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Tuberculosis Increasingly Threaten Indonesia

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
The juries who Im respect, director nursing academy of Cianjur who Im respect, the
lectures and the staffs who Im respect, and all of my friend who Im love and respect. First lets
pray and thank unto our god Allah who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can
attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. Then, Shalawat never
bored greeting, we had given to the lord of nature spirits that great prophet Muhammad SAW. At
this golden opportunity allow me, Eggy Maulana Pratama, to stand in front of you all to deliver a
brief speech about Tuberculosis Increasingly Threaten Indonesia.
My friend
Do you know? Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria that are spread through the air
from person to person. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal. People infected with TB
bacteria who are not sick may still need treatment to prevent TB disease from developing in the
future. The bacteria that cause TB is spread through the air from person to person. The TB
bacteria are put into the air when a person with TB disease coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings.
People nearby may breathe in these bacteria and become infected. From the results of the latest
survey, the number of new cases of tuberculosis or TB in Indonesia is estimated at 1 million
cases per year, or more than doubled from its previous estimate. Indonesia's position has jumped
to the country with the second highest number of TB cases after India. In the 2014 Global TB
report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) is mentioned, the incidence in
Indonesia reaching 460,000 new cases per year. However, in a similar report in 2015, the figure
has been revised based on the survey since 2013, which is up to 1 million new cases per year.
The percentage of the number of cases in Indonesia has become 10 per cent of all cases in the
world to become the country with the second largest case along with China. India ranks first with
23 percent of the percentage of cases that exist around the world
My friend
Tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis were found Robert Koch. As many
as 90 percent of TB attacks the lungs with signs of a cough for more than three weeks, fever,
weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite, chest pain, and coughing up blood. if infected
with tuberculosis germs are not necessarily direct but ill tuberculosis bacteria are settled with
inactive status until the annual and potentially active when a person's immune system decreases.
Tuberculosis treatment is divided into three phases, the first is the handling of regular
tuberculosis, drinking anti-tuberculosis drugs for 6-9 month without a break. Then, the second
name multidrug resistant tuberculosis is drinking medicine anti-tuberculosis for 18-24 month.
And the last, extremely drug resistant Tuberculosis is drinking a medicine according the

conditions. one of the factors the number of TB cases in Indonesia is still high is because many
sufferers do not continue treatment until actually declared cured by a doctor. Moreover, after two
months of treatment, the patient's condition usually as before, no longer feel the symptoms of
TB, so feel confident to leave treatment. In fact, by abandoning treatment, TB relapse, even the
M tuberculosis bacteria may be resistant to the usual treatment. In addition, the bacteria can be
spread to people around that could potentially increase the number of patients.
My friend,
There is an old saying, it's easy to make someone sick but it's hard to make someone
healthy. So that I can say, sorry if I have a mistake. I hope that I can say can make advantage for
all of you.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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