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Reference Drawings —___PXJapronano |no.ars : Dwg. No. rite Traasans xeon Oa tus fi aS = Ele | we [rans | Updated according to the document B-082-2014-1EI_IN-1561 |p| je _[arnivans | Updated according to the docunent BZS-O82-2014-1-IN-1I5L |= [| see [osrovaois [First issue for approval | Kane Tate [Notes | Cioproved ‘Gioproved az voted Clfetureed (Bor information | {or correction bate store; Sook RA Hh OLTAGE PROJECT a= EC ep ND ASSOCEATED ZOKY LINES of ECuADOR Tiaalso SOOKY Substation oss] [2Tolr [TT Ts-Tr Te Ts] [opel [ole ol 2[ol2] Frere | De [Bese Dee Design report of Guard Howse Seale Seontractr Hog Na+ W-maasois-on-Toae eTosoz [AEC Table of cones Reference dosuments Climate conditions Materia Design codesand standards Analysis program Strytua mode! in sap2000 Loads and ocd combinations Strutura analysis ests Foundation design Appendix calelation model 1. GENERALand Reference Documentation “This calculation set ines the analysis nd design fhe foundation and fame of gard hous of Tisleo 500k Substatn, 2 Reference documents: 2.1 Cited dias deta civies patio de SRY shes nga Re. 81097055) speitcainas Tene daa vis patio de S00 RV de sues Iga (Ret B1037056) 2.5 ANEXO D 12 OBRACIVIL SUBESTACIONES 50025013869 kV 2.4 Sil tvestigtons of Taleo SOOkYSubeton ‘Climatic conditions ‘3.4 Climatie Conditions i. lation above ea evel 90m Minimum rien tempers 5 eximim eavonmentrpetre 30 Men ily matin temperature Is Humidity of the highest monthly vere Average aalundetnn days » ‘Maximum wi spood Ve kmh (5 93pm) "Yeas of avrg: prion 00 The se wid spd lth ec gut win pod To aboveground nat unl ope oun tai Exposure (Chand sociated 50-year ren pid 82 Classification of exposure conditions Foundiion: Node 33 jamie acceleration Horizons 040 (Mibie22 NEC TI emp2) AMATERIAL 4.1 Concrete “The strength of onert sal gener be based on 28 dye compres cylinder reat Foundations as ‘Ail compression seth is 2M sis tems me leo 2a ‘Axia compression enh s 28M. conerete eding vere Axial compression srengh LAME 42 Rebar Reta fo reinfxced consti in ASTMAGISEASISM Grade 60 (ld strength 420Nhnm) in American Rot Crate 60 Sica rate so 5. Design codes and standards ‘The flowing cost stands, tal be ppd 1. ASCE-0: Minium Design Loe fr Building nd Other Stace. 2 ACIII8-1: Building Cade Resume’ for Suc Concrete and Carey. 5 ACTS43R-O Desin Matic, and tition of Cont ies 4, ASTM_A6IS&AGISN-20040 Sandan Speifeton for Deformed and Pain Caron Stel Bars foe Cont Reinforcement 5 NEC I Canny 2013 ap 2 PELIGRO SISMICO ¥ REQUISITOS DE DISENO SISMO RESISTENTE Analysis program ‘The analyse of interior ace and design of strstr ember wil adopted he space nai oftware 'SAP200 sch product te Computer and Structures Company USA, 7-Struetural model in s4p2000 Cu: C0040teX 40h rectangle BEAM: 82550-25000 meng) recta 15240-25040 meng) ream 12530-25000 mang) -retanae Fig 7.1. Phin view fhe ot #300m in SAPOI00 S.Loads and load combisations All sructres ae cll onthe bass of dead ld, live las (imposed oa), wind las, condor ond di ods fra “The mit unforble capintns ofthe above meatoned action ave ob consieed as reauted 8.1 Dead loads ‘he dead lon are he wits lnd us othe weight of permanent sacral end ponstuctracomponsns, Including ep, set cont and penanent Sates “Dead Loa is let by the sofa by taking nt account the weigh of ment conse inthe model hich havea spec of 25 KNin fo reinforced conte Roof waa! | fommiick APs compensation svinkage cneee proeton 2os004=08 WN? 2) One hye of pytene membrane thickness On 3) 25mm hick pyrene sd 05x0025-00125kNin* 4 Two lye of SS (eprom Butane Stree! modified tists; Sm) be pasted with cod sabes Aproxinate 0662 KNIn? 5) One ost of