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is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and

failure to recognize what is real. They may see or hear things that dont exist,
speak in strange or confusing ways, believe that others are trying to harm
them, or feel like theyre being constantly watched and may hear voices
other people don't hear. People with schizophrenia may not make sense when
they talk. They may sit for hours without moving or talking. Sometimes
people with schizophrenia seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they
are really thinking.Families and society are affected by schizophrenia too.
Many people with schizophrenia have difficulty holding a job or caring for
themselves, so they dependent on others for help.

The cause of schizophrenia is still unclear but experts think schizophrenia is
caused by several factor.

Genes Scientists have long known that schizophrenia runs in families such
as through a parent, brother, or sister. People who have second-degree
relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents, or cousins) with the disease also
develop schizophrenia. The risk is highest for an identical twin of a person
with schizophrenia. He/she has a 40-65% chance of developing the disorder.

Common early warning signs of schizophrenia

1. Inappropriate laughter or crying
2. Depression
3. Oversleeping or insomnia
4. Strange use of words or way of speaking
5. Extreme reaction to criticism
6. Odd statements
7. unable to concentrate
8. A change in personality
9. Strange body positioning

Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia

There are following types of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia

A Delusion is a strong conviction idea held by a person that is not true.
Delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia. Delusions involves
illogical or strange ideas of people.

Hallucinations are sounds or other sensations experienced as real
when they exist only
in the person's mind. Many times, the voices
are those of someone they know. Hallucinations also tend to be worse
when the person is alone.

Disorganized Speech or Behaviour

The breakup of thinking is a characteristic of schizophrenia. It can
also be observed in the way a person speak. People with schizophrenia
tend to have trouble in concentrating. They start with one topic and
ends somewhere completly different. speak illogical things.

Negative symptoms (absence of normal

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia refer to the absence of normal
behaviors found in
healthy individuals. It includes lack of eye
contact and selfcare, Inability to carry a converzation and unaware of

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