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The 5 Most Common Myths About Style

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Myth #1) Style is about expensive clothing

A common mistake that newbies make is that they think expensive clothing equals style. There is an
element of truth to thiscertain items of clothing can be very expensive, and certain styles and looks
can run up an expensive price tag.
However, just because you pay a lot of money for a piece of clothing doesnt make it stylish. Just
because a T-shirt costs $100 doesnt mean that it is 5 times better than a $20 T-shirt.
Style isnt a contest about who can spend the most money. For certain pieces of clothing (like socks
and underwear, for example), it usually doesnt make much sense to spend too much money on them.
Even expensive clothing items can often be substituted for more affordable pieces and look just as
good, if not better (something I cover in later chapters).
Style is about creating a look for yourself and expressing your personality through clothing. Unless
youre just trying to show off how much money you have, style isnt about having the most expensive
clothing that money can buy.
Myth #2) Style is about brands
Another common myth about style is that style is about brands. Again, this has a bit of an element of
truth to itcertain brands are known for making specific types of clothing (Hot Topic is known for
their goth/punk look, for example) and brands also have emotions and images associated with them
that you can evoke by wearing brand name clothing.
However, style is about much more than just brands. You dont want to go to the mall and buy all
your clothing from one store, just because its a cool brand. That doesnt make you stylish, that just
makes you a label whore, and walking with logos on your shirts makes you look like a walking
billboard for clothing companies instead of an advertisement for yourself.
You shouldnt depend on brands to make you look stylish. You can use brands to enhance your own
look and communicate a specific message, but ultimately style is about creating your own personal

Jeans should fit and match your outfit, regardless of brand name

Myth #3) Style is the same thing as fashion

Style and fashion are related words, but theyre two different things. Fashion tends to be seasonal,
and changes with time. Whats in fashion one season may not be trendy in the next.
Good style, however, is permanent, because it doesnt strictly rely on the trends and fads of the
moment. Style is about using clothing to express and present yourself in the most attractive manner,
not about wearing whatever happens to be the most popular at the moment.
The concepts that we teach in this book, like good fit, coordinating colors, and triggering style
attraction switches are all fundamental concepts that are timeless and will never change. Once you
master these fundamentals, you will have the tools to express yourself in the most attractive way,
regardless of what happens to be in fashion at the moment.
Myth #4) Style is just about clothing
This is one of the most common myths of all, and it makes sense to a certain extent. I mean style is
about clothing, right? And its true, style is something that is expressed through the medium of
clothing, and we dedicate many chapters in this book going into great detail on how to pick out the
right clothing items to make you look your best.
However, style goes a lot further than just clothes. When you break it down, style is about
communication. We are always communicating information about ourselves, even when no words
are spoken. You can never NOT communicate.

Style is a form of communication that is expressed through clothing, but it takes more than a few nice
pieces of clothing to make you stylish. Things like your personality, your posture and body language,
your grooming, your body type; all these things cumulate to produce a unique expression of you, and
that is ultimately what style is about.
Myth #5) Style is something you either have or you dont
This is a myth that I personally believed for a long time. Sometimes when you see someone who has a
great sense of style, it can seem as if they have some special ability that you dont. Style is a subject
that just isnt taught in schools, and it can seem like some people just get it, while you dont even
know where to begin.
As someone who started off clueless about style myself, I can totally relate to that feeling. However,
as someone who was also able to teach himself how to dress well, I can tell you that style is
something that anyone can learn if you put your mind to it. Style is just like any other skill, and its
something that can be learned and developed with practice (Ill share how I developed my own style
in the next chapter).

So what is style, you might be asking? A simple formula to remember for the rest of your journey is:
Style = External Expression of Self
Style is the total sum of the way you move your body, walk, talk, eat, greet people, or do anything for
that matter. Like game, it is the outer expression of our inner self! This encompasses our identities of
who we think we are, how we think, our values, our culture, our interests, and much more.
You can tell real artists from a mile away because they have a style that is congruent with their
personality, and this shines through in their clothing to the way they sit down at the dinner table.
Ultimately, style is about being able to express yourself through your clothing and the way you
present yourself. Its about figuring out what message you want to communicate when someone sees
you, and to have the knowledge to be able to communicate that message clearly.
Learning about style is almost like learning a new language. It has its own unique vocabulary, and
you can combine the different elements of style to create your own unique form of expression. In this
book, I will teach you the language of style, and show you how you can best use it to present your
most attractive self.

Learn to dress attractively

without spending a fortune
or adhering to the conventional rules of the game.

For a limited time, you can get a 25% discount

on the Seduce With Style Handbook
You can contact me directly for questions.

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