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Examen Final

Chapter 3
Aristotle divided motion in two: violent and natural motion.
1. Natural Motion: either straight up or straight down. Objects would seek their natural resting
places, like smoke puffing up into the air or a boulder falling toward the ground. It was natural
for heavy things to fall and light things to rise. Circular motion is also natural, since when he
looked up he saw the heavens without beginning or end. These natural motions are thought
not to be caused by forces. Horizontal motion was unnatural.
2. Violent Motion: imposed motion. Result of forces that pushed or pulled. The important thing is
that it had an external cause.
Aristotle also said that an objects natural state was at rest. And that any movement is caused by an
outside force.
Copernicus he assumed that the earth and other planets moved around the sun. He had to work
on this in secret to escape persecution. His book De Reovulutionbus reached him on the day of his
Galileo he demolished the notion that force is needed to keep and object moving.
Friction: is the name given to the force that acts between materials that touch as they move
past each other. Is caused by the irregularities in the surfaces of objects that are touching.
If friction were absent, a moving object would need no force whatever to remain in motion.
Inertia: the property of a body to resist changes to its state of motion.
Galileo discredited Aristotle.
Newtons First Law or usually called the Law of Inertia is a restatement off Galileos idea that a force
is not needed to keep an object moving. The law states that every object continues in a state of rest,
or uniform speed in a straight line, unless acted on by a nonzero net force. An object in rest stays in
rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force.
The more mass an object has the more inertia and the more force it will take to change its state of
motion, mass is a measure of inertia.
Mass: quantity of matter in an object.
Volume: is a measure of space. Measures in units such as cubic centimeters, cubic meters,
liters. Mass and volume are indeed different.
Weight: a measure of the gravitational force acting on the object. Weight depends on the
objects location. Described in pounds
Mass never changes but weight does. But they are proportional.
Newton: the SI unit for force. The symbol is N. Force is a vector quantity.

Chapter 4
Relative: when we describe the motion of one object with respect to another, we say that the
object is moving relative to the other object.
An object is moving if its position relative to a fixed point is changing.
Speed: is how fast an object is moving. Is described by any combination of units for distance
and time.
1. Instantaneous Speed is the speed at any instant.
2. Average Speed the total distance covered by the time.
Velocity: is speed in a given direction. This is called a vector quantity that is magnitude and
direction. A scalar quantity only includes magnitude.
Constant speed means steady speed, it doesnt speed up or slow down. Constant velocity means
(constant speed and direction) motion in a straight line at a constant speed. A car going in circles may
have a constant speed but not a constant velocity seeing as its changing direction.
In constant velocity something has to be changing, speed or velocity, or both.
Acceleration: the rate at which velocity is changing. Acceleration talks about both increase in
speed and decrease. When it is decreasing it is called deceleration.
Acceleration is the change in velocity not in speed.
Acceleration along a straight line is different. When there is no change in direction
In vertical movement there are always to elements that will affect it: gravity and air resistance (unless
in vacuum). When gravity is only affecting it its called free fall.
Elapsed Time: the time that has passed since the beginning of an event.
Gravity = 10m/s2 (always)
When an object is thrown upward its instantaneous speed at the top is nothing, zero. When going
upward the velocity is decreasing, when it goes down again it increases. The same velocity it was
thrown at it will come back down.
Air resistance slows the motion of things with more surface area.

Chapter 5
Components two vectors at right angles that add up to a given vector.
Resolution the process of determining the components of the vector.
Projectile any object that moves through the air or space, acted only by gravity.
Vector quantity magnitude and direction
Scalar quantity magnitude only
Resultant sum of two vectors

Parabola the path traced by a projectile accelerating only in the vertical direction while
moving at constant horizontal velocity.
Horizontal range traveling different horizontal distances (how far)
Horizontal component horizontal velocity.
Vertical component vertical velocity.
Arrows in physics represent the magnitude and direction of a certain quantity.
Velocity and acceleration are both vector quantities.
Scalars are treated like ordinary numbers. They can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided.
For two vectors that are perpendicular, the result of adding the two is the resultant (the diagonal line)
The two vectors that add up to a given vector re called components.
The perpendicular components are independent of each other.
The process of determining the components of a vector is called the resolution.
A projectile is any object that moves through the air, or space, acted on only by gravity.
No horizontal forces act on the projectile so horizontal velocity remains constant.
The downward motion of a horizontal launch is the same as free fall, only gravity acts on it.
The vertical distance has nothing to do with the horizontal motion.
The path traced by a projectile accelerating in only vertical direction while moving at a constant
horizontal velocity is a parabola.
When air resistance affects the range is diminished and the path is not a true parabola.
An object hits the ground with the same speed as it was projected upward.
Chapter 6
When an object is at rest gravity and the support force are balanced, keeping the object in
equilibrium. When an unbalanced force, outside force, acts on an object the object accelerates.
The combination of forces acting on an object are called a net force. Acceleration depends on the net
force. Acceleration and net force are directly proportional.
Increase in mass is a decrease in acceleration. Mass and acceleration are inversely proportional.
Newtons Second Law of Motion states that more force is more acceleration, more mass is less
acceleration. The acceleration produced by a net force on an object is directly proportional to the
magnitude of the net force, is in the same direction as the net force, and is inversely propotional to te
mass of the object.
Inversely: two values change in opposite directions.

Friction depends on the types of materials that are being pressed together and how much they are
pressed together.
Fluids: are both fluids and gases because they flow.
Air resistance: is the friction acting on objects that are moving through the air.
A decrease in the area of contact will increase pressure.
Pressure: the amount of force per unit per area. It is measure in newtons per square meter or
pascals (Pa)
All freely falling objects fall with the same acceleration because the net force on an object is only its
weight, and the ratio of weight to mass is the same for all objects.
Air resistance depends the speed and are of the object.
Chapter 7
A force is always a part of mutual action of another force. That mutual action his is called interaction
between two objects.
Newtons Third Law of Motion states that whenever one object exerts force on a second object, the
second object exert an equal and opposite force on the first object. One force is called the action
force, and the other one the reaction force.
The more force on an object causes a greater acceleration but the same force on a larger mass
causes less acceleration.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Chapter 8
Momentum: inertia in motion. It is described as mass by velocity or speed (depends if
direction is an important factor)
Momentum is movement. An object with large mass can have large momentum.

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