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Diabetes mellitus adalah gangguan di mana tingkat glukosa darah terus menerus dinaikkan di
atas batas normal. Diabetes mellitus adalah sindrom metabolisme teratur dan hiperglikemia yang
tidak pantas karena baik defisiensi sekresi insulin atau kombinasi dari resistensi insulin dan
sekresi insulin tidak memadai untuk mengkompensasi. Diabetes mellitus terjadi dalam dua
bentuk utama:

tipe 1, yang ditandai dengan insufisiensi absolut, dan lebih umum

tipe 2, ditandai dengan resistensi insulin dengan berbagai tingkat sekresi insulin

Penyebab Diabetes Mellitus

Penyebab diabetes tipe 1 dan tipe 2 masih belum diketahui, meskipun faktor genetik mungkin
memainkan peran. Diabetes mellitus hasil dari defisiensi insulin atau resistensi. Insulin
mengangkut glukosa ke dalam sel untuk digunakan sebagai energi dan penyimpanan sebagai
glikogen. Hal ini juga merangsang sintesis protein dan penyimpanan asam lemak bebas.
defisiensi insulin atau resistensi kompromi akses jaringan tubuh 'untuk nutrisi penting untuk
bahan bakar dan penyimpanan. hiperglikemia yang dihasilkan dapat merusak banyak organ
tubuh dan jaringan.
Diabetes tipe 1 disebabkan kerusakan sel islet B pankreas didominasi oleh proses autoimun, dan
pasien ini rentan terhadap ketoasidosis.
Diabetes tipe 2 adalah bentuk yang lebih umum dan hasil dari resistensi insulin dengan cacat
pada sekresi insulin kompensasi
Insulin, hormon yang diproduksi oleh pankreas, mengontrol kadar glukosa dalam darah dengan
mengatur produksi dan penyimpanan glukosa.

Faktor Risiko Untuk Diabetes Mellitus Sertakan:

Fisiologis atau stres emosional, yang dapat menyebabkan elevasi berkepanjangan kadar hormon
Kehamilan, yang menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan dan meningkatkan kadar estrogen dan
plasenta hormon, yang memusuhi insulin
Sindrom metabolik, yang dianggap sebagai awal untuk pengembangan diabetes tipe 2 mellitus
Beberapa obat yang dapat melawan efek dari insulin, termasuk diuretik thiazide, kortikosteroid
adrenal, dan kontrasepsi hormonal

Klasifikasi Diabetes Mellitus

Ada beberapa jenis diabetes mellitus; mereka mungkin berbeda dalam penyebab, gejala klinis,
dan pengobatan. Klasifikasi utama diabetes adalah:
Diabetes tipe 1 (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) disebabkan oleh kerusakan sel-B, biasanya
menyebabkan kekurangan insulin absolut
a) Immune dimediasi
b) Idiopatik

Diabetes tipe 2 (sebelumnya disebut sebagai non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) berkisar
dari orang-orang dengan resistensi insulin dominan terkait dengan kekurangan insulin relatif,
bagi mereka dengan didominasi insulin sekretori cacat dengan resistensi insulin

Manifestasi klinis dari semua jenis diabetes meliputi "tiga P": poliuria, polidipsia, dan polifagia.
Poliuria (sering buang air kecil) dan polidipsia (haus meningkat) terjadi sebagai akibat dari
kelebihan kehilangan cairan berhubungan dengan diuresis osmotik. Pasien juga mengalami
polifagia (nafsu makan meningkat) yang dihasilkan dari negara katabolik yang disebabkan oleh
defisiensi insulin dan pemecahan protein dan lemak. Gejala lain termasuk kelelahan dan
kelemahan, perubahan visi mendadak, kesemutan atau mati rasa di tangan atau kaki, kulit kering,
lesi kulit atau luka yang lambat untuk menyembuhkan, dan infeksi berulang. Timbulnya tipe 1
Diabetes juga dapat dikaitkan dengan tiba-tiba kehilangan berat badan atau mual, muntah, atau
sakit perut, jika DKA telah dikembangkan

Tujuan utama dari pengobatan diabetes adalah untuk menormalkan aktivitas insulin dan kadar
glukosa darah untuk mengurangi perkembangan pembuluh darah dan komplikasi neuropati.
Obat untuk Mengobati Hiperglikemia
Obat untuk mengobati diabetes tipe 2 jatuh ke dalam beberapa kategori:
1) Obat yang terutama merangsang sekresi insulin dengan mengikat reseptor sulfonilurea.
Sulfonilurea tetap obat yang paling banyak diresepkan untuk mengobati hiperglikemia.
2) Obat yang mengubah tindakan insulin: Metformin bekerja di hati.
3) Obat yang terutama mempengaruhi penyerapan glukosa
4) Obat yang meniru efek incretin atau memperpanjang aksi incretin: Exenatide dan DPP 1V
inhibitor termasuk dalam kategori ini.
5) Lainnya: Pramlintide menurunkan glukosa dengan menekan glukagon dan memperlambat
pengosongan lambung.
Insulin diindikasikan untuk diabetes tipe 1 maupun untuk pasien diabetes tipe 2 dengan
insulinopenia yang hiperglikemia tidak menanggapi terapi diet baik sendiri atau dikombinasikan
dengan obat hipoglikemik lainnya.

