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English (Reading-Writing)

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M . 4/1-4/6

A. Select the Stated Main Idea in the following passages.

Is this years holiday season making you tired ?1 You can
easily perk up by following a few easy tips.2 First, get plenty of rest.3
Second, snack wisely.4 Third, keep fit.5 Exercise is very important during
the holidays and not just for its weight benefits.6 Fourth, take a relaxing
bath.7 And finally, try sharing with other.8
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 5
d. sentence 6
One sign of pregnancy is nausea upon awakening.1
Other signs are increase in size and tenderness of the breasts.2 Still other
signs include increase in the frequency of urination and an increase in the
size of the abdomen.3 Thus, aside from pregnancy tests, a woman can
sometimes recognize the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.4
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
sentence 4
Keep your tree outdoors until the day before Christmas.1
Never use lighted candles.2 There are other suggestions, also, for
avoiding the Christmas tree fire.3 Turn off the tree lights before you leave
the house, and get rid of the tree by New Years Day.4
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
sentence 4
An interesting feature of body language is that we are
often unaware of it.1 We usually do not consciously decide that we will
smile, dilate our pupils, and move closer to someone to show our
attraction.2 We may not be aware that narrowed eyes and a clenched jaw
may reveal our anger or rage.3 Nor are we necessarily aware that
eyebrow up and eye blinks reveal that we are startled.4
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
sentence 4
Are you confused by your holiday leftovers?1 Well, dont
save any food that has been sitting around on your dining room table or
counters for more than two hours after cooking.2 Do place the leftovers
in the refrigerator while they are still warm.3 Dont waste those turkeys
scraps: add them to a salad or make a delicious soup.4 There are many
strategies that you should use when dealing with holiday leftovers.5 You
can even pool your leftovers with friends and neighbors by having an
after-holiday potluck dinner.6
a. sentence 1
b. sentence 2
c. sentence 5
sentence 6
B. Read each paragraph and then choose the alternative you
think is the Implied Main Idea.
The biggest living thing in America is a tree. So is the oldest living
thing. Both are found in California. The oldest living tree is a bristle-coned
pine tree. Nicknamed Methuselah, it is 4,700 years old. General
Sherman is the largest tree. It is a giant sequoia, standing 385 feet in
height. It weighs over 1,400 tons, more than the combined weight of 360
a. In America, things that are old and large have nicknames.
b. The biggest and oldest living things in the world are in America.
c. Trees are both the biggest and oldest living things in America.
d. General Sherman probably named the largest tree in America.

Each year, Fortune magazine lists the worlds largest corporations.
Of the top 500 companies,157 call the United States home. Five of ten
largest companies are from the United States. General Electric is ranked
eighth. IBM is sixth. Ford is ranked fourth. Exxon is third. At the top of the
list is General Motors.
a. The U.S. has a significant number of the worlds largest corporations.
b. More large corporations call the U.S. home than any other country.
c. The number of corporations calling the U.S. home is on the decline.
d. General Motors is always at the top of Fortune magazines list.
Hummingbirds are the worlds smallest birds. The Bee
hummingbird of Cuba is only 2 inches long. This is just a little bigger
than a penny. Hummingbirds live only in the western hemisphere. Most
migrate north in the early spring and return south in early fall. Their life
span is between nine and twelve years. The colorful birds are very
curious. They are also aggressive toward each other. Perhaps their best
known trait is their ability to fly backwards. They are the only birds in the
world that can do this.
a. There are no hummingbirds in the eastern hemisphere.
b. Hummingbirds are the most fascinating birds in the world.
c. There are a number of interesting facts about the hummingbirds.
d. Hummingbirds are migratory birds that are curious, aggressive, and
can fly backwards.

