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Vol. 7 No.


Research Reports

Herbs for

u New research shows that blood pressure problems may cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). After studying
23 patients with CFS they found that
long periods of standing caused blood
pressure to drop, leaving patients
dizzy and tired. It is felt that increased
sodium consumption along with
supplements of cayenne, black pepper extract, and niacin will balance
blood pressure and aid people suffering with CFS.
Energy Times (April 1996)

u Studies show that Vitamin C may

prevent asthma and help those who
suffer with asthma. Scientists doing
the studies feel that Vitamin C combats asthma by fighting oxidants,
such as air pollutants, which may
bring on asthma attacks.
NFMs Nutrition Science News (April

u Results of a Danish study show that

ginger can aid the nausea and vomiting of morning sickness in pregnant women. 19 of 27 pregnant
women with morning sickness took
ginger four times daily to equal one
gram. After only four days they
reported a significant decrease in
nausea and vomiting.
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients
(April 1996)

u Research done at the Boston University Medical Center found that patients with heart disease had low
levels of linoleic and linolenic acids.
These fats were found to help blood
vessel cells work more effectively and
prevent heart problems. Foods high
in these fats are seeds, nuts, soybean, and leafy greens.
Mens Health (March 1996)

Liquids, Chewables and Homeopathics

A common worry for all parents is what to do
when their children get sick. Some mothers and
fathers find themselves taking their children to the
doctor on a very regular basis. Children are often
given unnecessary antibiotics. Antibiotics may weaken a childs immune
system and make him or her more susceptible to secondary diseases. Earaches,
infections and other illnesses can drag on for weeks, or can even move from a
sniffle to hospitalization. Its a fact, children will get sick, but holistic healers
believe, just as our ancestors of the past believed, that parents can use plants
and natural therapies to help their children recoversometimes quicker and
easier than if they were to take them to the doctor.
Many concerns may come up when a parent is thinking about becoming
personally involved in their childs health. But, with a little education parents
can become confident in their abilities. Parents should also use common sense
in treating their children. There are definitely times when a child should be
taken to the doctor (see back page: When to see a Doctor), but more often than
not they can use natural remedies to keep their children strong and healthy.
Since children are often unable to swallow pills, we have listed herbs and
combinations that come in liquid or chewable forms. If these are not available,
you could use the pill form by adding it to honey or making it into a tea. A
general rule to use when giving children herbs is to give them half the amount
that is recommended for an adult. When using liquids, give children 2-4 drops
3 times daily, give infants 1 drop 3 times daily. For acute conditions, you can
give the dose every 2 hours. Mix the drops into a glass of water and allow the
child to sip the drink. Chewables are usually made for children. See the bottle
for recommended doses. When using homeopathics for children, you should
uses solutions of 6X potency or more. A labeling of 1X means the solution is
diluted from the original form 10 times. This means that a 6X potency has been
diluted 60 times its original form.

ALJ: This liquid combination aids the function of the respiratory system.
Coughs and breathing difficulties are relieved with ALJ. The following are
herbs found in ALJ and quick descriptions of their actions.
Bonset relieves inflammation and pain and is an expectorant, helping colds,
fever and respiratory allergies.

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Fennel aids digestion and is an

expectorant and antimicrobial.
Fenugreek has antibiotic and disinfectant properties. It clears fevers
and soothes upset stomachs.
Horseradish is an expectorant
which strengthens the mucous membranes, aiding sore throats, lung and
sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough and respiratory allergies.
Mullien soothes inflamed tissues
helping coughs, bronchitis, asthma
and lung hemorrhages.
Blue Vervain: This herb is often
called a cure all. It works well for
numerous childhood diseases. It relaxes the body and clears waste, easing tension and removing substances
which may make healing difficult. Specifically this bitter tonic will bring
down fevers, relieve pain, treat colds
and flu and help other problems such
as cramps, constipation, fever, headache, insomnia, jaundice and swelling. Use a few drops every hour or a
quarter to a half dropperful prior to
BP: This liquid extract combination nourishes and strengthens the
circulatory system. It contains many
alterative herbs (described below)
which help to strengthen the liver and
the digestive system. Each herb works
to clear the blood of toxins. BP also
enhances the immune system and
calms the nerves.
Buckthorn is a mild laxative which
stimulates digestion and appetite.
Burdock promotes urination,
stimulates the immune system, and
balances the blood sugar.
Horseradish promotes urine, encourages stomach secretions, and gets
a slow liver moving.
Oregon grape helps digestive complaints such as indigestion, constipation, dysentery and loss of appetite.
Peach bark clears parasites, skin
problems, and bacteria, aids upset
stomach and acts as a mild laxative.
Prickly ash promotes regular circulation, perspiration and stomach
Red clover stimulates the liver,
acts as a laxative, helps bronchial conditions, and soothes the nerves.

