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Journal of English Study Program

Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru, October 9th 2015


Wahyu Saputra
Dr. H. Fakhri Ras, M.Ed1
Khulaifiyah, S.Pd, M.Pd2
Abstract: One type of written text in English language teaching is recount text. In
essence recount text is a recount experiences and events of the past with the aim
to provide information or to entertain the reader. Objectives of this research is to
find out the effect of using Story Maps strategy towards writing skills of the
second year Students of SMP IT Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir. The research
is experimental research, by number of population is 154 students and number of
sample is 30 students of VIIID as experimental class and 30 students of VIIIE as
control class. Experimental class taught by the story maps, is more effective in
improving students' writing skills than the control class. It is proved that the
mean increase made by experimental group for the pre-test 57,50 to post-test
77,67 and increased for 20,17 point (25,97%) higher than control class. Then,
based on the calculation the standard deviation of the experimental and control
group in the hypothesis testing, it was found that value of tobs was greater than
ttab (2,45 > 2,00) in alpha decision level (0,5) with degree of freedom (DF = 58)
consequently, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
accepted. Based on the result of the research, it can be conclude that there is a
significant effect of using story maps learning strategy to improve writing skills
of the second year Students of SMP IT Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir.
Keywords: Story Maps Strategy, Writing Skill, Recount Text
The Background of Problems
The competency standards specified
further in competence in the basic rewrite
information in summary form (recount
text), with indicators to be achieved is; SK
(Standar Kompetensi) on lesson plan
guidance no 3 is Understanding and
applying knowledge (factual, conceptual,
and procedural) based on curiosity about
science, technology, arts, culture and
events related with phenomena. Then KD
(Kompetensi Dasar) no 3.12 is applying
text structure and elements of the
Language to perform social functions
WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

recount text stating and inquire about

activities, events, and events, short and
simple, according to the context of used.
Writing is system for interpersonal
communication using visible or graphic
symbols on a surface such as paper, or
even stone slabs, the daily newspapers,
advertisements, bill, notices, letters etc.
Writing is not just putting pen to paper or
writing down ideas but it is how these
ideas are presented or expressed
effectively. This highly demanding
process of writing requires a number of

skills and conventions like organization in

the development of ideas and information;
a high degree of accuracy in choosing the
right words so that there is no ambiguity
of meaning and also the right use of
complex grammatical devices to focus and
emphasize ideas. Besides, writing
demands the researcher to have careful
choice of vocabulary and understand
grammatical patterns and to be able to
write sentence structures that is
appropriate to the subject matter.
In teaching process, teachers are
using a method usually difficult to create a
classroom atmosphere that is conducive.
If there is a change, the classroom
atmosphere is difficult normalized again.
It's a sign of disturbance in the process of
educational interaction. As a result, the
road becomes less effective lessons. The
efficiency and effectiveness of goal
attainment was so disturbed, due to the
poor students to concentrate. The method
used only one can not be played, because
the disorder stems from the weakness of
the method.
Teaching or learning strategy can be
done in various ways. One way that can
be used is to use images that use color plot
or setting in order to attracting the
attention of students.
Story Maps has been believed to be
able to describe the elements of the story
into a Story Maps. Story Maps gives a
clear picture of how the elements, the
setting and plot in a story. Thus the
mindset of the students can guess how the
course of an existing story through
pictures displayed and rewriting stories
that emerge from the image. By using the
Maps it will help student arrangement and
concept their idea bank of the story
Based on these descriptions, the
researcher are interested in doing research
by headings The effect of using Story
Maps strategy towards writing skills of
the second year students at SMP IT
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir.

WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

Setting of the Problems

Based on the background of the
study mentioned above, the identification
of the problem of the research are:
1. The lack of curiosity of students
towards the subject matter presented by
the teachers. In a learning situation,
students tend to get tired and less
enthusiastic in learning the English
language, especially on the ability to
2. The students skills in writing stories is
poor, the inverted arrangement of many
stories and not directed properly. The
concept of the story that written is still
3. The low ability second year students in
writing recount text, arrangement of
orientation, series of events and reorientation is still not well-structured
and less of ideas.
4. The teachers do not use a appropriate
strategy in teaching writing, teaching
process were less active then it
influence the students writing ability.
Limitation of the Problem
In this research the researcher has
been done as an experimental research.
Research limited the issues to be discuss
is just to find out:
1. How the students ability to writing a
story concept?
2. How the students ability in writing
recount text by arrangement of
orientation, series of events and reorientation?
Formulation of the Problem
Based on the limitation of problem
above, formulation of the problem in this
research follows: Is there any significant
effect of using Story Maps strategy to
improve writing skills of the second year
Students of SMP IT Syahruddiniyah
Kampar Kiri Hilir?

Learning Strategies
(2011:7) a learning strategy is a persons
approach to learning and using
information. Students use learning
strategies to help them understand
information and solve problems. Students
who do not know or use good learning
strategies often learn passively and
ultimately fail in school. Learning
Strategy instruction focuses on making
students more active learners by teaching
them how to learn and how to use what
they have learned to be successful.
According to Djamarah (2011:233)
learning strategy can be described as the
nature and behavior. Rubin conducted a
study on the difference between the
properties of successful language learning
and language learner properties that do
not work, while Oxford defines learning
strategies as "behaviors or actions taken
by learners in order to be more successful
language learning, focused, and fun".
According to Alice (1999:2) writing
is a discovery process that involves
discovering ideas, how to organize them
and what that you want to put over to your
order, so a lot of what a researcher does as
a researcher doesnt actually appear on the
page. It is a means of communication.
Whenever the researcher want to write, he
has to knowing the audience or reader, it
will help in reaching and the goal is
communicate clearly and effectively.
According to Groth (2013:1) there
are three basic principles in academic
writing, namely, content, register, and
offences. Referring to content, it should be
made clear, specific, and relevant. The
register should be formal, to the point, and
concise. On the other hand, academic
writing should be free from offences and,
in most cases, should avoid sensitive
WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

Recount Text
According to Hyland (2004:39)
recount is a kind of genre that has social
function to retell event for the purpose of
informing or entertaining. The tense that
used in recount text is past tense. Social
purpose of recount is to reconstruct past
experiences by retelling events in original
sequence. We can look at the sample of
recount in personal letters, police report,
insurance claims, and incident reports.
According to Anderson (1997:48) a
recount is speaking or writing about past
events or a piece of text that retells past
events, usually in the order which they
happened. Recount text means the form of
the text telling about someone experience
in the past that used in curriculum 2004,
there for the experience of the readers
themselves, such as their adventure and
their days activities. Recount text means
telling about oneself adventures or the
days activities.
Story Maps
Acording to Khatib (2012:1116) a
Story Maps is considered as a kind of
graphic organizer which includes a visual
aid that displays the chunks of
information to be studied. And a Story
Maps help students understand the
components of the story. The Story Maps
is a visual depiction of the setting or the
sequence of major events and actions of
story characters with the aim of enabling
students to relate story events and to
perceive structure in literary selections.
According to Kurniawan (2013:5)
Story Maps is a technique used after a
story has been read. It includes identifying
the main elements, and categorizing the
main events in sequential order. A graphic
representation is often used to illuistrated
the story structure and sequence of events.
A Story Maps is a visual depiction of the
settings or the sequence of major events
and actions of story characters. This
procedure enables students to relate story
events and to perceive in literary.


Location and Time of the Research

Research Design
The research is experimental
research. An experimental research is the
traditional approach to conducting
quantitative research Creswell (2005:282).
In an experiment, test an idea (or practice
or procedure) to determine whether it
influence an outcome or dependent
variable. An experiment is use establish
possible cause and effect between the
independent dependent variables. This
means that researcher control all variables
that influences the outcome expect for the
independent variable.
It involves two groups, an
experimental group and control group.
They were treats differently: however, the
teachers, the length of the time, and the
material are same. The experimental
group treated by story maps learning
strategies, while the control one treated as
usual without story maps learning
Table 1.
Research Design

In order to show the effect of

variable in this study, both of variables
shown in following figure:

