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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 230

Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

Clustering Approach: An Efficient Method to Prevent Black Hole Attack in

Mobile Adhoc Networks
Hemalatha B
Project Associate
Dept. of Electronics and Communication
SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur
This paper addresses the security and performanceissues of
MANET. This cluster oriented concept is proposed to
enhance the security and efficiency of the network. The
proposed strategy insures the optimum performance of
MANET in presence of black hole attack. The simulation of
the proposed methodology is carried out using NS2 network
simulator and the simulation results reflects the performance
of scheme for detection and prevention of the black hole.

hole and wormhole is categorized as active attack, thedetailed

description of black hole attack condition is givenbelow.

Keywords: MANET; black hole; simulation; security;

Performance analysis.

MANET can be defined by self-properties, in which
the mobile nodes are organized in a dynamic topological
infrastructure. Due to its dynamic nature this domain is keep
attracted different engineers. But due to high mobility model
that is affected by various kinds of issues. According to
observations there are two main issues first security and
second is performance. This paper focuses on the MANET
Due to study that is observed that there are a number
ofmethods and techniques are available to provide the
securityfor MANET environment. Some of them are studied
here andafter that a new approach is proposed and
implemented in thispaper. This paper provides a cluster
oriented infrastructure for monitoring and communicating the
mobile devices. The attacks on mobile ad hoc networks can
be classified into following two categories.
A passive attack does not disrupt proper operation
of the network. Attacker watches the data exchanged in
network without altering it. The requirement of privacy can
be violated if an attacker is also able to interpret the data
gathered. Discovery of passive attacks is very difficult for the
operation of the network itself. A way of preventing this kind
of problems is to use powerful encryption mechanisms to
encrypt the data being conveyed, thus making it impossible
for eavesdroppers to obtain any useful information from the
data overheard.
An active attack tries to alter or destroy the data,
thus the normal functioning of the network is disrupted.
These can beclassified into two categories external attacks
and internal attacks. External attacks are supported by nodes
that do not belong to the network. These attacks are
prevented by using standard security mechanisms such as
encryption techniquesand firewalls. In internal attacks
compromised nodes that are actually part of the network,
meanwhile the attackers are partof the network as authorized
nodes. By the property internal attacks are more severe and
difficult to detect when comparedto external attacks. Black

Fig.1: Black hole attack

Black hole Attack: In this attack, [2] a malicious user uses

the routing protocol to advertise itself as having the shortest
path to the node whose packets it wants to intercept. Attacker
receives the requests for routes in a flooding based protocol.
While attacker receives a route request to the destination
node, it creates a reply consisting of a short route. If
attacker's reply reaches the initiating node before the reply
from the actual node, a fake route gets created. If the
malicious device has been able to insert itself between the
communicating nodes, then this node is able to do anything
with the packets. It can drop the packets between them to
perform a denial-of-service attack, or otherwise use its place
on the route as the first step in a man-in-the-middle attack.
For instance, in Fig. 1, source node S wants to send data
packets to destination node D and initiates the route
discovery process. Additionally assume thatnode 2 is a
malicious node and it claims that it has a route tothe
destination whenever it receives route request packets
(RREQ), and immediately sends the response to node S. In
case the response from the node 2 reaches first to node S
thennode S thinks that the route discovery iscomplete, than
sourcenode ignores all other reply messages and begins to
send data packets to node 2. Result is that, all packets
through the malicious node is consumed or lost.
This section provides the overview of the MANET and
theBlack hole attack. In next section includes some
previousworksthat are performed for black hole detection

This section describes the background and previous
methodologies that are supporting our proposed work. In this
direction an important contribution is given in [3] according
the given study security is an important issue in mobile ad
hoc networks (MANETs). However, security schemes have
significant impacts on throughput. Because of 1) they need
some overhead and consume some network resources, thus
decrease throughput subsequently; 2) previous works
consider security and throughput separately in designing a

