article).
One of these studies (Ackerman, Bowen, Beier, & Kanfer, 2001) examined only two of the Big
Five (openness to experience and extraversion), whereas the remaining studies reported results
for all five traits.
The trait most consistently correlated with general knowledge is openness to experience, which
had positive correlations in all ten studies. Openness to experience is known to be positively
correlated with measures of IQ and is characterised by intellectual curiosity and interest in
learning. Hence its connection with general knowledge does not seem surprising. Findings in
relation to other personality traits have been less consistent.
The trait most consistently correlated with general knowledge is openness to experience, which had positive
correlations in all ten studies. Openness to experience is known to be positively correlated with measures of IQ
and is characterised by intellectual curiosity and interest in learning. Hence its connection with general knowledge
does not seem surprising. Openness to experience is the only personality trait with a substantial correlation with
general knowledge. Correlations of about .30 are generally considered to be of moderate strength, although it has
been suggested that they are actually large compared to most effects found in psychology studies the correlation
between openness to experience and general knowledge barely changed (r = .31).

Openness to experience is the only personality trait with a substantial correlation with general
knowledge. Correlations of about .30 are generally considered to be of moderate strength,
although it has been suggested that they are actually large compared to most effects found in
psychology studies (Richard, Bond Jr., & Stokes-Zoota, 2003).
correlation between openness to experience and general knowledge barely changed (r = .31)

Openness to experience is usually considered to consist of a number of narrower facets,

including openness to ideas, values, feelings, aesthetics, actions, and fantasy. There is evidence
that men tend to be higher on openness to ideas whist women tend to be higher on openness to
feelings (Schmitt, et al., 2008). Whether or not openness to ideas is more strongly related to
general knowledge than the other facets has never been examined. Openness to ideas has a
very strong conceptual similarity to a construct called typical intellectual engagement (Mussell,
2010). A number of studies (Chamorro-Premuzic, et al., 2006; Furnham, et al., 2009; Furnham,
et al., 2008) found that typical intellectual engagement had positive correlations with general
knowledge. However, a study by Furnham et al. (2008) found that overall openness to
experience was a stronger predictor of general knowledge than the narrower trait of typical
intellectual engagement. This finding might indicate that the broad tendency to be open to new
experiences generally, rather than a specific facet of openness, supports the acquisition of
general knowledge. In a previous post I argued that gender differences in general knowledge
may be related to a greater male interest in things as opposed to a greater female interest in
people. Elsewhere I have suggested that gender stereotypes could play a role as well. Future
research could explore the respective contributions of gender typical interests, stereotypes, and
possible differences in openness facets to sex differences in general knowledge.

Older and younger generations have always clashed about values. Typically, these clashes result
from younger people being more liberal, and older people more conservative. This is somewhat
ironic since older people were also quite liberal when they were young, and younger people will
become more conservative when they grow old. So what explains age differences in
conservatism, and why do people become more right wing, authoritarian, and rigid as they age?
The first reason is personality. Indeed, a review of 92 scientific studies shows that intellectual
curiosity tends to decline in old age, and that this decline explains age-related increases in
conservatism. At any age, people differ in their typical levels of curiosity, and these differences
have been attributed to the broader personality trait of Openness to Experience. Higher levels of
Openness have been associated not only with aesthetic and cultural interests, but also with a
general tendency to seek emotionally stimulating and adrenalizing activities (e.g., from scuba
diving to bungee jumping; from drugs to unprotected sex). Furthermore, open people are also
more likely to display counter-conformist attitudes, challenge the status quo and disrespect
authority. Although these qualities make high Openness a potential threat to society, Openness is
also the source ofcreativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as an intellectual antidote
to totalitarianism, injustice and prejudice.
Of course, all these are just generalizations and they do not apply to all individuals, young or old.
To some extent, every individual is unique, and the developmental patterns of change and
stability in personality and political orientation will never be identical for any two individuals.
Interestingly, there is also compelling evidence for the idea that people become more
exaggerated versions of themselves when they age. In that sense, people are just like wine: the
good ones get better with age; the bad ones worse. ovde kazu da su stariji ljudi
konzervativniji, a mladji otvoreniji ka novim iskustvima, mada to ne mora da bude pravilo. Problem je sto ne
navode istrazivanja konkretno, pa ne znam da li to mozemo da iskoristimo za uzrasne razlike