The research has been completed on

second year students of SMP IT
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir located
at Raya Pekanbaru-Taluk Kuantan streets,
Km. 30, Kampar Kiri Hilir. This research
have completed within a month on May
2015. The schedules of this research are
shown in table as follow:
Table 2.
Schedule of the Research

Indicators of the Research

In this research, the indicators of
this research adapted from Rencana
curriculum of 2013 of English Study for
second year Students of SMP IT
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir 2014.
This RPP focused in writing recount
paragraph. The indicator of recount text as
Table 3.
Schedule of the Research

Figure 1.
Research Design
Dependent Variable
Writing Skills

Independent Variable
Story Maps

Variable X : To find out the ability of

students writing skills by
using story maps.
Variable Y : To aim how increasing or
different achievement being
taught by using story maps.

WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

Data Collecting Technique

To obtain the data need in this
research, the researcher collect the data by
distributing test to the students. The test is
used to find the score of students writing
recount paragraph. The researcher have
done pre-test and post-test to experiment
class and control class in order to know
the effect of story maps toward writing

Table 4.
Rubrics Score of Writing Recount Rext

there is any significant effect between

these groups.
Data Analysis Technique
After the data of the research are
collect, it is necessary to analyze by using
statistical analysis to analyze the data. To
know the result whether it is statistically
significant, it will be analyzed by using ttest. Before applying the t-test, it is
necessary to follow the following steps:
1. To find students individual





Brown, J.D



Research Procedure


X =


Individual score
Total correct answer
Amount of test items
Constant number

2. To find out the mean score

In this research, the procedure Where:

collecting data divided into three phrases.
: Mean score
1. Pre-Test
: Total score
Before treatment, the students in experimental group
: Number of students
were given pre-test by using writing
recount text. The purpose is to know the
3. To find out standard deviation
students writing skills before treatment.
Pre-test conducted for the first meeting.S=
2. Treatment
After giving the pre-test, the researcher began the
treatment through use of story maps
learning strategies. This treatment given
: Standard deviation
in order to know is there significant
: Total score
effect on the students writing skills.
: Number of students
Treatment has been done for two
: Constant number
meeting. The treatment gives to
experimental group only.
4. To find out the t-test
3. Post-Test
X e X c
After treatment finish, the researcher gives post-testT obs= S( X X )
to the student. It aims to know how the
effect by using story maps toward
writing skills of the student. It is has
: T-value (t-test)
been completed to figure out whether
Average of exp

WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)


: Average of ctrl


Table 8.
Result of Control Class Score

The Result of Test

Both of classes were given the same
materials, but they got the different result.
The difference result of these two groups
can be seen in the table below:
Table 5.
Result of Pre-test

Table 6.
Result of Post-test

Based on the table explained above,

there is increasing of students test result
between pre-test and post-test in term of
maximal score increased for 15 point
(15.00%), minimal score increased for 30
point (60.00%), total score increased for
565 point (24,41%), mean increased for
18,84 point (24,41%), standar deviation
decrease for -5,29 point (-31,98%) and
variance decrease for -202,85 point (74,14%) of control class without using
story maps toward students writing skills.
Table 9.
Result of All Test

Table above showed difference

result between experimental class and
control class in term of maximal score,
minimal score, total score, mean, standard
deviation and variance.
Table 7.
Result of Experimental Class Score

Based on the table explained above,

there is increasing of students test result
between pre-test and post-test in term of
maximal score increased for 15 point
(15.00%), minimal score increased for 35
point (63.64%), total score increased for
605 point (25.97%), mean increased for
20,17 point (25.97%), standar deviation
decrease for -0,71 point (-4,26%) and
variance decrease for -24,16 point (8,72%) of experimental class by using
story maps toward students writing skills.

WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

Based on table above, the researcher

concludes that the difference of data score
percentage in experiment class was higher
than the control class in terms of maximal
score has no differences, minimal score
has differences for 5 point (9,09%), total
score has differences for 15 point (0,64%),
mean has differences for 0,5 point
(0,64%), standar deviation has differences
for 0,11 point (0,66%) and variance has
differences for 3,54 point (1,28%).
The Progress of Students Writing
Skills Component
After calculating the result of all
tests, we can see the students progress of
each components in writing recount text
in pre-test and post-test.

