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Copyright 2014 Mokum Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Distribution of the Oracle Cloud Cookbook or derivative of the work in any form
is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the Copyright holder.
About Mokum Solutions, Inc.
Founded in March 2011, Mokum Solutions, Inc. specializes in the implementation,
delivery and support of Oracle technologies in private and public clouds. Mokum
corporate headquarters are located in San Francisco, CA
or call 1 415 252 9164
About the Author
The author of the Oracle Cloud Cookbook is none other than the owner of
Mokum Solutions, Inc., Roddy Rodstein. Roddy is one of the most respected
Oracle Cloud Computing experts, having designed and managed many of the
worlds largest and most complex Oracle private clouds. Before establishing
Mokum in March 2011, Roddy spent three years at Oracle on the Oracle VM
and Oracle Linux team designing and supporting Oracle's largest and most
complex customer environments. Before Oracle, Roddy spent six years at Citrix,
designing and supporting Citrix's largest and most complex customer environments,
Including Oracle's. With Mr. Rodsteins rich background and knowledge, there
can be no better resource for revealing the Oracle Cloud recipe.
The Oracle Cloud Cookbook is a comprehensive, field tested reference design that
guides you through each step to move to your Oracle software portfolio to an elastic
Oracle cloud using the Oracle VM product line, Oracle Linux, Oracle Engineered
Systems managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c, with total control over Oracle
processor licensing.

Last update: 12/22/12

This document applies to Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Release 1 and above using Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5
and 6.
Table of Contents
Setup the Oracle Enterprise Manager Software Library
Prepare each Linux host for the Oracle Management Agent installation
Setup the Named Credentials for the Oracle Management Agent Installing User
Install the Oracle Management Agent with Cloud Control
Oracle Management Agent Post Installation Prerequisites
Setup Oracle RPM Repositories
...Oracle YUM Server Setup Roadmap
...Register the Oracle Linux Yum Server with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network
...Install and congure Apache from the Unbreakable Linux Network
...Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network Yum Server Conguration
Run the Setup RPM Repository Job
Setup Linux Patch Groups
Patch Linux Hosts
Change Log

Change Description

Updated By



Beta Release

Roddy Rodstein



First Release

Roddy Rodstein


This chapter of the Oracle Cloud Cookbook describes how to implement a Linux patch management program using Oracle Enterprise
Manager 12c' Linux Host Patching feature. A patch management program is an integral component of an organization's information
security program used to mitigate the risk from security vulnerabilities (bugs) that are inherent in all operating systems and
applications. Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Linux Host Patching can be used to eectively manage and distribute operating system
and application patches in accordance with your organization's change management policy. The goal of this chapter of the Oracle
Cloud Cookbook is to describe how to establish a Linux patch management program that is a part of standard operations.
The rst section of this chapter introduces the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Linux Host Patching feature followed by the Linux and
Oracle Enterprise Manager prerequisites and requirements. The following sections describes how to select, design and deploy RPM
repositories, Linux patch groups and Linux Patch jobs that conform to your organization's change management policy. The chapter
concludes with Linux patch troubleshooting.
Linux Host Patching adds centralized Linux patch management to Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c for Oracle Linux, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux. The right to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Linux Host Patching for Oracle Linux and Red
Hat Enterprise Linux is bundled with basic and premier Oracle Linux support. Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Linux Host Patching is a
default Oracle Enterprise Manager feature which requires no additional installations or plug-ins. Oracle Enterprise Manager roles and
groups can be congured to provide role based access to the Linux Host Patching feature.
Linux Host Patching allows you to set up and manage Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) RPM repository, as well as custom
and 3rd party RPM repositories, download Advisories from Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network, create Linux patch group, create
custom repositories, submit emergency or scheduled patch jobs, submit rollback and/or uninstall patch jobs, create and manage
conguration le channels for Linux le management.
Table 1 reviews the Linux Host Patching components:

Oracle Management

The Oracle Enterprise Manager client side agent is named the Oracle Management Agent or OMA.
Oracle Management Agents can be installed on unmanaged Linux hosts to convert them to managed hosts
which are managed via Cloud Control.
The yum server and yum clients must be managed via Cloud Control.

Sudo as root access

Oracle Enterprise Manager uses a trust-based security model to execute trusted, elevated jobs using sudo
(/etc/sudoers). The Oracle Management Agent uses the nmosudo executable to run trusted/elevated jobs.
If the Job credentials do not have sudo settings, then the Job is executed without the nmosudo.
Sudo as root must be congured for several commands for the user account that is used to install the
Oracle Management Agent.

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Oracle Enterprise
Manager user account

An Oracle Enterprise Manager user account with operator privilege for each Linux target is required to
patch Linux host targets.

Oracle Enterprise
Manager Software

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Software Library is a storage repository with software patches, Oracle VM
Templates and virtual assemblies, ISO images, reference gold images, application software, directive
scripts, as well as Oracle-supplied software entities and deployment models. Along with its role as a
storage repository, the Software Library is the interface between deployment models and the automation
framework used for mass-deployments, patching and provisioning tasks.
The Oracle Enterprise Manager Software Library is a prerequisite for Linux host patching.

Linux Host Target

Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts must be managed via Cloud Control to be patched. Each
target host must have Normal Host Credentials, Privileged Host Credentials and Privileged Delegation, as
well as a user account with sudo as root access congured to be patched via Cloud Control.

Linux Patching Group

Linux patching groups consist of managed Linux hosts targets associated with RPM repositories. A host
can only be in one Linux patch group.

Compliance Reports

Compliance reports provide the RPM patch status of Linux hosts compared to their associated RPM

Unbreakable Linux
Network (ULN)

The Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network is Oracle' cloud repository for Oracle VM, Oracle Linux, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, Exadata and Exalogic RPMs, software patches, updates and xes.

ULN Channel

An Unbreakable Linux Network channel is a collection of RPM packages hosted on Unbreakable Linux
Network. The Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network hosts ULN Channels for Oracle Linux, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, Exadata and Exalogic.

RPM Repository

A RPM repository is a directory on an Apache web server which contains RPM packages.

Yum server

A yum server hosts RPM packages for yum clients. The Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network and Oracle
public yum servers host Oracle's RPM channels. The RPM channels include the base OS version
installation RPM packages along with the latest software patches, updates and xes. With a local Oracle
yum server, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, Exadata and Exalogic hosts can install
packages and updates locally over your network, not over the internet, using the yum client. Custom
channels can be created with 3rd party RPM packages to install packages and updates from any vendor,
i.e. EMC, HP, IBM, Red Hat, Open Source, etc..

