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23 THE GOLDEN DAWN AND THE 0.7.0 Bont Aspau + lodueton: Magic an nwtons Setting The Golden Dav and the 0.7.0. sar «pice in he hiany of Wore totic bec of the imporunce in reaping conceptions of apie ‘ed rocatng tt the cone ofinstonld etre rose, Whe the practice of ether oeel ars (pony alchemy) hi lng tions Ina the pacts of ual iad peal remained oar pat ‘Alin brveen stony an they had eed Maing de Pagal’ (o737-1770) eighcemh-cenrry Onder of lv Co, but nee ene fury occ tended to view the sacking and pacice of aig 8 ose afi: ‘dh odes dune inti omy iste «move toward crag new soci an institional sites for map by econeepeazinghe ete oder {1 ehice for mii teaching AS ures fr the prodasion and i= ‘eminaon of new shee of ogi both he Golden Den apd the OT (O.have nerd profound indaence on ceed cey eter en 2 The Heme Oner ofthe Golden Daw 1 Bh fe Mage! Onder asingits hor litepan om 188510190, he "daca Heese Order the Galden Down nar the piv eotere ode in fdvite Bin. Despite quick pea dander and sch, managed vo cree aso Phorm forthe dy ad packer afi mage opening fourteen England and one ars Among the boner own members wee te poet Willa Bader Yeas the acess Floence Fur and Maad Gone; and “Mina Bergon Mathers, the ster of phloophe ad Nobel arene Hens Bergen Tne Gotpux Dawn ax Tux 0.7.0. mm ‘The onder was esaed bya mal oer London-based resins tod occu. The key foundes were he coroner Wil Wyn Wescost (0848-193) and Samael Lie “MacGregor” Mather (1351918), bl ‘members ofthe Rosicrucin Masonic group Societe Rosier in Ani (SILLA), Walam Rober Woodman (¥3h-r8s), Sopreme Magu ofthe SRLLA, wasiovtedin tthe hid ce, are died sho theres The Golden Dan called many of is ealy member fom Rosca and Hlemetiorened pure af he oerle mien, Like Anna Kingonds Hermie Society (es only een define) presented selfs 2 dec cy Wescer akeaaaive the incressngly Oneal and niches ‘Theowphil Sore, cing nsutens Reser henge and rein= sing Egypt she te on of perennial waa, “The cumstanes sounding se centon ofthe Galen Dav coe sted tration ae among the mom thoroughly disused eps in taoderaaccalom Bris, Wesco dome across a mmr smog the pps ofthe Swedenborgn tin 1887 coded in cies en fort JIstanes Trem’ Petrpize When decipher the mance eveed a set of notes sketching the oatine offi ination ans Ia hated atthe exitence of an oculorder by he name of"Celden Dav ‘ri ofeed aatiag en mppore Ronni connecton. Weseot, scoping te pst potential of see not, provided such» connection by Grping = eis of eres Gom one “Fisein Spreng” In pious, corespondence, the mary laty revel hema x2 Rosca adept (Sapiens Dominabizur Ast” SIDA} sn charge of sereve Rosacian| Over in Germany, “ie Goldene Disamerang” SDA seed tat the lower ges oe onde were the oes reveled in the ip mane “The ley was kind enough to provide Wert wih the ator open Twa emplein London Soon he coed uber 0 companions oer ‘sco. Thee would be Mater ind Woodman, “The Rosicecian comneron wa ikely Wet iavenion, designed rae an si oflegiocy in beaded wit “dition The cipher ‘manus on the other hand, wa genuine enough, Iewas chimed 0 be of scien: proveruce, eda tbe Rosia in Germany and posi ‘nie: Egypsian hermes, la realy, wa probably wen Oly 2 fw yeas bie bythe recently deceased cela Kenneth Mace ln October 1887, Waste wrote ir end Sanel Lidell Mac who spent mot of sme mashing oscre mage manus inthe Beh “Museum, aking for coopeason. If Math fished oot the Sal, hey ould found nd ran the order together He acre, tad th proceeded sooty rm her, In March ofthe Flowing et, thei inser into m4 Ben Asrapw ‘he"i-Uraia Temple” tok place a Mk Mason's Hal, London, Wiha 2 Year, sy pent been iodacad ote ft Segre of Neophyte. IA this pin, the order spent rctons into Sve dese. Lo 185, ‘hese werejoined by spew “Inne” or Second Order, ope on vino ‘hove poneing the high Over grade. The Second Order went under he ume Rasa Rates Auea Cuts by Rove andthe Galen Cros") and ad's divinely Roscradan, but abo magic. empha. Mather bad lige evo new nation td, which demanded the consction oF ‘le athe ine would reognie athe omb of Css Rese For his enon, the Second Order ul tock pace in diferent lston from those of the Oster adionaly. i was dase that nobody inthe (Outer Onder shoal ave a lesbos exnence 1 isin, Magli, ond Tans ‘Wesco once bout that she Golden Dain wa a schol for “cial modi cru sence” But what were the magi teaching of he Golde Dawn sally abou? Member othe order ony found os pads lynch heone were tot in steps modeled on the vce inion SseueareIn che Outer Orde, dips were handed so-called Kooedge Testes expounding om the theme and symbolism of each grade. The fags oon pay es a a ata pee ee om alcheny, dhe Kabbalah, and stology the Taot and the meio “Enochin” er ars, “The Golden Dawn inion sym was compowed of en degrees pt ce pitininay Neopyte ape. The sructre wae bored om the SRLIA, bur eimacly eammed fom de eightont-ceanury Geman (Gade Rested. Te gaes were didn thre segments the Fin oF Oster Ode, he Second Onder aan ccure Third Order Ia ‘he beponng onde ou lower degree the Oater Or were worked ‘vith naons The ih to seventh degree Adeprx Minor, Major, and xen) were oil honorary sar rere for the ce, bat ey became opesve wi the ceaon of Mathes’ Seond Orde. The fal ‘ce dogies of the Thnd Onder belonged nthe myerious or mcs) eco che and were noc esa in pact, "Except forthe priminary Neopyte ge, the Galen Dawn grades were colt with dhe ten efit ofthe Kobi Tree of Lie renin fom the tan up. The vr proper depres ofthe Oster Onder were "i ic ow, Te asf il: De A Dy Hy aia (Sie ps aka id Wee 0 ‘Tue Gorpex Daws axe rat 0.7.0, a dona concled with the four elements, Progressive inition inthe ower thereby ook the frm ofan scene rough te fot along wi dual taining ofthe mapian ted tery ofthe four deme Ths ‘fect sisi of the Golden Ds approaching dcaton hough ape act Decal, a reiterpeed Chitin Kabbibh pls the for cements together made up a mati in which ll other occ Stems were aed, Join Dec's Enochin magical sare, for example, were tue the Tourelement and presented conecusvelin the nesta intitions of Se (ster Orer On etetingthe Second Orde, the ado would ler ov seply al this oceul knowledge in mil pat. nation were cs ted in documents called “Fying Rll" some of whi ney have bees Tec dered at guheogy, whe oder are dsripcons of proves sd esl tained by ening, ‘Among the fi things a agian needed know were how co come- emia weapors nd how to tally “bai” aad tvoke elemental, ant nd oie ocr Tere wee iseonin divaaton by tans ofthe Tao, gromancy and he cacng of horoscope others diced the making ad consecration of magical tian nd into in he eve Son ofp, whether ange, demons, panty ialigences lence Much ofthis nas borowed om Agsps's Deel pops (39) Francis ares The Map (802) the Crock magical pap and eons ‘medieval and Remivincegimoies “The mos fandamenal magia echniqu was hued on he concert of “the sa” developed mach er. Flowing the occa theories of phy Ui the Glen Daa tug theextence 0 aa ea” paren the ory, vile wood. Famiigy withthe sal ms fitment for Golien Dawn magicians: Any succatlpactce of me as dependent ‘on the coneol fatal fers, o action om che allan, Aces to hse XP, ‘ha they Become cep wih bone theo nd lst. ‘Aldsough desl reformed by Crowley, licen asec magic form the olds pars of te 0.1.0. sates They consid he “ee key" guarded by Res, Kelley, an Hansmann io the xi yt of te Orfaume. tn the joes 1972 "Jabihenm-Atie,” Rest openly lvuged thatthe weet ofl Mionie ial wa se mag and fhe coupled ie with practice of yoga? He explained sex mage ache concen tion and mansmaraon ofthe "energy ofrproducton” ing the yore term su napa de enc fe vine cron proces: The pois eley orc picts to concente the "vil enegy” hate he sable fount othe eprodscie organs, ang them upto desl ples, Where they ae tanamted. Th sold eet the common of “the (Grex! Union” benween the mule and ele pect ofthe pnctn ne. ‘Altbough i harbecare commonplaces view ex thi an ninoan tengtesion of convensonal mora ted epsty on a faved Oneai shdersnding offndan Tanta, it worth toting thc there ie empha nthe hemes in the O70. pinay rene“ While Res ns on ‘ing yore terms in i re br2expoon, ti es preset in high {kgee 0.1.0, ntracons ach = Dents darum, Deets io “Azipe,and Deane magi, Whi tani erence ll occur accional sone an aalogi wth Grek, Egyptian, and bibl mycology, at ven Chitin demanology aremach moe common. tn plice of fon "anion wefind aan afm postive religie tne bed ‘on slr palin