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OIL & GAS DE. VELOPMEN: T COMPANY LIMITED External Communication Department @ detan Opssiver tan Goss (il and Gas Development Company Lid. (OGDCL), ica [ofessionaly manaced and leading Exploration end PPradustion Company with is presence in four provinces af ‘he ccuniry The company is undorgoing a rast alton, Drocess wih visiontoachiove excolonce Ina is existing, f] and upcoming ensepreneurchips, Company ts loking Wy, induct high allbe rofesionals who can take the company, ‘one: hehe and canons in under ited eateganes setvies. He Chee op ieee) ‘Diploma of Associate: Engineer in| rite (EGY) sce Mochunel/leeic Teena cecniny| Minimum 12 yest oxpananea o cl - wating narepitedahcompeny || : [aie [Restart Oipom Associate Eignoor nf x a eee. oy Mechsrical/Eleetrealfeenctogy. | Minn 08 years experianes of ot cing nereputed olleompany Assan Dil [Dip of Associate Engines (Tse) __| Machanial/ectca Techaclegy 4 Candidates working a Govemymant/ Semi Goverment and Autonomous bodes shut erty Heth poe ra 2 The TRAINEES wil undergo 11” months extensive £dlsssrom raing al OGTl and nj taining at i © Tecations and rig stes of OGDCI. They wit have to ‘appear in tet exare dung the course of renga ON. casect poor perfomance, range teminalod Fs a ‘Applicant forSr. Ne. nel morethan year: AnplicaniforSr.Ne, 2 morethar20 years j .Tranoos a, No, Snatmore than 25year. | “4, ‘Applications will be processed’ if confidence. Only: shotlstedcandidaies wifbeconiaced, | 5. Incomplete spictons ond recafved ater due date wil rotbeenteained ‘ " 8. Quota wilbe observed as por Govemnmentiues 1% The Company reserves the right ofl or not fit any of ‘hoadverisedpattion 8, Plase note tat OGDCL dows nol extend ay jb ‘murentee athe endofthe taining period 8. NoTADAwould be sdnissbeforinjrveafest 10. Appkcatons' complete in’ al respects hing Name, Fathers name, "Date of Bith, Demis, Detals of academic qualification, aning and “potecelonal experience (period wih dates, dsloton end oamo ot the ergeizaton where wore), spongy ftv ocumentg along wha copy of computeizBdGNIG and {wo passport size. phot

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