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Name: Khairunnisa binti Julalihie

Student ID: 2012234084

Title : How jig and fixture can help manufacturing company to improve the quality
and productivity of building an aircraft.

To build up a new machine, there are so many manufacturing progress have to

go through such as tooling. There are terms which is jig and fixture that are
commonly used in manufacturing process. Jig and fixture are two devices that
are used to facilitate production such as machining, assembling and inspection
operation. To define jig, it is a device which guide the cutting tool while fixture is a
device which hold the work piece in position. In aircraft building, jig and fixture is
actually hold, support and locate work piece. Some parts in aircraft are
permanently assemble and some parts are not. Plus, most parts in aircraft
building are big enough, to make it done on time these device are helpful as it is
impossible for the workers to hold the big work piece. So, the used of mediumskilled labor also can be permitted. Besides, it will minimize the possibility of
human error.

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