Yarrow promotes perspiration and

urination, soothes indigestion and may
assist with other disorders such as
chickenpox, fever, colds, and eye infections.
Yellow dock is high in iron which
aids bleeding in the lungs and bowels,
cancer, and ulcers. It has alterative
and laxative properties.
BP also contains Dandelion root,
Cascara sagrada, Pau d arco and Sarsaparilla.
Fennel: This liquid combination
supports the digestive and nervous systems.
Catnip and fennel
relax the digestive system. They
aid digestion by
relieving heartburn, insomnia, indigestion, stomachache, gas, and vomiting.
CBG Extract:
This combination builds
the immune system, and is good for
children during the change of seasons,
when colds and disease are most likely
to occur.
Black cohosh is a diuretic, expectorant, antibiotic and a sedative. It
works to treat fatigue, sore throat,
fever, coughs, congested chest, upset
stomach and tense nerves.
Chickweed aids the fever, inflammation, and coughs of a cold. It soothes
and builds the digestive system.
Goldenseal stimulates T-cell formation to fight infection. Its two
main constituents, berberine and
hydrastine, have anti-infection and
antibiotic properties.
Desert tea made from the desert
plant ephedra, helps colds, asthma,
hay fever or allergies. It relieves nasal
and chest congestion and reduces inflammation of mucous membranes.
Licorice has a very soothing, slippery property. It relieves the inflamed
tissues, such as sore throats, but more
importantly it boosts the immune system, helping to destroy viruses.

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Valerian and Scullcap calm the

nerves and help to bring a healing
sleep. They act as a sedative removing nervous headaches and tension.
Golden-Seal/Parthenium: This
liquid mixture builds the immune system. Goldenseal and parthenium
stimulate the immune cells to fight
infection. They have anti-infection
and antibiotic properties which help
colds, infection, lymphatic congestion,
and sore throat.
Lobelia Essence: This herb aids
the respiratory system. It is an excellent expectorant, clearing lungs which
are congested and full of phlegm. In
this way it aids respiratory ailments
such as asthma, bronchitis, croup,
pneumonia, laryngitis, and whooping
cough. Many who have taken lobelia
experience vomiting and afterwards
find themselves relaxed and free of
the previous symptoms. When
warmed to body temperature it can be
dropped in the ear to help earaches.
Oregon Grape Liquid Herb:
This herb is a nutritional aid which
strengthens the digestive and circulatory systems. It is rich in vitamin C.
Skin problems are cleared with Oregon grape. This herb also aids digestive complaints such as sour stomach,
indigestion, constipation, dysentery
and loss of appetite. Oregon Grape is
a good source of berberine and
hydrastine which actively fight fever
and infection. It works to destroy
many types of bacteria.
Red Raspberry Blend Liquid
Herb: This combination will make a
tasty tea children will enjoy. It is
highly nutritional and will build both
the glandular and digestive systems.
Hibiscus aids digestion by acting
as a laxative and a diuretic. It clears
the blood thereby improving skin problems. It also reduces muscle spasms
and lowers fever.
Peppermint stimulates the production of bile for proper digestion. It has
long been used to release gas, soothe
the upset stomach, and relieve diarrhea, constipation and colic.
Red raspberry is astringent and
antiviral. It treats diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, and colic. It also
clears colds and flu.