pyuretne water rit, 6) 125 coment mar bce Tor=68 cer Fig. 81 Area OF ROOF Areal: 2050 068-1360? ‘Asa 204.1282 36 EN &Céling fish Approximate 0.208N/ 4 Tou ALLot be ‘Areal 080.0120 00241363052. ‘Area: 0.8+0.012540.0021256102=3 57 Nn? Fi 8 1D lod of bing in SAP200(Uait kN) 2 ive loads wa considerate lad of | AN/m(ASCE 7-10 duper) Fig 82 Liv oof bing in SAP2000 (Unit NI) 83 Partition lds “Ticks of parton is Om, wth lel Blok he sb i 390m 190mm x 0m hg) which is sed wp ground shout 3 dice W1=34, 19439990 1003.68 KN ‘Neigh of wal pstring.thcknes f 20mm french side 1W2-20°0.0243-24 Kin 1am ih ble cont wal hes 20h Ws 200241248 WHW2 + Wo-3.624-48 “1084 EN 1 -t1kNim ins 200 del rts Poi Fi. 83 Partito oad of ang in SAP200O(Uit Nin’) 84 Wind loads “The wld sl be usted nasoriance with ASCE 710. “The se wind spat “Wes 9a, qu to 25m Swiace Roughness D. KS Scismic bads (1) Site last of Teen SOY Substation iD (Figure 2.1 N80 11) (Gable 2-4 NEC 10) (abto 2-5 NEC 11) (able 2-6 NEC 11) (able 2-7 xBC 10) 0050.11 eA 20115 Ca. 212 EL) assRfbo Stina 20.98 ba 29 NED nat ( 611 provincan deta slerad ris (sist tases, f,2-8 NEE 11) whey a8 eo 1D Sy = neh G2, 900. 41,26 (0, 64/1) “1. 1 19610 9647) 1.5 ere (Fable 2-12 nec 10 Orel (able 2-12 ec 10) r= Ora Orel (a.2-17 aC LD Onet (Gable 2.19 986 1) (Gable 2.19 880 1) Oe exert (Gable 2-17 80 1) ea. 2-19 M80 1D) (COC methods is aoe (621 ASCEN15) Damping vle-002 (621 ASCE 113) ed ld olan lrg tached qupment and SO ofthe wight of atachal wie (1.7.1 ASCE 113) Redstion of aie etc mp feces for design (2.7.64 NEC I cap2) RS (ower Table215 NEC Heap) Seale Factory R1FE=9.21.25-408 Fie 5-1 Response Spectum in sy2000 {87 Load combinations ‘Thissecon povidesloa onion information, Strength desi ‘coma: 140 Ccomna:1 2041.68 CCOMBS:1 2040.51 AEA Ey COMBA; 12D405RL02Ex"1 Fy Fate caleulition of efron and enctons filth lowing oad combinatons wer pis (COMBS.0.90+1 0B CCOMaG.0.9D+1 0641028 comar:p coms: Dit ‘The tsi fond caresn th stove cabrones lows > hari Sf Lond RL sharateritcLive Load EX seamicead-X(node wali eto) EY seimic loud (made nas eta) 9, Structural analysis results 9.4 Modal Participating Mass Ratios lems perfomes a moda nyse to drm the wbration made andthe eresponing vibation pris the dl alse performed in he sotnares200 si genvetrs.The mas paticpaton was defined as 100% ofthe den loud and 259% ofthe lie lon(NEC2O1127.1.1)-Te Kandamersal peri of he sete is 11=02 seconde ‘awa check he acute mas modal partion ctr in ech hia dieton(X and Yor namber of rads consid at ast SD%4(NECRNNT277.62) 92 Incastc Drift ‘The inate dit ws cisked A, Rast be lowe than 20% a commended by NEC2O11 (Table 28).hs ‘alsin shown below: oR 7 a “Where: 8 ~Ateoite dshcenant asta ht was bina rm theca analy [R= Dynami response eo of the sracre He Pot eight A= nati ut ‘oad combinaon | trim | Sam) | R yom fa | se coms s x 6m « m0 134% [ok coms.s y am 6 | s.00 1s [ot ‘Teble92 sets Drs of8 for sp2000) Fig. 92.1 8 in SAP2I00(COMBS-X) Fig.922 5 in SAP2000(COMB6-Y) Reinforcement Fig. beam longed iatrcemenrqued(+3.00n in 39200004) Drawings ofthe beam rer frement show inthe fue blow else | 3 #3 ke ne aaa 5] ape ig93.12 Beam longi enfrcement 3.0) in Dring ‘The reinfrcenet| ete requie sp2000 we used ces modal fr ok designs 1 [comes ‘90036 | DEON 333] Dconta | —_0333 1 [comes ‘0018 | DEON 333 | DcoNt0 03% 1 [comes ‘rann005495 | DEON 10333 | DCONIO 0335 7 [comes 10219707 Deontvisp)|__0383| Dconio | _0353 | 7 [comps 1.083574 | Dcontv(sp)| 0333] Dcon1o | __0333| 7 [comes | 1.151288 | Doon (sp) | 0333 | DcoNI0 0333 [enemas [| a setae [eowi0 sp) | 0333 | peonin jp | 0397 9 [comps {0.105108 | DCONID (sp) Deonto (sp) |__ 0397 3 [comes [| 042076[ poowtossp) | _0333 | Dconto sp) |__ 0397 