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Create. Compose. Edit.

page 3 9 &

Chuck Swenka


kirkwoodedu/ce I n v e s t i n g in you.

to Photography
Learn the fundamentals of photography and the basic operation of your point and shoot or
DSLR digital camera. Master
exposure techniques and t h e
use of aperture, shutter speed
and ISO a s creative tools t o
enhance your photographs. Discover the four characteristics of
light and rules of composition,
and how to use them to create photos with greater visual
impact. The lighting fundamentals f o r professional looking
portraits will also be taught, so you can take
better photos o f your family and friends. A
section covering the essentials of night and
low-light level photography will introduce you
to an exciting world of dramatic images after
sunset. And finally, learn the basics of software digital post-processing as you learn how
to make your photographs look even better on
the computer.

String Art: Boo!

Join us for a fun DIY custom String Art
Class taught by Strung by Shawna. This
is a fun, new take on a striking old-fashioned
art form. In this class you will learn how to
create a beautiful wall hanging using simple
supplies like wood, string and nails. All of
the supplies, other than a hammer, are provided, so all you have to worry about is completing your project! Step-by-step instructions are provided to guide you every step of
the way, with lots of room left for individual
creativity. String art is a unique and engaging way to create an art piece that will be
treasured for years to come. In this class
you will create a Halloween piece that is
sure to spook those trick or treaters! You will
create a multi-level string art piece that will
be adorn with 2-3 glittered clip on spiders.

CLAR-3040 8 sessions f $75

, 84270 W 6:30-8:30pm S e p 14-Nov 2

Co Beg Ctr 212

Introduction to
Photography: Workshop
This i s a condensed, three-hour workshop
designed for students who are unable to commit to a weekly course. With personalized instruction, this workshop will help simplify your
many camera settings so you feel confident
taking photos in various situations. In addition to basic camera functions, students will
be introduced to the fundamentals of photography, including shutter speed, aperture, ISO,
and how t o compose better photographs.
Learn ideal camera settings for various situations both indoors and outdoors, such as
events, children, and nature scenes.

CLAR-1590 / 1 session , $45

84393 T h 6-9pm S e p 22
Strung by Shawna K C L L 202/208

String Art:
Joy With Felt Flowers
Join us for a fun DIY custom String Art
Class taught by Strung by Shawna. This
is a fun, new take on a striking old-fashioned art form. In this hour class you will
learn how to create a beautiful wall hanging
using simple supplies like wood, string and
nails. All of the supplies, other than a hammer, are provided, so all you have to worry
about is completing your project! Step-bystep instructions are provided to guide you
every step of the way, with lots of room left
for individual creativity. String a r t i s a
unique and engaging way to create an art
piece that will be treasured for years to
come. In this class you will create a joyous
string art piece. You will be instructed not
only on the string art technique used in the
words, but also in making the felt flowers
that will adorn your piece.

CLAR-3025 ; 1 session , $49

.83562 S a 9am-12pm
83565 T h 6-9pm

>83568 S a 9am-12pm
83570 S a 9am-12pm


Sep 29
KTOS 133
Oct 15
KCETC 1226
Nov 12


83572 T h 6-9pm


83573 S a 9am-12pm

Dec 10
KCETC 1202

CLAR-3045 / 6 sessions I $75

>84271 T h 6:30-8:30pm O c t 13-Nov17
Meyer L i n n Co Beg Ctr 212

Intermediate Photography
This is a condensed, three-hour workshop
designed for intermediate photographers.
The work shop builds o ff o f fundamentals
taught i n t h e Introduction t o Photography
Workshop - therefore, prior photography instruction is highly recommended. In addition
to review of composition methods and camera
functions, students will be introduced to specialized techniques. Students are strongly encouraged to bring a selection of their own photos t o discuss. The workshop consists o f
instruction, one-on-one guidance, practice
time and open dialogue.
CLAR-3025 ; 1 session $ 4 9
>84491 T h 6-9pm





84492 S a 9am-12pm D e c 3
Molby K C E T C 1226

Photo Editing Workshop

This is a condensed, three-hour workshop
designed f o r entry-level photographers.
Students will learn the fundamentals of editing
their photos for print, including resizing, cropping, color editing and removing imperfections.
In addition, students will learn various methods of printing and displaying photographs.
This is not a Photoshop course for credit hours
or instruction on the software in its entirety.
This workshop is designed to learn only the basic tools and techniques to refine student's
photographs for print or presentations.
CLAR-3025 1 session $ 5 9
>84151 T h 6-9pm S e p 15
Molby K T O S 134

CLAR-1590 , 1 session ; $45

>84153 S a 9am-12pm N o v 5

84368 T h 6-9pm N o v 17
Strung by Shawna K U L 202/208

319.398.1022 / 1 . 8 0 0 . 3 3 2 . 8 8 3 3

Intermediate Digital Photography

Continue where the Introduction to Photography class left off. Go beyond the fundamentals
of the basic operation of your point and shoot
or DSLR digital camera. Learn the operation
of your camera's light meter and how and why
to override i t for better exposures. Master
auto-focus and manual exposure techniques
for total creative control of your camera's operation. Color theory and composition will be
discussed to increase your effective use of
color as a compositional tool. Finally, discover
how to make your photos pop through the use
of creative sharpening, digital dodging, and
burning in with post-processing software. Prerequisites: Introduction to Digital Photography
or equivalent. Students must have a digital
camera capable of aperture/shutter priority,
and full manual exposure modes.