At time 1 (Age 16), females scored significantly higher on measures of Agreeableness,

Conscientiousness, and Openness. Males, in contrast, scored higher than females on a measure of
Emotional stability. In both males and females, Conscientiousness and Openness increased linearly
from age 16 to age 20, whereas Energy/Extraversion remained stable. Conscientiousness and
Openness increased linearly from age 16 to age 20 in both males and females. uzrasne razlike I
kazu da su osobe zenskog pola imale vise rezultate na otvorensti

The question of whether personality dimensions explain the interindividual differences in dream recall
frequency has often been investigated by dream researchers. Previous research has shown that traits
such as absorption, hypnotic susceptibility and thin boundaries which are related to the openness-toexperience factor of the Five-Factor-Model of personality correlate substantially with dream recall
frequency. The present study, however, was unable to demonstrate a relationship between openness
and the six facet scales and dream recall frequency. It may be hypothesized that other factors such as
visual memory, sleep behavior or creativity explain the interindividual differences in dream recall.
ne znam da li bi ovo moglo da ide za kontroverze, kaze da je prvo jedno istrazivanje pokazalo vezu izmedju
ucestalosti dream recall*nisam sigurna kako da prevedem) i izmedju otvorenosti, a sadasnje istrazivanje to nije
uspelo da potvrdi, pa se postavlja pitanje da li postoje jos neki faktori koji uticu na dream recall i kod starijih i kod mladjih osoba postoji

veza izmedju otvorenosti ka novim iskustvima I halucinacija Analyses of associations between personality

domains and hallucination-proneness revealed differing associations for the young and elderly
groups. For the young sample, there were significant associations between LSHS-scores and
Openness to Experience and Neuroticism domains. For elderly subjects, only the Openness to
Experience domain was significantly associated with LSHS-scores

1 Measurement

2 Psychological aspects

2.1 Creativity

2.2 Intelligence and knowledge

2.3 Absorption and hypnotisability

2.4 Relationship to other personality traits

2.5 Social and political attitudes

2.6 Subjective well-being and mental health

2.7 Personality disorders

2.8 Religiosity and spirituality

2.9 Gender

2.10 Dream recall

2.11 Sexuality

3 Genes and physiology

4 Geography

5 Drug use

6 See also

7 Notes

8 References

The fifth factor in lexical studies of trait adjectives is commonly interpreted as Intellect, whereas the
corresponding factor derived from questionnaire studies is typically identified as Openness to Experience.
Intellect as a construct is problematic because it erroneously suggests an equivalence of Factor V with
intelligence, describes aspects of Factor III (Conscientiousness) as well as of Factor V, and fails to suggest the
diverse psychological correlates that Factor V is known to have. By contrast, Openness to Experience is a
broader construct that implies both receptivity to many varieties of experience and a fluid and permeable
structure of consciousness. Data from analyses of adjectives, established personality questionnaires, and
Hartmann's (1991) new Boundary Questionnaire support these interpretations. The construct of Openness can
be transported across geographical and cultural boundaries to function as a universal dimension of personality

My colleagues and I have since replicated the basic associations among Intellect and
Openness with creative achievement in the arts and sciences across multiple samples, using
wider age ranges.
Results revealed that neuroticism is weakly related to modern health worries.
Openness moderates the relationship between modern health worries and neuroticism.
The neuroticism and modern health worries association exists only in low openness.

We examined the curvilinear effects of personality on design-student imagination.