Custom Channel

A custom channel is a RPM repository created by the user to host a collection of RPM packages.

Conguration Channel

A conguration channel is created by the user to host Linux conguration les which can be pushed to
Linux hosts. For example, a ssh keys channel can be created to push ssh keys to Linux host targets.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager prerequisites for Linux patching are a Software Library, a Linux RPM repository host target, Operator
privilege for each patched Linux target, and each Linux host target must have its Normal Host Credentials, Privileged Host Credentials
and Privileged Delegation set. The Linux prerequisites for Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Linux Host Patching are sudo as root
privileges for the Oracle Management Agent installing user, the Oracle Management Agent (OMA) and a yum server. Once the Linux
and Oracle Enterprise Manager prerequisites have been met, RPM repositories, patch groups and patch jobs can be created,
submitted and/or scheduled for execution.
The following table shows the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Linux Host Patching Conguration Roadmap:
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

Setup the Oracle Enterprise Manager Software Library

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

The Software Library storage repository is a Linux Host Patching prerequisite. An Oracle Enterprise Manager Software Library is a
storage repository with software patches, Oracle VM Templates and virtual assemblies, ISO images, reference gold images, application
software, directive scripts, as well as Oracle-supplied software entities and deployment models. Along with its role as a storage
repository, the Software Library is the interface between deployment models and the automation framework used for
mass-deployments, patching and provisioning tasks. With Linux Host Patching, the Software Library stores RPM channel and Linux
host target entities.
For single Oracle Management Service (OMS) environments, the Software Library storage repository can be on the Oracle
Management Service host or in a shared location. For multiple Oracle Management Service environments, Oracle recommends a
shared NFS mount point for the Software Library. The storage requirements for your Software Library storage repository entirely
depend on the total storage requirements of your software patches, Oracle VM Templates and virtual assemblies, ISO images,
reference gold images, application software and conguration les. A best practice is to use storage that can grow with your Software
The Software Library framework, not the Software Library storage repository, is installed by default with Oracle Enterprise Manager.

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The Software Library page can be accessed from the Enterprise menu => Provisioning and Patching => Software Library.
To set up the Software Library:
1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control as an EM_CLOUD_ADMINISTRATOR user and click Setup => Provisioning and
Patching => Software Library. From the Software Library: Administration page, select the Storage Type => OMS Shared
Fileystem and click + Add from the Actions menu.
Figure 1

2. From the Add OMS Shared Filesystem Location window, in the Name text area, enter the name of the Software library. Next,
enter the directory path to the Software Library storage repository, and click OK to execute the SwlibRegisterMetadata Job.
Figure 2

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3. From the Software Library: Administration page, conrm that the Software Library has been created and that the Status is Active.
Figure 3

The Software Library has been created and the Status is Active.

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Prepare each Linux host for the Oracle Management Agent installation
Step 1
Setup the Enterprise
Manager Software

Step 2
Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

The Oracle Management Agent (OMA) is a core Oracle Enterprise Manager component. The Oracle Management Agent can be
installed on unmanaged Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SuSE Linux hosts to convert them to managed hosts that are
centrally managed via Cloud Control. There are numerous prerequisites that must be met before an Oracle Management Agent can be
installed on an unmanaged Linux host. Each of the prerequisites in Table 2 must be completed before the Oracle Management agent is
Table 2 shows the Oracle Management Agent installation prerequisites.


1- Sudo as root must be congured

for several commands for the
Oracle Management Agent
installing user in the /etc/sudoers

Pre-installation Sudo Prerequisites:

Option A: Add the following commands in the /etc/sudoers le for the Oracle Management
Agent installing user:

Oracle Enterprise Manager uses a

trust-based security model to
execute trusted, elevated jobs using
sudo. The Oracle Management
Agent uses the nmosudo executable
to run trusted/elevated jobs. If the
Job credentials do not have sudo
settings, then the Job is executed
without the nmosudo.

oma ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/id, /bin/chmod, /bin/cp, /bin/mkdir, /bin/rm, /bin/tar,

/bin/chmod, /usr/bin/yum, /usr/sbin/up2date, /bin/sed, /bin/rpm, /u01/app/oracle/product
/agent_inst/bin/emctl, /u01/app/oracle/product/core/,
/u01/app/oracle/product/core/, /u01/app/oracle/product
/core/, /u01/app/oracle/product/*/unzipTmp/unzip, /u01/app/oracle/product
/*/, /u01/app/oracle/product/*/
In the above example, oma is the installing user. Change "oma" with your installer user
account name.
In the above example, the agent home ($AGENT_HOME) is /u01/app/oracle/product
/agent_inst. Change the above $AGENT_HOME with your $AGENT_HOME.
In the above example, the agent base ($AGENT_BASE) is /u01/app/oracle/product
/core/ Change the above $AGENT_BASE with your $AGENT_BASE.
To add the commands in the /etc/sudoers le, as root, type "visudo" to edit the /etc/sudoer
Option B: Add the Oracle Management Agent installing user to the wheel goup and
uncomment the "wheel ALL=(ALL)
NOPASSWD: ALL" line in the /etc/sudoer le.
To add the Oracle Management Agent installing user to the the wheel group, as root,
type: useradd -G wheel oma
In the above example, oma is the installing user. Change "oma" with your installer user
account name.
As root type "visudo" and uncomment the "wheel ALL=(ALL)
Option A Post-installation Sudo Prerequisites:
Replace the Option A sudo entries with:
oma ALL=NOPASSWD: /u01/app/oracle/product/agent_inst/bin/nmosudo
In the above example, oma is the installing user. Change "oma" with your installer user
account name.
In the above example, the agent home ($AGENT_HOME) is /u01/app/oracle/product
/agent_inst. Change the above $AGENT_HOME with your $AGENT_HOME.
Tip: With Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 hosts, make the following
modications to allow sudo with NOPASSWD to work with up2date:
rm -fr /usr/bin/up2date
ln -s /usr/sbin/up2date /usr/bin/up2date
Oracle Management Service and /etc/sudoers Prerequisites:
On the OMS host(s) set the oracle.sysman.prov.agentpush.enablePty property to true in the
$<OMS_HOME>/sysman/prov/agentpush/ le. If your unable to set the
oracle.sysman.prov.agentpush.enablePty property to true in the $<OMS_HOME>/sysman
/prov/agentpush/ le, the following two settings must be made in each
linux host's /etc/sudoers le.
Change the default "Defaults !visiblepw" to "Defaults visiblepw" in the /etc/sudoers le
must not be commented out.
The "Defaults requiretty" in the /etc/sudoers must be commented out.