Ada lima komponen dari pengobatan diabetes

manajemen Gizi
Terapi farmakologis


Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which blood glucose levels continuously raised above
the normal limit. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic syndrome, irregular and inappropriate
hyperglycemia due to either a deficiency in insulin secretion or a combination of insulin
resistance and inadequate insulin secretion to compensate. Diabetes mellitus occurs in two main
forms :
Type 1, which is characterized by absolute insufficiency, and more generally
Type 2 is characterized by insulin resistance with varying levels of insulin secretion

Causes of Diabetes Mellitus

The cause of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is still unknown, although genetic
factors may plays a role. Diabetes mellitus results from insulin deficiency or resistance. Insulin
transports glucose into cells for use as energy and storage as glycogen. It also stimulates protein
synthesis and storage of free fatty acids. insulin deficiency or resistance of the body's
compromise network access' to essential nutrients for fuel and storage. The resulting
hyperglycemia can damage many organs and tissues.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the destruction of pancreatic islet cells and is dominated by
the autoimmune process, and these patients are prone to ketoacidosis.
Type 2 diabetes is the more common form and results from insulin resistance to defects in
insulin secretion compensation
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, controls the level of glucose in the blood
by regulating the production and storage of glucose.

Risk Factors For Diabetes Mellitus Include:


Physiological or emotional stress, which can lead to prolonged elevation of levels of

stress hormones.
Pregnancy, which cause weight gain and increase the levels of estrogen and placental
hormone, which is hostile to insulin
Metabolic syndrome, which is considered a precursor to the development of type 2
diabetes mellitus
Some drugs that can counteract the effects of insulin, including thiazide diuretics, adrenal
corticosteroids and hormonal contraceptives

Classification of Diabetes Mellitus

There are several types of diabetes mellitus; they may differ in the causes, clinical
symptoms, and treatment. The main classifications of diabetes are:

Type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) are caused by damage to B-cells,
usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency
a) Immune mediated
b) Idiopathic
Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) ranged from
those with predominant insulin resistance associated with relative insulin deficiency, for
those with a predominantly insulin secretory defect with insulin resistance

The main goal of diabetes treatment have to normalize the activity of insulin and blood
glucose levels to reduce the development of vascular and neuropathic complications.

Drugs for Treating Hyperglycemia.

Drugs for treating type 2 diabetes fall into several categories:
1. Drugs that primarily stimulate insulin secretion by binding to sulfonylurea receptors.
Sulfonylureas remains the most widely prescribed drug to treat hyperglycemia.
2. Drugs that alter the action of insulin: Metformin works in the liver.
3. Drugs that primarily affects the absorption of glucose
4. Drugs that mimic the effects of extending the action of incretin or incretin: exenatide
and DPP 1V inhibitors included in this category.
5. Other: Pramlintide lowers glucagon and glucose by tapping slows gastric emptying.
Insulin is indicated for type 1 diabetes and for patients with type 2 diabetes whose
hyperglycemia insulinopenia not respond to diet therapy either alone or in combination
with other hypoglycemic drugs.

There are five components of the treatment of diabetes

Nutritional management
Pharmacologic Therapy


Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which blood glucose levels continuously raised above
the normal limit. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic syndrome, irregular and inappropriate
hyperglycemia due to either a deficiency in insulin secretion or a combination of insulin
resistance and inadequate insulin secretion to compensate. Diabetes mellitus occurs in two main
forms :
Type 1, which is characterized by absolute insufficiency, and more generally
Type 2 is characterized by insulin resistance with varying levels of insulin secretion

Causes of Diabetes Mellitus

The cause of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is still unknown, although genetic
factors may plays a role. Diabetes mellitus results from insulin deficiency or resistance. Insulin
transports glucose into cells for use as energy and storage as glycogen. It also stimulates protein
synthesis and storage of free fatty acids. insulin deficiency or resistance of the body's
compromise network access' to essential nutrients for fuel and storage. The resulting
hyperglycemia can damage many organs and tissues.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the destruction of pancreatic islet cells and is dominated by
the autoimmune process, and these patients are prone to ketoacidosis.
Type 2 diabetes is the more common form and results from insulin resistance to defects in
insulin secretion compensation
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, controls the level of glucose in the blood
by regulating the production and storage of glucose.