English (Reading-Writing)
Page 2

M . 4/1-4/6

Local pizza parlors are found in most neighborhoods throughout the
country. Because costs are low and their products are popular, most are
money-making operations. Estimates are that local pizza parlors and small
chains take in well over a billion dollars each year. Nationwide, three
chains take in even more money. Little Caesars takes in over 2.2 billion
dollars in sales. Dominos takes in $ 2.4 billion. And the leader of the pack
is Pizza Hut. Yearly, they take in $ 4.5 billion, accounting for 28% of all
pizza sales in the country.
a. No pizza chain will ever make as much money as Pizza Hut.
c. If you
want to get rich, you should own a pizza parlor.
b. Everyone in the United States loves pizza.
d. Pizza is big
business in the United States.
Is there any one day of your year you dread? For some people, it is
their birthday. After all, a birthday is a reminder that we are getting older.
Others are anxious as April 15 approaches. This is the day that federal
taxes are due. For other, the most feared day is Friday the 13 th. On this
day, wedding chapels are usually shut down. Toy stores sell out board
games. Travel is down, especially on airplanes. And people have been
known to stay in their houses the entire day rather than risk anything
happening to them.
a. Different people fear different days of the year.
b. Everyone dreads the date their birthday falls on.
c. The most feared day of the year is Friday the 13 th .
d. Someone whose birthday falls on Friday the 13 th is in real trouble.
C : Read the following passages and select the correct answer of
each question.

Passage 1
One afternoon I rushed out of the house, forgetting my keys,
and found myself locked out. There was nothing
I could do but wait for my husband to come home, so I went over to a
neighbor who was outside raking leaves.
You locked yourself out ? he said.
Yeah. This is the second time since we moved in. After the first
time we took an extra key and put it in a jar, then stuck it in a potted plant
on the back deck.
So whats the problem?
I put the plants inside for the winter.
11. What does it mean when the narrator said she found herself locked
a. She was caught in the house.
b. She could not get
into the house.
c. She was outside talking to the neighbor.
d. She went out of
the house and waited for her husband.
12. What is the unexpected event in the story?
a. The woman was in and out of the house.
b. She moved in twice because of a friendly neighbor.
c. The neighbor put her potted plant inside the house and kept an extra
d. The woman left an extra key in the potted plant but took the plant
13. What can be inferred about the woman? She is .
a. talkative
b. forgetful
c. careful
14. What is the tone of the passage?
a. tragic
b. optimistic
d. humorous
15. When did the narrator get the extra key?
a. When she first moved in.
key the first time.
c. When she went out with her neighbor.
When she put the potted plant on the back deck.


c. romantic

b. When she forgot the


D: Read each paragraph clearly and choose the best answer.

Each year, thousands of people are bitten by snakes. Here is
what to do if you are victim of a snakebite. First, keep still and warm. Next,
remove rings and tight clothing. Wrap a bandage above the bite. Do not
apply a tourniquet, at this may cut blood circulation. Also, not try to
remove snake venom. Finally, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
What is the topic of this paragraph?
a. Snakebites
b. Things to do after a
c. Keeping still after a snakebite
d. Remove snake
English (Reading-Writing)
Page 3

M . 4/1-4/6

The cost of printing money and then destroying old ones has
become too expensive for the government. As a result, serious efforts are
being taken to replace the dollar bill with a dollar coin. The dollar coin will
last far longer than a dollar bill. It could also be used in vending machines
easier than a dollar bill. And it will help cities, too. Cities spend a lot of
time counting bills placed in collection boxes . A dollar coin would change
What is the topic of this paragraph?
a. A dollar coin
b. Using a dollar coin
in a vending machine
c. Spend a lot of time counting bills
d. Reasons
for a dollar coin
The sea is very deep in some places. Sometimes it is less deep.
Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But in some places it is very deep.
There is one spot near Japan, where the sea is 9 kilometers deep! The
highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain
were put into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kilometers of water
above it!
What is the topic of this paragraph ?
a. The sea
b. The highest
c. The depth of the sea
d. The fact of the sea
A male frog : Sandi, Ive never told you this before. Id do
anything for you. Id climb the highest mountain and swim the deepest
ocean for you ! Id hop around the world just for one little kiss ! A female
frog (Sandi) : Thats sweet ! Remember I collect postcards from different
countries !
From Sandis saying, she implies that .. .
a. she is not interested in him
b. she wants to be his
c. she prefers postcards to letters
d. she will go on
vacation with him
A Careless Zookeeper
A careless zookeeper named Blake
Fell into a tropical lake.
Said a fat alligator,
A few minutes later,
Thats nice, but I still prefer steak.
The last line of this poem implies that . .
a. human flesh does not taste best
b. alligators like
tropical lakes
c. the zookeeper is a nice guy
d. the alligator is
The fast food is in fashion although it increases cholesterol and
its not nutritious. Moreover, its said that a high cholesterol level in the
blood can cause heart disease. Fast food restaurants started in America
but now they can be found all over the world. Thailand is no exception !
They are obviously popular with Thai teenagers.
The first paragraph implies that .
a. fast food increases cholesterol
c. heart disease can
be caused by fast food
b. fast food is not nutritious
d. heart disease is caused
by a high cholesterol level in the blood
The wasp lays only one egg in the worm. If another worm
attacks the plant, it will release another chemical signal. The wasp may