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$AGENT_HOME Directories:
The Oracle base directory
$ORACLE_BASE and $AGENT_HOME Requirements:
($ORACLE_BASE) is the
1. The agent home directory must be empty and should have 4GB of space.
top-level directory for Oracle
2. The agent home directory name cannot contain any spaces.
software installations.
3. The installing user must own the agent home directory.
The agent home directory
4. The installing user or the root user must own all the parent directories.
($ORACLE_HOME) is the
5. The root user must own the root directory.
directory where the Oracle
Management Agent software is
If the $AGENT_HOME is /u01/app/oracle/product/agent_inst, and oma is the installing user,
then the /u01/app/oracle/product/agent_inst directory must be owned by oma.
The Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)
standard is a set of le naming
recommendations for managing Oracle
installations. The Optimal Flexible
Architecture standard oers mount point,
directory, and le-naming conventions that
work with the Oracle Universal Installer.
The Optimal Flexible Architecture includes
where to install each part of each Oracle
product including the storage of the
applications and the data.
To create the directories for Oracle
software installation using the Optimal
Flexible Architecture standard, as root,
type the following commands.
# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/
# chown oma:dba /u01/app/oracle/product

3- This section lists the Oracle

Management Agent RPM package
prerequisites for Oracle and Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x and 6.x.
Tip: For OL 5 install the oraclevalidated RPM to meet all the RPM
package prerequisites. For OL 6
install the oracle-rdbms-server11gR2-preinstall RPM to meet all
the RPM package prerequisites.

If the $ORACLE_BASE is /u01/app/oracle/product/, and oma is the installing user, then the
/u01/app/oracle/product/ directory must be owned by the oma user, and the root directory /u01
must be owned by the root user.
Note: When installing the Oracle Management Agent using Cloud Control's Add Host Targets
Wizard, the Wizard automatically creates the $AGENT_HOME directory.
As root, create and chown the $ORACLE_BASE directory, i.e. /u01/app/oracle/product/. For
# mkdir /u01/app/oracle/product/
# chown oma:dba /u01/app/oracle/product

The following RPM packages are required on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms for
the Oracle Management Agent.
To conrm if the prerequisite RPM packages are already installed, as root,
type the following command:
Oracle & Red Hat Linux 5.x 64-bit:
# rpm -q --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} (%{ARCH})\n" make binutils gcc libaio glibc
libstdc++ setarch rng-utils libXtst

Oracle & Red Hat Linux 6.x 64-bit

# rpm -q --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} (%{ARCH})\n" make binutils gcc libaio glibccommon libstdc++ sysstat glibc-devel

The above commands lists each of the queried RPM packages installed on the
system. The 32-bit RPMs are appended with (i386) or (i686), and the 64-bit
RPMs are appended with (x86_64). From any ULN registered Linux host,
install any of the missing RPMs by typing "yum install package-name". To
install the RPM Package Prerequisites from the Oracle public yum repository,
as root type the following commands:
Oracle & Red Hat Linux 6:
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wget
# yum install package-name
Oracle & Red Hat Linux 5:
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wget
# yum install package-name
Oracle & Red Hat Linux 5.x 64-bit
gcc -4.1.1
libstdc++ -4.1.1
xorg-x11-utils (Required only for
GUI installations)

Oracle & Red Hat Linux 6.x 64-bit

glibc-devel-2.5-49-i686 (This is a
32-bit package)
glibc-devel-2.5-49-x86_64 (This is
a 64-bit package)
(Only for Oracle Linux 6.2) glibc2.12-

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4- /etc/hosts requirements
Oracle technology products,
including Oracle Enterprise
Manager, rely on a properly
formatted /etc/hosts le which
allows the host to be pingable, with
long and short host names. The host
name in the /etc/hosts le must be
associated with the server's public
IP address.
5- The Secure Shell (SSH) provides
the connectivity between the Oracle
Management Service (OMS) and
Oracle Management Agents for jobs
and deployment procedures.

Oracle & Red Hat Linux 5.x 32-bit

Oracle & Red Hat Linux 6.x 32-bit

libstdc++ 4.1.1
compat-db 4.1.25
xorg-x11-utils (Required only for
GUI installations)

libstdc++ 4.1.1
compat-db 4.1.25
xorg-x11-utils (Required only for
GUI installations)

The next example shows the proper syntax from a /etc/hosts le. Note that the localhost
entries are on one line, and the IP address with the long and short names are on the next line. localhost.localdomain localhost servername
The /etc/hosts le can be edited by the root user by typing vi /etc/hosts.
Tip: The following IPv6 entries in Oracle Linux 5 & 6 /etc/hosts les should be removed to
BUSY" with Oracle Management Agent installations:
localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
If the SSH daemon is not running on the default port (22), the SSH_PORT property in
$<OMS_HOME>/oui/prov/resources/ on on the OMS host must be edited
with the port.

All of the Linux hosts targets

must use the same SSH port.

6- It is important that Enterprise

Manager obtains the correct time
zone for each Oracle Management

To set the time zone, as root, type:

# export TZ='America/Los_Angeles'
Note: Substitute 'America/Los_Angeles' with your time zone. Time zone details are located in
the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. For example, the time zone example above
'America/Los_Angeles' correspond to the /usr/share/zoneinf/America/Los_Angeles le, i.e.
The continental United States is divided into 4 time zones:
Eastern Standard Time ( EST ) is the New York time zone, i.e. export TZ='America/New_York'
Central Standard Time ( CST ) is the Chicago time zone, i.e. export TZ='America/Chicago'
Mountain Standard Time ( MST ) is the Denver time zone, i.e. export TZ='America/Denver'
Pacic Standard Time ( PST ) is the Los Angeles time zone, i.e. export

7- /tmp directory requirments

The /tmp directory must have 400 MB of free space.

8- oraInventory directory

If any Oracle technologies are already installed on the host, conrm that the oraInventory
directory is read write (rw) by the dba group.

Once all of the above prerequisites have been met the Oracle Management agent can be installed.

