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What is Neuro-Linguistic
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful system of thinking that can
accelerate the achievement of your personal and professional goals Some of my
favorite trainers areSteve Andreas and the folks at NLP Comprehensive in
Colorado. Jack Canfield, The Success Principles, p 448W
neurolinguistic programming n. a model of interpersonal communication chiefly
concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behaviour and the
subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought) underlying them; a system of
alternative therapy based on this which seeks to educate people in self-awareness and
effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional
behaviour. Oxford English Dictionary
NLP is like the users manual for the mind, and allows us to use the language of the
mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.
When you learn NLP, you learn specific skills and patterns necessary to make positive
changes, create new choices, be more effective with others, break free of old habits, selfdestructive patterns and behaviors, and think more clearly about what it is you want and
how to get it.
Click here to learn more about using NLP in your Personal Life
Click here to learn more about using NLP in your Professional Life
To learn more about NLP in your choice of formats:

The Movie
The Slideshow
The Story
The Book
Or The Full Ride: NLP Training
Training is the way to accelerated accomplishment in NLP, the proven technology for
personal development. NLP helps people to understand themselves and those around
them more fully, in such a way as to maximize personal growth and excellence

The Story
You experience life through a set of perceptual filters that are unique to you. Your
experience is filtered first by the limits of your sensory organs: what you are able to
perceive is a small slice of the world. In this sense, you are out of touch with reality,
because your every perception is filtered not only by your biology (for instance, 20-20
vision is about as good as it gets for humans), but also by your culture, family, education,
community and other influences from your unique personal history teachers, mentors,
friends, enemies, etc. The primary presupposition underlying all of NLP is that The Map
is not the Territory.
Im sure you have experienced that when you change your point of view, your perception
of a situation, your behavior will often change as well. In fact, excepting addictions, its
hard not to change what you do when what you know changes.
Blinding flash of the obvious: Simply put, the way that you distinguish, recognize, see,
make out, pick out, identify, observe, notice, take in, understand, comprehend, become
aware of, or realize or make sense of something. Heres a brief example of a BFO
Blinding Flash of the Obvious. Depending on who Im talking to, it goes something like
this: You know, the way that you perceive something is the way that you will react to it,
right? And the way you react to something will determine your behavior, right? And how
you behave is what gives you your results in life and at work.
Bottom line, what you allow yourself to perceive determines what you get in life. If you
cant see it, you cant use it,but you sure can be frustrated by what you dont perceive.
This is what in NLP we call your perceptual filter(s).So until you recognize your own
filtering, you are to a large extent at the mercy of your unconscious perceptual filtering.
Change your filters, and you change what you experience.
These ways of seeing things have a profound effect on how you feel and react. They come
from all the beliefs and underlying assumptions that you hold in your mind from your
education, spiritual or religious training, the community you were raised in, your social
status in that community, your education and teachers, your economic prosperity or
poverty, your family and friends, fashions and others opinions, TV and advertising, and
even from world events of your time in history like the depression or the Viet Nam war.

All of the events, beliefs, reactions, learnings, are like a tapestry woven together making
you who you are today. And then you unconsciously and from habit perceive your world
through this unique and rich lens of installed beliefs and assumptions.
You intuitively know that there is leverage in someone changing their behavior by
changing their perception. When is the last time you said to someone: Look at it this
way, or How would you feel if . . .? By using such questions, you were attempting to
get that person to change the way they were feeling or behaving by getting them to
change their perceptual filters.
Your perceptual filters impose many beliefs and assumptions your being consciously
being aware of them. In the classic movie South Pacific there is a very pungent, and
accurate, example in the song Youve got to be taught to hate about how prejudice is
learned. Until you can figure out how to change your filtering, to a large extent, you are
at the mercy of your unconscious perceptual filtering. Unfortunately, those around you
are at the mercy of your unconscious perceptual filtering too! This BFO that your
perceptions determine your reactions and your reactions determine your behavior, and
your behavior gives you the results you get in life if you want to change the results you
are getting in your life and in your business; the best place to start is in your perceptions.
So, the first step is to carefully examine your perceptual filtering process for what you do
perceive and how you react to it.
You can call this the filtering mindset. You will want a mindset that allows in
information that benefits and enhances, allowing you to feel more resourceful. You also
want a filtering system that filters out erroneous, inaccurate or demeaning information
that makes you feel powerless, or undeserving.
But here is the problem. How can you begin to see anything differently than how you
have always seen it? Albert Einstein said The world that we have made as a result of the
level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same
level at which we created them.
First, you dont know what you dont know. Few people can easily see their world with
new lenses by their own means. This is most easily done by borrowing someone elses
filters to get a new perspective.
In our NLP programs one of the easy, and painless, ways we teach our participants to get
a sense of the import of changing perceptual filters is an exercise called Walking in
Someone Elses Moccasins. Just like it sounds, its an experience of stepping into
another persons experience and seeing, living, and feeling it through their perceptual
filters. As a rather large bonus, this is also a very easy and effective way to achieve
rapport with almost anyone, no matter how different they are.
Heres how to do it:
The first few times you do this start with a friend or colleague (the Model) who wants to
play. Preferably someone as different from you as you can find. Different sex, height, age,
profession, education, background, and more. Later youll be able to do this with anyone,
almost anywhere.