Rose hips are high in vitamin C

and vitamins A, B-complex, E, and D.
These hips also have bioflavonoids,
potassium, selenium, and tannins.
Rose hips strengthen the immune system and may treat colds.

Chewable Childrens Elderberry Plus: This formula was developed to help strengthen or rebuild
your childs immune system. Recommended dose is one tablet once or
twice a day with meals.

STR-J: This combination

strengthens a childs nervous system .
It contains the following nervine herbs:

Astragalus boosts the immune

system by increasing the production
of white blood cells. It improves circulation as well as fighting respiratory
and urinary infections.

Chamomile is an ever-famous aid

for troubles with the bowels and the
nerves. Chamomile helps colic, fussing, hyperactivity, restlessness, teething, and upset stomach.
Feverfew is a well-studied treatment for migraine headaches, but it
also can calm the child who has nervous indigestion.
Hops can both stimulate and relax
the body. It works well with problems
such as insomnia, tension, anxiety,
restlessness, nervous headache and
Marshmallow soothes irritated
and inflamed tissues.
Passion flower has sedative effects. It may help children suffering
from insomnia or nervous disorders.
It may even regulate the heartbeat.

Pycnogenol: Children are constantly invaded by free radicals, substances which damage cells and lead
to degenerative disease. Free radicals
come from environmental pollutions,
pesticides, x-rays, and cigarette smoke,
just to name a few. Pycnogenol was
developed to protect your children from
free radical damage. Made from pine
bark and grape seed extract,
pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant
combination. Pine bark is one of the
strongest free radical scavengers available. It has been shown to improve
and prevent health problems such as
high blood pressure, poor vision, bruising, flexibility, stroke, cancer and heart
disease. Grape seed extract has been
proven to have the same powerful antioxidant properties as pine bark, in
immunostimulatory and antimicrobial. It is recommended to give 1mg
pycnogenol for every pound of body
weight per day, with a glass of water.

Elderberry is a mucilant, cleaning toxins from the body which can

cause colds and flu. It promotes sweating and helps bring down fevers. Elderberry clears infection, brings efficient elimination from the kidneys
and helps respiratory, inner-ear, sinus and throat problems.
Reishi mushroom has proven to
aid the immune system by fighting
microbes. It also is used to treat bronchitis and asthma, ease pain, and even
fight cancer.

In the early 19th century Samuel
Hahnemann, a German scientist and
physician, began to search for a new
way to treat his patients. He felt that
the practices of the day, such as blood
letting and giving the patients large
doses of toxic mercury based medicines, were actually causing the patients harm rather than helping them
achieve health. He developed a system of treatment called homeopathy.
Several laws of medicine accompanied this system which explain its
effectiveness. The first is the like
cures like law. Hahnemann felt that
a medicinal plant which produced the
symptoms of a sickness in a person
who is well would treat those same
symptoms in a sick person. He tested
this idea on himself, taking medicinal
plants which made him sick and then
carefully recording all of his symptoms. Today scientists and physicians
find this law agreeable, and use it in
vaccinations and allergy treatments.
His second law is called the Law of
Infinitesimals. This law states that
the more diluted a medicinal plant
which causes illness in a healthy person is, the more powerful it becomes

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in healing a sick patient. During his

studies, Hahnemann took medicinal
plants he had tested on himself and
diluted them in water. He would then
shake the water. This process would
continue for several dilutions. He
found that these dilutions would carry
the healing powers of the plant to the
patient without any worry of toxicity.
He also found that the more diluted a
substance was, the better it seemed to
work for his patients.
Most physicians and scientists
today find the Law of Infinitesimals
difficult to understand. Upon testing
some dilutions, they found that not a
molecule of the original substance remained. How could water or alcohol
cure a patient? But others feel that
they might be getting closer to understanding. Italian physicist Emilio del
Giudici has developed a theory that
water molecules may carry very small
electromagnetic signals that they received from the original medicinal
plant. Trevor Cook, the President of
the United Kingdom of Homeopathic
Medicine Association, also believes
that an electromagnetic frequency of
the medicinal plant is found in the
diluted solution.
Despite laws that may still be
unanswered by scientists, the fact remains that homeopathy does work. It
has proven successful in treating many
illnesses, both chronic and simple. Homeopathic medicines seem especially
suited to children, because they are
diluted and nontoxic. The following
are some of homeopathic treatments
made especially to treat some common childhood problems. Their names
reflect the illness that they treat.
Cough Syrup
The Burton Goldberg Group, Alternative Medicine (Puyallup, WA: Future Medicine Publishing, Inc., 1994)
Readers Digest Family Guide to Natural Medicine (Pleasantville, New York: The Readers
Digest Association, Inc., 1993)