Setup the Named Credentials for the Oracle Management Agent Installing User
Step 1

Step 2

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

A Named Credential with a user name and password for the Oracle Management Agent installing user is a Linux Host Patching
prerequisite for the yum server RPM repository setup job, the Oracle Management Agent installation and for Linux patch jobs. A
named credential is a target's user account authentication information that is stored in Enterprise Manager and used in Cloud Control

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for running jobs. Once a named credential is saved, Enterprise Manager users can run jobs using a named credential and never see the
named credential username and password. Named credentials can be created with a user name and password and/or SSH keys. For
Linux patch job, a named credentials with a user name and password is the minimum requirement.
A named credential for the yum server RPM repository setup job as well as the Oracle Management Agent installation can be created
in advance and selected while executing a job, or created on the y while executing a job. A best practice is to create named
credentials in advance to limit and control the number of named credentials stored in Enterprise Manager. For example, a named
credential created in advance for the the Oracle Management Agent installing user can be reused an unlimited number of time for
patch jobs and agent deployments. Each time a named credential for the Oracle Management Agent installing user is created on the
y, a new named credential is created and stored in Enterprise Manager.
Note: The Oracle Management agent can be installed using a named credential with SSH Keys, although SSH Keys are not supported
for patch jobs.
To create a named credential, click Setup => Security => Named Credentials, as shown in Figure 4.

From the Named Credentials page, create a named credential for the Oracle Management Agent installing user. As shown in Figure
5, click the Create link to access the Create Credential page.

As shown in Figure 6, from the Create Credential page, select the Global Scope option, and enter the following properties.
General Properties:
Credential name: Enter the user name of the Oracle Management Agent installing user. This is the name that is displayed in Cloud
Credential description: Enter an optional description.
Authentication Target Type: Select Host from the drop down menu.
Credential type: Select Host Credentials from the drop down menu.
Scope: Select Global.
Credentials Properties:
UserName: Enter the user name of the Oracle Management Agent installing user.
Password: Enter the password for the Oracle Management Agent installing user.
Conrm Password: Enter the password for the Oracle Management Agent installing user.
Run Priviledge: Select Sudo and in the Run As text box enter root.
Click Test and Save.
Figure 6

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From the Test options page, click the search icon to access the Search and Select: Targets window.
Figure 7

From the Search and Select: Targets window, select Host in the Target Type drop down menu. Search for a Linux host target by
enterting a host name in the Target Name or On Host text box and click Search, or select a Linux host from list. Once a Linux host is
selected, click the Select button to proceed.
Figure 8

From the Test options page shown in Figure 9, click the Click Test and Save button to test and save the named credential.

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The named credential is now listed on the Named Credentials page.

Figure 10

Install the Oracle Management Agent with Cloud Control

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Step 4
Oracle Management
Agent Install

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

With Cloud Control there are three Oracle Management Agent installation options. This chapter of the Oracle Cloud Cookbook covers
Oracle's recommended option, the Add Host Targets Wizard.
Table 3 shows the three Oracle Management Agent installation options.
Agent Installation
The Add Host Targets

The Add Host Targets Wizard automatically installs the agent from Cloud Control without any post
installation steps.
Note: Oracle recommends using the Add Host Targets Wizard.

Silent Agent
Installation MOS ID

The silent agent installation uses a response le installation which automates the agent installation with
two manual post installation steps. The manual post installation steps include running the scripts
along with emctl secure agent.

RPM Installation
MOS ID 1363031.1

The agent RPM installation is a single agent RPM installation with two manual post installation steps. The
manual post installation steps include editing the properties le: /usr/lib/oracle/agent/ with
the correct values, then executing the /etc/init.d/ command.

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To install the Management Agent on an unmanaged Linux host using the Add Host Targets Wizard, follow these steps:
1. Log into Cloud Control as an EM_CLOUD_ADMINISTRATOR user.
2. Click Setup => Add Target => Add Target Manually to navigate to the Add Targets Manually page.
Figure 11

3. From the Add Target Manually page, select the Add Host Targets option and click Add Host.
Figure 12

4. From the Add Host Targets: Host and Platform page, click + Add to add a host. Next, enter the DNS long or short host name
and select the platform from the drop down list, i.e. Linux x86-64. Repeat the process for each additional Linux host. Once all of the
hosts are added to the Add Target page, click Next to proceed.
Tip: The DNS name entered in the Host texteld will be displayed in Cloud Control. The Host name cannot be edited after the Oracle
Management Agent installaion. The DNS long or short name can be entered in the Host texteld. If you have multiple domain names,
consider using the long name to be able to quickly identify hosts in Cloud Control by the domain name.
Figure 13

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5. From the Add Host Targets: Installation Details page enter the Installation Base Directory path (i.e. the $AGENT_HOME),
click in the Instance directory text eld to auto-generate the Instance Directory path, select the Named Credential from the
drop down list, or create a new Named Credential on the y by clicking the + icon, accept the default port 3872, or clear the port
led to enable automatic port selection. Click Next to proceed.
Tip: The Mandatory Inputs icon will turn green once all of the details have been successfully entered.
Figure 14

6. From the Add Host Targets: Review page, conrm the entries, and click Deploy Agent.
Figure 15

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7. The Add Host Status window shows the progress of agent deployments. The agent deployment takes between 5 to 10 minutes.
There are three agent deployment segments: Initialization Details, Remote Prerequisite Check Details and Agent Deployment Details.
Each segment can be tracked by clicking the Link under Agent Deployment Details. If any of the agent deployment segments fail,
the failed segment will be displayed in the GUI. Resolve the problem and click Retry to rerun that segment.
Figure 16

Click the Initialization Details link to view the Initialization Details.

Figure 17 shows the Initialization Details.

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Click the Remote Prerequisite Check Details link to view the Remote Prerequisite Check Details.
Figure 18 shows the Remote Prerequisite Check Details.

Click the Agent Deployment Details link to view the Agent Deployment Details.
Figure 19 shows the Agent Deployment Details.

Once the agents are successfully deployed, the Add Host Status window displays the Agent Deployment Summary with the Agent
Deployment Succeeded message.
Figure 20 shows the Agent Deployment Summary message.

