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Analyze the power and influence aspects of this case using the
material discussed in this chapter. Which specific bases of
power did Dr. Brilliant rely on? Which influence strategies did he
find particularly useful? Which conventional power and
influence strategies did he eschew?
Brilliant relied on personal power and position power. Personal power
involves expertise, personal attraction, effort and legitimacy. Expertise is a
work-related knowledge. Personal attraction is also a source of personal
power. This includes charisma, agreeable behavior and physical
characteristics. Effort makes one dependable, reliable human resources.
Legitimacy is a key to personal influence. Centrality, flexibility, visibility
and relevance are under position power. He finds reason particularly
useful. Reason is how you show others that it makes sense to do what
you want them to do. It is based on personal values. He eschews
retribution where coercion and intimidation exists.

2. Carefully examine Dr. Brilliants philosophy of life. How would

you expect that his views of spirituality, fate, duty, balance,
ambition etc., would be reflected in his day-to-day actions as the
current CEO of a high-tech company? Do you think Larry
Brilliants holistic philosophy is a harbinger of powerful
emerging trends in management or merely a faint echo of the
Larry Brilliants views would definitely reflect in his day-to-day actions
since you cannot separate a person from his opinions. And this would
greatly affect his relationship with his employees. Larry Brilliants
philosophy is to live your life without ambition. But live as those who are
ambitious. This philosophy is a harbinger of powerful emerging trends in

management. It does not only fight the devil of ambition but it also cares
about the employees. What that philosophy means to me is that being
ambitious is too risky. So we must live life at normal pace.

3. The author characterizes Dr. Brilliant as a prototype of his

boomer generation. To what extent do you believe that a
generations values shape peoples views? For example, do you
see a difference in baby boomers versus generation Xers use
of power and influence?
The difference between the use of power and influence between

baby boomers and generation Xers use of power and influence is

very evident. Generation Xers tent to abuse their power and doesnt
care about others feelings. They only have one goal and thats to
satisfy their ambition. Theyll do anything to be on top up to the
extent of belittling people. Baby boomers on the other hand, respect
and considers people to be part of their success.

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