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 231

Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 8190
MANET, which cannot achieve an overall optimization of
network performance. In this paper, author proposes a
topology control scheme to improve throughput by jointly
designing upper layer security schemes and physical layer
schemes related to channel conditions and relays elections for
cooperative communications. Results show that given
scheme can extensively improve throughput in MANETs.
In the same way a trust management scheme is developed [4]
for securing the MANET. According to author Evaluating
and quantifying Reputation stimulates collaboration in
Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET). Absence of infrastructure
nodes here to cooperate in order to provide the necessary
network functionality, the given study is provides fully
distributed reputation-based mechanisms that improve
security in MANETS. That is implemented over cognitive
and optimized method to calculate the Reputation of the
Nodes. This study proposes Eigenvector & Degree centrality
for evaluation of trust value. Simulation is given using NS2
over the Dynamic Source Routing(DSR) prototype, in the
existence of Worm Hole Attack in highly mobile and hostile
To analyse black hole attack a survey related to different
approaches are found [5]. According to author MANET
isused in various applications. For instance, communication
between the nodes is through the insecure wireless link,
security is a huge issue for this type of networks. MANET is
susceptible to attacks such as Black hole attack, Gray hole
attack, Sybil attack, wormhole attack and Route table
alteration attack. To overwhelmed Black hole attack, a trust
based routing approach, intrusion detection system, sequence
number comparison and Data Routing Information table
(DR!) has been proposed in this study. Trust based On
Demandrouting mechanism identities and decreases the
dangers by malicious node in the path. The given paper
provides a survey of preventing and identifying Black hole
attack using trust management mechanism in MANET.In
order to detect and prevent black hole attack another
trustbased contribution is available in [6] according to author
a trust based collaborative approach to mitigate black hole
nodes in AODV protocol for MANET. In this methodology
every node monitors neighbouring nodes and calculates
trustvalue on its neighbouring nodes. If calculated trust value
of a monitored node goes below defined threshold value
previously, then the monitoring node assume it as malicious
and avoids that node from the route path. The test discloses
that proposed scheme secures the AODV routing protocol for
MANET by mitigating and avoiding black hole nodes.
The black hole attack in wireless Ad Hoc network is major
issue this study is found in [7].That needs efficientsolutions
to overcome. In Black hole attack more than onenode can be
malicious. author have proposed a novel architecture of A
Forced Routing Information ModificationModel prevents
Black hole attacks in wireless MANET byintroducing
automatic error correction in routing informationthat leads
the node to select correct path thus securetransmission will
take place between source and destination.
In this model they assume that network is centralized.
Authorhas used the popular protocol AODV. Author used
twotechnologies for communication between sever and
accesspoints and the access points to nodes. This leads the
nodeto modify its routing table, so node will divert its traffic
towards access point and the communication will be started
between node and server through access point. The black
hole attack has been met, using automatic modification in

therouting table of node.Each node in MANET has to rely on

each other in order toforward packets [8], so highly
supportive nodes are required toensure that initiated data
transmission process. However, it ishard to encourage
cooperativeness among nodes for each nodeowns limited
resources that need to be secure. These specificnodes are also
known as selfish nodes refuse to help othernodes in
forwarding packets due to the anxiety of havingresource
degradation such as exhausted battery power andlimited
processor ability. This issue has aroused several issuesin
Quality of
(QoS),resource management and auto-configuration.
Therefore, thereis a need to provide a mechanism that can
encourage cooperation among nodes without jeopardizing
their resources.Here author provide evidence through
simulation experimentson how a friendship concept could be
used to minimize thenumber of false alarms raised in
MANET Intrusion DetectionSystem (IDS).
A methodical classification of these clustering schemes
enables to better understand and make improvements.
InMANET movement of nodes may quickly change
thetopology resulting in the increase of the overhead message
in topology conservation. Protocols try to keep the number of
nodes in a cluster around a predefined threshold to facilitate
the optimal operation of the MAC protocol. The cluster head
selection is invoked on-demand, and is targeted to reduce the
communication costs. A large range of techniques for
MANET clustering have been developed by researchers
which focus on different performance metrics [9],This paper
offering a survey of different clustering schemes. This
importantcontributions and studies in order to provide the
security andinfrastructure. In the next section provides our
proposedmethods description and details about how the
proposedmethod is works to detect and prevent the black hole


The proposed approach provides a clustered organization of
MANET devices, where devices are categorized in
thefollowing manner.
1. Mobile nodes: These nodes are collection of the
mobiledevices and follow the law of independent mobility.
communication.Additionally able to send, receive and route
data during communication.
2. Cluster heads: These nodes are basically static
accesspoints which installed separately.These nodes are
participating in communication when intra-cluster
communication occurs. The primary objective of these
cluster heads, to monitor the communication between trusted
nodes, when new mobile node trying to communicate with
internal cluster or trusted node then data sending and
receiving is the main responsibility of these nodes.
3. Monitoring server: This device is used to calculate the
trustvalue for securing the network from attack. That is
performedusing MANET Black hole characteristics.
The arrangement of these nodes are given by fig 2, where
Arrangement of above given nodes are provided. On the
basis of their functionality of network attack formation
anddetection process is described. Black hole attack is

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Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 8190
described in above sections, according tothe characteristics of
malicious node during black holedeployment, node just
receive data packets but never forwardfurther destination
nodes. Thus if server only check all nodeactivity for sending
and receiving of packets then server isable to detect
malicious node.

MANET.This simulates how the communication is initiated

by anysender node and how the malicious node stops the
communication between sender and receiver. This network
scenario is given using the fig 3, where the malicious node
isgiven by green colour node.