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8. Next, click Targets => Hosts to navigate to the Hosts page. Conrm that the hosts are listed on the page.
Figure 21

Oracle Management Agent Post Installation Prerequisites

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Step 4
Oracle Management
Agent Install

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

Normal Host Credentials and Privileged Host Credentials for the Oracle Management Agent installing user, and Privileged Delegation
is a Linux Host Patching prerequisite. Once the Oracle Management Agent is installed on a Linux host, its Normal Host Credentials,
Privileged Host Credentials and Privileged Delegation settings must be setup in Cloud Control for patch jobs.
Linux Host Privileged Delegation Settings:
Cloud Control supports running Deployment Procedures such as Patch Linux Hosts and Linux RPM Repository server setup with
elevated administrator privileges using sudo and PowerBroker. Without elevated administrator privileges, Deployment Procedure jobs
will fail.

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Privilege Delegation is the Enterprise Manager framework that supports running Deployment Procedures using sudo and PowerBroker.
All Enterprise Manager Deployment Procedures require administrator privileges to run. Many of the Deployment Procedure steps can
be run as a normal user, although there are steps that require elevated administrator privileges.
To setup Privileged Delegation for Linux host targets click Setup => Security => Privileged Delegation to access the Manage
Privileged Delegation Settings page.
Figure 22

From the Manage Privileged Delegation Settings page congure the Yum server and each Linux host target by clicking the Edit
icon. Only one target can be congure at a time. Repeat the process for each Linux host target.
Figure 23

From the Host Privileged Delegation Settings page select the Sudo radio button and enter /usr/bin/sudo -u %RUNAS%
%COMMAND% in the text box. Next, click Update to proceed.
Figure 24

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From the Conrmation page click Yes to save the Privilege Delegation Settings (PDP) for the Linux host targets.
Figure 25

From the Manage Privileged Delegation Settings page repeat the previous steps above for each Linux host target.
Figure 26

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Preferred Credentials Setup:

Preferred credentials simplify access to targets by saving login credentials in Enterprise Manager. Once preferred credentials are
saved, administrators can run jobs using preferred credentials without having to enter login credentials. Both Normal Host Credentials
and Privileged Host Credentials for the Oracle Management Agent installing user account must be setup for Linux Host Patching.
Tip: Preferred credentials are congured on a per user basis.
Setup => Security => Preferred Credentials
From the Preferred Credentials page click the Host Target Type, then click Manage Preferred Credentials to access the Host
Preferred Credentials page.
Figure 27

From the Preferred Credentials page select the Hosts Target Type and click Manage Preferred Credentials.
Figure 28

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From the Host Preferred Credentials page select one or more Linux host target and click Set.
Figure 29

From the Select Named Credential window, select the Oracle Management Agent installing user account from the drop down
menu, then click Save.
Note: In the example, the Named Credential was created in advance using the Oracle Management Agent installing user oma. Change

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"oma" with your installer user account Named Credential.
Figure 30

From the Host Preferred Credentials page conrm that the Linux host targets Normal Host Credentials and Privileged Host
Credentials are set.
Figure 31

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Setup Oracle RPM Repositories

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7
Patch Linux Hosts

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Oracle Enterprise Manager Linux Host Patching allows you to setup and manage local Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) RPM
repositories, as well as custom and 3rd party RPM repositories used to install RPMs, patches, updates and erratas for Oracle Linux,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, Exadata and Exalogic hosts. With Cloud Control, administrators can create, clone and edit RPM
repositories used to install RPMs, patches, updates and erratas for Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, Exadata and
Exalogic hosts from on premiums yum servers over your local network, not over the Internet from remote yum servers.
The Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network is Oracle' cloud repository for Oracle VM, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Exadata
and Exalogic RPMs, software patches, updates and xes. Access to the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network is available to all levels of
Sun Premier support customers and Oracle Linux support basic and premier customers. Access to Unbreakable Linux Network
requires an Oracle Single Sign-on account and a valid customer service identier (CSI) and registration.
There are two options for updating Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts using the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network
(ULN). The rst option is to manually register each Linux host at the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network. Once a Linux host is
registered, administrators can install RPMs, patches, updates and erratas using the yum or up2date client. The Oracle Unbreakable
Linux Network does not oer centralized Linux patch management or custom RPM channels. The second option is to use Cloud Control
to centrally manage RPM repositories and Linux patch jobs using local, on premiums yum servers. With Cloud Control only the yum
server needs to be registered with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network. A local yum server can be setup on any registered Oracle
Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux host with Internet access, Apache (httpd) and enough disk space for the RPM les. Cloud Control
supports custom channels.
By default Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network registered Linux hosts are subscribed to their respected OS version el*/ol*_latest RPM
channel, i.e. Enterprise Linux 4 latest, Oracle Linux 5 latest, and Oracle Linux 6 latest. Latest RPM channels include the base OS
version RPM packages along with the latest software patches, updates and xes. Patch jobs using the latest RPM channel will update
hosts to their respected latest version update with the latest software patches, updates and xes. A patch job executed on a Oracle

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Linux 5U2 host would update the host from 5U2 to 5U8 with the latest software patches, updates and xes. To keep a host at its
respected update level, at Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network remove the default el*/ol*_latest RPM channel and select the
el*/ol*_base along with the el*/ol*_patch RPM channel. When hosts are patched using the el*/ol*_base and el*/ol*_patch RPM channels,
the hosts are patched with the latest software patches, updates and xes from their respected update channel, i.e. 5U2, 5U3, 5U4,
etc... not with the latest, i.e. 5U8 RPM channel.
Table 4 lists the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network RPM channels, and the yum server storage requirements.
ULN Channel

Yum Server Storage


ULN Channel Contents and Usage



Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux latest RPM channel. This channel includes the
installation media and the latest Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux software patches,
updates and xes.



Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux add-ons channel. This channel has the add-on RPM
packages like the OEM yast wrapper, Zend, yum-arch and the Oracle VM Manager 2.x



Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux Oracle RPM channel. This channel has Oracle specic
RPM packages like Oracle Conguration Manager, Instant Client for Oracle Database,
Tools for Oracle Database, The Oracle Automatic Storage Management library userspace
code, etc..



The Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux base channels. These channels contain the RPMs
from the installation media for the respected version and update release.



The Enterprise Linux and Oracle Linux patch channels. These channels contain the latest
software patches, updates and xes for the respected version and update release.



The Oracle VM latest RPM channels. These channels includes the installation media and
the latest Oracle VM software patches, updates and xes for the respected version and
update release.



The Oracle VM base channels. These channels contain the RPMs from Oracle VM
installation media for the respected version and update release.