A U-form relationship existed between openness and initiating imagination. The results revealed
that although the primary influence of openness on initiating imagination is linear, a curvilinear Ushaped relationship exists between openness and initiating imagination. The results for openness
suggested that as the score for the trait increases, the possibility of conceiving and transforming
imaginations increase.
Openness predicts cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder and also healthy control

Here, we tested this using the low-frequency heart rate variability power measure (LF) as biomarker of
sympathetic activation, tested under baseline and stress conditions in a sample of 952 subjects, and
controlling for measured confounders of age, sex, height, weight and BMI. A significant association
was found between LF and openness to experience ( = 0.10, 95% CI [0.02, 0.17], p < .01). These
results suggest links between openness to experience and sympathetic nervous system activity
explaining, at least in part, relationships of openness to such traits as aesthetic chills.

The openness/intellect facets of Openness to Experience predicted different outcomes. The

Openness aspect predicted creativity. The Intellect aspect predicted fluid intelligence.

Dogmatism has usually been related to low levels of openness to experience, the latter being an indicator of one's
interest in new and non-traditional ideas. Dogmatism has mostly been studied in relation to religious beliefs but
some recent research has looked at dogmatism among non-religious people. One surprising finding was that
among self-identified atheists, higher levels of openness to experience were actually associated with greater
dogmatism, contrary to the usual pattern. This suggests that the personality dimension openness to experience
might not be a marker of open-mindedness as such but more of a preference for unconventional and complex
ideas. Perhaps there needs to be a distinction made between humble versus arrogant forms of openness to
experience. Da li je ovo kontraverza?
Dogmatism and openness to experience: polar opposites?
People can be dogmatic about any subject, e.g. political and lifestyle views, but dogmatism has mostly been
studied among religious believers. Religious beliefs in general tend to be held more dogmatically than other kinds
of beliefs, and people with fundamentalist beliefs are generally the most dogmatic of all, virtually by definition. Not
surprisingly, religious fundamentalism tends to be associated with low openness to experience (Saroglou, 2010).
Openness to experience is a broad and somewhat heterogeneous dimension of personality that refers to the
breadth and complexity of a persons mental life (McCrae & Sutin, 2009). People low in openness to experience
tend to prefer rather black-and-white views of the world that are not too complex or intellectually demanding. In
contrast, people high in openness prefer more nuanced ways of looking at things, and feel comfortable with
complex ideas. Openness to experience encompasses a diverse number of narrower traits, and one of these
traits, openness to values, refers to readiness to re-examine social, political and religious values and has even
been considered to represent the opposite of dogmatism (Costa & McCrae, 1992, cited in) (Smith, Johnson, &
Hathaway, 2009).

Dogmatism and openness correlate negatively for those with no particular beliefs.

Dogmatism and openness scores correlate positively for atheists.

The relationship between dogmatism and openness is influenced by identity strength

We draw a unique distinction between two types of non-religious individuals.

Non-religious individuals have an identity (atheists) or not (no particular beliefs).
Dogmatism and openness correlate negatively for those with no particular beliefs.
Dogmatism and openness scores correlate positively for atheists.
The relationship between dogmatism and openness is influenced by identity strength.

Openness to experience is also associated with a trait called sexual sensation-seeking which relates to a desire
to be sexually uninhibited and to explore novel sexual experience

putovanja i studiranja u inostranstvu na povecanje otvorenosti ka novim
iskustvima kod studenata, pitanje da li bi do istog doslo I kod odraslih nije dobro
istrazeno, medjutim However, in a few other blog entries, I have talked about
howmulticultural experience can increase creativity. This research suggests that extended
foreign travel may lead to personality changes even in adults.

