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Farewell to Suzanne White Friday 23 September 2016 On behalf of Justin and the Social Science Learning Area | would like to congratulate Suzanne on the completion of a very successful teaching Prac. We would also like to thank her for all that she has done while at the College. In the office she fitted in seamlessly, exhibiting enthusiasm and dedication and has always been very professional in her conduct. thas been wonderful to see the way she has interacted with the girls, sharing her wealth of knowledge and love of Geography. Her warm, compassionate and caring nature is immediately evident and the girls have responded positively to her kind and gentle manner. Itis testament to her, that she has built such strong relationships with the students and staff in such a short time. Her level of engagement within the classroom and her willingness to participate in all that was happening in the department and the College has been exceptional. So after 13 weeks at lona we bid Suzanne farewell. ‘We hope that you will look back on this experience with fondness and we look forward to hearing about what is sure to be, a very successful career in teaching,

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