The Oracle VM patch channels. These channels contain the latest software patches,
updates and xes for the respected version and update release.

List 1 shows the Oracle YUM Server Setup Roadmap


Register an Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux host with the Unbreakable Linux Network.
Install and congure Apache on the Linux host.
Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network Yum Server Conguration
Run the Linux RPM Repository server setup job in from Cloud Control

1- Register the Oracle Linux Yum Server with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux
Before an Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux host can connect to the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network, Oracles GPG key
must be imported using the rpm command. To import the Oracles GPG key, as root type rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
/RPM-GPG-KEY, as shown in the next example.
# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY
Tip: If the RPM-GPG-KEY if not in the /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ directory, locate the le and use the correct path to import the GPG key. For
example, as root, type "nd / -name RPM-GPG-KEY -print" to locate the RPM-GPG-KEY le.
Once the GPG key has been imported, the Linux host can be registered at the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network from the command
line or using a X Windows application. Linux 4 and 5 systems use the up2date command as root to access the registration screen by
typing up2date --register for X Windows or "up2date --nox --register" for text mode. Linux 6 systems use the "uln_register" command
as root to access the registration screen. The registration process requires you to enter your Unbreakable Linux Network associated
Oracle Single Sign-on user name and password and a valid Oracle Linux Support Identier number (CSI).
If a proxy server is in the mix, for Oracle Linux 4 and 5 systems, as root type up2date --congure to list and edit the up2date
program defaults. There are ve proxy congurations that can be edited to allow access from your Linux host to the internet. The next
example shows the up2date proxy conguration items with their default settings and item numbers.
3. enableProxy
4. enableProxyAuth No
11. httpProxy
21. proxyPassword

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22. proxyUser
To edit an up2date program item, type the item number, i.e. enter 3 or 4, etc.... then type C to clear the default value or type q to quit
without saving. Next, type the new value and press Enter to save the new value and to exit. If you need to enter multiple values,
separate them with semicolons (;).
Oracle Linux 6 systems use the --proxy option to specify a http proxy, i.e. # uln_register proxy=<HOST NAME>:<PORT
NUMBER> . If your proxy server requires authentication, use the --proxyUser and --proxyPassword to add a username and
password, i.e # uln_register proxy=<HOST NAME>:<PORT NUMBER> --proxyUser=<USER NAME> --proxyPassword=

4 shows the six steps to register a Linux host with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network:
Review the Unbreakable Linux Privacy Statement
Register a User Account
Register a System ProleHardware
Register a System ProlePackages
Send Prole Information to the Unbreakable Linux Network
Finished Registration

The following examples walk through the six steps to register a Linux host with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network.
Step 1. Review the Unbreakable Linux Privacy Statement
From the Review the Unbreakable Linux Privacy Statement screen use the Alt key to select the Next tab, once the Next tab is
selected press the Enter key to proceed.
Figure 32 shows the Review the Unbreakable Linux Privacy Statement screen.
Unbreakable Linux Privacy Statement

Step 2. Register a User Account

On the Register a User Account screen, enter your your Unbreakable Linux Network associated Oracle Single Sign-on User
name, Password, Password conrmation and a valid Oracle VM CSI number. Use the Alt key to select the Next tab, and then press
the Enter key to proceed.
Figure 33 shows the Register a User Account screen.

Step 3. Register a System ProleHardware

On the Register a System ProleHardware screen, accept the defaults and use the Alt key to select the Next tab. Once
the Next tab is selected, press the Enter key to proceed.
Note: The information gathered from the system prole step is saved in your user prole at the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network.
Figure 34 shows the Register a System ProleHardware screen.

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Step 4. Register a System Prole Packages

On the Register a System ProlePackages screen, accept the defaults and use the Alt key to select the Next tab. Once
the Next tab is selected, press the Enter key to proceed.
Figure 35 shows the Register a System ProlePackages screen.

Step 5. Send Prole Information to the Unbreakable Linux Network

From the Send Prole Information to the Unbreakable Linux Network screen, accept the defaults and use the Alt key to select
the Next tab. Once the Next tab is selected, press the Enter key to proceed.
Figure 36 shows the Send Prole Information to the Unbreakable Linux Network screen.

Step 6 Finished Registration

On the Finished Registration screen, accept the defaults and use the Alt key to select the Next tab. Once the Next tab is selected,
press the Enter key to proceed.
Figure 37 shows the Finished Registration screen.

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The Oracle Linux host has been successfully registered.

2- Install and congure Apache from the Unbreakable Linux Network

Installing Apache from an Unbreakable Linux Network registered Oracle Linux host is accomplished by typing up2date -i httpd for
5.x hosts or "yum install httpd" for 6.x hosts while logged in as root.
Once Apache is installed, congure Apache to automatically start by typing chkcong httpd on. Next, start Apache by typing service
httpd start. The next example shows how to install, congure and start Apache.
Using up2date, as root type (ULN 5.x):
# up2date -i httpd
# chkcong httpd on && service httpd start
Using yum, as root type (ULN 6.x):
# yum install httpd
# chkcong httpd on && service httpd start
Once the up2date -i httpd, or "yum install httpd", chkcong httpd on and service httpd start commands have completed, test
Apache by pointing a web browser to the fully qualied domain name (FQDN) or the IP address of the Apache server. You will see the
default Apache test page as shown in Figure 38.

Tip: If you dont see the default Apache test page, check if iptables is blocking http trac on the Apache host. Consider disabling
iptables to test Apache by typing sudo /sbin/service iptables stop.
Next, create the yum repository base directory in /var/www/html by typing "mkdir -p /var/www/html/yum".

3- Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network Yum Server Conguration

Once your yum server has been registered, and apache has been installed and congured, access the Oracle Unbreakable Linux
Network dashboard and click the Systems tab. From the Systems tab click on the yum server to access its System Details page.
Figure 39 shows the Systems tab and the YUM server.

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From the YUM servers Systems Details page click the Edit button, as shown in Figure 40.

From the Edit Systems Properties page, select the Yum Server check box, enter a valid CSI number, then click the Apply Changes
button, as shown in Figure 41.

Next, click the Manage Subscriptions button, as shown in Figure 42.