When to Consult a Doctor

Learning to
help your
kids stay
with herbs
is extremely important, but there are a few times
when it is important to seek professional help. Following are a few examples of when to consult a doctor.
Allergic reaction (severe): red
skin, coughing, difficulty breathing,
blurred vision, loss of consciousness,
vomiting and shock. Take the child to
the emergency room where he or she
will be given epinephrine to reduce
swelling and prevent suffocation.
Animal bites: If a wild animal or
unfamiliar dog or cat bites the child
take him or her for a checkup. The
doctor may give a tetanus shot or antibiotics. Upon discussion of the situation of the bite, the child might need
a rabies vaccination.
Burns (severe): When a child is
severely burned by chemicals, fire,
boiling water, or electricity, they need
to be taken to a physician. The doctor
may give fluids to replace loss that
occurred in the burn. The doctor will
also assist in relieving excessive pain,
preventing infection, and ensure correct healing of the tissues.
Diarrhea or stomach inflammation: Infections or food poisoning

could cause symptoms in a child such

as irritable temperament, vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal pain, and an occasional fever. A child with these
symptoms should be taken to a physician where he or she may be given
antibiotics and fluids. Diarrhea, especially when it is uncontrolled for 10-15
hours, can cause dehydration.
Fever (sudden): When a child
has a sudden fever over 103 he or she
should be taken to the hospital. There
the doctor will try to discover the cause
of the fever, and may chose to lower it
with drugs or aspirin.
Infections (persistent): If the
child has a wound accompanied by
symptoms of redness, heat around the
infected area, swelling, puss and draining, staph bacteria may be in the
wound. Take the child to the doctor
where s/he may be put on antibiotics.
Nosebleed (severe): If the child
has a severe nosebleed that cannot be
stopped call the emergency center for
assistance. The doctor may stop the
nose bleed with a Vaseline gauze pack,
epinephrine drops or by cauterizing a
blood vessel of the nose.
Poisoning: Children can be poisoned by household cleaners, gardening chemicals, drugs and even house
plants. If the child is experiencing
symptoms of sleepiness, red face,
mouth sores, vomiting, convulsions,

quick and deep breathing, stomach

pain, diarrhea or unconsciousness call
the local emergency center. They may
instruct you to induce vomiting to remove the poisons before help arrives.
Wounds (punctures or deep
cuts): A child with these injuries
should be taken to the emergency room
where the wound will be cleaned, and
the child may receive a tetanus shot or
Vomiting (explosive or persistent): These symptoms may signal a
concussion, appendicitis, or kidney and
urinary tract infections, problems that
should be treated by a physician.
Information taken from Maribeth Riggs, Natural Child Care (New York, New York: Harmony Books, 1989)

Important Notice
The information in Sunshine Sharing is
for educational purposes only and should
not be used to diagnose and treat diseases. If you have any health problem we
recommend you consult a competent
health practitioner before embarking on
any course of treatment.
Sunshine Sharing is an independent educational publication and receives no financial support from any herb or health
product manufacturer.

Comments Welcome
Your comments, questions and personal
experiences are welcome. Send them to
Sunshine Sharing, P.O. Box 425, Springville, UT 84663 or to your local distributor. Copyright 1996.

Reprint of Sunshine Sharing Vol. 7 No. 8

Distributed by:

This information is for educational purposes only. Consult with a qualified

health practictioner for all serious or
persistant illness.
L.C., P.O. Box 1028, Roosevelt, UT
84066. 1-800-416-2887. This material
may be printed from this database (in
single copies only) for educational purposes only (not for resale) provided it is
not altered in any way.

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