return to the plant if it smells the chemical. But having marked the first
worm with its own special smell, the wasp will pass it by and look for the
second worm.
What does it ( line 2 ) refer to ?
a. The plant
b. The wasp
c. The worm
The egg
If one dolphin of a group is caught in trap, it appears to warn the
others, not just of general danger, but specially what and where the
danger is. The dolphins then seem to discuss how to release and trapped
one and carry out their plan.
In the last sentence of this paragraph, the word one refer to ?
a. a trap
b. a dolphin
c. a group of dolphins
d. a plan for trapping
Several species of amphibians around the world have gone
extinct or are disappearing. Although many disappearances probably
result from pollution or habitat destruction. Others have taken place in
seemingly pristine areas. This is the case in Oregon, where some species,
such as the western toad, are disappearing despite the lack of any
obvious environmental damage. What does others ( line 2) refer
to ?
a. Amphibians
b. Disappearances
c. Pristine areas
d. Species
English (Reading-Writing)
Page 4

M . 4/1-4/6

Some Aboriginal sign languages are relatively basic, and their
use is confined mostly to the necessities of survival. Others are more
elaborate. On his detailed study Sign Languages of Aboriginal Australia,
Adam Kendon notes that the latter are structurally dependent on the
spoken language : signs match words, and signed sentences are often
manual translations of spoken sentences.
What does the latter ( line 3 ) refer to ?
a. Very simple sign language
b. More elaborate sign
c. Adam Kendon s studies
d. The necessities for
Autumn in this area has been especially dry. If you go into the
woods, remember the great danger of fires. If you can avoid it, do not
even light a campfire. Be more careful than usual. Only you can prevent
forest fires.
What would be the main purpose of the writer ?
a. To inform
b. To entertain
c. To persuade
d. To share an experience
Geysers are hot springs that erupt from time to time, shooting up
columns of steaming water. There are three places in the world where
large and notable groups of active geysers can be found . These places
are Wyoming, Iceland, and New Zealand.
What would be the main purpose of the writer ?
a. To inform
b. To entertain
c. To persuade
d. To share an experience
28. One of the things we enjoyed most about Europe was the peaceful
little country inns. At once tiny village in Switzerland we were awakened
on a clear, sunny morning by the faraway clanking of cowbells.

What would be the main purpose of the writer ?

a To inform
b To entertain
c To persuade
d To share an experience
29. Scuba diving is the most exhilarating experience I have ever had.
The first time I went, the dark mirror of the water beckoned me to drop
from the side of the boat. I jumped feet first and entered a brightly colored
world populated with fish, plants, and objects I had never dreamed of.
The tone of this passage is . .
a tragic
b excited
c bitter and sad
30. I love working at Burger Barn. I meet interesting people, earn extra
money, and get to eat all the chicken nuggets I want when I go on break.

The tone of this passage is . .

a tragic
b excited
c enthusiastic

Assumption Samutprakarn
English (Reading

M. 4/1-4/6
Class ________ No. _______
Complete each blank in each item correctly and clearly. (Write in
Thai or English) (10points)

1. Topic is
Topic can be divided into 3 types.
1.1 Topic _____________
How to find :
1.2 Topic _____________
How to find :
1.3 Topic______________
How to find :
2. Main Idea is
Main idea can be divided into 2 types.
2.1 ______________ Main Idea is
2.2 ______________ Main Idea is
Main idea can be written 4 positions in a paragraph.
2.1.1 _________________________
2.1.2 _________________________
2.1.3 _________________________
2.1.4 _________________________
3. Making Inference is
The difference between infer is _______________________________and
imply is __________________________________.
4. Reference is
5. Purpose is

6. Tone is



Chuthamart Jamjang


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