As noted in a previous article, research has found that experimental manipulations to increase analytical thinking
as opposed to intuitive thinking tend to decrease religious belief, such as belief in God. Because higher openness
to experience is associated to a modest extent with less belief in God, it is possible that clockwise movements
might reduce belief in God due to an associated increase in openness, whereas counterclockwise would
strengthen such belief. Higher openness is also associated to an extent with greater belief in the paranormal, so
similar interventions might influence belief in things like telepathy, witchcraft, and New Age ideas. Results
confirmed that elderly adults more open to experience had superior immediate and delayed memory
and better everyday functioning skills. However, statistical control of fluid reasoning reduced this
association to non-significant levels. At the facet level for openness, results confirmed that openness
to ideas and values were important to successful ageing, but also suggested openness to fantasy
(active imagination). Results suggest that an active imagination helps memory and everyday
functioning for elderly people, and confirm that fluid reasoning accounts for the influence of openness
on successful ageing.

It was concluded that there was no evidence to support the existence of an openness-to-experience
factor and that the results also explained why psychologists who claim consensus on the number of
factors in the Big Five fail to agree on their nature.- kontroverza!!!! ZAMERKE!!

IQ is positively correlated with agreeableness and openness to experience.
Openness to experience: (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious). Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure,
unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience. Openness reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity
and a preference for novelty and variety a person has. It is also described as the extent to which a person is
imaginative or independent, and depicts a personal preference for a variety of activities over a strict routine.
Some disagreement remains about how to interpret the openness factor, which is sometimes called "intellect"
rather than openness to experience.
Openness to experience[edit]
Openness is a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety
of experience. People who are open to experience are intellectually curious, open to emotion, sensitive to beauty
and willing to try new things. They tend to be, when compared to closed people, more creative and more aware of
their feelings. They are also more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.
A particular individual, however, may have a high overall openness score and be interested in learning and
exploring new cultures but have no great interest in art or poetry. There is a strong connection between liberal
ethics and openness to experience such as support for policies endorsing racial tolerance.[34] Another
characteristic of the open cognitive style is a facility for thinking in symbols and abstractions far removed from
concrete experience. People with low scores on openness tend to have more conventional, traditional interests.
They prefer the plain, straightforward, and obvious over the complex, ambiguous, and subtle. They may regard
the arts and sciences with suspicion or view these endeavors as uninteresting. Closed people prefer familiarity
over novelty; they are conservative and resistant to change.[24]
Early trait research[edit]
Sir Francis Galton in 1884 made the first major inquiry into a hypothesis that by sampling language it is possible
to derive a comprehensive taxonomy of human personality traits: the lexical hypothesis.[4] In 1936 Gordon Allport
and S. Odbert put Sir Francis Galtons hypothesis into practice by extracting 4,504 adjectives which they believed
were descriptive of observable and relatively permanent traits from the dictionaries at that time.[52] In 1940,
Raymond Cattell retained the adjectives, and eliminated synonyms to reduce the total to 171.[7] He constructed a
personality test for the clusters of personality traits he found from the adjectives, called Sixteen Personality Factor
Questionnaire. Then, in 1961, Ernest Tupes and Raymond Christal found five recurring factors from this 16PF
Questionnaire. The recurring five factors were: "surgency", "agreeableness", "dependability", "emotional stability",
and culture.[8] This work was replicated by Warren Norman, who also found that five major factors were
sufficient to account for a large set of personality data. Norman named these factors surgency, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, and culture; and these factors are through which five factor consensus has
The new research shows evidence for a maturation effect. On average, levels of agreeableness and
conscientiousness typically increase with time, whereas extraversion, neuroticism, and openness tend to
Openness to experience: No regions large enough to be significant, although parietal cortex may be involved.
Brain structures
Gender differences[edit]
Cross-cultural research has shown some patterns of gender differences on responses to the NEO-PI-R and the
Big Five Inventory.[72] For example, women consistently report higher Neuroticism, Agreeableness, warmth (an
extraversion facet) and openness to feelings, and men often report higher assertiveness (a facet of extraversion)
and openness to ideas as assessed by the NEO-PI-R.[73]
Birth-order differences[edit]
Main article: Birth order
Frank Sulloway argues that firstborns are more conscientious, more socially dominant, less agreeable, and less
open to new ideas compared to laterborns. Large scale studies using random samples and self-report personality
tests, however, have found milder effects than Sulloway claimed, or no significant effects of birth order on
Research has suggested that individuals who are considered leaders typically exhibit lower amounts of neurotic
traits, maintain higher levels of openness (envisioning success), balanced levels of conscientiousness (wellorganized), and balanced levels of extraversion (outgoing, but not excessive).[108] Further studies have linked
professional burnout to neuroticism, and extraversion to enduring positive work experience.[109] When it comes
to making money, research has suggested that those who are high in agreeableness (especially men) are not as
successful in accumulating income.[110] work success
Neuroticism and openness factors were found in an original zoo sample, but were not replicated in a new zoo
sample or in other settings (perhaps reflecting the design of the CPQ).[111] A study review found that markers for
the three dimensions extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness were found most consistently across different
species, followed by openness; only chimpanzees showed markers for conscientious behavior non humans
The Revised NEO Personality Inventory, or NEO PI-R, is a psychological personality inventory, first published in
1990 as a revised version of inventories dating to 1978. The NEO PI-R consists of 240 questions intended to
measure the Big Five personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and
Openness to Experience. Additionally, the test measures six subordinate dimensions (known as facets) of each of
the main personality factors. The test was developed by Paul Costa, Jr. and Robert McCrae for use with adult
men and women without overt psychopathology, but was later shown to be potentially useful at younger ages.
A shortened version, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), uses 60 items (12 items per domain).
Both the NEO PI-R and NEO-FFI have been updated over the years, with their last update published in 2010.
While the NEO PI-R is still being published, the NEO-PI-3 and NEO-FFI-3 feature updated normative data and
new forms. neo_pir 4. opis testova koji mere ono sto
Coherent content factors, corresponding to four of the big five personality factors, emerged: Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Independence (low Neuroticism) and Openness to Experience. Two additional content factors
were identified as Methodicalness and Industriousness, which we interpreted as distinct aspects of
Conscientiousness. A seventh factor, Desirability, also emerged, defined by the desirability marker scales and
several NEO-PI-R scales. It was concluded that the six identified content factors could be well represented by the
appropriate 6FPQ scales, as well as by certain scales from the NEO-PI-R.