From the System summary page select the Oracle VM 3 latest channel. Next, click the Save Subscriptions button to save the
changes, as shown in Figure 43.
Note: A prerequisite to synchronize an Oracle Linux and/or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x yum server with the Oracle Unbreakable
Linux Network is the uln-yum-proxy RPM package. To install the uln-yum-proxy RPM, from the Manage Subscriptions page add

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the Enterprise Linux Add ons (platform) RPM channel. Once the Enterprise Linux Add ons RPM channel has been added, as root,
type "up2date -i uln-yum-proxy". The Enterprise Linux Add ons RPM channel can be removed from the Manage Subscriptions
page after the uln-yum-proxy RPM is installed.

The yum server has been successfully congured using the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network dashboard.

Run the Setup RPM Repository Job

This section of the Oracle Cloud Cookbook discribes how to run the Setup RPM Repository Job and how to edit and schedule the job
that automatically downloads RPMs from the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network.
Tip: As of this writing, there is a known bug with the Setup RPM Repository job and the permission for the /var/www/html/yum
directory. "EM12C : Setting up Linux Patching fails with : ERROR OCCURS WHILE READING THE CONTENT OF FILE
PRIMARY.XML.GZ (Doc ID 1473479.1)"
To allow the Setup RPM Repository job to successfully run, add "umask 022" to the "/usr/bin/createrepo" le on each yum server.
The default /usr/bin/createrepo le:
exec /usr/share/createrepo/ "$@"
The next examples show the /usr/bin/createrepo lw with the necessary "umask 022"line.
umask 022
exec /usr/share/createrepo/ "$@"
1. In Cloud Control, from the Setup menu, click Provisioning and Patching => Linux Patching to access the Patching Setup
Figure 44

2. From the Patching Setup page, click the Linux Patching Setup tab, then click Setup RPM Repository to access the Linux
Patching page.
Figure 45

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3. From the Linux Patching page:

1) In the RPM Repository Server section, either enter the name of the yum server, or click the search icon to search for and select
the ULN subscribed yum server from the search page.
2) In the Credentials section, select Preferred with Privileged Host Credentials for both the Normal Host Credentials.
3) In the Credentials section, select Preferred with Privileged Host Credentials for both the Privileged Host Credentials.
4) Click Apply.
Figure 46

4) Once the Linux Patching page refreshes, the Conrmation message is displayed. Next, click Linux RPM Repository Server
Setup link.
Figure 47

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5. From the Provisioning page, click For all hosts to display the Procedure Steps. Next, select Real Time: 30 Second Refresh
from the View Data drop down list to automatically refresh the page every 30 seconds. The Register with ULN (Figure 49) as well as
the Subscribe to ULN channels (Figure 50) jobs must each be selected and manually conrmed. If the Download RPM packages
Procedure Step fails, correct the errors and rerun the job (Figure 51).
The Provisioning page lists a total of six Procedure Steps:
1. Create Stage Location
2. Installing Up2date
3. Installing ULN Registration Packages
4. Register with ULN
5. Subscribe to ULN channels
6. Download RPM packages
Each job must succeed to complete the RPM Repository Server job. Failed jobs can be rerun by rst correcting the error, then clicking
the Rerun action item.
Figure 48 shows the Provisioning page with the six Procedure Steps.

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Select the Register with ULN Procedure Step, click Conrm and OK.
Figure 49

Select the Subscribe to ULN channels Procedure Step, click Conrm and OK.
Figure 50

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If any of the Download RPM packages Procedure Steps fail, review the failed procedure by clicking Step Output => View.
Correct the errors, then click Retry or Update and Retry from the Actions button. Use Retry to test Linux host changes and use
Update and Retry to edit Cloud Control procedure properties.
Figure 51

Once the Setup the RPM Repository Job completes, the RPM Repository Server (aka yum server) will be listed on the Setup linux
Repositories page under Currently Congured.
Click Setup => Provisioning and Patching => Linux Patching to access the Patching Setup page, then click the Setup RPM
Repository link to access the Linux Patching page.
Figure 52

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Once the Setup the RPM Repository Job completes, a recurring job is created that automatically synchronizes the yum server with
the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network every 24 hours. By default the job is scheduled to run each day at the time when the Setup
the RPM Repository Job completed. Edit the job to select a time and frequency which meet your requirements.
Click Enterprise => Job => Activity to access the Job Activity page.
Figure 53

From the Job Activity page select Active in the Status drop down box and click Go to display the active jobs. From the list of active
jobs, select the DOWNLOADLATESTPKGS job and click the Edit button.
Figure 54

From the Edit page click the Schedule tab and select the desired Schedule properties. Click the Submit button to save the changes.
Tip: Selecting One Time (Immediately) immediately runs and expires the job, i.e. the job will not run again. To recreate and
reschedule the job, rerun the Setup the RPM Repository Job.
Figure 55

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Enterprise Manager 12c Job Schedule

Setup Linux Patch Groups

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

Setup RPM Repositories

Step 6
Setup Linux Patch

Step 7
Patch Linux Hosts

Linux Patch Groups consists of Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux targets with patch properties tailored to your patch
management program. Patch groups allow you to patch many hosts as one. The following steps walk through how to create a Linux
Patch Group.
1. In Cloud Control, click Setup => Provisioning and Patching => Linux Patching to access the Patching Setup page.
Figure 56

2. From the Patching Setup page, click the Linux Patching Setup tab, then click Setup Groups to access the Setup Groups page.
Figure 57

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3. From the Setup Groups page, click Create.

Figure 58

4. On the Create Group: Properties page, enter the following properties, then Click Next.
Name: Enter a unique Name for the Linux patch group. Tip: Spaces and special characters are not supported. The Name cannot
be changed once the Group is created.
Maturity: Select one of the maturity levels from the drop down list: alpha, beta or stable. The maturity level is displayed in Cloud
Control and can be changed after the Group is created.
Linux Distribution: Select the Oracle Linux/Red Hat Enterprise Linux from the Linux Distribution from the drop down list.
Move the desired Linux hosts from the Available Hosts window to the Selected Hosts window.
Tip: "Unable to Delete Linux Patching Groups In Grid Control [ID 1368592.1]" still aects Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Name
property. Select a Name without spaces or special characters to avoid ID 1368592.1.
Figure 59

