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I would like thank Chase Emnott (strength and conditioning coach at Michigan Tech

University) for these workouts.

A general overview of the makeup of our summer workouts are as follows:
weeks 1-2: hypertrophy (light weights, lots of reps)
weeks 3-4: basic strength (moderate weight, fewer reps but more sets)
weeks 5-6: power (heavy weight, low reps with many sets)
week 7: DOWNLOAD (basically maintenance, 3 days of full body lifts, about 4 exercises
of upper and lower body and about 10 reps each)
weeks 8-9: hypertrophy
weeks 10-11:basic strength
weeks 12-13: power
week 14: DOWNLOAD
week 15: practice begins....maintenance
There are 4 workouts a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. They each have
specific goals as follows....
Monday: Heavy Lower Body (periodization), Explosive total body
Tuesday: Heavy upper body (periodizaton)
Thursday: Explosive lower body, heavy total body
Friday: Explosive upper body
Monday: Agility, mobility
Tuesday: sprint plyos, sprint work, flexibility
Thursday: change of direction, mobility
Friday: form run, sprint work, flexibility
We are also require to do 2 sessions of cardio per week, 30 minutes each, at 75-85%
I will start with this weeks workout, week 3 (beginning of basic strength)

Monday AgilityDYNAMIC WARMUP!!!! Always do this before running or lifting

Cone Drills- T-drill (set up cones in a T, 5 yards apart, start at the base of the T) like
Sprint, shuffle, backpedal x3 each way (sprint from A to B, shuffle from B to C, shuffle
from C to D, shuffle from D to B, finally backpedal from B to A)
sprint, sprint, backpedal x3 each way (substitute shuffles with sprints as above)
Cone drills- Pro L-drill (cones 5 yards apart again)
Right x2 (start at A, sprint around the left side of B, sprint around the right side of C, turn
back and sprint around the outside of B and back to A)
Left x2 (flop cone C to the left, repeat same as above)
Double x1 each way (go through twice, pretty self explanatory)
Monday Liftresistance- lower body = moderate to heavy
rest between sets= 1-2 minutes
Hang Clean - 3x6 (3 sets of 6 reps)
Push Press 3x6
Overhead Squat- 2x12
Squat- 10, 8, 8, 8
Clean Deadlift- 3x8
Front Squat- 3x10
Standing good morning- 3x10
Rockers (bodyweight)- 2x10
Standing calf raise- 2x15
Donkey Kick 2x15 each leg
Half Bicycle 2x15 each leg
Dirty Dog 2x15 each leg
Half V-Up 2x15 each leg
Full Crunch (Swiss ball) 2x15

total body=explosive

Tuesday SprintsTechnique/Plyo
Stride-2x60 yards
Backward Stride- 2x40 yards
Quick skips- 2x40 yards
Knee hugs 2x10 yards
Ankle flips 2x10 yards
Frankenstein 2x10 yards
Power skips 2x20 yards
Lateral bounds 1x20 yards each direction
Crossover bounds 1x20 yards each direction
Bounds (distance) 2x20 yards
Build ups- 2x60 yards (40-20) (start with a light jog and build up to top speed at 40 yards,
after hitting top speed, stride in for 20 yards)
Form starts- 4x10 yards
Sandwich 20s- 2x60 yards (20-20-20) (Sprint 20, stride 20, sprint 20)
Hollows- 2x60 yards (10-10-10-10-10-10) (stride 10, sprint 10, stride 10, etc.)
Flying 40s- 2x60 yards(20-40) (Build to top speed for 20 yards, hold top speed for 40
Tuesday liftResistance- moderate to heavy
Rest- 1-2 minutes
Bench Press 10, 8, 8, 8
Bent over barbell row 10, 8, 8, 8
Standing shoulder press 3x8
Pull ups 3x8
Close grip bench press 2x10
Straight arm lat pulldown 2x10
Barbell front raise 2x10
Reverse grip barbell curl 2x10
Tri cable pushdown 2x10
Barbell hand squeeze (not sure what this is) 2x10
V-Ups 3x12
Supermans 3x12 (lay on your stomach, lift legs and arms off the ground, hold for about a
Front bridge (stabilizers) 3x30 seconds
Bicycle 3x15 each leg

Thursday Agility
Line Drills-Pro Agility (set up 3 cones in a row, 5 yards apart, start at B for pro agility)
Sprint, Sprint x2 each way (sprint to A, sprint from A to C, sprint from C through B)
Shuffle, shuffle x1 each way (substitute shuffle for above)
Shuffle, sprint x1 each way (shuffle to A, sprint to C, shuffle through B)
Sprint, backpedal x2 (sprint to A, backpedal to C, sprint through B)
Backpedal, sprint x2 (opposite as above)
Line Drills (now start at A)
Backpedal, sprint x1 (backpedal to B, sprint to A, backpedal to C, sprint to A)
Sprint, backpedal x1 (opposite of above)
Sprint, sprint x2 (sprint whole thing)
Forward leg swings 2x10 each leg
Side leg swings 2x10 each leg

Thursday Lift
Resistance- Lower Body=Explosive Total Body=moderate to heavy
Rest- lower body=1 minute total body=1-2 minutes
Push Jerk 3x6
Power Clean 4x5
Overhead squat 2x10
Explosion squat 3x8
*alternate forward step up 2x10 each leg (step up onto bench EXPLOSIVELY!!) with bar
or dumbell
*alternate forward lunge 2x10 each leg
*superset these 2 lifts
Leg curl 3x10
*alternate lateral step-up 2x10 each leg (step onto bench laterally, explode into the air)
*alternate lateral lunge 2x10 each leg
*superset these 2 lifts
Bench Leg Tuck 3x12
Opposite arm/opposite leg raise on swiss ball 3x10 each leg
Side leg raise 3x15
Crunch (swiss ball) 3x12

Friday Sprints
Stride 2x50 yards
Backward stride 2x40
High knees 2x20
Butt kicks 2x20
Frankensteins 2x20
Quick skips 2x20
Knee drives 2x20
Knee hugs 2x20
Slow shuffle 1x10 yards each way (stay LOW and stretch that groin!!)
Sprint work
Build ups 2x50 yards (build 30, stride 20)
Position starts 4x10
Flying 10s 2x40 yards (build 30, sprint 10)
Flying 20s 2x50 yards (build 30, sprint 20)
Flying 30s 2x60 yards (build 30, sprint 30)
Flying 40s 2x70 yards (build 30, sprint 40)
Friday Lift
Resistance- explosive

Rest- 1 minute

Alternate DB bench press (swiss ball) 3x8 each arm

DB low row 3x8 each arm
Alternate DB shoulder press 3x8 each arm
Incline DB bench press 3x10
Reverse grip lat pulldown 3x10
DB shrugs 3x10
Neck 1x10 each direction
Dips 8, 10, MAX!
Alternate DB hammer curl 2x10 each arm
Overhead DB tri extension (swiss ball) 2x10 each arm
CORE (superset all)
Back bridge 3x30 seconds (shoulders on swiss ball, knees at 90 degrees, hold torso
parallel to ground)
Front bridge 3x30 seconds
Bench Leg Raise 2x15
Flat foot Crunch 2x15
Bicycle 2x20 each leg

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