On the cross-language replicability of personality factors

WIKI HEXACORelations with the "Big Five" personality factors[edit]

Currently, the most widely used model of personality structure is also based on analyses of personalitydescriptive adjectives. This model consists of the five personality factors collectively known as the "Big Five".[3]
Three of the Big Five factors are similar to the Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience
factors of the HEXACO model
HEXACO model of personality structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lexical hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychology of music preference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Openness to Experience is one of five basic dimensions of personality traits; it is heritable, stable across the
adult lifespan, and universal across cultures. Openness is seen in the breadth, depth, and permeability of
consciousness, and in the ongoing quest for new experiences and ideas. Although distinct from intelligence, it is
related to divergent thinking and to creativity. Case studies of personality traits in geniuses, including self-reports
from an eminent mathematician and biographer ratings of a groundbreaking musician, suggest that Openness
alone of the five factors is consistently associated with genius. Systematic studies of representative samples of
geniuses are needed to confirm that hypothesis. Korelacije izmeu dimenzija linosti
dobivenih upitnikom HEXACO-PI-(R) i onih dobivenih IPIP-om su oekivane. Utvrene su visoke
povezanosti meu teorijski slinim dimenzijama poput ekstraverzije (, 79), savjesnosti (, 74) i
otvorenosti ka iskustvu (, 70) te oekivane umjerene ili niske povezanosti ostalih triju dimenzija s
Petfaktorskim modelom. ....3.otvorenost u heksaku i neopiru-razlike


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