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A Never Die Hero

A teacher is a hero
Without a strings attached
They are candles in the dark
We could have an open mind because the strands of a teacher
Our souls can be wide because the advice of a teacher
They are heroes in a world
They are simple and promising calmness
Always be water in the desert
Always be a light in the middle of the night
We all need you
We will not be able to change the world without you
Our kids are poisoned without you
The teacher is a guide
They are a symbol of resurrection
They are a basic for education
Teachers are heroes

Going to School
Rooster crowing in the morning
The sun is waking up to greet warming
Makes me want to go bathing
Because the sunny day has been starting
The desire was unstoppable anymore
For picking up the mounting science
The desire was unstoppable anymore
To meet friends who have been waiting for
I go to school
With a bag on my back, I pull
Soon I take my shoes
Not forget to say goodbye to my parents
I move my foot quickly
I do not want to be late, for sure
I learned at school diligently
So, I become successful in the future.

Pahlawan yang tidak pernah mati

Seorang guru adalah pahlawan
Tanpa sebuah pamrih
Mereka adalah lilin di tengah kegelapan
Pikiran kita bisa terbuka karena untaian ilmu seorang guru
Jiwa kita bisa luas karena nasihat seorang guru
Mereka adalah pahlawan di sebuah dunia
Pribadi nan sederhana yang menjanjikan keteduhan
Selalu menjadi air di tengah padang pasir
Selalu menjadi terang di tengah malam
Kami semua membutuhkan kalian
Kami tidak akan bisa mengubah dunia tanpa kalian
Anak-anak kami akan teracuni tanpa kalian
Guru adalah seorang pemandu
Guru adalah sebuah simbol kebangkitan
Guru adalah dasar bagi sebuah pendidikan manapun
Guru adalah pahlawan

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