The Model spends ten minutes in activities which s/he enjoys. The Modeler (thats you)
shadows the Model, matching his/her movement and voice, in every way attempting to
become the Model and enter into his/her experience.
For instance, if modeling someone walking, the best position is behind and to one side
just enough behind them that youre not visible. Start by matching their walking pace,
then adjust your posture tilt of your head, their posture: shoulders, body tilt (forward,
to one side or the other, straight, etc.), swing of your arms, degree of outward or inward
pointing of feet and knees, as they walk. By then youll notice how you are also pacing the
rhythm of their breath to some extent; notice matching it more intentionally for a few
breaths. Notice where they are looking, listening.
After ten minutes, the Modeler stops the exercise, and reports his/her experience and
perceptions as the Model: I noticed small details more than I usually do, like the petals
of flowers and the shapes and colors of leaves. The sound of the birds seemed louder and
closer. Everything seemed clear and very close. I was more aware of my hands. They
even felt larger.
After a little practice, youll find you can easily do this even with strangers across a
crowded room. Then the next time youre stuck in an otherwise dreary airport transit
lounge, or a waiting room, or walking down the street, you can do this and have more
What are the benefits? Youll actually see and hear things that normally escape your
attention and which may explain things that have had you wondering about so-and-so.
You also experience a real sense of rapport for the person you modeled. This can be
really useful when dealing with children, in meetings, with a negotiation. Youre also
starting to learn the fundamental NLP skills of matching and pacing and second
Whether its mentors, autobiographies, or experts in your field you can borrow their
perspective and see what new options are available to you with these lenses.
We dont see things as they are, we see them as we are. Anais Nin

The Movie
The Slide Deck
The Book

The Movie:

The Slide Deck

Maps, Models, and Perceptual Filters:

NLP Maps And Models Slideshow

Created specifically to put you on the best path to using NLP for your benefit, its the
place to start.

NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic

By Tom Hoobyar, Tom Dotz, Susan Sanders

If youve been looking for the freedom, the happiness, the carefree life that
so many in the media seem to have, you are not alone. You are, in fact, in great company!
Finally, there is a book that will help you get that will help you discover the freedom to
live and feel how you want to each and every day.
Right from the start this book gives you an understanding of how your mind works to
create your feelings, and so how to have the feelings you want. It starts with very simple
and basic explanations of the NLP model of how our minds work. The book describes
how that affects us, and how we can use that knowledge to have more control over our
The essential point of this book of NLP Essentials is increasing your personal freedom.
There is a lot of talk today about the one percent and the one tenth of one percent, the
wealthy and the ultra-wealthy. There is adulation, almost a worshiping, of the rich and
famous. This enforces the very limiting belief that you have to be rich to be happy, to
have a satisfying, meaningful life.

What most people actually want is simply the happiness in that equation. That is
supposed to be the main reward, right?
The reality is that it aint necessarily so. Yes, money is certainly essential to well being, at
least in our society. Yet studies are showing that, beyond a certain level, more wealth
does not create an equal increase in happiness. Somewhat the opposite, in fact,
frequently occurs.
Many constraints go along with being rich and famous. As Chevy Chase said, if you have
the chance, choose rich, not famous. It will give you everything fame does without the
headaches and with a lot more freedom.
Therefore, we wrote a book to skip past the limits in that limiting belief. What this book
does is give you a route straight to the freedom we all long for, skipping past the
requirement to be rich or famous.
By learning how to be in charge of your thoughts and feelings, right now you can have an
even greater amount of freedom than most people, even more than the one percent.
You dont have to make a billion to have it. It is within your reach right now. The secrets
are located right between your ears, and the keys to unlocking the secrets are between
the covers of this book.
In fact, we could have called this Your Mind: The Owners Manual, and yet its more
than that. It is a carefully crafted book designed to give you what you have been looking
for freedom and structured to make it easy to learn from and to make changes with.
Its carefully sequenced to start you with the simplest tools that will make a difference for
you right now.
Right in the first chapter, you get two ways to propel yourself into your zone your
high performance state. In addition, it continues, chapter by chapter, with tools that give
you more choice and more control in your life.
When you purchase this book you will also get access to a custom companion website
that provides you with additional materials, examples, video demonstrations and walk
throughs of not only the above processes, but every process in the book.
We will hold your hand as much as you want, or you can breeze along by yourself. Either
way the Essentials are here for you. We have been guiding people with these models for
over twenty years. Weve taught these models and processes to everyone from truck
drivers to rocket scientists. It works for all of them.
These principles are present in all areas of life, from parenting to designing aircraft
cockpits. The reason this works in everywhere and for everyone is that while every one of
us is unique, every one of us is unique in the same ways. We are all humans and we all
have the same biology.
Wherever humans are, whatever humans do, we carry the same neurology. NLP: The
Essentials gets you started on a path of understanding how you can use your unique

mind to better navigate your life. So order your copy, and get started now on discovering
the freedom you have been looking for. Get your copy here:

And if you havent already signed up, continue your learning with our newsletter
providing you with more processes, stories, news and events in the World of NLP!

Read more:

What is NLP? (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

October 12, 2012 by Dr. Jon Warner in Psychology / Psychological Type with 3

Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP was originated by John Grinder (whose background

was in linguistics) and Richard Bandler (whose background was in mathematics and gestalt
therapy). Their primary purpose was to develop explicit models concerning human
communications (both internally from one persons brain to body and from one person to
another). Drawing somewhat on the linguistic analysis work of Noam Chomsksy and gestaltbased Psychotherapy of Fritz Perls, Grinder and Bandler symbolized the relationship between
the brain, language and the body under the term NLP. Through the years, NLP has developed
some very powerful tools and skills for communication and change in a wide range of
professional areas (including psychotherapy, coaching, training and others). Some
psychologists have questioned the original research base used to develop these tools but there
is nonetheless a very wide following and now a large community of NLP practitioners
throughout the world.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (as the name implies) has three key components: neurology,
language and programming. The neurological system regulates how our bodies function
according to instructions from our brain, language determines how we interface and
communicate with other people and our programming determines the kinds of models of the
world we create. Neuro-Linguistic Programming consequently aims to describe the key
dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how their interplay affects our
body and behaviour (programming).
In essence, all of NLP is founded on two fundamental precepts:

1. The Map is Not the Territory. As human beings, we can never know reality. We can only
know our perceptions of reality. We experience and respond to the world around us primarily
through our sensory representational systems. It is our neuro-linguistic maps of reality that

determine how we behave and that give those behaviours meaning, not reality itself. It is
often not reality that limits us or even takes us forward, but rather our internal map of reality.
2. Life and Mind are Systemic Processes. The processes that take place within a human
being and between human beings and their environment are systemic. In other words, our
bodies, our societies, and our universe form an ecology of complex systems and sub-systems,
all of which interact with and mutually influence each other. It is not possible to completely
isolate any part of one part of this system from the rest and we should therefore view things
as holistically as possible. Such systems are based on certain self-organizing principles and
naturally seek optimal states of balance.
The 4 Pillars of NLP

As a coherent or integrated psychological approach, NLP needs to be understood holistically

before we can start to use some of its specific techniques or tools. An appreciation of what are
called the four NLP pillars is an important and fundamental step in this regard.
As the diagram below illustrates, these four pillars consist of Sensory acuity, Rapport skills,
and Behavioural flexibility, all of which combine to focus people on Outcomes which are
important (either to an individual him or herself or to others).

Lets look briefly at each of these individual pillars:

Sensory acuity This means using your senses as fully as possible: looking closely and
carefully at, listening to and feeling what is actually happening to you. By developing our
senses we begin to notice how our world is so much richer when we pay much closer
attention to it.
Rapport This is specifically the quality of a relationship or its level of mutual trust and
responsiveness. Whatever you do and whatever you want, being successful will involve
relating well to others and influencing them in positive ways. One key lesson in establishing
rapport is how you can say no to all the requests for your time and still retain friendships or
professional relationships.
Behavioural flexibility Every individual has many choices in terms of future action.
Fundamentally, this often comes down to knowing how to do something differently when
what we are currently doing is not working or is sub-optimal in some way.
Outcomes/Knowing what you want Goal precision is the key to success. The more
precisely you know what it is that you want and why, the more likely you are to get it. What

this really boils down to is beginning to think about what it is we really want rather than
getting stuck in a negative problem mode or spending time pursuing a goal that we dont care

Although it has many application sub-components, including peoples preferences for Visual,
Auditory or Kinesthetic experiences, eye movement cues, reframing, anchoring and many
others, in overall terms, NLP theory suggests that language serves as a representational
system for our experiences. Put another way, we code our experiential reality with words,
thus creating our reality (our own meta model). However, we delete, generalize and distort
information so that it often becomes disconnected from its deeper or more substantive
meaning. Just as the map is not the territory it represents, so language may not always
describe reality accurately-there is a gap. This gap is created by our natural attempt to delete,
distort and generalize and it is by better understanding how this process occurs that NLP can
give us greater insight into what people may actually be communicating (both ourselves and

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