2016 C o n t i n u i n g Education K i r k w o o d C o m m u n i t y College 3 9

Iowa City Coralville


Let's Write Pretty:

The Art of Modern Calligraphy
Advanced Digital Photography
For students who have completed both the
Basic and Intermediate Digital Photography
courses offered by Lisa Bergmann-Smithey.
We'll continue t o explore advanced techniques in composition and exposure. Weekly
assignments include exploration in macro,
ND filters, photojournalism and black and
white techniques with an individual creative
project presented at the end of the session.


CLAR-3011 8 sessions , $75

'84343 Th 6:30-8:30pm S e p 15-Nov 3

Copperplate is an elegant and popular script

for wedding invitations, announcements, and
envelopes. This class starts at the very beginning, covering the basic tools and preliminary
knowledge of modern, pointed-pen calligraphy,
giving you a solid understanding of how to create gorgeous hand-lettering with a modern
twist. Have fun making practical use of your
new skills b y addressing envelopes, place
cards, and other simple projects. A great class
for beginners and all levels. Materials fee $20.
CLAR-1605 3 sessions , $39
.84344 M 5:30-7:30pm S e p 12-Sep 26
Miller K i r k w o o d Reg Ctr at Ul 318

84350 T h 5:30-3:30pm O c t 6-Oct 20

Miller K i r k w o o d Reg Ctr at Ul 318

Intermediate Digital SLR


Photography: Basic Exposure

and Composition
with Your Digital SLR

Continue learning the creative and technical

aspect of 35mm digital photography for the
photographer who has completed the Basic
Digital SLR Photography class. You will need
a fully adjustable digital SLR camera.

Take this multi-week class and learn how

to use the manual controls of your digital
SLR. Learn the basic camera operations
and techniques t o create more beautiful

Note: You must be at least 16 years old to

attend this class.

CLAR-3070 i 8 sessions , $75

CLAR-3010 / 8 sessions $ 7 5

'84340 M 6:30-8:30pm S e p 12-Oct 31


,84342 W 6:30-8:30pm S e p 14-Nov 2


44341 I 6:30-8:30pm S e p 13-Nov 1


>84352 5:30-7:30pm D e c 13,-Jan 3

Miller K i r k w o o d Reg Ctr at Ul 316

The Art of Calligraphy:

The Italic Hand
Have you ever wanted to be able to write your
own invitations, a fancy note, or your favorite
poem for display? Explore the art of beautiful writing with the most common calligraphic
style Italics! Learn how to create beautiful letter forms using a variety of tools and materials. Have fun making practical use of your new
skills by addressing envelopes, place cards,
and other simple projects. This is a great class
for beginners and all levels. Materials fee $20.
CLAR-1605 / 3 sessions / $39

Note: All three classes will meet at Kirkwood Reg Ctr at Ul.

The Art of Calligraphy:

For the Advanced Student
Do you want to build upon your calligraphy
skills, learn some new hands or just get
some more practice? Then this is the class for
you! Students will work at their own pace while
challenging themselves with new calligraphy
styles, supplies and projects. Come and learn
a new hand like Foundational, Roman, Uncial
and lots morel
CLAR-1605 / 3 sessions $ 3 9
'84398 M 5:30-7:30pm N o v 7-Nov 21
Miller K i r k w o o d Reg Ctr at Ul 314

The Art of Calligraphy:

Halloween and Christmas
Often described as Gothic, Halloween or
Christmas lettering, t h e closely spaced
vertical strokes of Black letter produce a wonderful textured effect. Learn how t o create
beautiful letter forms using a variety of tools
and materials. Have fun making practical use
of your new skills to make and address holiday
cards, gifts and other projects. A great class
for beginners and all levels. Materials fee $20.


W 5:30-7:30pm

Sep 14-Sep 28
Kirkwood Reg Ctr at Ul 314


W 5:30-7:30pm

Nov 2-Nov 16
Kirkwood Reg Ctr at Ul 318

Wedding Class - Level 1

CLAR-1605 , 3 sessions $ 3 9

Don't get caught doing the "junior-high sway"

out on the reception floor. Spice up your wedding dance moves as you learn the rumba,
swing and nightclub two-step. These moves
are guaranteed to have you shining on the reception dance floor.

,84402 I 5:30-1:30pm O c t 11-Oct 25

CLDA-1025 4 sessions $ 4 9

Miller K i r k w o o d Reg Ctr at Ul 318

.84030 T 7:30-8:15pm

84406 T h 5:30-7:30pm D e c 8-Dec 22

Miller K i r k w o o d Reg Ctr at Ul 324

Sep 6-Sep 27
Dance NY- Coralville

84032 F 6:45-7:30pm

Oct 7-Oct 28
DanceNY - Coralville

84 K i r k w o o d Community College C o n t i n u i n g Education F a l l 2016 w w w . k i r k w o o d . e d u i c e

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