God one nthe macro he the Son, silo= eos eestor, sister, ad eventually detroyer of om oa plane in fhe microcoum, hei he pala In this cae, mans abo eine. endowed. ‘with godly crete pee and sex map thu becomes sacred a Dr piseowhich eal Wich emul agian devosoml pace gly “te on maturation, eli of te pn sheogony in which the god ‘our eater the other god by maturing an acting semen. Thi sccount ann pull eo anal in which th magician comer biel? 1 Pad: Raa uc Me Main” Oa Spi ia. Sethe ge Sona egg Se Wi ie (Bea Umea Pe 5. at Eom Asenea 2 the sum and proceds eo crate ro nmans one mae and one female, ‘of by the magn’ sperm. Thee faemaneRecome new Bod, eho Conjoined erate ently mew worl epee wih element and het eng “The mow nporansbighdegree decries concem fll eal oer coupe, Theunto ofmaleand fle paramowneclatedin the ano ‘mas and sae as an esendsl component of magia ceremonies. The ining often eae esl id ried to produce the hee "le of Li” and vapid ineroume may even be ranged maeal fo produces homnesas dough processon By extension, anal seco, ‘thee homeserualorbeteosea can so be wld forgiving ith total estes, Ries Dated on anal inrcoune were Crowle’ tention, ‘een fn Rewer conception Te Be, however, the most novel dement ht Crowley inode into she 0.7.0, wn she Famewerk of Thana As prsened p The Bok he ‘Low and Crowley's merous comments, Thelma (Grek fo "a" props the end of "the Aeon of Os,” «milennintog psd char fcened by patch, oss rebpons, and the coming of 2 nem “hoon of Hora” 1 reps A adi, ber inion he edo ofthe new acon, ad Thelema st oly proper eg. Is dctum "Do ‘What Thou Wilk” ~ however th not ment wo Bens inieiminte indulgence. Covey exphined thr Thslemies wee bound eo dicover Ace ingle "Troe Wal” and flow fe sncondionaly For Crowley Image ava iterwoven seth thé punt indeed, ‘Theemie magic becomes 3 complete orn of.” ‘We can dig a ler 10 roles fr Thelema in the O-T.0. Fist, ‘dite re napht how to implement Thelemic nd mage pencils the ves pur ofitaton and seleceizason, Second he lected igh tdgee umber of he ones ae commited to promulgating the lw and ‘work toward he blment of aly Temi sce. In won 0 proseltiing and ering new mendes, his dary woul be observed by ‘working ternal fer magi, employing he order wotenc paces 3 vance wor ion The 07.0. aie Cowley: Afemath and Ife ‘When Crowley sid n 1047, be a nested he lendenip ofthe order rl Geme (1885~19) the 0.7.0 Grand Tres. Geet ed ved fn New Jeney ance decing Gom war ond penecuton in Geman. Hooves wapenane encounter withthe Nae regime ad lt x sing ‘Tue Gotven Daww ano rir 0.7.0. 28 Soin on his psychology. Gener’ prnaidladenip ye would soon Sssroy sth flew et of TO. actives in she aid Stes Reeriment came 04 Bl he Apipe Lage dvabed dung the 930, sd Genner himself edn 96s without sping cco, Thi ft Under suaon, which seven! group have ken arantge of. Among flamansto he O-T.O. eae we id Swis 0.1.0, grog, aed ot Ress lodges fom che Atcons penod: the Brain Societ O.T.0, himing ks wid Gemner:the Bash Typhonin O.T-0, ran by Bh belie Kennesh Grane (924-2011) andthe Caliosa-ued CalgiteO. TO. Counted ix number, preece 2 publications, the ler of thse (poops sy Br the mos sant “The Caliphate originaced with Gndy Lois MeMrey (1518-1083) bo s2ct Crowley when he wrod in Englund daring he Seen Work ‘War, McMarny bepn proces of resembling the Arson der er Gene’ dah. Avaing hint of two lets om Croweyappoising “MeMury his prosntaie inthe Unied Samy, he hime toe the legate cit othe oder MeMarry Ld eam to the ie of “Caliph” 2 efor Crowley’ acer appearing ony in thee lees Much ofthe Calpe’ lite socesshas been bon cos in he eg ste. as Incorporates, nonprofit organisisonin 1979 and bi ince Won seve wl over ight tthe 0.0. same and copyrgh ‘The TyphonianO.T. siaeuil ie Great Beas at received lle recogni sbrosd In conta he Caliphate whichis eonsdred 2 Bidyerhodon Crowleyan ovement, the Typhonian Mancha moby {ended the O.T Osu by incorporing UFO lr, he Lowers Cala mos,” anager emg on nun Tan, Tnadaion ode consti, the ymhens of Golden Dawn snd O-T ©. magic, eaking tom he encounter beween Crowey and Res, bss helped shape the many lou Ene cel caren aoc eh Wik, Sani, cos mg. and paganism in many forms

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