15 [comes |_| ostiv72| pconto sp) | 0333 [Dconto (sp) | 0396 fis [compa | ‘.102011 | DcoNt0 (Sp) | 0333 [DcoNIO sp) | 0396 1s [comps 10383022 | DcoNt0 (sp) |__0333 [DCONIO (Sp) |__ 0396, 17 [comps 10375188 | DCONID () |__0388 [ DCONIO Sp) |__ 0445 17 [cons 10,101085 | DcONIO ($9) |__0388 [DCONIO Sp) |__ 0445 17 [coms 11430682 | DCONIO () | __0388 [DCONIO (Sp) |__ 04s 23 | compa 371158 | DeONt (69) |__0333 [DCONIO Sp) |__ 0488 23 | pens ‘010182 | Doowto (Sp) | 0333] DCONI (sp) |___ 08s 23 | comps {2460433 | Deon (39) | 0333 [DCONIO (Sp) |__o4ss 25_| coms (034132 beowt0 (Sp) | 033 | DEON Sp) |__0355, 3 [COMBE Gone0ss | DeONIO S| 0385 [DCONIOTSp [__0338 25 [coms 326603 | DcoNI0 Sp)| 0335 [DooNio sp) | 0333 TABLE 9322. Drawing ofthe eolumn renfrement | rrame | Drovings PPMMIRate | Vax | Vin Rebar | Rebar - nto | nm Cota 00 22 Atentie| a4 [157 9321 Tee ge tet ate PM ato *@0" | g| at sis than — ok Fig 94.1. Shear reinfremet about bem regu in SAP2000 “The 9.4.1 ows ta: |. he end fbn most shear einforsing is D7 2, the mide of bem ost shear enforcing is 438m ‘TABLE 92.1 THE SHEAR REINFORCENNT IN THE LAYOUT Section | The stan iforconent Reinrcemert | Requied Renforeoment | expat | toa taeda inbboop) | 187 srs fee sappte | 1wa2uDedietinb boop) | 078 Jaws [ow 9.5 Roof Plate Reinforcement ig 5.1 plate aumblem in sap 2000 “he fellow table shows hemos french Ares COMBI Combination | Max 1 COMBI [Combination | Min 1.5008 COMBI Combination 1.8053 ‘COMB | Canbination | Min 208 ‘COMBS [Combination [Min [2.5073 ‘COMBA [Combination | Max 25396 AS te Tble9SIshowsThemost moment for Piste Ho 3 was 5A" Acme that width of pte was 1000 ‘Top of Paterenfrement | Hotom of Pate reinfrcemeat | OMaCkN*m) | MuCkNm) Piicias [s7010610@'50) | e7010°010@150) naa oes 10.Fo ation design 10.1 Joint reaction Fig 101 Jit retin in sp.2000 (EN) 102 ace | Fig. 102 Moment s2000 (2 *m) 103 foundation soe sa Ja Clete erent ofbotom bam: ®KN-MURE'2, APB 0001, Prin -10018 ASMAX(0 minh, bd) =452 main ‘Use dg20,As-1257a Zin. tsk (Chea frsbear:OVNS—VU" VU-S2EN DYN DITagReond= BIGNEVU its okt ‘The average str under the unions OT BVA 61.25.3565 KN? orth on ngth ofthe fundtion, the moment ofthe foundation pa the eae ofthe beam is lowing Mis65 0402-52 Nm ‘Asl-5.2 10°6(09 245 4-20-57 mn 2m ‘Aslnin-340 m m2 ‘Use 12200 612.0056 na 2 Man(As} Asin i okt folowing: The king sil eaing cpt yale: 3003-100KF, ‘Theses nthe foundation sa Flowing = E FVASAI? 6] 205381-65 ENin'2 oth pression he backing so 0-65 KN’ 2<1O0kN 2 10.4 Caleuaton of settlement As thesis snd the min stlemen lst selencat "The equation is fo Pincips of Gestecnial Enginearing 014 quay 4, = shape factor (Stanbtenner, 1934) “At i Eta ight VERT) Amn a+ Vat ant et) (w+ Vai we Vater anne Ante. ap “able 112 Vattion of with 78 ond 0/0 4 sos maOk meas 105 om 085 075 07 on 1 068 on 2 os 086 08 07s 079 oss. 1 075 on & 3 05 a ost oss § a7 tal 096 oo 1 we ose oa 8 Choose the No.7 holo File SOOLY Substation fo eleulsion. fe TO see backing sc sms asl gl ig. 103 Bearing sols unde foun “Tae average tres unr he nton 95 lowing: 2 =EFVA~AI7 681265351652 So4SkNin?? is ndpted fr teen clelton cording to aaction I.9 of prinelples of geotechnical enneering layer icine tsi ea) sea of sll backfitting soit | 6.8 * 04 io zs x 75 12 2a 5 1.8 ‘i nt mt z [ess a auntie Tom) 1 os) z 12 [dt of Foondation L555 ent of foundation - iF 1.5 | dept oF foundation Te) & | adsiesont pressure 1 ut be 0.28 | paafon ration Table 1.5 | i ars a6 weowi [18.50 aL 1.02 a a | * 4 | a Tae f 0st Is 0.898 a Las i 76 [ able 1.8 5 centre of Foundation : 06 [pas 5 763 _[w ‘othe sete of Gur Hose oundation is OK, “Te cleltion ode mach eon Appendix

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