Table 10.
Student Progress in Experimental Class

It can be seen from table that the

increasing is shown by students in
students writing skills who taught by
Story maps learning strategy. The
increasing of students for orientation was
23.94%, series of event was 15.79% and
percentages of students writing recount
text component can be seen in this
following graphic:
Figure 2.
Student Progress in Experimental Class

Figure 2 showed the students

average score increased in each recount
text components from the low score to
higher score. First, from the graphic we
can see the lowest mean score was reorientation where in pre-test the students
got 12,33 points in pre-test and score in
post-test increased become 21,00 points or
increased 41,37%. Second, in series of
events the students got 21,33 points in
pre-test and increased become 25,33
points in post-test or increased 16,40%.
Third, in orientation, the students got
23,83 points in pre-test then increased
become 31,33 points in post-test or
increased 24,05%.

WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

Table 11.
Student Progress in Control Class

It can be seen from table that the

increasing is shown by students in writing
recount text and doesnt teaching by story
maps and used by teacher own strategy.
The increasing of students for orientation
was 16.18%, series of event was 9.78%
and re-orientation was 56.06%. The
percentages of students writing recount
text component can be seen in this
following graphic:
Figure 3.
Student Progress in Control Class

Figure 3 showed the students

average score increased in each recount
text components from the low score to
higher score. First, from the graphic we
can see the lowest mean score was reorientation where in pre-test the students
got 10,00 points in pre-test and score in
post-test increased become 22,76 points or
increased 56,06%. Second, in series of
events the students got 23,33 points in
pre-test and increased become 25,86
points in post-test or increased 9,78%.
Third, in orientation, the students got
25,00 points in pre-test then increased
become 29,83 points in post-test or
increased 16,18%.

Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing used to know
how the result of the research. In this
study the researcher used hypothesis
testing was null hypothesis.
H0 : There is no significant effect of using
story maps learning strategy to
improve writing skills of the second
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir.
Ha : There is a significant effect of using
story maps learning strategy to
improve writing skills of the second
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir.
X e X c
T obs=
S( X e X c )
T obs=


T obs=


T obs=2,45
T tab =2,00
Based on the calculation of t-test
above, it was clearly seen that the value of
Tobs 2,45. Meanwhile, the value of ttable on
the degree of freedom 58 (DF 30 + 30 2
= 58) at = 0.5. in level of significant for
two tail test is 2,00 (Sudijono, 2012). We
could see the significant difference
between tobs and ttable was much greater.
(2,45 > 2,00).
It can be conclude, because of tobs
was much greater than ttable, the null
hypothesis is rejected and alternative
hypothesis is accepted. And the
alternative hypothesis is There is a
significant effect of using story maps
learning strategy to improve writing skills
of the second year Students of SMP IT
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir. We
WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

could see it through the increasing of

means of the experimental group the pretest to the post-test.

Interpretation Data
In teaching writing to the second
year students of SMP IT Syahruddiniyah
Kampar Kiri Hilir, the writer used story
maps to build students understanding of
concepts and in writing story, as well as
expand the ideas and creativity of the
students become better. There has been
research conduct on the many and varied
benefits of using story maps to enhance
lesson with preschool and elementary age
school children.
Firstly, teacher ask students to read
the class a picture book example of the
plot pattern were studying. Second,
students gathering concepts/ ideas from
the book and add them to idea bank form.
Third, students choose character graphics.
Fourth, students create a story maps for
the children using one or more new
character graphics. Fifth, teacher let
students to create their own story maps
using one or more of the new character
graphics provide them. They will also
base their story problem on the same
concept/ idea you models and collected
from the author. Sixth, the point of these
story planning sessions is to build the
concept of story problem and resolution.
Seventh, repeat this process of: reading
books, collecting ideas, modeling a story
maps, and students creating own story
maps five times. If students show a strong
grasp of the plot structure go on to writing
a story which uses this pattern.
1) Eka Dian Safitry (Students no. 7,
experimental class, VIIID)
Before the writer gave treatment
that was teaching writing skills by using
story maps. Basically, she has been able
to compile recount text at the pretest,
based on the orientation that explains
aspects of participant, place and time as

