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Asbestos Checklists

A If you are working in a building which has asbestos

Checklist Working in a building which contains asbestos
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007
(Part 4.3 Asbestos), provide direction to
employers regarding the presence of asbestos in
the workplace
Inform your Occupational Health and Safety
Representative of your concerns
If you do not have an OHS Representative elect
one for your area (Designated Work Group). If you
are not sure how to this, contact your Union
Contact the Union
Complete an incident report detailing where you
believe asbestos is found and/or when you made
contact with it
Ensure you have an Asbestos Exposure Letter1
the union can assist in organising these for all
workers on site.
Consider going to your doctor for a medical check

B If you have worked in a building with asbestos

Checklist Worked in a building in which asbestos exposure took place
Establish your presence in the building at the time
of work - for example by checking old tax returns
Contact your union or your former union
Get your employer to complete the Exposure
Consider medical testing eg lung function
Contact former co-workers you worked with at the
time or anyone you knew who worked in the
building or their family member/s.
Counselling - Contact your union/former union
about who should pay for this
Legal - Contact your union for a referral

C - What if my employer or has been bought by another company?


A copy of the letter referred to in the checklist can be downloaded from the OHSreps@Work website on the
Asbestos Action Plan for OHS reps (in the Hazard: Asbestos in the Workplace section of the website).

There is still an opportunity for you to get some redress for the exposure.
Checklist Had asbestos exposure but employer now another company
Establish your presence in the building at the time
of work - for example by checking old tax returns
Contact your union or your former union
Get an Exposure letter completed by the new
company who assumes responsibility for your
previous employment.
Consider medical testing eg lung function
Contact former co-workers or anyone you knew
who worked in the building or their family
Counselling - Contact your union/former union
about who should pay for this
Legal - Contact your union for a referral

D - What if my employer no longer exists

Checklist Employer no longer exists and had asbestos exposure
Establish your presence in the building at the time
of work eg by checking old tax returns
Contact your union or your former union
Get an Exposure letter completed by the new
company who assumes responsibility for your
previous employment.
Consider medical testing eg lung function
Contact former co-workers or anyone you know
who worked in the building or their family
Counselling - Contact your union/former union
about who should pay for this
Legal - Contact your union for a referral

E - If a retired or ill family member worked in a building containing

Checklist - For a retired/ill family member who had asbestos exposure
Establish their presence in the building at the time
of work - for example by checking old tax returns
Contact their union or former union
Legal - Contact their union for a referral

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