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Available online at Surface and Coatings Technology 173 (2003) 185-191 SURFACE s GUATINGS TIGHNOLDGY wow chev fosonTocatlsricat ELSEVIER Anodizing of inner surface of long and small-bore aluminum tube Dj. Djozan*, M. AmirZehni Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Unversity of Tabrc, Tabriz, ran Reevived 9 September 2002; aeceped in revised form 7 March 2003 Abstract A method for anodizing the inner surface of long and small-bore aluminum tubes is described. Parameters affecting thickness, shape, porosity and stability of the oxide layer formed were investigated. The optimum conditions for electrolyte solution, temperature, applied voltage and anodizing time were found. The anodizing process was performed both in dyaamic and static modes. The results obtained indicated that the quality of Al,O, layer formed in dynamic mode was better than that of the static mode. Therefore the flow rate of the electrolyte solution in dynamic mode during the anodizing process was also optimized. In this study, the chemical characteristics of the Al,Os layer formed were studied by adsorption quantity of fuchsin from aqueous solution on the coating layer and further desorption from it. Scanning electron microscopy was employed for the investigation of the physical characteristics of the Al,O, layer. The results revealed that in the optimum conditions, a porous and stable layer, 45 lum thick, with a high surface area was formed on the inner surface of each aluminum tube. ‘© 2003 Elsevier Science B.Y. All rights reserved, Keywords: Anodizing of inner surface; Dynamic anodizing; Aluminum tubes 1. Introduction Anodizing of the aluminum surface is carried out in a wide variety of plants for numerous uses in industries It is an effective process for producing decorative and protective films on articles made from aluminum. In this process a very stable thin film of AlLO, is formed clectrochemically on the external surface of aluminum [1]. In anodizing process, the aluminum article is used as the anode and stainless steel, lead or aluminum may be used as the cathode [2]. Aluminum cathodes are currently preferred, due to the improved quality and ‘more homogeneous oxide layer formed. A DC at suffi- cient voltage in a suitable clectrolyte is applied. The mechanism of formation and dissolution of an oxide film on pure aluminum rotating disc in alkaline solution were studied [3,4] using galvanostatic anodizing, poten- tiostatic anodizing, potential drop experiments and impe- dance spectroscopy. The properties of porous anodic oxide films on aluminum were deseribed in detail by toh et al. [5] =Conesponding author, E-mail addresses: djozani@abrimuacir (D. Djozan), {jozan@ (D. Djozan). Anodic oxide film formed on aluminum is of two general types: barrier layer film and porous film [6] Barrier layer films are prepared in nearly neutral solution and porous films are formed in acid solution. The overall thickness of the porous layer depends on several factors including the composition and concentration of the electrolyte solution, temperature, electrolyte flow rate, anodizing time and the applied potential [7-9] Anodizing process can be carried out in various electrolyte or mixtures of electrolytes such as sulfuric acid, oxalic acid [5,6], chromic acid, phosphoric acid [4,10], and sulfurie-oxalic acid. In most cases, the anodizing process is carried out in a solution of sulfuric acid [11,12]. Normally pre-treatment steps may be performed before anodizing process. These steps contain degreasing, washing, etching, and cleaning of the tube. Some post-treatment steps such as sealing of the porous surface of the aluminum body may also be performed. Due to the industrial interests, all anodizing processes were developed for the anodizing of external surface of articles made from aluminum [2]. However, for special purposes such as preparation of a tubular type of porous alumina membrane, the anodizing process was per formed in the inner surface of aluminum tubes in dynamic mode [5,11]. In the internal anodizing method, 0257-8972103/ - see font matter © 2003 Elsevier Science BV, All rights reserved. oi10,1016/S0257-8972(03)00S10-5 186 D, Djocan, M, AmirZehni / Surface and Coatings Technology 173 (2003) 185-191 D.CPower supply Ammeter ‘Aluminum tube Anodizing layer water --- Aluminum tube Connecting tube {anode} Thermometer Electrolyte solution 804) Aluminum plate (cathode) Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the experimental device for dynamic anodic oxidation of inner surface of aluminum tubes. The aluminum tube and aluminum plate are a8 anode and eathod respectively. The electrolyte solution was circulated through aluminum tube at constant flow rate by peristaltic pump, Electrolyte temperature and applied voltage was controled the electrolyte solution was introduced from the bottom of tube at @ constant flow rate, whereby the hydrogen and oxygen gases evolved, respectively, on the cathode and anode could be removed In the present work, we have investigated the anodiz- ing of inner surface of a long and small-bore aluminum tube. Due to the effective adsorption ability of aluminum oxide, the tube can be used as an extraction device of organic as well as inorganic compounds for their isola- tion and concentration prior to their analysis. The device can well be used as an injection loop in flow injection analysis and HPLC method. 2. Experimental Sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and fuchsin were purchased from E. Merck (Germany), sseas extraction efficiency (%) ° 10 20 Stock aqueous solution (100 mg I") of fuchsin was prepared in water. Pure aluminum tube, 2 mm id,, 5 mm od. was from Paralom Co, (Iran), The scanning electron microphotograph was acquired with a scanning electron microscope (SEM, model LEO 44010, Germany) at an acceleration voltage of 17.5 KV. The amount of adsorbed color compound was deter mined with a spectrophotometer (model UV-120-02 Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan). Thermal conditioning process of the tubes were carried out with a Naber D-2804 Lilienthal/Bremen Fumace (England). A. peristaltic pump (model EYELA, Tokyo Rikakikai Co. Ltd., Japan) ‘was employed for passing electrolyte through the tube. ‘A potentiometer (ADAK; DC power supply; model PS- 808, Iran) was used to apply appropriate voltage and a vibrator apparatus (Retsch; KG 5657 HAAN; Germany) was used for vibrationally fuidly stirring, 30 40 50 temperature (C) Fig. 2. Effet of electrolyte temperatures on the gualty of oxide layers. Anodizing time 4 hy applied vollage 18 Y; electrolyte (sufi ie acid) concentration 16% (w/w); How tate of electolyte | ml min”; sample volume 10-ml; concenteation of fuchsin 3 ppm D. Djocan, M, AmirZehni / Surface and Coatings Technology 173 (2003) 185-191 187 21, Anodizing process Anodizing of the inner surface of aluminum tube was performed using the aluminum tube as anode and an aluminum plate as cathode with a 3:1 ratio of the surface area of anode to cathode for obtaining a more uniform coating [2]. The anodizing process was carried out in three steps: @ Pre-treatment of the aluminum tube: The alumi- num tube was cut in 1 m length. Pretreatment of the pieces were accomplished by passing various solutions through the tubes as the following: The tube was first dogreased and etched with a hot solution of 5% NaOH for $ min, and then rinsed with deionized water for 1 min and used immediately. (ii) Internal anodic oxidation: The inner surface of tube was anodized in an aqueous solution of 16% (w/ \w) sulfuric acid in dynamic mode using a home made device (Fig. 1). An aluminum plate placed in acid solution was used as cathode, The anodizing step was then carried out at controlled and constant potential (18 'V) and temperature (15 *C). (ii) Post-treatment of the aluminum tube: In this step, the anodized aluminum tube was rinsed with water at room temperature and sealed with pure water in 80

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