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Refrigeration and air condition


Fluid mechanic
Experiment ( 1 )
Density and specific gravity

Name, Edris salam mhamad

Lecture, Mr. Kawa
Second year

What is Fluid Mechanics?

Fluid mechanics deals with the study of all

fluids under static and dynamic situations.
Fluid mechanics is a branch of continuous
mechanics which deals with a relationship
between forces, motions, and statical
conditions in a continuous material. This
study area deals with many and diversified
problems such as surface tension, fluid
statics, flow in enclose bodies, or flow round
bodies (solid or otherwise), flow stability, etc.
In fact, almost any action a person is doing
involves some kind of a fluid mechanics
problem. Furthermore, the boundary between
the solid mechanics and fluid mechanics is
some kind of gray shed and not a sharp
distinction (see Figure 1.1 for the complex
relationships between the different branches
which only part of it should be drawn in the
same time.). For example, glass appears as a
solid material, but a closer look reveals that
the glass is a liquid with a large viscosity. A
proof of the glass ``liquidity'' is the change of
the glass thickness in high windows in
European Churches after hundred years. The
bottom part of the glass is thicker than the
top part. Materials like sand (some call it
quick sand) and grains should be treated as
liquids. It is known that these materials have
the ability to drown people. Even material
such as aluminum just below the mushy zone
also behaves as a liquid similarly to butter

The purpose of this experiment is to
understand the meaning and significance of
the density of a substance. Density is a basic
physical property of a homogeneous
substance; it is an intensive property, which
means it depends only on the substance's
composition and does not vary with size or
amount. The determination of density is a
nondestructive physical process for
distinguishing one substance from another.
Density is the ratio of a substance's mass to
its own volume. volume mass V m d = = In
the metric system the unit of density for a
liquid or solid is measured in g/mL or g/cm3 .
The cm3 volume unit used with solids is
numerically equal to mL volume unit used
with liquids. That is, 1 mL = 1 cm3 . In this
experiment we will determine the density of
several liquids and compare the physical
properties of those liquids.

Electronic balance

Graduated cylinder

Experiment No. (1)

(A) Density of a solid
In this experiment we need a metal (steel),
cylinder, balance, and water. In the first we
determine the mass of the metal by the balance.
Our metal is recorded a 500g.
Then we found the volume of the metal by the
We putted the 20ml of water inside the cylinder
and putted the metal to the water.
When we putted the metal of the water, the level
of the water will be increase. And we record the
final water level.

To know the volume of the metal we need to

final water level intial water level.
After that we calculated the density of metal.
Density = mass of solid (g) / volume of solid (m3)

(B) Density of liquid

In the first we record the mass of the cylinder by
the balance then put the 30ml of water inside the
cylinder and record the cylinder again.
To determine the mass of the water we need the
mass of breaker with water minus the mass of
after that calculate the density of the water by
dividing its mass by the volume.
Repeat the same procedure for water with salty.

(C) Specific gravity of liquid

To determine the specific gravity of any liquid, we
need determine the density of that liquid and
density of water.
So that we divide density of water with salty by
density of water.

(D) Graphing mass and volume

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density of solid

Mass of solid =0.5 kg

Initial water level =200 ml
Final water level with solid =262 ml
Volume of solid =62 ml
Density of solid = 8064.5
Type of metal = steel


density of liquid
salty water



Volume = 300 ml
Mass of breaker = 162 g
Mass of breaker and liquid=457g
Mass liquid=295 g
Density of liquid = 983 kg/m3

300 ml
162 g
480 g
320 g
1066.6 kg/m3

C/specific gravity=
Specific gravity =0.983


1- What property of oil makes it

float on water?
A/The density of oil is less than the density of

2- Why would heating the gas in an

air balloon make the balloon rise ?
A/ when the gas is heated the movement
molecular of this gas will be increase. So the gas
will rise into the wall of the balloon and make a
balloon rise too.

3- What is the different between

density and specific gravity ?

A/ to determine the density of a liquid we need the

mass of the liquid and the volume of the liquid, but
specific gravity is a comparison of the density of
that liquid with a density of water.

4- How does a graph help us

interpret scientific data ?
A/ the graph can show us a relation between mass
and volume.

5- An object made aluminum has a

mass 8.37g. when it was placed in
graduated cylinder containing 20m
of water, the water level rise to 23.1
ml. calculate the density and
specific gravity of the object?
A/ Mass (aluminum) = 8.37g
Volume (water)1 = 20ml
Volume (water)2 = 23.1
gravity =?

density = ?

Volume of object = V2 V1
Volume of object = 23.1 20 = 3.1ml
D= mass / volume
D= 8.37 / 3.1 = 2.7 g/ml = 2700 kg/m3
SG= 2700/1000 = 2.7

6-what is the mass of solution that

has a density of
0.775 g/ml and a volume of 50ml?
A/ D=0.77 g/ml
M=D x V = 770 kg/m3 x 0.000005 m3

M=0.0385 kg

7- what is the volume of a solution

that has a specific gravity of 1.2 and
a mass of 185 g ?
A/ D= SG x D of water
D= 1.2 x 1000= 1200 kg/m3
V= M / D =0.185/1200
V= 0.000154 m3

8- if we have salt water and fresh

water in one container, which one of
them is float above the other ?
A/ fresh water is float above the salt water because
its density is less than the density of salt water.

9- If we heated the fresh water to

80 C, is the density is becomes
higher or lower than it value at
standard conditions?
A/The densities of liquid are not change when the
temperatures change.

10- If we heated the liquid, is the

specific gravity is increased or
decreased with temperature rise?
A/ The specific gravity of a liquid decreases with a
rise in temperature.

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