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Petal Middle School


Mr. Hogan
Sarah Phillips
Susan Bounds
October 6, 2016
Library Evaluation Review

Upon completion of the Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric, we

have determined that overall the library is in good and exemplary standing.
We have found some improvements to be made, and we have planned
The library scored exemplary on all target indicators of Category 1, Student
Achievement and Instruction. The library will continue its efforts to maintain
exemplary status as the school year continues to progress.
The library scored exemplary on the two target indicators of Category 2,
Technology. The library will continue to update its technology resources when
available and keep a current list of electronic databases accessible.
The library scored basic in Category 3, Staffing. While the full-time Library
Media Specialist is employed and not shared at any other time with other
areas of the school, the Library Media Specialist is required to perform other
duties on a frequent basis. She serves as the chairman of the yearbook
committee and as the school test coordinator. While this is not out of
compliance with state board rule, it is highly discouraged so that the Library
Media Specialist can fully devote herself to the students. These duties need
to be reconsidered.

The library needs improvement in the Category 4, Facilities, Access, and

Resources. Flexible scheduling is maintained through a Google Calendar that
is shared will all faculty and staff members. They are allowed to sign up to
come into the library and/or checkout technology. The library scored basic on
meeting the FTE requirements for the square footage requirements of the
room. An area that we have set a specific goal for is streaming video
throughout the school to support the curriculum, having interactive
whiteboards and computers that are used throughout the school, and
maintaining the central electronic media distribution center. The goals that
have been set and expected to be met by or before the end of the year are:
By the end of the third quarter, the library has set a goal to provide video
streaming that supports the teachers and curriculum.
Google Forms will be sent out asking teachers what they would like to see on
a daily basis that would help them in their classrooms.
The library will also look into subscriptions for sites, such as Discovery
Education, that will aide teachers.
The library is proficient in the instruction and promotion of GALILEO (Magnolia

here in Mississippi), but goals have been set to bring the rating up to
exemplary. The Library Media Specialist will produce a staff development
webinar and will conduct a thirty minute demonstration of using Magnolia at
the monthly staff meeting in January. It will also be accessible anytime to
those who would like a refresher.
The library scored basic in Category 5, Administrative Support. The Library
Media Specialist acts as the SMCP and serves as the facilitator between DOE
and the other district librarians. The school principal has many time
constraints, so he is only available to meet occasionally, and there is not a
system and local school library media committee. The library receives only
the minimum expenditures every year. These things are due to budget and
time constraints that are out of the Library Media Specialists control.
The library scored exemplary in Category 6, Staff Development. The Library
Media Specialist works very hard to maintain this status through her
recognition as a master teacher, attendance at professional learning
opportunities, and assisting others in their ventures.
Overall the library has scored well, even though there is room for
improvement. The goals have been set, and the library is ready to meet their
goals and deadlines while maintaining their exemplary status.

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