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Blood glucose is a monosaccharide carbohydrates in the form contained in the

blood. (Baron, 1984). Organs - organs that influence the glucose metabolism
including liver and pancreas. Blood glucose are in balance and regulate hormonal
teroid the hormone, insulin, the hormone efineprin and growth hormones.

(Ganong, 1990)
The amount of glucose in the blood depends on the balance between the number
of incoming and outgoing. Glucose into the blood from three different sources,
a. Foods containing hidratarong. Once digested and absorbed, this type of food is
a source of glucose is the most important body.
b. Glukogen, glycogen stored in the muscles and heper, and can be broken down
to release glucose.
c. Most amino acids are broken down by heper to produce glucose. (Beck, 2011)
Insulin is not necessary for the occurrence of any of the three this process. Once
the glucose into the blood, insulin is required to allow glucose to leave the blood
and into the tissues. In the non - diabetic, glucose leave the blood stream is used
in two ways, namely:
a. Immediate energy for all networks.
b. Energy stored as glycogen in heper and muscles, and fat in adipose tissue.
(Beck, 2011)

Blood glucose levels that are known to help predict the metabolism that may occur in a cell
with a sugar content provided. If the content of glucose in the body greatly exaggerated the
glucose catabolism will experience a reaction enzymatically to produce energy. However, if
the glucose content is below the minimum threshold, then the pyruvic acid produced from
catabolism could undergo enzymatic processes in anabolism through glukoneogenesi to
synthesize glucose and meet normal levels of glucose in the blood (blood plasma) that is 65110 mg / dl (3, 6 to 6.1 mmol / L). (Murray, 2003)
In medicine, blood sugar is a term that refers to glucose levels in the blood. Blood glucose
levels are regulated in the body. Glucose is passed through the blood is the main source of
energy for cells - the cells of the body. Generally, blood glucose levels are at levels of 70-110
mg / dl. (Price, 2005). Abnormal glucose metabolism may cause hyperglycemia (when blood
sugar levels are at high levels (> 110 mg / dl)) and hypoglycemia (when blood glucose levels
are too low (<70 mg / dl)).
Method of measuring glucose levels:
a. Chemical methods. The principle of this examination, the process of condensation of
glucose with amines and acids achromatic glacial heated atmosphere, thus forming a
green colored compound is then measured by photometry.
b. Enzymatic methods.
1. glucose oxidase method. The principle of this examination is the enzyme catalyzes
the oxidation of glucose oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid and hydrogen
peroxide formed reacts with phenol and 4 - amino phenazone with the aid of

peroxidase enzymes produce quinoneimine pink and can be measured with a

photometer at = 546 nm.
2. The method hexokinase. (Down, 2000)
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pada tanggal 02-10-2012, jam 21:44
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