well as aspects of the series of events

that describes the events that have
passed. But there is no re-orientation at
the end of the paragraph. When the post
test, she have good results about story
writing and developing the ideas
conceptualized story.
2) Novi Agata Ananda Putri (Students no.
13, experimental class, VIIID)
Before the writer gave treatment
that was teaching writing skills by using
story maps. Basically, she has been able
to compile recount text at the pretest,
based on the orientation that explains
aspects of participant, place and time.
But she had difficulty in establishing
the concept of a story that has
happened. The stories seem disheveled
and not sequentially. But there is reorientation at the end of the paragraph.
When the post test, she have good
results about story writing and
developing the ideas conceptualized
3) Dinda Aulia (Students no. 9, control
class, VIIIE)
Before the teacher gave treatment
that was teaching writing skills by using
teacher own strategy. Basically, she has
been able to compile recount text at the
pretest, based on the orientation that
explains aspects of participant, place
and time as well as aspects of the series
of events that describes the events that
have passed. There is re-orientation at
the end of the paragraph, but it just only
a few words and still not show the
maximal re-orientation. When the post
test, she have good results about story
writing and developing the ideas
conceptualized story.
4) Thia Rezky Hedriani (Students no. 27,
control class, VIIIE)
Before the teacher gave treatment
that was teaching writing skills by using
teacher own strategy. Basically, she has
been able to compile recount text at the
WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

pretest, based on the orientation that

explains aspects of participant, place
and time. But she had difficulty in
establishing the concept of a story that
has happened. The stories seem
disheveled and not sequentially. But
there is re-orientation at the end of the
paragraph. When the post test, she have
good results about story writing and
developing the ideas conceptualized
However, this study also described
and explained about the recommendations
not only for students, but also for the
teacher which especially by using story
maps toward students writing skills.
Theoretical Conclusion
Story maps help students to
categorizing the main events in sequential
order. A graphic representation is often
used to illuistrate the story structure and
sequence of events.
Practical Conclusion
This research is an experimental
research. It is done in two groups: an
experimental group and control group.
The experimental group treats by using
story maps and the control group treats
without using story maps. The location of
the research was SMP IT Syahruddiniyah
Kampar Kiri Hilir. Target population of
this research was second year of SMP IT
Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir, was
154 and sample was 60.
Based on analysis of data in
previous chapter, the result of research can
be concluded as follows:
There is a significant effect
of using story maps learning
strategy to improve writing
skills of the second year

Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri

Experimental class taught by
the story maps, is more
students' writing skills than
the control class.
Suggestion for English Teacher
Basically the learning strategies that
used by teachers has been very good in
improving students' writing skills but,
students still confious to draft story idea.
This limitations of the students writing
stories based on personal experiences and
difficult when develop the story in
Based on the results of this study
can be known that the story maps is more
effectively on maximizing the ability of
students to write stories especially recount
text in accordance with the aspects
contained in the recont text.
Acording to Khatib (2012:1112) a
Story Maps is considered as a kind of
graphic organizer which includes a visual
aid that displays the chunks of
information to be studied. And a Story
Maps help students understand the
components of the story.
Suggestion for Students
The ability of students to write a
story quite well. But the content of the
story is less interesting and there are some
students who still do not sequential story
ideas. Students are expected to continue to
develop his writing skills not only to
recount text, but also various types of
other text.
According to Bram (1995:29) good
writing in any languages involves
knowledge the convention of written
discourse in culture as well as the ability
to choose the precise words that convey
ones meaning. To write an interesting text
and good paragraph, we should know
what a paragraph is. A paragraph is a
WAHYU SAPUTRA (106311262)

group of sentences which contain relevant

information about one main or central
Suggestion for Next Researchers
The writer suggests that the other
researchers can try this learning strategy
to improve various capabilities in other
language such as writing (another text
genre), reading, listening and speaking. So
this story maps learning strategies can be
used for all components of a study
supported by scientific explanations and
Kurniawan (2013:5) sad story maps
is a technique used after a story has been
read. It includes identifying the main
elements, and categorizing the main
events in sequential order. This procedure
enables students to relate story events and
to perceive in literary selections.
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