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Subject / Course:

Grade Level: 7
Topic: Artifact : Les filles du roi
MT Name:

TC Name: Kara-Ann Nagel

Date: November 3, 2016
Class: French Immersion
Room # / Location:

1. Learning Expectations Select expectations from MOE documents.

B1.1 engage actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on examining multiple perspectives related to current issues,
themes, and relationships from a wide variety of sources and diverse communities
A1.1 analyse key similarities and differences in social values and aspects of life between present-day Canadians and some different
groups and/or communities in Canada between 1713 and 1800

2. Learning Goals Describe what the students are expected to learn. Share goals with the students.
1. I will describe what I wouldve done if I was a filles du roi while analysing why these women ages 12 and up came
to New France.
2. I will interpret artifacts with my peers with an open-mind about what they could be now and in the past.

3. Success Criteria Describe from a students point of view what attainment of a learning goal looks like.
I will summarize what I wouldve done by brainstorming with my group and then writing a short paragraph explaining why I
would bring my artifact as if I was a fille du roi.

4. Pre-assessment and Accommodations

a) Students
Prior knowledge
- have been to and/or know about New France
- know how to write a paragraph
- work well brainstorming in groups
- have some prior knowledge about les filles du roi

- will work in smaller groups
- will be able to brainstorm to help guide their writing
- will be provided with a handout to help them focus and give them
an outline
- will be given written and verbal instructions
- can use point-form if running out of time

b) Learning Environment:
The students will mainly work in smaller groups. There will be five groups of six. Students will also work collaboratively
with the teacher on an example. The space has enough desks and chairs for each student to sit comfortably while working
with their group.

5. Assessment / Evaluation Describe how you will be monitoring student progress & evaluation criterial
you may be using.
- Students will be writing in role; I will monitor their process by collecting their writing at the end of the period, checking if
its complete, and returning it the following week to continue by each student taking on a role of les filles du roi.
- I will walk around to each group to help guide their discussions if they are having difficulties while monitoring their
participation in their discussions.

6. Materials
- 27 handouts
- 6 artifacts : Paris suitcase, diary, string, toy, book written in Mtis, piece of metal
- white board (for brainstorming as class)

7. Content / Lesson Teaching Strategies

a) Hook/discussion (3 mins)
1. Get students hooked by guessing what could be in a box. Que pensez-vous est dans cette bote?
2. Relate it back to les filles du roi history. Que savez-vous sur les filles du roi?

b) Minds On (4 mins)
1. Draw a role on the wall on the board. Write down what the students say about les filles du roi.
Ask prompting questions,
Pourquoi sont-elles venues au Canada ?
O sont-elles alles?
Comment sont-elles se sentent quand elles sont arrives au Canada ?
Quand sont-elles venues la Nouvelle-France ?
2. Explain les filles du roi history a bit more.
In case students have no prior knowledge or forget
- Les Filles du roi sont des femmes clibataires et quelques veuves dont le roi favorise la migration en NouvelleFrance entre 1663 et 1673.
- Elles ont t utilises pour coloniser la Nouvelle-France
- Elles sont venues au Canada dans un grand bateau
- Beaucoup de femmes sont mortes dans le bateau
- Le capitaine les a appels "cargo"
- Certaines femmes taient heureuse et certains ont t dus
- Hilary Clinton, Madonna, Tom Bergeron et Angelina Jolie sont les descendants des filles du roi
c) Action (10 mins)
1. Class brainstorms what one of the woman would have put in the box.
Pensez-vous que l'une des filles du roi a utilis cette bote ? Que pensez-vous qu'elle aurait mis dans la bote
2. Class shares what they would bring if they had to leave Canada. It gets them thinking about leaving and not
being able to return to understand how these women might have felt.
Si vous deviez quitter le Canada, que feriez-vous apporter ?
Pour moi, je dois apporter mon chat Max.
3. Form groups of students and give each group an object.
Ne touchez pas, seulement regarder.
Dans les groupes de cinq ou six personnes, pensez votre objet.
Que ferions-nous utiliser cet objet au 21e sicle ?
Pourquoi pensez-vous de la fille d'un roi apporterait avec elle ?
Pourquoi est l'objet important?
4. Students will write down why they brought that object with them to New France using the handout provided.
Have student volunteers read the handout.
Imaginez que vous tes l'une des filles du roi. crivez pourquoi vous avez apport votre objet. crire la
premire personne (Je).
J'ai apport le collier de ma mre avec moi parce que je ne pourrai jamais la revoir. Elle me manque tellement et
je souhaite quelle tait ici. Elle tait mon meilleur ami. Tout ce que je dois me souvenir d'elle est son collier.

d) Consolidation (3 mins)
1. Explain what we will be doing next week.
La semaine prochaine, nous allons parler plus sur ces objets, alors essayez de les retenir. Nous pouvons
apporter un objet au Canada. Vous dbattez pourquoi votre objet est le plus important. Vous aurez besoin
d'expliquer pourquoi votre objet est le plus important.
2. Have some students share their paragraphs.
Est-quil y a quelqu'un peut partager leur paragraphe ? Assurez-vous de me passer votre paragraphe lorsque
vous avez termin.
If theres extra time
Each group will talk about their object. Show what it is and why its important for les filles du roi.
Chaque groupe va expliquer leur objet. Pourquoi c'est important?

What did I learn about the teaching and learning process?

What did I learn about my students?

What changes will I make in my instructional practice?

Feedback from my MT

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