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Patterns (would / used to)

Regla gramatical
Se utilizan used to + infinitivo y would + infinitivo para hacer referencia a acciones
y hbitos que se han repetido en el pasado.
We used to go to the South of France on holiday.
When we lived near the sea she would swim every evening.
Solo se utiliza 'would' cuando la situacin se ha determinado con 'Past Simple' o con
'used to'.
I used to live in a village in France. I would cycle to work every day.

Used to muestra un contraste entre situaciones pasadas y presentes:

I used to walk to work. = pero ya no lo hago.
We didn't use to get on very well. = pero ahora nos llevamos bien.

Se puede utilizar used to para hacer referencia a estados pasados distintos del
We used to live by the sea.
would solo se utiliza para hacer referencia a acciones repetidas, no a estados.
We would go swimming every evening after work.

Las oraciones positivas utilizan 'used to'. Las negativas y las preguntas utilizan el verbo
auxiliar 'did' con 'use to'.
La pronunciacin de 'used to' y 'use to' es la misma. Para usar 'would' en negativo se
utiliza 'would not' o 'wouldn't'.
I used to live in Spain.
I didn't use to do much exercise.
I would go there early in the morning.
There wouldn't be anyone else in the pool.

Nota: be/get used to muestra familiaridad con algo.

My new job was hard, but I've got used to it now. = ya estoy ms familiarizado con el

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