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5. On the Create Group: Package Repositories page, search, select and Test URL each RPM Repository to be associated with the
group (click the search icon to select repositories), unselect Automatically Update Hosts, under the Package Compliance section
unselect the Consider Rogue packages for Determining Compliance, click Next.
Tip: When using multiple Package Repositories, the Priority list determines the compliance report results. For example, to update or
upgrade Linux hosts using the Base and the Patch Package Repositories, the Patch Package Repository must have a higher priority
(before) Base in the Priority list. If Base is before Patch in the Priority list, the compliance report queries the hosts using Base, not
Patch, and the Patch updates are ignored in the compliance reports.
Figure 60

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6. From the Create Group: Credentials page, select the Use Host Preferred Host Credential and Next.
Figure 61

7. On the Review page, validate all the parameters. Click Finish.

Figure 62

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8. From the Linux Patching page the Conrmation message is displayed with a link to each of the follow-up jobs.
From the Linux Patching page, Patch Groups can be Deleted, Edited and Created.
Figure 63

Patch Linux Hosts

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Setup the Enterprise

Manager Software

Oracle Management
Agent Prerequisites

Setup Named Credentials

Oracle Management
Agent Install

Setup RPM Repositories

Setup Linux Patch


Patch Linux Hosts

Cloud Control Linux Host Patching supports emergency patch jobs and compliance patch jobs. Emergency patch jobs allow
administrators to apply any number of security patches, updates and erratas to one or more Linux hosts. Compliance patch jobs are
schedulable and are applied to Linux Patch Group using the Linux Patch Group properties. Enterprise Manager queries each RPM
package from each Linux Patch Group member against the Linux Patch Group's RPM repositories. Compliance patch jobs update all of

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the patch group member RPM packages to the same level as the patch group RPM repositories.
Table 5 shows each step of a Compliance Linux Host Patching job.
Job Name


Patch Linux Hosts

Job Description

Job Error

Procedure for patching Linux host targets.

Stop On Error

Job Credentials

For all hosts


Iterates over a list of hosts.

Inherit (Stop
On Error)

Congure Host For



This step congures the host for patching by

creating the conguration les required by update

Inherit (Stop
On Error)

Host Credentials,
Privileged Host

Update Host


This step updates the host machines with selected


Inherit (Stop
On Error)

Host Credentials,
Privileged Host

Reboot Step


Manually step to reboot the machine.

Inherit (Stop
On Error)

Refresh Host


This step updates the latest conguration of the

host machine to OMS.

Inherit (Stop
On Error)

1. In Cloud Control click Enterprise => Provisioning and Patching => Linux Patching to access the Linux Patching page.
Figure 64

2. On the Linux Patching page click the Compliance Home tab and review the Status section. The Status section displays the
patch status for the Linux Groups and Linux Hosts. In the Compliance Report section, Select the desired Linux Patch Group and
click Schedule Patching to start the Patch Linux Hosts Wizard.
Tip: The Patch Linux Hosts Wizard auto-populate each following page with the Linux Patch Group properties.
Figure 65

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3. On the Package Repository page, the Patch Linux Hosts Wizard auto-populates the Linux Distribution, the update tool, the
Stage Location and the Package Repository. Click Next.
Figure 66

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4. On the Select Updates page, the Patch Linux Hosts Wizard auto-selects all of the RPM packages. Click Next.
Figure 67

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5. On the Select Updates page, the Patch Linux Hosts Wizard auto-selects the Linux Patch Group. Click Next.
Figure 68

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6. On the Credentials page, the Patch Linux Hosts Wizard auto-selects the Host Prefered Credentials. Click Next.
Tip: Preferred credentials simplify access to targets by saving login credentials in Enterprise Manager. Once preferred credentials are
saved, administrators can access targets and run jobs using preferred credentials without having to enter login credentials.
Figure 69

7. On the Pre/Post scrtips page, click Next.

Figure 70

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8. On the Schedule page, you can select One Time (Immediately) to immediatley run the patch job, One Time (Later) to schedule
the patch job to run in the future, or Repeating to setup a recurring patch update schedule. Select the desired schedule Type and
setting. Click Next.
Figure 71

9. On the Review page, click Finish to submit a deployment procedure to patch the Linux Patch Group.
Figure 72

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10. After clicking Finish, the page automatically redirectes to the Provisioning page. Search for the Patch Linux Hosts job and click
the Running link to track each of the procedure steps.
Figure 73

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11. From the Provisioning page, click For all hosts to display the Procedure Steps. Next, select Real Time: 30 Second Refresh
from the View Data drop down list to automatically refresh the page every 30 seconds.
The Provisioning page lists a total of four Procedure Steps:
1. Congure Hosts For Patching
2. Update Host
3. Reboot Step
4. Refresh Host Conguration
If any of the Procedure Steps fail, review the failed procedure by clicking Step Output => View. Correct the errors, then click Retry
or Update and Retry from the Actions button.
Figure 74

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The following list shows some emergency PatchSetup errors and solutions:
1) Missing Dependency: kernel-xen
# rpm -qa --queryformat '%10{NAME} %20{GROUP}\n' | grep -i ocfs2
ocfs2-2.6.18- System Environment/Kernel
ocfs2-tools System Environment/Kernel
ocfs2console System Environment/Kernel
# rpm -qa --queryformat '%10{NAME} %20{GROUP}\n' | grep -i xen
ocfs2-2.6.18- System Environment/Kernel
netxen-rmware System Environment/Kernel
kernel-xen-devel System Environment/Kernel
kernel-xen System Environment/Kernel
oracleasm-2.6.18- System Environment/Kernel
# rpm -e ocfs2-2.6.18-
# rpm -e oracleasm-2.6.18-
2) Couldn't open temporary le /etc/syscong/rhn/ Permission denied
/bin/sed: couldn't open temporary le /etc/syscong/rhn//sedfoGA9Y: Permission denied
/bin/sed: couldn't open temporary le /etc/syscong/rhn//sedZoGJ2Y: Permission denied
/bin/sed: couldn't open temporary le /etc/syscong/rhn//seds2SfT1: Permission denied
Resolve the permissions issue for the /etc/syscong/rhn/ directory.
3) Password for root: Password for root: Password for root: STATUS: FAILED
Password for root: Password for root: Password for root: STATUS: FAILED
ERROR INFO: The user does not have access for "/usr/bin/up2date" command(s)!
INFO: Following commands requires root access:
INFO: /bin/sh, /bin/sed, /usr/bin/up2date
Did you forget to setup sudo for the Oracle Management Agent installing user? Check the Oracle Management Agent installing user's
sudo setting by accessing the host as the Oracle Management Agent installing user and type "sudo -l" to list the available commands.

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