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Adakah korelasi antara Asthma Bronciale dengan Rhinosinusitis?

Sumber 1
Asma dan

rinitis alergi ( rhinosinusitis ) sering terjadi bersamaan dan dapat mewakili spektrum

dari entitas yang sama pada suatu penyakit . Ada hubungan yang kuat antara asma dan
rhinosinusitis bakteri , infeksi saluran pernapasan atas virus ( rinosinusitis virus akut ) , dan
poliposis hidung .
Beberapa ahli mengusulkan bahwa wajar untuk mempertimbangkan pasien dengan asma sebagai
subkelompok populasi yang lebih besar dari pasien dengan rhinitis alergi , karena hampir di
mana-mana pada pasien dengan asma dijumpai adanya rhinitis alergi.
(American Alergic Asociation)
Sumber 2
Observations: Many asthma experts over the years have observed asthmatics to have nasal
congestion, deviated septums, polyps, etc. Likewise, as nasal symptoms are resolved asthma
improves, and as nasal congestion worsens so does asthma.
Recent studies: They seem to prove what was observed. So why would nasal congestion lead to
asthma? There are a couple theories:
A.Nasal drainage: This is often considered an asthma trigger
B.Nasobronchial reflex: Irritants that stimulate the upper airway may result in inflammation of
the lower airway
The second theory there I learned about through the book Emergency Medicine edited by Barry
E. Brenner (NewYork, 1999, page 93). While I've read theories that propose inflammation of the
upper airway may lead to inflammation of the lower just because they are connected, this theory
provides a more scientific explanation.Another theory proposes that if a person is exposed to
something that causes airway inflammation (such as nasal drainage), and you're exposed to that
something often enough so that the inflammation is ongoing, that inflammation may become
permanent and result in hyperresponsive airways (asthma).

(The Link Between Nasal Congestion and Asthma John Bottrell Health Pro July
25, 2011)
Sumber 3
How are asthma and sinusitis related?
The relationship between asthma and sinusitis is not fully understood.
Generally speaking, they are related conditions in that they are both
inflammatory reactions that obstruct the airways.
More specifically, sinusitis can trigger asthma attacks, and about one in five people with chronic
sinusitis have asthma. Similarly, those with asthma or allergies have a higher risk for sinusitis,
and the risk is highest among those with severe asthma, especially when coupled with nasal
polyps or sensitivity to aspirin. In one study, 80 percent of people with aspirin-induced asthma
had symptoms of sinusitis. Other studies have shown that asthma symptoms improve, lung
function increases, and medication reliance drops after sinusitis is treated with antibiotics in
people who have both conditions.
Kesimpulan :
Asthma bronkhial dan Rhinosinusitis dapat terjadi bersamaan pada suatu pasien dengan riwayat
atopi dan eksaserbasi dapat terjadi apabila pasien tersebut menghirup alergen yang memicu
terjadinya reaksi inflamasi.
Ada beberapa teori yang menyebutkan bahwa rhinosinusitis dapat memperberat serangan asma
apabila inflamasi pada saluran nafas atas terjadi maka reaksi tersebut dapat pula terjadi pada
saluran nafas bawah karena kedua saluran tersebut berhubungan.
Nasal drainage pada Rhino sinusitis dapat memperburuk serangan asma begitu pula sebaliknya
reaksi inflamasi yang kronik pada asma bronkiale dapat membuat hiperesposive pada saluran
nafas dan memicu terjadinya asma namun beberapa teori diatas masih belum terlalu banyak
difahami oleh para ilmuan.

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