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olive oil rock salt and crushed pepper, toss

to mix well, Spread on a roasting pan and
roast in a moderately hot oven till fragrant.
3. Sllce the mushrooms and season as
above. Spread on a very hot baking tray and
roast in a very hot oven till well browned.
4. Mix the roasted mushrooms and the fen
nel ;sprinkle extra virgin olive oil balsam
ie v in egar, chopped parsley and freshly
grated parmesan cheese.
5. Serve by itself or on a bed of baby
1. Rehydr ate mushrooms in warm water if lettuce.
not fresh.
6. You can also use it as a topping for
2 . Slice the fenn al; sprin kle extr a virgin brusehetta.

Fen nel 200 gm Fresh button mush

roOlns250gm_ Shitake rnush roems r.ogm
Porcini mushrooms-Sa gm . Chan tre lle
mushrooms 50 gm . Extra virgin olive oll
10000. Balsam ic vinegar 30 ml. Rock salt
1 tbs . Pepper cr ushed 1 tsp Parsley
chopped 11bs . Parmesan cheese 60 gm
Baby lettuce 100 gm

Rice, Arborio or Carnaroli 2 cu ps
Chopped onions 2 tb!a Garlic chopped 1
tsp a White wine 120ml a Vegetable stock
h olll Spin ach . Corn boiled / roa sted 1
cUIW jl.IFlscarpone ch eese 120 gm. lOO gm
fro zen bu tt er a Thyme

1. Heat vegetable stock and simmer.

2.Heat butter in a heavy bott omed


Pinto gets a crash course l

Italian cuisine
urprisa dtnnor ~ueslS? Instead of speed-diallng the
nearest take-outjctnt, you could whip up aCancymaaJ
in an hour flat , Take a lesson from Executive Che
Jilydeep Mukhcrjee allndigo care. who 's headllnlng a
series of cullnary workshops for those who don't know
(heir proscultto from their porctnl. With a class full of
en I husiastlcIood lovers, Mukherjce walk~ you through the
entire process. peppering hiskitchen tips with 1I handful
of humour; No question Is too obvious and no query goes
u na nswered, and the best part is.. you get to roliBh what
ever's on DIeteaching menu, fresh off the stove.

rondeau or a wide cooki ng pan .

3.Add the chopped garlic and onion

and saute. Do not allow to brown.

4.Add the rice and stir till gr a ins

glisten an d look op aque,

5.Pour in th e wine an d simmer for

a minu te to allow th e alcohol to

evaporate. Turn h eat to medium

and add stock a ladleful at a time.

Rice s hould absorb liqu id.

6.After 15 mi nu tes, add corn and

cook for another 5-7 mi nutes.

7. When the rice feels soft and looks

creamy, the risotto is ready.

8.Take off the hea t an d add sh re dded

spinach, butter and cheese. Season to taste.

Tomatoes 300 gm . Onion
dleed 1 tbs a Garl ic chopped 1
tspa Car rot dic ed 1 cup. Col
ery diced 11~ c:up. Leek dlc ed
1/2 cup . Smoked bac on 112
cup . Pa sta I c up . Potato
diced 1I2cup. Basil. Oliveoil
60 mla Ol ive oil extr a virgi n 90 ml . Parmesan
cheese 120 gm

1. Blanch th e tomat oes and refresh them in ice
wat er: Roughl y chop an d reserve,
2. Chop th e on ion and the garlic.
3. Heat a heavy bottomed sauce pan. Add the bacon
and saute over a slow flame till most of the fat has
rendered. Add the chopped garlic and saute for a
few minutes.
4. Add th e chopped onions and saute till soft. Add
the diced carrot. celery, leek and potato.
5. Add the pasta or cook separately and add later.
6. Add the chopped tomatoes and the residual torna
to juice. Simmer over a slow fire till the vegetables
cook completely but not begun to disintegrate,
7. Tear the basil leaves or chop them roughly and'
add to the soup. Add grated parmesan cheese.

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