0 0 cluster heads
O OOOOOmobile nodes
Fig.2:The proposed network

To simulate the complete communication, detection process

and elimination process of malicious node we provide three
step scenarios.
1. Communication between internal clusters: In this scenario
mobile nodes are communicating with each other, As the
MANET devices communicating.
2. Communication between external clusters: During this
process all the generated traffic is go through the clusters and
server node. By which the nodes and traffic flow is
3. Communication between unknown nodes: During this
communication first time traffic are flows according the
second scenario, and traffic and data monitored. If this node
only receives packets and never forward the packets to
neighbour nodes then this node is eliminated from the
network and marked as malicious node.
In this section of the paper we describe our secure clustered
network structure and in next section provide the complete
description of simulation and simulation setups.

Fig.4: The proposed architecture

In order to detect and prevent the malicious activity

and theproposedmonitoring system is given using the next
networkscenario. Using this network scenario we provide all
threecommunication process. Given using figure 4, where the
centrenode is server node and four clusters are
consideredhaving cluster heads for each cluster in the
network. Remaining nodes are themobile nodes that are
trusted nodes in clusters, and freelyperforming
communication. After implementing,thesimulation using
NS2, the performance of the network is also evaluated over
throughput, bit error rate and packet delivery ratio.

This section of the given paper provides the implementation
and obtained results from the implemented simulation. NS2
network simulation which is given in this paper is based on
thebelow given simulation setup.

Simulation area
Number of nodes
Node type
Link layer
Mac layer

Random 2 way

Fig.5: Throughput
Fig. 3: The black hole attack

Using the above given simulation parameters the proposed

simulation model is designed and simulated. The overall
workis defined using two different scenarios, first with the
simpleAODV routing protocol and with the traditional

During initial communication setup conditions not

any data packets are sendingbetween sender and receiver,
therefore throughput of the network becomes 0. The above
given result is evaluatedduring our first network simulation
scenario for the randomly spread nodes in presence of black

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Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2016, ISSN No.: 2348 8190
hole attack indicated by red line . After implementation of the
proposed system, a malicious nodeisinserted during the
session which is represented which is given using fig 4.As
the given procedure when network server node detectsnodes
forwarding is null then, server node removes the malicious
node using their routing table entry and network
communication. After elimination of malicious node the
network throughput is evaluated which is given using the
below given figure 5 and indicated by green line. Here the
estimatedThroughput is represented in terms of MBPS.

throughput,bit error rate and packet delivery ratio, the

proposed system is efficient technique for detection and
prevention of black hole attack.
In future this method is used for different other attacks too.
For that purpose some enhancement over server node is
required to write the rules for network for attack detection
andprevention. This technique is promising for
implementationover other security issues in MANET.

[1] A Survey of Routing Attacks and Security Measures in
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, SudhirAgrawal, Sanjeev Jain,
3, ISSUE I, JANUARY 2011, ISSN 2151-9617
[2] A Survey of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Attacks, PRADlP
M.S.AU, PROF. J.S.DESHPANDE, International Journal of
Engineering Science andTechnology, Vol. 2(9), 2010, 40634071
[3] A Joint Design for Topology and Security in MANETs
with Cooperative Communications, Quansheng Guan, F.
Richard Yu, Shengming Jiang and Victor C.M. Leung, 9781-61284-231-8/111$26.00 2011 IEEE

Fig.6: Packet Delivery Ratio

The delivered performance in terms of PDR is given

using thefigure 6, where in figure red line indicates the
PDRestimation during attack conditions and after that green
line indicates PDR after prevention of the attack in clustered

[4] SOPE: Self-Organized Protocol for Evaluating Trust in

MANET using Eigen Trust Algorithm, Sudharson
Kumar,Parthipan.V,978-1-4244- 8679-3111/$26.00 2011
[5] Black Hole Attack and Their Counter Measure Based on
Trust Management in Manet: A Survey, U. Venkanna,
R.LeelaVe\usami, Proc. oflnt. Coni, on Advances in Recent
Technologies in Communication and Computing 2011.
[6] A trust based approach for AODV protocol to mitigate
black hole attackin MANET, Fidel Thachil, K C Shet, 978-07695-4817-3/12 $26.00
2012 IEEE.
[7] A Forced Routing Information Modification Model for
Preventing BlackHole Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Network,
Muhammad Raza I and SyedIrfanHyder, 978-1-4577-19295112/$26.00 20 I I IEEE.

Fig.6: Bit error rate

The figure shows the evaluation of bit error rate.

The red line indicates the BER in randomly distributed nodes
network in presence of black hole attack. And the green line
indicates the BER in the clustered infrastructure.

[8] A Friend Mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,

Shukor Abd Razak Normalia Samian, Mohd Aizaini Maarof,
978-0-7695-3324-7/08 $25.00 2008 IEEE, DOl 10.11


[9] Survey of clustering algorithms for MANET, Ratish

Agarwal, Dr. Mahesh Molwani, 1 International Journal on
Computer Science and Engineering Vol. I (2), 2009, 98104.20J4

The presented paper is an overview of the complete system

design which includes introduction of black hole attack and
their deployment over MANET.The implemented clustered
architecture provides security against the black hole attack in
MANET. The proposed approach is implemented using NS2
and simulation scenario and evaluated results are listed.After
analyzing the different performance parameters like

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