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couples of reproductive age (PUS) were married couples living together, where
his wife aged 15- 49 years, who must be motivated constantly to become
participans of family planning, the aim of this studi is to describe the level of
knowledge of couples of reproductive age (PUS) about the lack of famuly
planning acceptors IUD users in BPM Diah Wijayanti AMd. Keb steel material
kidul village triwung kademangan cities probolinggo 2016 study conducted for
the survey design with a descriptive study. Subjects drawn from the population of
50 people and a way of sampling technigue is total sampling of 50 people.
Distribution of guestionnaire to get information about the variables to be studied
is the level of knowledge of fertile couples (PUS) on the low users acceptor IUD
in BPM Diah Wijayanti AMd. Keb steel material triwung kidul village
kademangan cities probolinggo 2016, research shows that the level of knowledge
pair age fertile (PUS) on the low users IUD acceptors that more than half of that is
by 66% less. This is becouse of the age factor, and education in BPM Diah
Wijayanti AMd. Keb steel material kidul village triwung kademangan cities
probolinggo 2016.
Keywords: knowledge, adolescents, the lack of fertile couples IUD acceptors.

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