Risk Factors For Diabetes Mellitus Include:

Physiological or emotional stress, which can lead to prolonged elevation of levels of
stress hormones.
Pregnancy, which cause weight gain and increase the levels of estrogen and placental
hormone, which is hostile to insulin
Metabolic syndrome, which is considered a precursor to the development of type 2
diabetes mellitus

Some drugs that can counteract the effects of insulin, including thiazide diuretics, adrenal
corticosteroids and hormonal contraceptives

Classification of Diabetes Mellitus

There are several types of diabetes mellitus; they may differ in the causes, clinical
symptoms, and treatment. The main classifications of diabetes are:

Type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) are caused by damage to B-cells,
usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency
a) Immune mediated
b) Idiopathic
Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) ranged from
those with predominant insulin resistance associated with relative insulin deficiency, for
those with a predominantly insulin secretory defect with insulin resistance

The main goal of diabetes treatment have to normalize the activity of insulin and blood
glucose levels to reduce the development of vascular and neuropathic complications.

Drugs for Treating Hyperglycemia.

Drugs for treating type 2 diabetes fall into several categories:
6. Drugs that primarily stimulate insulin secretion by binding to sulfonylurea receptors.
Sulfonylureas remains the most widely prescribed drug to treat hyperglycemia.
7. Drugs that alter the action of insulin: Metformin works in the liver.
8. Drugs that primarily affects the absorption of glucose
9. Drugs that mimic the effects of extending the action of incretin or incretin: exenatide
and DPP 1V inhibitors included in this category.
10. Other: Pramlintide lowers glucagon and glucose by tapping slows gastric emptying.
Insulin is indicated for type 1 diabetes and for patients with type 2 diabetes whose
hyperglycemia insulinopenia not respond to diet therapy either alone or in combination
with other hypoglycemic drugs.

There are five components of the treatment of diabetes

Nutritional management
Pharmacologic Therapy


Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which blood glucose levels continuously raised above
the normal limit. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic syndrome, irregular and inappropriate
hyperglycemia due to either a deficiency in insulin secretion or a combination of insulin
resistance and inadequate insulin secretion to compensate. Diabetes mellitus occurs in two main
forms :
Type 1, which is characterized by absolute insufficiency, and more generally
Type 2 is characterized by insulin resistance with varying levels of insulin secretion

Causes of Diabetes Mellitus

The cause of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is still unknown, although genetic
factors may plays a role. Diabetes mellitus results from insulin deficiency or resistance. Insulin
transports glucose into cells for use as energy and storage as glycogen. It also stimulates protein
synthesis and storage of free fatty acids. insulin deficiency or resistance of the body's
compromise network access' to essential nutrients for fuel and storage. The resulting
hyperglycemia can damage many organs and tissues.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the destruction of pancreatic islet cells and is dominated by
the autoimmune process, and these patients are prone to ketoacidosis.
Type 2 diabetes is the more common form and results from insulin resistance to defects in
insulin secretion compensation
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, controls the level of glucose in the blood
by regulating the production and storage of glucose.

Risk Factors For Diabetes Mellitus Include:

Physiological or emotional stress, which can lead to prolonged elevation of levels of
stress hormones.
Pregnancy, which cause weight gain and increase the levels of estrogen and placental
hormone, which is hostile to insulin
Metabolic syndrome, which is considered a precursor to the development of type 2
diabetes mellitus
Some drugs that can counteract the effects of insulin, including thiazide diuretics, adrenal
corticosteroids and hormonal contraceptives

Classification of Diabetes Mellitus

There are several types of diabetes mellitus; they may differ in the causes, clinical
symptoms, and treatment. The main classifications of diabetes are:

Type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) are caused by damage to B-cells,
usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency
a) Immune mediated
b) Idiopathic
Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) ranged from
those with predominant insulin resistance associated with relative insulin deficiency, for
those with a predominantly insulin secretory defect with insulin resistance

The main goal of diabetes treatment have to normalize the activity of insulin and blood
glucose levels to reduce the development of vascular and neuropathic complications.

Drugs for Treating Hyperglycemia.

Drugs for treating type 2 diabetes fall into several categories:
11. Drugs that primarily stimulate insulin secretion by binding to sulfonylurea receptors.
Sulfonylureas remains the most widely prescribed drug to treat hyperglycemia.
12. Drugs that alter the action of insulin: Metformin works in the liver.
13. Drugs that primarily affects the absorption of glucose
14. Drugs that mimic the effects of extending the action of incretin or incretin: exenatide
and DPP 1V inhibitors included in this category.
15. Other: Pramlintide lowers glucagon and glucose by tapping slows gastric emptying.
Insulin is indicated for type 1 diabetes and for patients with type 2 diabetes whose
hyperglycemia insulinopenia not respond to diet therapy either alone or in combination
with other hypoglycemic drugs.

There are five components of the treatment of diabetes

Nutritional management
Pharmacologic Therapy

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