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1. Describe all four definitions of creativity and innovation.

A simple definition of creativity is the action of combining previously uncombined elements.
Another way of looking at creativity is as playing with the way things are interrelated. Creativity is the
ability to generate unique and useful ideas and solutions to everyday problems and challenges.
There are many aspects to creativity, but one definition would include the ability to take existing
objects and combine them in different ways for new purposes. I can say that, mental characteristic that
allows a person to think outside of the box, which results in creativity or different approaches to a particular
task are the things that can define what creativity is.
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that
may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. In
order to be creative, we need to be able to view things in some new ways or from a different perspective.
Among other things, we need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives. Tests of creativity
measure not only the number of alternatives that people can generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives.
Besides that, creativity is a generation of a new ideas combining with the new element of ideas with
the old ideas. Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create, bring into existence, invest with a new
form, produce through imaginative skill, and to make or bring into existence something new.

Innovation is the development of new customers value through solutions that meet new needs,
faltering needs, or old customer and market needs in new ways. This is accomplished through different or
more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets,
governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention in which innovation refers to the use of a better
and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or

method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing
something different rather than doing the same thing better.
Innovation, on the other hand, can be described as creativity implemented. Innovation is putting the
idea into practice. While creativity is a thinking process, innovation is a productive process. Innovation adds
value to the idea, which otherwise remains as an ordinary idea. If the idea is likened to a seed, then
innovation is the plant that results from planting and nurturing the seed.
Innovation is the creation of something that overwhelmed something from the mind where the
people create values by implementing new ideas. The starting point for innovation is the generation of
creative ideas and will bring it into the process of taking those ideas to market or to usefulness.
Innovation is the conversion of knowledge and ideas into a benefit, which may be for commercial
use or for the public good. The benefits may be new or improved products, processes or services. Innovation
concerns the search for the discovery, experimentation, development, imitation and adoption of new
products, new processes and new organizational set ups.

2. With the aid of a sketch, explain the creativity and innovation processes.
Begin with problem identification.
The innovation process starts with a problem or possibly a goal. However, the fact that the business
has not already achieved the goal might be considered a problem. So, we can safely say the process
begins with a problem.
Collaborative idea generation
Idea generation might be in the form of a brainstorming activity, through the use of real idea or a
team may be assigned to devise and develop ideas. Whatever method of idea generation you use, it
should ideally be in a collaborative environment in which people can work together to develop
ideas. Ideally, there should be no criticism, censorship or destruction of ideas during this phase.
Combine the ideas
With lots of ideas in the pot, the next step is to combine similar ideas into idea clusters or big ideas.
Each idea cluster can be processed as a single idea, thus making the next steps of the process more
Evaluate the ideas
Evaluate ideas with a method in which promising ideas are compared to relevant business criteria.
The better the idea meets each criterion, the higher its score. In the end, those ideas with the highest
evaluation scores are taken to the next step.
Test and make a trial of the ideas
When it comes to the stage of where the potential ideas have been evaluated, the ideas will then
need to be tested before it will be implemented. This is to be a forecasting process whereby the
ideas will be forecasted whether it will be a successful implementation or a floppy step ahead.

Develop and Implementation of ideas

Develop ideas depends on the innovation challenge and the kind of ideas generated. New product
ideas might be developed into prototypes. Process efficiency ideas may be modelled. Marketing
ideas may be evaluated in consumer surveys and so on. The purpose of developing ideas is to test
them in the business environment and, if no insoluble problems are discovered, prepare them for
Reviewing the results
If ideas are radically different to business as usual or if they require substantial investment, it is
wise to implement them with a series of milestones along the way. This enables to review the
implementation of the idea in order to ensure it is either delivering value or retains the potential to
deliver value at a future milestone.
Inspiration from the result
This is the process of where need to minimise those consequences so under-performing ideas can be
killed and resources can rapidly be reinvested in promising new ideas.

3. Explain the barriers in Creativity and Innovation

No expectation that ideas are everyones responsibility. Improvement thinking is a part of
everyones job. For example, a managers continuous expectation and demonstration how every
problem is a candidate for an idea, will keep them coming and an idea a month per employee is
A leader or manager that is not open to new ideas. This negatively impacts the team by
discouraging creative thoughts. For example, employees would not be motivated to come up with
new ideas if nobody is going to bother listening to them. There are also managers who listen to
ideas but are reluctant to take them any further which resulting in lost opportunities.
Fear of rejection. An idea is not just a thought, but it also has a persons feelings attached to it. For
example, an employee tries to come out with ideas but his ideas have been taken for granted, the
employee will feel down and demotivated to come with new ideas in the future.
Managers straight away say no. For example, if employees come up with new ideas, they
should at least be given a chance to explain and justify them, rather than have a manger who
immediately says no' based on past experiences or because an idea is not directly in line with the
business' regular operations.
There is too much time between creation and implementation. Delay in implementation works
against the trust that the system is serious about ideas. For example, the period of implementing
ideas will be too long which will not be affected to the situation where the ideas are needed at that
particular time.
Time and resources are also significant barriers to innovation. For example, employees are often
so busy with just doing their regular work that there is insufficient time and incentive to generate
new ideas. When ideas are generated, they are not taken any further due to the potential risks
associated with developing the idea.

4. Explain the strategy and techniques in creativity and innovation.

5. Describe the individual characteristics of creative and innovative people.

6. Describe all four types of innovation.

Invention, extension, duplication, systhesis

7. Explain why creativity and innovation are important and how to develop in organization.

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