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$991.51 ‘upon slit adhoronce bythe above-named drvarto the provisions Broth below and compliance witn the FMCSRs. Any falure 10 ‘Somply with provisions Mereln may be eause tr cancelation. ‘CONDITIONS: As a conaltion of this catieate, reports of al acsigants,‘eresta, suspensions, revocation, ‘withdrawals of fvar Heensoe oF permits, and convictions mvohing the above ‘iained diver sabe reported in wring To the Issuing Agony by (REMPLOVING MOTOR CARRIER within 90 cays. aller LnntraTiOns: 4, Vehicle Type (power unit) 2. Vehicle modiiestion(s) ~3 Prosthet Driving): 1 Addivonal Prowton)— TROTICE, To al MOTOR CARRIERS employing a svar Pe carat, The certicate le granted forthe operation otha eke tn ony i's We responsbity of tho ompoyng Motor Pamer te eats tne giver wih @ fad test using the tar ‘Goat the mca caer nies he vr fo aspen or hou ype ge tlrrad test Gone ding the SPE tt oa slat $a ype) tothato re prospective meta ca. Also, ts he vrehtyoine employing motor carer o evaluat he cer {br tioee novchiving setelyrelated fob tasks aeooctted wih the Roe a talons) ld, 28 wl 95, ny her nonedng sally "Wlsed or eb-elated laska nique to the operations ofthe er pioyng mato cart. "fre Soe of te above named dvr wes given by a Skil Perlomance Evaluation Progam Spectalst H was sucoesshly eonpiled “uttang. the “above "ramod power unk and aon appa) ‘Tha Waeor or Wak had © trenamission Fens read ino NOMCE paragraph above Name: signature! he ‘Dito devon) (Required to be Worm WT Bate Yk) The Division AdministratoriState Director, FMCSA, may revoke an SPE certificate after the person to whom it was issued is given notice of the proposed revocation and has been allowed a reasonable opportu: nity Lo appeal. () Falsifying information in the letter of application, the renewal application, or falsifying information re~ ‘quired by this section by either the applicant. or motor ‘carrier is prohibited, [48 FR 99487, Aug. 24, 1989, as amended al 49 FR 98293, Sept $e 1964; SOF 4885, Dec. 5, 96:1 FR 12021, Apr. 14,1986: O'ER 86745, 28746, july 28, 1995, 65 FR 25287, May 1, 200 165 FA 50380, Oct. 8, 2000; 78 FR 8489, Sept. 24, 2013) DOT Interpretations—$391.49 Question 1: Since 49 CFR 391.49 does not mandate « Skil Perurmance lvahuaion, doss the term *performance stan tani" meen that the Stave must give a dnving test or other Sl Performance Evaluation to the driver for cvery waiver fasued or docs this term mean that, depending spon the ‘Radical condition, the State may give some other type of peromanes et or vamp the san of ln er ould a vision examination suffice a9 a performance stan: dara? e ‘Guidance: Under the Tolerance Guidelines, Appendix C, Paragraph a), each State that creates a waiver program for {atratae drivers is responsible for dtermining what const- {los ‘sound medica! judgment,” cs well as determining the performance standard, In the example used above, a vison Examination would eufco asa performance standard tis the ES responsibilty of each State establishing a waiver program to Gelormine what constitntes an appropriate performance standard, Subpart F—Files and Records {5891.51 General requirements for driver ‘qualification file (a) Fach motor carrier shall maintain a driver quali- fication file for each driver it employs. A driver's quali fication file may be combined with hissher personnel file. {b) The qualifieation file for a driver must include: (1) "The driver's application for employment completed in aceordance with $991.21; (2) A eopy of the motor vehicle record received from ‘each State pursuant to §891.29(a)(1); (3) The certificate of driver's road test issued to the driver pursuant to §391.31(e), or a copy of the license or certificate which the motor carrier accepted as equiva Tent to the driver's road test pursuant to $391.33; (4) The motor vehicle record received from each State river licensing agency to the annual driver record in- aquity required by §391.25(@); (5) A note relating to he annual review of the driver's, driving record as required by §391.25(€)2); (6) A list oF certificate relating to violations of motor vehicle laves snd ordinances required by $891.27; (7Xi) The medical examiner's eertifieate as required by §391.49(g) oF a legible copy of the certificate (ii) Exception. For CDL holders, beginning January 30, 2012, if the CDLIS motor vehicle record contains ‘medical certifieation status information, the motor ear- rier employer must meet this requirement by obtaining the CDLIS motor vehicle record defined at §384.105 of this chapter. That record must be obtained from the current licensing State and placed in the driver quali fication file. Afler January 30, 2015 a non-excopted, interstate CDL holder without medical certification sta tus information on the CDLIS motor vehicle rocord is designated “not-eextified” to operate a CMY in inter state commerce. After January 90, 2015 and until June 22, 2018, a motor earrier may uso a eopy of the driver’s cutrent medical examiner's certificate that was submis ted to the State for up to 15 days from the date it was ued as proof of medical certification ii) If that driver obtained the medieal certification based on having obtained a medical variance from FMCSA, the motor earrier must also include a copy of the medical variance documentation in the driver quali fication file in accordance with §891.510b)8), (8) A Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate ob- tained from a Field Administrator, Division Administra- tor, or State Director issued in accordance with §391.49; or the Medical Exemption document, issued by a Fed- feral medical program in accordance with part 381 of this chapter; and (GX) For drivers not required to have a CDI relating to verification of medical examiner listing on the National Registry of Certified Medical Bxaminers required by §391.230nX1). ‘Gi) Until June 22, 2018, for drivers required to have a ODL, a note relating to verification of medical examines 484 —

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